The Miami News from Miami, Florida (2024)

-rr "rr frrr rwrrr" ir' t-1 rr rrrr rrrr-. i 4J-A Iporflng OaacJi 3f.A Calk fliftrs J7 Muilcal Initrwrntnli iS rWltMtf 0tfl, foil 14 Mel Wanted femefe IS Help Wantee Mola 8B THE MIAMI NETS, Tnpfl, April 28, SUAI.I. NATIONAL Caah RrUtr kit A L'd a wur 1 JO0 4 up PAUUO ino. 737 N.W. DRUMS.

PearL Completa VAir 1 1., aM MASTFR bsrher 71" Bird Rd crux (rum Tropical ree Hack. A-l cond. HI W. AV. 947 3641.

Valued IMS swan for dual motor llallamlal 4 hurner amul 41 3I7A lillf- UOAl NOTICIS Pay Nuneriei, Child Cert UOAl NOTICIt trailer. 401 NIC lit St. 7S'-M'4 DRESS OPERATORS Complet rmnt. lipenanced only, iiuml Uru Corp. 1420 N.W.

41 T. rlla, Al. Rett. UN Hill 414 tulldlng litppliss IROOM FOR WORKINQ MOTHKR 43-1 Mart Mit SALESMAN, dpanlill English Speaking, to rail on Cuban Grmery ACE DISCOUNT CENTER covering openino or bidiwith child care, fr 1-4174 l-FOAL ADVFRT1NEMENT covt.iu.Na oPtNLNcj or Bin Sealed bide will received by WA'HERS AND DRYEBI UP. 13711 NW AVB.

Trad, rart lima, pay, Young vnuTH Bd. liatir. Wrougl! At.a.HiAI'IEA Experience Only and Aggreaelv. Writ full particu Seated bidi win retvd by child care my Hour. CONSTRUCTION SHEDS nlA anlit Rll lit Moved Iron Fram.

121 CB -2WJ. 171.1111 M'lrn retail bait hop. No Ann lare. Hu tJ; Miami 17. f'lht Board nl Public lnalrurhnn of 1429 W.

IM Av. th Board nl Public Instruction ol SAVE OFF UST PRICE. AU bran. I All Inatrumenia. Ciluaon, Ludwlf Rierher, to, (ll'ITAHN FROM I5I! DHI'M SKTI FROM buy, rent or trail.

Itenair rient nil nramleea. Washers $2 Week SUUVUY STAKKS, wood or Iron bom. large 44 Dfomondi, jowoiry Dade county, Florida, niinnriad County, Florida, thereinafter 0114 the Hoard 'I (nr tin pro) called the for 111 pro)- CHILD cere, ct hereinafter et forth at and eel hereinafter et forth tt and fenced yard. my OAK TIMBERS OX Rental Purchase Plan nd WartMl WANTED MAM WITH A CAR. APPLY 14 one Lit Uoa Blvd.

10 A untu I oo weonesaay until 100 p. M. wwibm- KERNS LUMBER, J49 IT 400 NW AVE. 7M IM1 Ih 4th day of May, 1944. in th day th Kth day of Way, 194.

In CHILD CARE, 1 or room A PL Mali 1111 MX I A A NEGRO WOMEN RICHTERt oulh i Ml' 1Mb tmit pm a Diamond HruKr, aecnrdlan FXCFIJIIOR elecina WASHERS. Kenmot tutomalle 10 1400. lw 711 I'M amp. J4 NW 44 St. OAS WKLDKRft for lleel tuhln aircraft work.

Machine Operator Iki own up, enime and turret A suar. Ui. IU7 NW 14 SI 43.A Air Conwlfionsrs PARTY NEEDS CASH A SArt ffl aal al lra naw Ainil PART OR FULL TIME lath mllllni machine, Etc. 40 bfinnrvni firn wa 1 ntiaS JfVt WASHER. Frlfldalr In food NK.KD CASHI air conditioner, of lira of th Secretary al tht ih offir of Secretary of th board for working mom.

MU 1411 1 Board. Room JOS, 2nd Floor. I Hoard. Koom MS. Ind Floor, Llnd-l Jnd Miami.

Florid at hich.y Hopkins Building. 1410 NC 2nd ti Mar ul urn, or aoon thr-IAva, Miami, Florida al which travel PppeftuniHQg loader a th Board can and llm, or ooa thare-; tend to (am, in aaid bid will mailer a th Board can attend! NEED DRIVER! opened And read. The to the (aid blda wilt be, All M1M Board will therealier malt th pubiely opened and read. The! SECURITY DRIVE-AWAY Award ef th contract, bated upon Board will thereafter makt the 10 N. Federal.

Ft, Laud. 523-512' th remit of th tabulation. aard of th contract, baaed uponi covered annlirable law and ik. i n. ihniiiia NEED Driver.

Waahlnctnn. Ral- Ladle butlful Square r-merain cut Diamond, eenler ton etral, brand new 194 model In cralea Hour Week. Salary open, raraonnel offic dally AM I PM Fliinl Iiiaril iriajaiiia aan'i im -r-w VICTOR 100 NW 14 St PL 1 1711 i i a inn Witt" workina condition 17) HI IJ77I 191 over J00 Ri'A Whirlpool MAKE Money In your apart time aelhna AVON CUIUKTK'a. If voro. 35 point.

-rteci. int 1 Tapered llgiielte, 11300. B. Flakier. FR 1-4004 Opn Daily, Sun.

I IR, I till) BKCWAKD CALL JA Mill ii air conititionera, an ie ai bl( diKOunl Inalant credit terms 1714 N.E. 7 SI. CauMway RECOVERED cnalrt, couch Veta Workaliop inc. 17I-I1D. huvii ar wtmMW 1 1 will iruiri nir inANfl TO 1600.

ipen A your nome. Top cnmmiaaion. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL FR 1114 reiuiailona. Th lolluwinf Arc Ui covered by applicable law and rei-ilimor. Detroit.

Oaa paid. MU 11 Ml, PRACTICE PIANOI FROM ftf rONMHI.K. 1141 MICA MAN, Enperlenced In Aaarmhly of FLAT And PobT FOKMKD TOPI JIM NW 41 IT Itrojecta: ulationa. IIALPKItm still Pan Ainrl. can Bank Bid.

Ph. 877-2351 The followmi art th SINGER ZIG-ZAG lUtlVlNO North. WeiL need rid DON BKNNKTT PIANOS 7511 Bl AIRCONDS T. 171; T. IUJ 1014 Unox Al JS 4 275 aft.

project N4 ride? Ph. ME J-H47 Make buttonhole and dnn Blvd. Open Krl, Kve. BILLING CLERK 1 OPENINGS du to Increal In ouilneaa. nerd 1 men In K'O new, balance payment Sale Servlr Department.

If you HI. It. Will lak trad. Call 411114 LEONI A immoui" Cash for Estatei: Old (loid. 23J Seyboid Bid" I'BED WEBER trend mahogany A4.lliia.iu.

for Sola EXCELLENT OPENING FOR HIOH CLARA SKLIAHI.R VDI'Nil ta I'Dk-n 1 H. ar cnoen. you will eipectm Grand ebony 7' ft- Easy lm OIRL. OlIOII AT TVP. NEED DRIVERS EXPENSES PAID All Oil lea In V.

and Canaita tie Vxm Need itoo: tiOOO: 1100.000: to dart work at one. For full UNCLAIMED 6EWINO MACHINE Information apply ln proo al Muii lor reoalr charaea. ALUMINUM nn IT vnilHSKLr New A Used NO RrgUIREI). CAR NKEI1KI) MORGAN PIANO in, 1757 RmCAYNE ULVD. FK 1-5441 OPEN AlON.

