All The Things To Become - rhysothy (2024)

“Pretty sure this is a bad idea.”

“What do you mean? This is a great idea!”

“Well… If you say so… But if anything happens, this is on you, not me.”

“Are you kidding? Nothing will happen, so nothing will be on me! You chicken.”

“I-I’m not! Okay, whatever, just go now or I’ll tell dad and papa.”

The only response Tommy could give him was a very gratuitous eye roll. Followed by fixing up the little goggles right on his equally small nose. As well as his hands shifting to tightly hold onto the reins of the makeshift sleigh. Nothing less of the Lawrence ingenuity of the scraps laying around the place.

With just one push, the concoction had slid all the way from the intricate balustrade. To the happiness of Tommy. And to the terrified screams of Johnny.

All of the nooks and crannies, as well as the curves of the impressive staircase at the Jakobs-Hammerlock mansion immediately made Tommy’s brain work at the highest velocity. It wasn’t too hard to construct the ride, especially with the grownups just talking . Wasn’t that boring! Hence Tommy brewed the perfect plan for them both. Right then, he was ready to reap what he had sown.

Speeding through the surface, Tommy couldn’t help but to brighten up with the biggest smile there was. Wind from the momentum ruffling his ginger curls and right from his belly (now being squished by Johnny holding at him from the back), he let out a triumphant laugh. No matter if Johnny was terrified, he himself felt like a victor. The control at his fingertips, clutching onto the ride of his to take him anywhere he had wanted.

Then he saw the end of the balustrade. And at that split second Tommy knew, it wasn’t going to end well.

Just like that, it happened like clockwork. Trying to slow it down with his feet, Tommy only made the cardboard go faster. The sounds of increasingly more high pitched screams from Johnny rang in his ear. There was no way to stop it. Hence the very next thing he had remembered was laying flat on his face, next to the stairs.

“Tommy! Johnny! Ooohh my god, what’s going on guys, are you hurt?”

Right. Along with his papa Timothy rushing right by their side. Wasn’t that just a wonderful combination of misfortune.

“I’m okay,” with a muffled tone, Tommy gave him a thumbs up. Face still pressed right against the floor.

“And I’m not !” Oh, come on, why did Johnny have to be such a scaredy cat. At least from what Tommy could hear, he actually managed to drag himself up, “Papa! Dad! It was Tommy’s idea, I swear, I didn’t do anything!”

A loud sigh escaped papa’s mouth, “Johnny, you agreed . Does anything hurt any of you?”

“No, I’m alright,” mentioned Johnny.

“All good here too, papa, don’t worry,” soon enough, Tommy also answered, this time also making himself sit up. Only to be met with three different stares right at him.

Papa Timothy's disapproval.

Dad Rhys’ concern.

Johnny’s anger.

And the two worst ones – Mr. Jakobs-Hammerlock's confusion and Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs’ quiet reassessment.

Ah, crap, he was finished.

“Tommy,” dad Rhys’ voice was so firm yet so startled, he knew the shame settled in him as soon as those words left his mouth. Oh, he was so disappointed, how could he– “C’mon. What’s gotten into you?”

“We won’t be mad or yell at you, you know that,” papa followed this query but his sight carefully moved to the side. “But bet you would have to apologize to the Jakobs-Hammerlocks, y’know.”

“Well, as long as nothin’ was damaged then I don’ see a problem, son,” Mr. Jakobs-Hammerlock gave the staircase a following look and nodded.

“Now, Winny, let the boy speak,” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs rebutted, gently touching his husband’s arm in a motion Tommy often saw other grownups like dads or aunts Athena and Janey do. Yucky grownups stuff which Johnny seemingly loved to look at. Not that Tommy would ever fully understand his brother anyway. “C’mon. As your papa said, we won’t be at all mad at you.”

The little fists of Tommy’s tightened in a clutch, trying to get everything within his thoughts to get sorted out. A tall order for someone like him, even he himself was aware of this. So with his head dropping lower, he drew a long sigh and let it speak through him.

“I didn’t want to cause trouble… I’m sorry papa, dad. I’m sorry Mr. and Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs,” with everything inside him boiling, all Tommy could do was just to let his shoulders drop as he finished talking.