4k FRI. EVES. Or Mor. you can Bell or Borrow 00 Your Diamond. NO Amount Too Great.

Low Kales. Confidential. Sheet, boat trim. 10. ALUM AX 12910 NW AVE.


433-0104: TUnuis aieet aran. will trade 27 U.SCOLN Miami Beach Flcrs SALARY. CALL 174 101 vruf CrurrMf! Jr-UTKIV OOOD WORKING CONDI Jack M. went, uianiuuu sa-1402 Consrea Bldg. FR 1-2471 on trumpet or drum MO 7-4557.

TIONH, RECONDITIONED BIKES from waf41S 4'aa-kV44441b I MflMBrn COMMFRCE'PRuhnrTI in I Mm it iiti utw i. u.1.1.. MnI. I'nlvereal comnlel. oortabla.

til 19 95. New $24 95. 4332 NW 7 Av C1IBSON guitar, CALL billr I UUn CARIn w. "i st i'yl 8lm banjo PARTY NEEDS CASH Ladv' Diamond Kin. ter Diamond 4 Carat, 15 Points, not perfect.

Platinum Mounting. PHONE NE 11471 FOR APPT, in SINGER elec. Reconditioned 26 Hilp Mai or fmal LUGGAGE $3.50 UP New A Reconditioned. KING'S Lug gage, 124 8. Miami Av.

FR 4-4421 HOUSE OF PIANOS consul cabinet 125. PL 1-4571. VARIOl'! ACHOOL! fll KtblUENT FLOOK8 43 WOJ17 W. J. Bryan Elementary 3 Bunch Park Elementary 41C01-H Central Beach Elementary 41D0132 Doney Junior Hlh 41 Eo: Edlton Park Elementary 43 001-11 Opa Lock Elementary 43SII-17 South Hlaleah Elementary 170W? SOUTH DADE SENIOR HIOH Auditorium Healing 62-B05W BOOKER T.

WASHINGTON 3-BOS-41i Alleratloni and Addition 3-B05-45) "RFatTTV $1100 JT. Flagler HOSPITAL Floor Duty, White Man Transistor Organa fr 495 NEED CASHI Big 14 euhlo ft. Openings W. Area. No eaperionce necMry.

Will tram. 441-1277 Experience Not Required, Oood A3-A04-T Al'Bl'RNDALE ELEMENTARY Raiight Caleiorium fl-J'T LINTiAKY HOPKINI CENTA.R Paint And Patch Exterior VARICl'i ACHOOLl (J ALUMINUM WINDOW! Miami Edlaon Junior Hl.h Redland Elementary VARIOT'B PCHOOLA (J; AUDITORIUM SEATS A3 COJ turu Ciruv Junior Hlb -AOJ-51 Ada Merntt Junior VARIOUS SCHOOL! (1) CTACiK CUKIAI.Nd 4I-M5 Dunbar ElemenUry 70-234 Gratigny Elementary 1M-J35 gouthwcit ienlor Hun nai-itieaiiona. bid forma, LARGEST SELECTION OF brand new frost fre refrigerator, 44 AKstalonaowi Waitftcf vein 13641 NW 7 Av. MU 1-3713 BEST RATE! -1. All gaa, oil, tolls Included 2.

License Cash bonded Free ride to airport 4. "Full owner protection" 1. Uuaranteed on time delivery JE 8-0880 1 YEARS OF SERVICE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Pay Room nd Hoard, IOA1 muHal Hilh ltl en in hnllntn Fri Tut JAZZ RECORDS IN MIAMI 7IJ1 MS MIAMI COUNT inurs. 4t Zon Freeier. Regularly; 3Pn Mod.

WAITRESSES All Shifts Open APPLV tn Me. W.lMr... AMEREX TRADINO. INC. M99 for 1269.

over wo kca Whirl 14 NE I ST PH 379-4210 INTERIOR DESIGNER Summit Restaurant. Daleland Mall. HIGH Grade Used Orand PIno' Plyr Pianos and Practlc PI BUD'S BUYS ANYTHING ALSO LOAN! MONEY 5559 NW IT Ava, NB pool. refrigerator, all alte at drastic discounts. Instant credit Good at sketching and to han NL'RAR iRMl llmff kA.nit.l 1 LARGE Tank Air Compressors ano.

com in ana terms. 1714 NE 79 SL Causeway Ullljr. 2214 NW 17 Av. MEMRER CHAMBER COMMERCE open 1-4. completely rebuilt with 3 HP mo tor.

Milk olfer. CE 5-1111. inutaiiuiatraiiT. ri 4-J4II. nsrn witri.itzer electric pi 47 Woarlng Apparel UNPAINTED FURNITURE BAR WOODCRAFT POOL.

Dourhhoy: SWIM dle displays, I'H Design Center F. E. COMPTON COMPTON'i ENCYCLOPEDIAS Bookmen Bookwomen 24-A Domaift Hf Wonfact 24' round $125. 121-544 ft Filter, SHIP-A-CAR Our Low Rates Include: 1. aii a ai ou Tom 4 rwi rM.

a i NEW location. 5769 SW I It ano 1250. Used player piano 1259 Easy term. MORGAN PIANO CO. 1752 RISCAYNK BLVD.

FR 1-5441 BRIDAL Gown, sit full length, train. Head piece. $50. MO 7-1941. HntiirL'rrprD CARPORTS $75.

COLDSPOT left hand ll fl'ra ft r.llHUBll Alun. at rm. nm WEDDING town. ax. 10-H PU in, vfiuuieii, rui.

iA I'UJI 20x10 Comnlete. sleel frame, can F. E. COMPTON opening new of door, freeier lop. full rrisper, vry good cond.

150. CA 1-2954 1 vrir err ictj 1 Free Kid. to Airport or R.R 43C0J37 CITRUS OROVE JR. HIGH Heat Cafeteria Plan, aneclflcatlon. bid form vas cover.

Factory closeouta off de sole. Chanlllly lace, headpiece. Cost $300. sell $75. 271-4907 trim u'ki i a fice for Dade and Broward Counties.

Unlimited opportunity. Con. jj, iitv in. Lwctnra new hAim i i. 37-A 3 ueaucuiDit imuranc S.

Bonded U.S. FAQ, A. Af lr i. ami vr.4. uu.

Jtodo, IV, Hl-H and Sfora BEAUTIFUL whit walnut bedrm standards Economy Awning Co. 2995 NW 75 aX OX 1-0191 tractnral Income of $7,100 guarantee form of contract. Instruction to set. living rm. set.

dinette set. Ro- per year to start for thoa wno VII. VI M. eren. 440 wk start.

717-9442. I ij AHtmjvc I Mrs AMERICAN AUTO Del. Serv. Inc. Clothing, women's men's.

Good Also bedding, blanket, spreads, etc. Misc. items. 412 NW 12 Ter. llssrrle, lamps, etc.

All In fine initructlona to NEW SINKS I9S IT" nR 91" eloture tubes 17.91. Bidder and all other blddins and contract data may be obtained from th Office of Pancoatt. Ferendlno, qualify. Call Thomas S. Smith at 379-0039 to arrang for personal cond.

Bargains. 481-4961. A.M. Wl 5-1001 or UN 5-7G00 New Bath Bets $5900 MAID Live In own room. bath.

Discount TV. 13217 N.W. 7 Av. Interview. Bidder And aU other blddln! and contract data may b.

obulned th. Offic. of Pca.t F- 14751 COLLINS FLA. Grafton A Skeela. 2575 So.

Bay- MISC. household Items, Tin FUR Stoles, Jacket. IS: Coats 5'- days, 135 week to atari. Other help. A'l i-OSM.

54" Sink Cabinets $49.00 Formica cabinets A slnktops. Bill's 691-3742 7001 NW 27 Ave. hor Drive. Miami on and after IN naed TV let (31. fully reasonable.

7211 sw 13 Ter. May S. 1964. A deposit of 125 00 27 Joai Mtf VVanfad endlno. tiranoo ex guaranteed.

Many other $21. o. nriva. Miami on and aft-wi be reaulred. refundable If aalH $25; Ladles' Better Dreaaes.

like new II to $5: MEN'S Suits $2 and $3: Silk Suits $5: Sports Jackets Shoes Pants 50c: Shirt 250 HOU8EKEEPER A Dav wk 1714 N.E. If Bt. taumwai APT SIZE REFKIG. At OAS FREE TRANSPORTATION Aorll 21. 1944.

A depoait of plan and document ar returned MAN to sell Ih new automatic STOVE $45. 1137 NW 54 SL NEW USED BUILDING Llv out, 2 night bahy silting. Lo' cai refr. 140 Wk. 271-4207.

110 00 will required, relundanie in ood order within 10 day after RENT TV 110 MONTH Eleclrolux Cleaner. No Investment Etc. GRACE'S, 2512 PiUi 3 Ave. MATERIALS: Lumber: Furniture CHICAGO DELAWARE iVn If said plana ana nm-auinin uia vuuiisvv. IF' Porlabl 1964 MO H55.

required. Opportunity for better than TV. 23" Sylvanla, Blond Conole, Doors: Windows: Bath A Kitchen fitrnei in aooa oraer wmi.iu EXPERIENCED maid. 1 days PITTSBURGH. Call Mr.

Francis, average earnings. For personal in $50. Perfect. 1202 SW 22 Ter. All blda must be submitted on Equipment We also Buy A Sell.

TVS 91" uar. 11 ud. port. $35. 155 UXCOLN RD.

lerview call Eleclrolux 1200 JE 1-2111 40- MUIt Sd with children. APT. RENTALS iorm preacrioea by in Board and 7135 NO. MIAMI AVE. 754-9402 925 N.

Miami Ava. FR 9-5342 NE 2 rnone 754-7851 winy aooo cook appiy. au SINGER, round bobbin. Dlal-A accompanied by one or the follow-Ine: a Certified Check, Cashier' Stitch wilh attachment for Zlg-Zag HOUSEWORK 4V heln with rhll FISHER stereo table model "Al SALESMAN Experienced selling and buttonhole $25. PL 1-6577 (Call DRIVERS NEEDED All Gas, Oil Toll Paid Check or a Bid Bond.

If a bid 48 Apartmonli, Northeast dren. Own room, 125 wk. MO 1-716liWesllnghouse Products. ooou Before 5i. Theater Ticket Winner L.

Jeter, 2110 NW 102 St. daya after th award ol Ui tract. All bid muit ubmltted on forma prescribed by the Board and accompanied by ona of th follow-Ing: A Certified Check, Cahlera Check or A Bid Bond. If a bid bond 1 submitted, It must be accompanied by a "Power of Attorney'' for th representative ot in bond I submitted, It must be ac. companies; by a "Power of Attor legro" months old FM multiplex radio, stereo phonograph, walnut, new $369 now $299.

Full factory potential. IK 7-2564. 1 AVE. NE 1415. lovely alrcond.

14755 COLLINS AVE. Wl 7-001! HOUSEKEEPER. White. child SELLINO OUT SALE! ney for the representatlv of th furn 2 bus shops PL 1-3970 JALL MISS HOLIDAY, FR 4-6211 care, light duties. Own trans, AGENTS CREW MANAGERS ALL FURN.

MUST GO BY SAT. Bonding Company. nays. ner. 45-un atttr p.m.

Ray Bargain Ctr. 2542 SW I St. EARN up to $25 daily. Pay 100T. 114' Rlscavna Blvd.

FR 1-1661 $1000. CHORD organ sacrifice 6 AVE. NE 2320. Nr bay off 24 St modern effcy. $60 yr.

FR 1-3783. The Certified Check Caahler'a commission. Transportation itirn- COLORED slrl. llv In. Child DtwnVD Oai.h RnKhln TO Mon.

Frl. to Sun. 1-5 free pk'g $150. 300 NW 54 Bt. 758-6221.

ished. Steady year round employ Check or Bid Bond shall be In the amount of ner centum or the Bonding Company, care. 6 Days. 181-4233 ment. American Star Co.

Sold For Repair costs, an yj. 14 ST. NE 311. Cool. Nr.

a Wheat fnr a.le 1920 N. Miami Ave. rii 1-657 renifled Check. award- Bay Apts. $15 wk.

up. Also rms. HOUSEKEEPER, refined, nnn cneap. 18. 1 sw 32 Ave.

Hi 4-jb 17" ZENITH, $22 21" MOTOROLA. $21. 17" PORTABLES. $35. 100 TV'S ON DISPLAY Discount.

TV. 13217 NW 7th Av. UNCLAIMED. Used WE are looking for on New and smoker, for working couple, no children, live In waterfront residence, 17 ST. Modern Effcys furn.

Handy i i he In the "1 coniraci. me omaer wl Check or Bid Bond be In he witnn ipCfied by the Sward- 'n, ac- bas bid, conditioned that if award cordanc, wltn tn. acCePiea bid. In JALOUSIES, 29'jx! 3 ROOMS of fine furniture. Includes on Used car Salesman.

Must be to all. $75. Wl 5-2710. 754-7824. no heavy cleaning.

Tuesday off. $40 39'." $4 ea. 42' $8: 52 exner enced. This I a permanent bedroom, dinette, living room, Dalance. week.

Ask lor Mrs. Truly Nolen. 37'V ed tn coniraci, prescribed bv the Board, and run time )on. seat paid plan and ST. NE 415.

8E Cor. Bedrm. tn 7-141 1. RENT 21" TV tru-llm $15 mo. witnm 'r" Siva a Performance Bond aailr.i-.

for door, CA 6-0551. 142 SW I STREET working condition In the cltv. Contact Bill Lake or Jim Shubert at Apt. on Bay. Modern FR 3-9905.

Board, enter Into a contract in t0 Attorney for the Board other 21" $10. MU 1-4381. accordance with the accepted bid. LIVE in maid, good home, no equal to 100 per centum of the Coral Way Chrysler Plymouth 3199 FREE FORMICA cutting boards, NO CHARGE if your sewing ma 96 ST NE 432. studio, redecorat tn form orescrlbed ny ine noaro.

cooking, 5 day. 1100 mo. MO 5-2373 nnon-v ateren amnllflee. Gar contract price. coral way.

no purchase necessary. Formica chine cannot be repaired In your and Siva a Performance Bond sat ed 164 50 free utile. FR 1-6058. rard turntable. 2 enellsh coaxial home for $2 or less.

ATLAS sink tops, 4' $10. table tops 11. 18" round tops $2. Alt Bidder are requested tn call sneaker. Perfect, cost $400 to PL, 1-6571 30 Management, Carafaklng ELDERLY Lady, light housework, room, $10 week.

Eves. 373-5177. i4 ST NE 148. A Furn 1 bedrm ai toe uiuc of the Architect to build, $100. PvL 681-4961, A.M.

lamp tablea $3 95. tables apt. Utilities Included. $65 mo. $4.95, drop leaf tables $11.95, folding, PRIVATE boys school must sell COUPLE to manag 7 Apts In isfactory to tn Attorney me Board equal to 100 per centum of th contract price.

All Bidder are requested to call th office of the Architect to 25 Hefp Wonted Malt all personal property now. AT ine Board or pudiic instruction, "571 So. Bayshore Drive. Miami for the return of their Certified Check, Cashier' Check or Bid Bond. Drive A New Hertz Car TO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CITIES Baltimore.