With the curls covering his face, he couldn’t even see the next thing coming up. But just as quickly, his papa dropped down on his knees to meet his little frame. His fingers brushing the pudgy face of his, not letting even the potential single tear fall down. Papa always knew how to make things right, Tommy knew so. Not that it felt as effective that particular day.

“Oh shh, shh, it’s okay, just… Just tell us about it all, mkay? Sure we can all just figure out a solution of sorts, right?” Papa asked as gently as he possibly could.

Reassessing the words, Tommy exchanged his hand. “Pinky promise?”

“Yeah!” Nodded papa and shook their pinkies together. Not that it could be that easy. “Buuut there’s just a small detail, Tommy, hah. We are guests here. Dad’s trying to make an important deal with Mr. Jakobs-Hammerlock aaand–“

“But it’s so boring!”

Another set of doubled in size eyes focused all on him. While all Tommy could do in return was to give them one of the most solid pouts dad had taught him.

Well. As papa always said the cat was out of the bag.

There were many things to be said and being said about Tommy’s parents. His dad, Rhys the CEO of that super large corporation Atlas, which he couldn’t lie, was cool as heck. His papa, Timothy the top Lanceman in the elite guard protecting the lives in their home planet of Promethea. All things considered, they were just the perfect duet, even if often all over the place. With such high positions, dad especially was sent to a different mission to provide those needs to the company.

Hence dad (and often papa right with him) traveled to the distant planets all over the galaxies to people who could help the business grow. Or trade things. The details weren’t exactly as clear to Tommy, yet he knew just how far away some of these places could be. Maybe that was the most important caveat to all of this – that they could go to planets beyond Promethea, ones that looked and even more so felt different.

Not to mention, when the time was right and none of the aunts, uncles or piblings could take care of them. So then dad would come in and take both Tommy and his older brother Johnny to an exciting new adventure into the distant lands. Looking through their spacecraft’s windows, seeing the stars that nobody could count together was simply everything Tommy could wish for. The destination of this time being Eden-6, the home of the mighty Jakobs corporation. As he’d heard it was a staple or even a classic among the Vault Hunters and soldiers. Thus dad scoring such an opportunity seemed the luckiest he could be.

Very cool! But unfortunately as Tommy grew to know, it also became as tedious as they could come.

Surely, the Jakobs mansion was a sight to behold but from the very beginning, dads’ mission was set. They were there to make business, not to have fun . What it resulted in was Johnny looking through the libraries of the olden and trying to find as much information about the Jakobs family as he could, within the books and portraits. For Tommy himself however, he couldn’t decide if he or their dads were more boring. So when eavesdropping on grownups and looking at Johnny wasn’t enough, Tommy had to take matters into his own hands.

Case and point – a perfectly crafted slide to pass the time.

Case and point again – disappointed stares of the grownups. As always.

Not holding back, Tommy had to take this chance and simply say what was bothering him. It wasn’t his style to sit and listen idly. No, no, Johnny could just look and observe and he’d be happier than pibling Zer0 with a new upgrade to their sword. He wouldn’t even peep about the tediousness!

Yet Tommy wasn’t them. Though sometimes he wished he was.

Another sigh escaped his mouth as he looked away from his papa, into the colossal window on his right. Early afternoon sunbeams danced around the room, illuminating everyone in their own specific way. Only Tommy felt as if they only obscured his vision with their power. When his hand let him see, the contours of the trees made up the vast green of the outside. So much within his fingertips, yet too hard to reach.

His own green eyes turned away to his papa. Part of him knew exactly what he was doing. Part of him wrapped in the mystery of the upcoming reaction.

What he saw back was once more hesitation within papa’s blue and green eyes. Maybe trying to look for the answer that just wasn’t there yet. The little eternity ended as he composed himself again and said, “Look, I know for a little adventurer like you it’s not ideal buuut this is not Promethea and we gotta respect Mr. and Sir Jakobs-Hammerlock’s wishes, mmkay? I promise, it’s not the end of the world, hah. A beginning, right? We’ll get’cha out of here and do something fun, I promise.”