Md. Boston. Mass. Dayton, Ohio Detroit, Mich. Evanston, III.

Evansville, Ind. Flint, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mica. Hartford, Conn. Indianapolis, Ind.

Lexington, Ky. Louisville, Ky. Milwaukee, Wis. Minneapolis, Minn. Moline, III.

New York, N.Y.C. Philadelphia, Pa. Roanoke, Va. Byracuse, Y. Trenton, N.J.

Toledo, Ohio Washington, D.C. Worcester, Mass. Excn. lor Free Kent. PL 9-3884.

RENT TV 54 TER NE 220 Nicely furn. YOUR PRICE. Hollywood Bed, legs 14.95 set. Bar, desk table tops made to order. Formica sheets A glue, breakfast nooks, bathroom vanities.

DENNING PLASTIC very clean, quiet. Off Blvd. Span BRAND NEW $5 week. Mln. bunk beds, refrigerator, washing NEED a 30b? Full time work WORKINO COUPLE as Caretaker wntch will be mad available to the Board of Fuolie mtruction.

ish speaKing welcome 155 mo. A Maid, for Small Estate. 4 Room 5571 Bo. Bayshore Drive, Mlaml'Bidders In accordance with the week. No extra charge.

IDEAL TRADINO CO. FR 3-06831 machine. Institutional range 4k re frlgerator, tables, chairs, chests, available for Electrolux Sales A Service Dept. Call 754-7851. TOPS, 3330 N.W.

48 St. 633-8023. Furn. House. Milk One Cow.

461-5257 27 ST. NE 156. Efficiency $65 heaters, lamo many misc. items 1 for the return of their Certified 'Check. Caahler'a Check or Bid month, Furn.

Alrcond. FR 7-3906. vrvn rRMf 1" nnrtabl TV BIKES. Like New $9.95 up. 20" COLLEGE BOYS Bee anytime, JA 4-5965.

t. Laua. FREE rent, waterfront, furn. 1 Bond, which will be made avallablel 26" UN 6-4119. 910-71 St.

M.B. 11-23 TO assist downtown office pool: dock. Alrcond: exch. sets, 1964 models $87 RCA color tu ov cino biff Clnrfia- to Blddera In accordance witn ine 31 ST. ft Blsc.

Blvd. Santa Ma CLUB chair. 7 love eats, cor manager of National Concern in for light maintenance. 949-1796. uvuuiu ClUUCri 1Q UIO BP clflcations.

The Board reserves the right to waive Informalities and to reject any and all bids, THE BOARD OF PUBLIC Instruction of Dade County, Florida By: Jo Hall. Secretary and Superintendent ria, Eflcya. 112 maid service. Mathls TV combinations AM, FM outside order department. Must be table ft lamp.

(Fla. rm.) Sacrifice. Instruction to Bidder in me spec Iflcations. BUY AAA Antique Shop TRADE China, gold, diver. Ivory, bronze, HI 6-2172 or 3-7190 FOR SALE neat in appearance ana aepenoa hie.

Salary $65 week for summer radio stereo recora ptayer wim A aneakera 1239 over 200 RCA. Bargains. 3133 Coral way, HI 8-5501 33 ST. NE 348 East of Blvd. Furn.

Effcy. $48. 1 Bedrm. apt. $75.

numMil Vmerann TV Beta Call Mr. Meek at 374-3130 Bet 9 SELLING out. Rattan set; liv The Board reserve th right to waive Informalities and to reject CIGARETTE MACHINES. A.M.-J P.M. Stereos, brand new, must go at 32 ing walnut freezer, crystal chandelier, any and all bid.

GOOD CONDITION 379-1900 34 ST NE 525. Alrcond effcys. Dogs, Pafs, Poultry Supplitt orasiic aiscounia terms. im (urn. Ibest beds).

Summer rates. N.E. 79 St. Causeway, open 9-4 chairs, desk, ruga, pictures, stove, FLUORESCENT 2 Light Fix THE BOARD OF PUBLIC! INSTRUCTION OF DADE heater, shrubbery. 1054 Lenox, 41.

ANIMAL orates. Slamea kit EMERSON "21" New picture JE 4-2759 aft. 6. tures with Bulbs Typewriter $20; adding Machine $25. HI 8-6536 34 ST.

615. Nice Effcys. $15 wk. $65 mo. yrly.

No pets. tens Parakeets. Youn carrots NOTICE OK INTENTION TO IN COMPLIANCE WITH HOUSE BILL NO. 1171 CHAPTKR 209o3. No.

745. LAWS OF FLORIDA 1941. tube. Al cond. $50 Call CA 1-4065, $42.50 Not The Usual Selling Job.

Unique Profit Sharing on Repeat Item. 444-5783, MR. FEDICK Pups groom's. VIRGINIAS. 496-4322 COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Joe Hall Secretary and Superintendent NO previous credit needed.

$2 37 ST. NE Nice Effcy. Private appliances, bedding, TV's, NOW you can drive to any of 38 Comeros and Supplies CHIHUAHUAS AKC. reasonable bath ft kitchen. 371-0029.

hldeabed 421-0566; eves, na 1-2388. 2 LB at Stud Service. 667-4246. GENERAL BROKERAGE OVER ROUSSELLE PUNCH PRESSES In Stock. METAL AND WOODWORKING MACHINERY.

Other new 4Y used PKPPKR'S SURPLUS SALES WE Will Buy youe good used it ST. NE 173. Modern 1 bedrm. the above northern cities In a sparkling new, sparkling clean, low mileage Hens Chevrolet or other fine car: Hertz pays for gaa and oil. 36 Household Goods, Wanltd DACHSHUND at stud.

Chamolon. photo equipment for cash Browne's SEAS. Apt. 313, Dade Commonwealth 139 NE 1 Miami. Eduardo Hernandez, sole apt.

furn. $45 mo. Nr. Everything. ship stock.

Small black, TU 8-8176. Photo Center 7915 rW Jiaa av, 5541 N.W. 37 AVE. NE 3-9021 CHUCK NEEDS BABY FURNI AIR-Condltlonlng Duct Work Installation Men, Journeymen. Cards and transportation neces 43 ST.

NE 51. Furn. 4 room and owner. DALMATIAN puppies AKC 7 wks. TURE, BEDROOM liET, DINETTE PHOTO: Quality DWM prints Bath $65.

Cubans. PL 7-4745. WRINGER. WASHER. STOVK sary.

Call Mr. J. Davis, 888-4634. from your negative: 5x7 30c; old, $75. 667-7055 665-3524 EL REGRESO Sundries A drun Call Hertz Now CHEST DRESSER, ETC.

NE 4-4502 8x10 40c; 11x14 80c; Mln. or 44 ST. NE 7. Nice furn. bedrm.

2411 West Flagler 8t. Miami, Roman Corrona, Owner. JOB RESUMES PREPARED DOBERMAN PINSCHERS. AKC der SI. 50 plus postage.

aiiAm rnu apt. Also Effcy. Bus 29. PL 1-0104. $15.

UP. 757-5073 BEDS, wringer washers, desks 5 weeks, wormed: Reds A Blacks. TO, Box 2323. Satellite Fla. LEGAL ADVERTIsem*nT COVERING OPENING OF BIDS Sealed bid will be received by th Board of Public Instruction of Dade County, Florida, (hereinafter called the for the project hereinafter set forth at and until 1:00 P.M.

Wednesday the 6th day of May 1964, in the office of the Secretary of the Board, Room 205. 2nd Floor. Llnd-sey Hopkins Building, 1410 N.E. Jnd Miami, Florida at which place and time, or as soon thereinafter as the Board can attend to same, the said bids will be pub-llclv noened and read. The Board FIR 2x4's AVic PER FT.

NEW AND USED LUMBER, RafHera atnva freezera. erlba. 26262 W. 152nd. Ave, Homestead chests, 'dressers.

691-3742. AUTO PAINTER. 47 ST. NE 122. Furn.

2 p'king. $18 up. PL 9-0384. ph. 247-2170 or 247-6012 JUALAN Services 1250 NW 171 Miami.

Felix D. Cruz and Alejandnna G. Crui, partners. Office) fquipmonf 39 Nolan'i Garage, 2951 N.W. 27 Ave.

37 Musical OFFICE FURNITURE USED A Miscellaneous Wanted HARDWARE and LUMBER Man. AKC. 10 beautiful nunnlp. ahnta MIRROR ART PICTURE CO. 2651-53 NW 20 Miami.


KERN8 LUMBER YARD 3650 NW 25 St. NE 4-9023, NE 4-B488 with Retail Salea Experience. Salary open. Twin City Lumber. GUITAR.

Elec, 4 Pickup. Per DESK EXCHANGE To RESERVE your Fine HERTZ CAR While this offer lasts In Miami Call FR 1-3377 or FR 7-4601 In Ft. Lauderdale Call 564-6387 Armando Cabrera and Raul Fuste, 2742 NW 35 ST. NE 4-4024 fect Condition 121-5026. MANCHESTER PUP TOY 2500 B.

State Rd. 7, W. H'lwd, partners. AKC SACRIFICE TU 5-1349 PIANO FINANCING at YES Banks will thereafter make the award ofj DISHWASHER Experienced PARRISH Aviation 7270 NW 43 Grade's Rest ill NW 54 St. BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER AND HAVE.

DESKS BUILT TO ORDER FnHMir WOOD OR STEEL the contract, based upon the result I. va-winkl th. I.hnl.tlnna aa covered bv SL VanWinKl. of th tabulations, PEKINGESE PUP AKC and stud Central Bank 36th St, 635-3281 01 Coral Gablea 1st Nat'l Bank 445-196 TAPE RECORDER CLOSEOI1T PRE-RECORDED TAPES $1.99 up AMEREX TRADING INC. 149 N.E.

1 ST. 379-4210 service 685-2189. Open 'til 5 P.M. Phone for a loan INSTALLATION MEN AV Welding Co. 7270 NW, PERSIAN KITTENS Vara A3 bi.

owner, union Aome. Largest selection new and used Desks, Chair. Tables. Files Safes BUY. SELL, RENT OR TRADE USED GULBRANSEN Console Air conditioning duct experience.

542 NW 41 ST. white $375. USED UPRIGHT $49 Must have Metro Card. lost A found IS applicable laws and reirulatlons. Th following are the projects: 43-R11-4 RAINBOW PARK ELEMENTARY NEW ADDITION 153J5 NW 19TH AVENUE Plans, specifications, bid forms.

$75 easy terms. ALERT Drues 5720 NW 17 Ave. OWNER VIOLET HAYEK Call Mr. Mahon 235-4122. PERSIAN Kittens, boardlne- res AUTO BUMPERS NEW USED STRAIGHTENED BUMPER CO.

NW 72 AVE. Cor. 53 SL TU 7-5B27. DESK CENTER MnKI.AN PIAIVU tu. ervation being taken.

TU 7-7251. CLASS RINO. Gold. of 1950 1752 B1SCAYNE BLVD. FR 1-5441 MECHANICS Hourly Rate, or 2140 No.

Miami Ave. FR 7-1728 Initial M.D.W., Probable Vic. Wad OPEN MON. ft 1U. A.VJS.S.

APEX REALTY, 10822 NE' 6 Ave. Cwner. Michael J. Clochetti. PETS unwanted Inat mnA tnttnA Commission GMC A White trucks Hunt Truck Sales A Service, Inc.

ing Beach acroas from cranaon Call Humane Society, OX 4-0800. form of contract, instructions to Marina. Reward. CA 1-4757. 4333 NW 27 Ave.

2 funtral Noficel A firecfon POODLE Puna. week females Bidders and all other bidding and contract data may be obtained FEMALE golden Labrador Re WANTED dishwasher, night work 920 NW 29 Ave. NE 4-9668. from the Office of Kenneth Trels-I triever, vicinity LeJeune A Ponce. Tylers Restaurant.

226-1212 'ter. Architect. 455 N.W. 60th Street Keward. en.

Hi 4-2721 POODLES AKC Toys Miniatures Colors. Stud Service TU 7-2495 I WHEEL CHAIR Cushion, Brown. Reward. MO 7-2725 MACHINISTS TOOL DIE MAKERS POODLE pun AKC handsome min iature black male 3 mos. TU 7-3160.

5 YEARS minimum experience as DINNER ring, large apphlre, vicinity Red Rd. Trail, SW. Reward. Call HI 1-6186 after 11 a.m. Walter Paul H.

COMBS FUNERAL HOMES, INC. Serving Since 1896 1539 N.E. 2nd AVE. 1641 S.W. 17th AVE.

CALL FRonltlln 3-2101 POODLES AKC miniature silver tool and die maker In Aircraft or ishots A clipped. MO 1-0040. SKILLED! Related Fields, Must be proficient Miami, on and after April 16, 1964. A deposit of $50 00 will be requlr-- ed, refundable if said plans and documents are returned In good order within 10 days after the award of the contract. AH bids must be submitted on forms prescribed by the Board and accompanied bv one of the follow.

ing: A Certified Check, Cashier' Check or a Bid Bond. If a bid bond is submitted. It must be ac-enmnanieri hv a "Power of Attor A COMPLETE FOUND: SW POODLES A.K.C. teenle tiny toy! Puppy black A brown, tag Ml 402. HI 1-5609.

in an types oi close tolerance machine shop operation. Machinist must have 3 years minimum experience as a Machinist In Aircraft Overhaul or Related Fields. HOME BUSINESS uoiors. aiso 3 pouna studs. Chocolate.

White. 945-3139. SPECIALISTS IN ALL FIELDS FOUND Small mixed Germtn WlVrWVXWIAAVNWlA Shepherd, terrier, female. PL 1-0960 Permanent employment with pro POODLE PUPPIES AKC TOY SERVICE DIRECTORY gressive expanding company. Many SILVER.

Shots. Silver toy at stud ney" for the representative of thp FOUND BOXER, male 5 yrs. old Cemfry lofi tringe benefits. 235-4681 Vic. Hlaleah.

685-3080 Aft. 4. Bonding Company. APPLY IN FEKSON TO AIRCRAFT PLATING INC. 4 KPrE( In Dade Memorial Spray Service Painting RABBIT, black, with cage, nlavful General Repairs Advertising 4101 NW 28 St.

An equal oppor 19 Schools fnsrrucfont wun ennaren. 8-1)466 alt 6 pm tunity employer. PAINTING Interior. Exterior, The Certified Check. Peace-A.

Sacrifice for $650 Check or Bid Bond shall be in theiowner 696-6524, before 1 P.M. amount of 5 per centum of the! baae bid, conditioned that If award-lr ed the contract, the bidder Willi9 Mossooo NO ACCOUNT too small! Ad- BUILD. REMODEL, REPAIR LAWNS AND TREES ALL TYPES TREE WORK miiirDt. Decorating. Free Est.

FR 4-3757 EARN MORE! Train for a lob as wrltlng, artwork, layouts 226-3251. NO JOB TOO SMALL, 821-4196. Din.ii&oi pups, uirn gaier, eic. My Pets Shop 5123 NW 17 Ave NEED good Tailor for alterations WAITER, WAITRESS, HOST 2 BEDROOM home, exterior $75 HOSTESS. Classes open April 29 in mens' wear, part to full time.