“Sorry, Tommy. Won’t take too long! Just gotta sort several things out, right, Wainwright?” Dad joined in and if it wasn’t too hard for Tommy to see… Was that a secret signal he sent to Mr. Jakobs-Hammerlock? Tommy would know, he did that to Johnny all the time. Who knew grownups could do the same.

Mr. Jakobs-Hammerlock cleared his throat, “Precisely. Young boy, you have nothin’ to worry about, I’ll give you back your dads in a moment no less.”

“That’s very kind of you, Mr. Jakobs-Hammerlock! We won’t cause any more trouble, haha,” nodded Johnny, a droplet of sweat running down his neck. Turning around sharply, he gritted to Tommy, “Right?”

Coward. As they came.

“Guess that’s fine…” Tommy shrugged, not too convinced. Only when Johnny came around to embrace him closer and gave the grownups that full teeth smile of his, Tommy straightened his back. Not without rolling his eyes too.

Why was it that only because Johnny was older he had the last word? Coward, a total coward. Sure, Johnny never yielded from Tommy’s ideas of the vast but whenever the situation turned sour, he put on his big boy expression and acted his way out. A talent for sure but if there was one person who’d see through him, it had to be Tommy.

But he wasn’t one of those acting types. He couldn’t act his way out, everything he had was a clear slate. A simple lie of omission was good enough but to pretend to be someone he wasn’t? Completely not in Tommy’s style.

With a swoosh, he shook Johnny’s arm embracing him away. What comes around and all that jazz.

However, within the grownups (and Johnny’s desperate attempts) there was one who hadn’t said much during the whole situation. One glance at Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs and already Tommy saw through the whole situation. Oh, he knew this face too well, no matter who made it. That was the face of a man with a plan.

“Actually… If I may say something out of the blue or perhaps a green in this case,” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs started. The sound of his voice already put Tommy in a better mood. “It’d be the worst case for the younglings to just hear us old farts talk about things out of their realm, wouldn’t it?”

“Oh, I promise Sir H– Alistair , it is nooo problemoo for those two. Isn’t it, huh?” Papa looked sharply at them. With just this, in the corner of his eyes, Tommy could see Johnny straightening his back. Ugh, pushover.

“But I insist, Timothy! I propose a solution – I will take your two troublemakers to do some trouble outside, rather than inside. This way Winny and Rhys will have all the time in the world to chit-chat business,” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs concluded, giving them a big smile. Wasn’t that a relief in the sea of discontent.

Immediately, Tommy’s face lit up, “Papa! Could we?”

“Ahm, I, uh…” Papa looked around the room, possibly not to fall victim to those round big green eyes of Tommy. Victory, always within the reach of his fingertips. “Rhysss, help me out, will ya.”

“Right! Well, Wainwright I know Alistair will take good care of them but, uh if that’s too much I will definitely–“

Dad would probably continue his spill, if it wasn’t for Mr. Jakobs-Hammerlock taking his turn, “Are you boys up for this challenge an’ won’t mess anything up unless you have permission?”

Tommy and Johnny exchanged stares. Even within Johnny’s features he could see that glow of an idea. Perfectly caught up and able to execute it. With a vigorous nod, Johnny smiled right at him. The stars couldn’t have aligned better.

“Yes, sir, yes!” They both agreed in unison.

“Then it’s settled. C’mon, Rhys, you know, you an’ I haven’t spoken of that new Lanceman weapons upgrade. ‘m sure Timothy right here will have plenty of suggestions,”

“Oh, between us two, I might be in charge but Tim knows our troops more personally. If he’d wear your technology, the whole Promethea would wanna get that piece,” Dad agreed, looking in papa’s direction. All while papa seemed a bit too out of place.

“Hm? Oh, yeah, absolutely, lemme just…” One last time, papa turned around to look at them. Seriousness still painted across his face. “Boys. Just listen to Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs, alright?”

“You can count on us, papa!” Johnny confirmed, to which Tommy could only give a confirming nod.

To which he smiled. Maybe Johnny’s words would be enough for him to calm down, even a little bit.

“You too, Alistair,” with a soft stare, Mr. Jakobs-Hammerlock ever so slightly brushed upon his arm. “Don’t cause too much trouble, willya?”