6850 SW 24 St. 665-2815 TREES A lawns nower sprayed within the time specified by the HOUSE DOCTOR J. DEVLIN $10 room, Interior PL 1-0578 and Mav 19. Register In Room 104 Air Conditioning CAROLINE Massage, steam, 1454 Trimmed, topped, removed CA 1-2688 EXCHANGE Poodles AKC cocoa for anything worth $100. 865-0973 Complete remodeling, alterations, L1NDSEY HOPKINS EDUCATION Aasmngton.

532-368- 9-6 7 daya. PLUMBER. Experienced on i additions, Kltcnens, rooting at mim CENTER. 1410 NE 2nd Avenue, PAINTING ft repair roof repair by lob or hour. TONY HI 8-7252.

pairs and alterations. HI 6-1414. HELP! 7 Toy Poodles AKC, 7 Miami-Dade County Public school. Sprinkler Fedders, Frledrichs, Chrysler Dependable Service, Sales RAUB'S since '4B HI 5-1328 ing. $5 up.

Call day or night HI 3-1922 MO 7-9606 MU 5-1097 Board, enter into a contract In ac- cordance with the accepted bid. In form prescribed by the Board, and give a Performance Bond satis-1 factory to the Attorney for thei Board equal to 100 per centum of the contract price. Parionofi weeks old. Groomed 6V shots. $75 4 10 up.

275 NW 119 St. MU 1-0522. $85 COMPLETE exterior, average TUTORING by Dade Co. teacher, ELUX. CORP.

UMf IT1 tianalra 4H rrtftrtd ThAPP afternoona or eves. NE $-6939. TRADING- Stamps. Buy Sell home not Just walls, including finest paint, caulking windows. Expert WINDOW Or WALL UNITS INSTALLED.

CA 1-2780 isn't anything I can't do. HI 5-2263 Complete Water Well System LAWN SPRINKLERS INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL VICKERS WELL DRILLING beautiful Manchester pups rrade 15990 NW 27 Ave. NA 1-1019 the repairing of cracks. Also interior Has opening for 2 men it AKC Honywa. 989-3131 aft.

pm EMPLOYMENT George Rudlsh formerly Dade. Broward area, Apply 8200 NE 2 AVE. landscaping 10836 NW 7 AVE. PL 8-5508 IRONING IN MY HCME, Rella ble A Reasonable. HI 8-8362.

WANTED Home for 10 month Elite Painting Co. Wl 5-6918 Appliance Repairs All Bidder are requested to call at the Office of the Architect to the Board of Public Instruction. 2575 So. Bayshore Drive, Miami for the return of their Certified 24 Help Wanted female old Poodle Pup. NO B.Y.B.

NANCY'S, 3808 S.W. I ST. CUBAN PAINTERS, Handymen. HV.FRlfl. A all anoliances large Tile and Terrazxe Service MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL TRUCK mechanic with tools.

Ex perienced. Apply Gory Roofing Tile SOD, FIRST QUALITY, ALL VARIETIES. FREE DELIVERY. OVER 500 FT. CALL 624-4022.

also pools ft roofs. Refs. 446-2437 or small. Day or Eve. PH 681-1837, Bid Beige or ash blondlng touchups.

Check. Cash er's Check NEED 75 WOMEN MUST sell all mv Chihuahuas A Inc iidlne ehamDOO A set. S8 50 Bond, which will be made avallahlei 1773 NE 205 St. Off Route at Ives Dairy Rd. EXT.

Walls $35. Room walls $5. $35 $50 for 12 hours each week. Poodles going North PL B-B047. NEW; REPAIRS; REMODELING Reasonable.

Free Est. EM 1-2274. WEST DIXIE BEAUTY SALON Auto Air Conditioner Services DESIGNS, river rock, top soil, Ceilings $5. NE 4-5340 after 5. to Bidders In accordance with the Instructions to Bidders in the 1173 NE 139 St.

PL l-9783jNo experience necessary, we train you. Manager positions available. sand. Small dozer CA 1-8633 CUTE puppies 7 wks. old, mother TIRE CHANGER NEW ft USED Auto Alrcondl-I is co*cker.

$8 ea. NA 4-1107 $5 EACH need car. No delivering, collecting OIL PAINTINGS 200 CLAY tile baths. Porches, repairs, vinyl floors. MU 8-6557 RAY SOBEL 221-9556 PAINTING CONTRACTOR DESIGNING TOP SOIL SOD Doners.

Service all makes, 759-4651. or Investment. Gallery 40 frames. Little MUST be experienced with truck Free est. 491-2201 or 888-5891 Sarah Coventry Jewelry 34 Planti, Soil, feiiilixtr 4812 NE 2 Ave.

tires. All company benefit. 667-0046, 696-6697, 235-3135, CE 5-7173 iTTLE REPAIRS ft REMODELING Auto Repairs PAINT exterior walls $60 up. Firestone Stores TOP SOIL LAWN SAND FILL Th Board reserves the right to waive Informalities and to reject any and all bids. THE ROARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OF DADF COUNTY.

FLORIDA land Clearing FREE ESTIMATE CA 6-2627 $50 $600; $100 for 2 weeks costs you $1.40. Call Bob HI 4-7465- BEAUTY Operator Experienced Best vinyl, neat ft clean. Licensed, Insured, 667-8264, 667-5111- REAS. NE 4-0965 ReDalr. Cables 1001 S.

State Rd. 7. W. Hollywood ALL Around. JE 2-3611 Ext.

309. 07,. 7on NW 36 ST. 633-1293 WEED ft heavy brush cutting Tractor mowing, $8 Hour UN 5-2846 Trash Hauling IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for Ag 35 Household Good's, Sato Sill FINISHER. North Beach CHILD Care Room for working mother lge fenced yard.

blk. school 3531 SW 122 Av. 226-6468. Poperhanging CARBl'RETORS adjusted, repaired; gresslve Driver Salesmen between! TRASH hauling, moving. 11 up Cleaners, 7134 Abbott M.B.

From $1. 3501 NW 7 Ave. 433-1852. age 21-35 on established routes. By: Jo Hall Superintendent lawn Maintenance BEDROOM SETS, NEW $89.50, Secretary and PAPERHANGING ONLY! Sam-1 FREE estimates.

24 hrs. PL 7-5057. uompany oenenis. roiygrapn tesijpg $15 ft un pies Vinyls ft Plastics CA 6-1752 I WILL not be responsible for debts Incurred by anyone but my GIRLS Learn Beauty Culture. DINETTES, new S27.95 Boot Trailer Service ur.i.anftu nAUljtm JLtHi A IN i requireu.

Appiy in pernun ueiween 9 A.M. -4 P.M. Daily. PEPSI-COLA MUCCIO'S LAWN SERVICE WHITE PL 4-9140 TILTBACK SOFAS $37.95 A.ND SODDING LAWN 751-4033 We tram, no experience necessary. Excellent opportunity.

945-4011 self. Wm. Mutcnings. PAPERHANGING Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Ciccla OX 4-2695 Bottlers of Miami, 1251 NW 36 St.

NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE KbrKHtEKATUKS, STOVES Repairs vE-ur Rnat Trailers ft BILL'S 7001 NW 27 Ave. 691-3742- BEST IN LAWN SERVICE 696-4802 BRIDGES Metal Work LINOTYPE and printing tral.ilnc 4-2633 5800 N.W. 2 AVE TV Repairs RN POSITIONS TEASLEY ft SONS. CE 1-0145 EXPERT. Reasonable Guaranteed Free estimate.

CA 1-6985 FR 7-9821 Theater Ticket Winner PRIVATE bath, entry, yard. ffveialiant aiinrlrlri a jTlV. EXPERIENCED gardener. Yards NO CHARGE If we cannot rerjair vonr TV or Builders-Contractors Additions And florlda Rooms. M.

Anderson, 6034 Indian Creek Dr. ALL MISS liuLIDAY. FR 4-6211 CARPETS-1, 12X15 lemon peel yellow $25; 1, 9x18 gold chenille $'6, 1. 10x12 heavy gold nylon $24. Clean and perfect Several others.

Laundrateria 12701 NE 4 Av Free Samples. cisl Mme benefits, including; 3-11 wanted. 696-3248 or OX 1-7988. conking privileges tor senior aniens, $35 mo. HI.

News Box N297. stereo In NE, NW, Hia home for M09Blclcu 111 A. "i nome ior PAPERHANGING. FREE ESTIMATE. auiereniiai na liuing ietvit-e twii 1 incL parts.

Any make 624-8774 4 BOYS WHITE NEEDED AS EXTRA HELP FOR SPRING SEA LAWNS CUT AND TRIMMED VERY REASONABLE 466-4372 FREE Estimates, New Work Additions. Licensed. Ogden 685-3441 BAPTIST HOSPITAL Piano Tuning TV. REPAIRS in your home. Dav.

Theater Ticket Winner club SON. $1.15 PER HOUR. APPLY. CHAIRS. 2 custom uphol.

$65. 2 lamp tables. 238-4879. Night. Vry reaonabl.

448-2047. Personnel Offic 271-4411 MOW edge trim. HIaleah-Sprlngs J. AldunaU, J924 Royal Palm Av. WEEK DAYS BETWEEN 3-4 P.M.

13 N.W. 42 AVE. RELIABLE Repairs, alterations, idditions STEVE Wl 7-7468. PIANOS ft Organs tuned, repairs, Victor's 300 NW 54 St. PL 8 8795 only.

TU 8-7628. 887-9098 aft, i P.M. TV REPAIR IN YOUR HOME ALL MISS HOLIDAY. FR 4-A211 BAR MAID Young, Attractive, to DISHWASHER, large portable. work Pool Bar.

JE 1-4758. ROUTE-MAN for Retail months old. Cost $189. SERVICE DAY NITE SUNDAY RICHARD TV FR 1-0762 COMPLETE lawn service. Tree sell $125.

Call 271-4907 Plastering MAN hare N.E. effcy. apt. with and Dry Cleaning. Aggressive, Carptntry Trimming.

Coi. 685-2580. After 4, $10 week. Incl all utilities. sales minded.

Experienced. Call Mr. Stevenson. JE 1-5568 WAITRESS EXPERIENCED Day and NlKfct Shift. Paddock Bar.

113 Llndsey Ct. Hla DRYER. FrlKirialre. excellent By HOUR Call PL 4-8375, 10-12 am A 4-10 pm YARD Maintenance $5 and up REPAIRS TV, HI-FI. STEREO Reasonable.

All Miami, NE 5-2133 PLASTERING Don or CONTRACT CARPENTER ft Mason. Alterations. Lie. Ins. Sam PL 4-7708.

condition $50. CA 1-2780. MO 7-3379 We Do Rough Work ft Clean Jon THANKS to OUR LORD and Clean Lot. Trim Tree. PL 4-6722.

BEAUTICIAN Experienced all Call Now Pay Later AUTO body combination man. RHODES AUTO BODY SHOP 40:9 AURORA St. CORAL GABLES PIASTER patching, stucco, work 3t. Jude for favora granted. PLAYER piano with rolls 294 NW 54 St.

PL 8-1796 CARPENTRY. MICA ft MAINT. SAM KRLDEKICK. MU 1-78C5 around. Miami Beach following.

guaranteed. Low rates, ms 3-31U8 $25 TO $600 On your Signature' Martinique Beauty Salon. UN t-5711 LAWNS BEAUTIFUL Complete lawn ervice (white) Reliable guaranty satisfaction Any TV set repaired. 24 hour erv- ice. serving greater Miami.

Serv. Call $1,50 Wl 7-9173. NA 4-9342 Mr. va 41 TVPF.S nf HOME REPAIRS No investigation. Plumbing RANGE, gas, countertop.

A wall oven, Welbilt good condition, $65 WOMAN to live In. Must love NE $-355! i-'K or PAINT ft TEKRAZZO 635-5802 448-7101 till 4:30 888-0552 aft. I. children. Small salary.

Call Before nom. rrivate. MU 1-6114. COLLEGE STUDENTS DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Llndsey Hopkina Building 1410 N.E.

2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 BID NOTICE Bids listed below will he sccepted In Room No. 205 until 1:00 on May 6th, 1964 Forms on which bids must be submitted define all condition and will be furnished tn prospective bidder on request to th Purchasing Department, Record Section. Room No. 405, Telephone 379-4707. BID NO.

BID TITLE 396-E Paper. Art, Drawing, Classroom Gen. 411-E Plastic Tote Travs 420- Custodial rieanlnr Toai 421- Folding Chairs M-DJC) Refrigeration Item 423-E Lawnmowers 457-E Sfhool Furniture 428-E Library Furniture 459-E Metal Filing Cabinets 430- Mlllwork 431- Lunchroom Equipment 432- Dinette Sets 433- Homemaklng Kitchen Equipment 434- Fertilizer rM-DJC 435- Homemaklng Food Laboratory Equipment 434-E Schedule Files 437-E O. C. Part 431-E Engineer Transits (M-DJC) 439- Sal of Waste Oil 440- 1 Physic Laboratory Equipment A41-E Chemistry Equipment 442- General Science Equipment 443- Dade County Bus Drivers Guide Books 444- Bookkeeping Machine 'M-DJCl 445- Padlocks 446 Duplicators 444 Adding; Machine A Calculator II T.

Cash Register 450-E Audio Visual Equipment REPAIRS, alteration. Southwest 4 P.M. MU 16018. Upholstery Licensed, Insured. HI 5-1345.

$50 Cost 70c for 1 week 635-062 Mr. NiU rawrneiwiuw concern win, RANGE, Kenmore gas, de-, Carpet and Rug Cleaning town Mower Repairs BEAITY Operator with Miami Springs or Hlaleah TCr EXPERT repairs ft new work on PLUMBING Repairs. Water heat CYCLE ft MOWER REPAIRS 9X12 RUGS, washed and dried interview eiuaenis miereaira in luxe, rlhl. oven ft grill, A-l cond summer employment In the Miami $75 3021 NW 2 St. HI 8-7518 Area.

No experience necessary. Ap-i i pllcants must enjoy meeting and) RANGE, 36" gas, with griddle ers Installed. Free est. MO 1-6406. commission.

Call TU 1-6514. 12 Noon furniture, also specialist In boat ft yacht upholstery. Free eatlmate MAGIC BICYCLE SHOP HI 1-5800; 12 98 Washed and dyed FREE pickup. FR t-7958. After 7 m.

a. u. Arte 4854 NW Ave. PL 1-5232 laming mt ywyie anu ic auir excellent condition. REPAIRS ft ALTERATIONS Est 1924 J.

B. FORBES FR 1-4749 to present a neat businesslike ap mo DEAD STORAGE Warehouse Co. INTERNATIONAL Bonded Whse. Corp. Jame L.

Turner's Ph. TU 7-1853 light Hauling t't Ticket Winner Carpet laying pearance. Qualifed students may work overseas. Training and super- DISCOUNT upholstery free foam CHAIR $19. 14KA $39.