“No promises,” just as softly Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs took a step right to his husband. With the gentle peck, he placed a kiss right onto his lips. Mustache ruffled onto it, as a smile on Mr. Jakobs-Hammerlock’s face grew bigger. As they exchanged the gentle touches goodbye, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs turned around to face them both again. “So! Johnny. Tommy. Up for an adventure?”

Those several words were enough for Tommy’s mind to set ablaze. Stories his dads told both him and Johnny about the great hunter, scholar and adventurer Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs were taking shape right before his eyes. A man of kindness and knowledge but also that need for adventure. Nothing of those stuffy business ideals, just pure rush. Right then, ready to show pieces of his world to both of them and venture into the unknown forests of Eden-6.

What could Tommy possibly ask for more?

Turned out that not too much, actually.

Treading through the jungles near the Jakobs-Hammerlock estate, Tommy’s eyes couldn’t even focus on one thing for more than half a second. A sensory experience of all the sights, colors and textures dancing all around him. Shades of green overwhelmed him, as the plants brushed on his exposed arms with every next step taken. Maybe just as green were Tommy’s eyes at that moment, almost full of stars. So many new things to discover, a new idea rushing to him, just at the mere sight of another species along his way.

Eden-6 truly was that little paradise. The only other time Tommy had been to any of the Edens was Eden-4, while visiting his aunts Athena and Janey. True, it seemed that every one of those planets could pride itself with the bushy and green landscapes, however it felt so different . Eden-4 was a paradise full of mountaintops and small mountain lakes. Not a single road straight, everything obscured by viewpoints so high only rakks could reach them.

In Eden-6 however, at the rakk’s eye view the land was mostly covered with jungles. Impressive flora could only accompany the impressive fauna. Once or twice within their journey a new species cut their way. As the plants swayed with the winds and his boots started being covered in swampy mud, Tommy truly couldn’t even begin to take it all in.

Sure, Promethea was his beloved home but that? That was an adventure for the taking.

Seemed as if even Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs noticed. At another stop, he quietly approached Tommy, a gentle smile on his face, “So! Tommy boy. Seems that you’re quite enjoying our little piece of paradise, aren’t you?”

“I do! This place is awesome,” Tommy nodded his little head, a smile never leaving his features. “How do you even manage all that?”

“It’s all of nature’s way. Every plant here grows how it wants, everything is connected to, well, everything,” with a brush of his fingers Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs caressed the side of a plant. Just within this single touch, the colors of said plant changed as if in a kaleidoscope. Tommy almost held his breath. “You might think of me as a… Nature’s little helper, let’s say. I do not interfere when not needed. I simply observe and step in when I know I won’t break a thing.”

“Wow,” full of wonder, Tommy couldn’t stop looking at the plant. “Can I do this?”

“Absolutely! Here you go, my boy. Just do be careful – don’t pull the leaves or else it won’t do the thing anymore,” he noted, pulling him closer. “Do be careful also with digesting the juices. For us humans, it’s a fairly bitter and unpleasant experience.”

“And for animals and creatures?”

“Well, the side effects range from rash to ehm. Kaputt. Death in other words.”

“Ooohh,” somewhat taken aback, Tommy confirmed.

“But they’re only not that good in taste for us, so do give it a try!” Changing his ways, his voice was now of encouragement.

Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs made his way for Tommy to grab onto it. With a reach of his little hands, he managed to take it to himself and press down on the tissue. Just like so, the plant burst into thousands of colors, some Tommy couldn’t even completely name. Truly a marvel of what Eden-6 could be capable of.

“That’s so cool! How does it do that?” Tommy asked, fascination within his voice.

“It’s like magic! But better, because it’s science ,” in an answer, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs said with pride.

“Woah. I much prefer science. It’s cooler this way.”

“You bet it is! And me too my boy, me too. With science the world does seem like a bit of a closer place, don’t you think? A mystery unveiled, a secret carried through from ear to ear,” saying so, with a gentle motion, he put the plant into place. Such care within all his movements, Tommy couldn’t hide his impressment.

However, before he could say anything, a peculiar voice cut through them, “Cool! I had a plant once,” admitted Johnny, looking at it from a place a little further away.