TM.T $24 FREE ESTIMATES. PL 8 4 737 Amcuk. 353 W. 47 St. RANGE.

Westlnchoue. nerf. lj CLEAN TRUCK SMALL JOBS PLUMBING Problems Anv type Leo Rosselle NE 4-8251 'ALL MiSs HOLIDAY, 4-6211 vision in advertising, promotion double sink $10. 696-1593 ANY TIME. Reaionable i'L 1-1322 CARPETS expertly Installed, repaired, reasonable.

HI 3-8540. brand Identification, office proced-, WAITRESSES P.M. SHIFT 601 AW I ST. ures. Ail training at our expense.

Roofing gas. Servel ir. 1 dr Vending Machine Repairs PHONE FR 4-1532 LOCAL baullng, trash, furniture or what have you? FR 1-4114 FR 4-1208 Experienced Preferred. Top sal- freeier top. A-l, $100.

PL 1-98'6 eves Cement and Concrete lary. call in person. 17 YEARS local exper. In roof repairs. Written guarantee.

Does REFRIGERATOR hlr 19 ruble sales or.nvirr. All Type Vending M'hln Dade ft Broward call 39 100 LIGHT moving anytime, elation wagon, pick-up truck, reas. 491-3761 CABANAS PRIVATE beach Dunkln Donut House of Pancakes: ii i nnej eruQT.IRSHTPS SPECIAL SI MMER RATES 8. Dixie H'wy. C.

Cables) li 1,000 "OLAKSHIFS El Miraaol 141-27 SL IS 1 3376 opposit of M. Mrs. Nelson own work. PH 491-7295 any time. ft.

Phllco with across top frwer.l PATIOS, driveways, floors, walks. perfect working condition $49. 1714 fancy or plain, 465-5S52 Alter r.M. li ht. Causeway.

Outstanding student may qualify for on of 15 cash cholar-i Movers and Storage ANTHONY'S ROOFING 633-3641 REROOF REPAIR WHITE Coating Lie. In. FHA lnsp. 1365 NW 29 St Venetian (finds GULBRANSEN Piano sssume payments. 300 NW 54 SL 758 8795 Dressmaking If School Instructions i REFRIG -Stove combination ships to be awarded nationally.

EARN $2,000 $5,000 a-Maa a-atr Ti. DRESSMAKER, first clas. Year brown, new. 175. 2335 Bursynp Bay Dr.

Keystone Point. N. Miami CAM. KI.MtpilTA 03l Repainting. Repair.

Reasonable RETURN loads all point north, low tariff, weekly ervice, local and long distance, PL 4-9780. Rnn Clauses: 1 Vi of experience. Scotch. 226-435. REPAIRS NE 4 1917 ROWAN ROOFING ft Guaranteed.

Free Est. REFRIGERATOR. Keivinator 1' TAPEJ4 COI'D Hl.lfM Your home, Rarl 441 7J FR I 44M Aduil Classes, rrivaie ibwiib Arpt Dickinson School of Juilo. tt.l SW 42 Ave 445 7041. I sterminoting LOCAL ft Long Distance Moving LAST year national averages of 5535 port.

TV. $65. 1340 NE 152 St students completing program was, Roof Coating A Cleaning over $150 Pr week Top men earn: Hntnoint. exrell. cond TRI'LY EXTERMINATORS Return Load Wanted NEW YORK A CALIFORNIA PL 1-7893 PL 4-4691 Washing Mschine Rapalrf 452-E Wet Dry Vacuum Cieaner B.OOd DonOfS Needed RAT proofing homes and business ROOFS PRESSURE' CLEAN $9 SPRAY WHITE COAT $22 UP two to three times trial amount cu.

Ft. $60. 3323 NW 17 Av. I VOUISfU EAnNOVER wun rop fte bat 8NOWBRITE 947-6465 FK 3I'2S unique aiary ana incentive sysxem; of pay enables successful men to; Rp-RIG Hotpofnt. 454-E Printing Equipment I iff in i 11'.

freezer: r-nii JOYCE Moving, padded van. Smll-lge. job. MU 1-5032 anytime. ALL TYPE WAMlfR p'PAtffn Same laV avrvir I II MU I 3189 S1 QCOO Per rrPES CASH PAYMENT IE for PP't 9-5 Mon.

thru I I 4.0 Lincoa Rd Rm. 3C7B write ineir own y. 374) k. I Ave. 496-7349, ALSO PAINTING, Df i OUT lOa Week fences 33 veers exprienc.

MO 1-7757 ALL MAKFK prbiiiil Kenmnre. REFRIGERATOR. Westlnghouse Painting I MIDDLE ged lady har with jm I bedroom bom to Perruie. Cil 13 cu. ft, lapprox l.

5 years oid. 4 CHAIN Link Fence with Top 4220 SW 5 Terr. 4S-5660. Kail a low 55c ft. 121-8061 Septif Tanks taaitt to onn intr OB $25 up 01 NW 33 Av 4914591 FRFE FrigWalre Kenmor GE.

We.lliiglioiiM HW J7 lMi earn hi $85 a week throughout the summer. SALARY $85 A WEEK After 3 day application period. Phone Mr Moore for Interview at 374-8601 Bet 9 A.M. 2 P.M. GRANT PAINT CO.

FREE ESTIMATE A-l ft CLEAN CONNIE Septic Tank Kt. pump- 445-E Printed Envelope fit Vtdo F.ef-ordir Tape 457-s! Afllo Visual Equipment M-DJr) 44VE Tim Keeping Equipment 42-5, Drafting Equipment ft P'ippiie 445-E SJ-ienc Equipment. T. V. 44-1, Laboratory Equipment M-DJCi 47-1 Chemistry Fou'nment ft t'lppiie iM-LJC) 4161 -15 I Rebinding of Library Books floor Service 465-4664 out, repairs.

34 hr. erv Ul 3495 It Day Nurseries, Child Car Satisfaction guaranteed RUGS 9x12. 4x9. imported or-i ien'al design $50. also 9x'2, 10x15 matching pair, never used, Sacri-i flee.

496-3757. I FREE estimate Any tnak or dryer. Guaranteed 424 5541 ALL floor, cleaned, waxed S3 ft first aatt ef traa- up. tended, $6 ft up. HI 1-4637, TIRE SALESMAN Painting Sewing Mochinei make ft model.

485-1564. all pINO'B PLAYLAND ft NURSERY; iDy eare. age 2-9. Hit lnck, hour Qualified auper-, jvisma, opening May 11. Also Bed Imotber ichiid' to work In aureerv.

Window Shades, Screen General Repair or Rtora Manger Experienced1 SEWING machine. Morse ft at Willing to work for tibtantll tacb lik new $40. 45-5608. income posslbllltie. Can tntoj PAINTING BY JOE ksj antrum wt srtieat fi 4 awtt tfMM st sckssi Ji smiali lat ttM'Ktsn.

nnt in tahh(4j itirrtcf tltl IX NX Mrs. Ik. 5-11 SEWING Machine repaired Int four borne SI 50 No chars If NFW FARP.H'S C.iatrm tire ATT 1A Ivit. BB A rfimffl RfXTff fMsatttlnM A pfl' executive poeitlm. I SEWING machine.

White, $35 i.ij rvruvii a not repaired. 25 yeara experience. SHADY LADY 533 9152. 1294 BY: JOE HALL pvt rm. '-3iA, night.

481-1228 lecrctary ft Superintendent days. 3141 NW 31 Ave Opa locka OX 4-O070 draperie $25; Rug 0 etc. 226-7998 Inc. cleaa work $1 fO nr. PL 4-381.

deenuig 14c at ma. IOC K. 27 St. Hia..

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.