“Oh? What happened to it?” asked Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs.

“It died. I’m not really good at keeping it and stuff.”

“Hm. If you do find trouble with getting it to work, I can surely give you a tip or two,” he suggested, still curious about the situation.

“Thank you, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs! But nah, it’s okay. I gave it to Tommy to mess around with,” Johnny shrugged nonchalantly.

“I slingshot it from the top of Atlas HQ and it landed on uncle Lor’s hair. Dad had to pay up a bajillion dollars in hair dye for him!” Sudden memory couldn’t help but to make Tommy bright up even more.

“Haha, heck yeah, that was great! I mean we do make quite a team, don’tcha think?” Saying so, Johnny held out his hand in a fist bump. Obviously, Tommy couldn’t leave him hanging, hence he returned it, before his older brother didn’t pull him closer to embrace him a little.

“It’s team Lawrence or nothing.”

And seeing so, weirdly enough Tommy could spot Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs’ eyes getting bigger, “Oh dear, you two.”

“What’s wrong, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs?” Asked Johnny, all perplexed.

“Nothing! Not a single thing but you two do have a lot of things to learn, don’t you,” he admitted, voice deflating a little. Though regaining his pep, he took both of his hands and ruffled their hair, “However, it’s good to see you two getting along so well. Keep it up, boys.”

Just like so, both of the Lawrence boys nodded quickly and waited for Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs’ next move. Or actually Tommy could see Johnny focus. While he himself definitely listened to the lectures of plants and prey but at the back of his head a voice couldn’t stop ringing.

The overwhelming beauty of Eden-6 was surely made to make him feel dizzy. But mostly Tommy’s curiosity shifted to who Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs was. Or what he brought with himself. Something about him was so interesting to Tommy, so different and . Quite possibly, he had to be the most unique man he had ever met. In his ways of life and ideals. A guarantee to make Tommy’s head spin in places.

Not a warrior but a scholar. Not a tough, no-nonsense type but someone warm and kind. Not a mysterious man but rather someone who wanted to bring you along for the journey he chose. A perplexing man he was, Tommy had to admit that. As well as living in his own perplexing world.

Maybe that was why Tommy had to bite the bullet.

“When are we gonna fight creatures?”

“Oh no, quite the contrary, Tommy. We’re not here to hunt, if you believe me but we’re here to learn and observe,” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs explained in just as friendly and thorough way as he seemed to always do. “We’re only attacking if necessary. Not everything can be solved with violence but… Well, vice versa. Not everything can be sold with just the mind either.”

“I like that,” Johnny admitted, fixing up the glasses on his nose. As his sight drifted to the background, he jumped in place with excitement. “Oh! Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs, I just saw something!”

“What did it look like?” In a gentle tone, he asked, bending his knees to meet Johnny’s sight a little better.

“Like small and had shiny claws, I think it's like a blue color. Can we go see it?”

Exchanging a quick look with Tommy, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs seemingly knew what to do. Patting Johnny on the back, he smiled brightly, “An adventurer like you can handle this on your own. Go forth and see what it is, we shall join you shortly.”

“Sure thing! Thank you so much!” Johnny nodded, almost ready to immediately run towards the discovery. Only stopping for a sec to ruffle Tommy’s hair a little. “Don’t slack off, slowpoke, see ya at the finish line!”

Tommy laughed a little, “You bet, jerkface!”

Though messing with him was always a favorite activity of Tommy’s, this time there was a sour aftertaste to all this. There couldn’t be any plain reason why Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs could let Johnny rummage free. Sure, he was practically an adult with his 13 years of age but Tommy still knew that any of this would make dads have an aneurysm. Or whatever did grownups get. Bracing himself for another trouble, he quietly awaited Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs’ sentence.

However, as he turned around again Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs’ face wasn’t of anger. Quickly, he got closer to Tommy and whispered inconspicuously, “Your brother just saw an itty bitty craboid. Though they are dangerous on Pandora, here they won’t do him any harm.”

“Hah, good one, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs,” Tommy nodded, happily. “Johnny’s kinda not a warrior but he’ll be happy with a catch. I won’t tell him though.”

“That’s the spirit, my boy!”

After that moment, Tommy tried to judge anything by his expression, changing before his eyes. His dads’ were usually easy for him to tell, yet Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs seemed like quite an enigma to decipher. His face wasn’t of judgment but of… Compassion. And was it understanding?

“Is something bothering you, Tommy? I hope I didn’t become too callous of my teaching and didn’t disturb your entertainment of the Eden-6 tour,” he asked, once more trying to match the boy’s height again.

“Huh??” Tommy blinked two times.

“How old are you, again?”

“9 years old, sir.”

“Oh my. Oh, I understand that you… Yes, indeed,” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs nodded to himself. With just a bit of thought, he started anew, “Did I say anything that wouldn’t be right for you? If so, I apologize. I didn’t want your trip to Eden-6 to become… Un-fun, let’s say.”

“No, it’s all very fun here! I just… I dunno… I guess something is bugging me. And stuff,” vigorous at first, Tommy’s energy then waned down. His little shoulders dropped, legs dragging each other, kicking random rocks by the side.

“What is it then? I’m sure we can fight off whatever’s been bugging you together.”

Sighing heavily, Tommy tried to catch the thoughts which had been bugging him. Tangled and weird, not as straightforward as they could’ve been on his Promethea. Though, wasn’t that part of the problem? Tommy was an outsider, sure but the feeling of it, never as clear as before. A sting appeared right at his mechanical neck augments, already sensing the pains of tomorrow. Maybe anywhere in the world wouldn’t be right for him.

Surrounded by the greenery, it was too much for his little head to handle all at once. One thing Tommy definitely appreciated was Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs’ attitude. No urging, no unnecessary questions. Just as much space as he had wanted.

Without another word, spotting the rather clean log, Tommy sat down. Hands cupping his little pudgy face as he looked at Johnny in the distance, trying to catch that craboid. At least someone there knew exactly what he had wanted, Tommy thought to himself.

In a moment, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs stepped closer, “May I join you here?”

Tommy looked up and nodded his head. Just like that Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs followed, sitting close to him. Still no words between them. As much as Tommy appreciated it, he knew it just couldn’t be all that there was. A time bomb ready to explode.

Hence he detonated it himself, “Why aren’t we fighting anyone?”

“This is an exploring expedition. No need to harm for now, no one is attacking us. It’s all about research and observation to give us a better understanding of the world,” surprised at first, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs explained shortly.

“I kinda figured it’s best to shoot and don’t look back on that,” Tommy persisted, trying to find this reasoning. “Dads told me about your adventures. In my mind, they were more… I dunno, adventure-y I guess.”

A warm smile spread across Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs’ face, “I am very glad that your dads have told you about me. That is true, indeed, I did have far away adventures, hunting creatures and looking monsters in their treacherous eyes.”

“And that’s so much cooler! I don’t wanna do the kiddy stuff. It’s boring and no one likes that.”

“What do you consider “kiddy stuff”, then?”

“I dunno,” Tommy shrugged. “Being a wimp.”

“I cannot recall what within this does make one a wimp. I just see this as an introduction. You cannot go far in the world if you don’t know how to defend yourself. But in fact, you won’t be able to go anywhere if you don’t know about the world you’re in,” an explanation given by Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs, seemingly clear as day. Yet as the words formed, Tommy couldn’t help but put forward his skepticism card.

The world was never a nice place for him, that Tommy understood. Other than his brother or his cousin Pickle, kids never truly wanted to see him around. Unlike Johnny too, he didn’t get that silver tongue to speak to others. Tommy was simply… Tommy. Curious, yet forcibly grounded. Quite literally too.

Promethean skies promised new possibilities that Tommy could only achieve with his arms outstretched. It was just how they could never be reached, always cut short. People looked at him and immediately dismissed any dreams appearing before his eyes. He was too little, too weak, too fragile to be as important as his dads were. But oh, weren’t his dads just the coolest guys around.

Maybe every single person he saw carried the same thing with them – they never asked, they took what they had wanted. Skilled fighters as Crimson Lance, all within the guidance of his dad Rhys. Yet papa Timothy was the coolest of them all, wielding a weapon and blasting bad guys in their face. Every single time, the dreams carried him to achieve such – to be bold and brave, to fight for what he wants. Cast away all the thinking boxes, achieve the world to the fullest within his actions. Spread the wings that never wanted to develop on their own.

In his dreams, Tommy achieved it all, a smile on his face and a pose victorious as one his papa would make. Eyes starry as he carried from world to world. Unstoppable, undefeatable. Not being nailed to the ground by the theory but becoming the theory.

Not showing the weaknesses everyone saw in him. And maybe, just maybe Tommy would prove that he’s more than the notions.

“I don’t want that! I wanna be a warrior, great and powerful!”

“Tommy. Are you quite sure this is the way to handle this situation? The world is such a fascinating place, I myself strive for both knowledge and conquest or conquer actually. You can’t do one without the other,” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs explained shortly, yet firmly enough. With his gaze drifting away to the distance, Tommy could only feel the wave of cold overwhelming him.

Of course, that was that. Puzzle pieces coming together way too well.

“You just don’t think that I would handle this…” Tommy laid his head down, realizing his own personal painful truth.

Wasn’t that the most obvious thing in the world for him then. In his peers’ eyes he was nothing but a spoiled prince of the Atlas estate. Taken to the pedestal, yet one made of glass, one that was so easily broken off into pieces. Ridicule continued from every sight, everyone assuming all Tommy could do was to call his dads to handle the smallest problems. And in the grownups’ eyes, he was nothing but the second one, the helpless. Wide stare and dreams too big for his tiny posture that prevented him from doing anything right. Not to mention the wires in his spine, taking away his last breath.

Everyone saw Tommy this way. He was nothing but a helpless child, unable to achieve something right. Always grounded, never being able to take his beloved flight. And as much as he admired Johnny, deep down inside he knew he had it better. Cut out for his job, choosing to follow his own destiny or lack therefore of. When all Tommy wanted was to have that destiny for them both. Prove maybe somewhere in the stars his name was in fact written.

All coming crashing right onto him. Unsuitable, unable to do anything right. Just an afterthought, the worse model. Even someone as great an adventurer as Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs thought so. Wasn’t that just apparent.

“Absolutely not, dear boy, I wouldn’t think so of you. You simply deserve time and your own nourishment for–“

“For what! Adults will still laugh at me and think that I just can’t do anything,” suddenly, Tommy stood up, trying even for a second to be taller than Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs. Fruitless it was, after all, “You let Johnny wander off but I have to sit in place and learn about stupid things. It’s not fair. I-I’m not worse than him.”

“Of course, you’re not. And I personally would never give this thought a single second to rummage around in my brain,” his words were so solemn, so sure, almost as if it was something that cut deep through him. Yet any attempt Tommy made to reconcile with it or even see through were obscured by the wall of tears coming to him.

“But you did this, you let him! I’m just stuck here as the worse one…”


“No, it’s not fair! Why do I have to be the worst one, I can do so much! You grownups just don’t let me do this,” everything within him built up so thoroughly, he couldn’t let it go. He had to say his last thing.

“Tommy, there is a reason for this,” in that moment Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs stood up, trying to level with him. Yet all Tommy could see was just another adult looking down on his very existence. “You just might not be ready yet but we’re here to guide you towards the brightest future.”

“I don’t think anyone wants that for me. You’d want me to just be quiet and listen...” With one of his hands, Tommy wiped away his teary eyes. “You wouldn’t know about this, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs. You’re the coolest hunter there is. No one would doubt you but they doubt me…”


“Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs!” out in the distance, both of them could hear Johnny’s voice.

A stare between them both and Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs softly sighed, “I shall check on your brother but I assure you, we will continue on this. Just stay there, please.”

Saying so, he went away to Johnny, still shouting off in the distance. However, all Tommy could hear at this moment was the static of the trees and leaves playing on his senses. Another figure walking off. Another moment of the powerlessness that Tommy should’ve avoided.

“Yeah, right,” he scoffed to himself, then turned the other way.

Suddenly, an idea spiked his brain, one right for all that was worth. One last time he glanced over at Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs and Johnny, observing that craboid. Then he went the opposite way.

He would need something much bigger than this. Bigger than himself.

Involuntarily, Timothy’s head bobbed to the movements of a very old tech clock.

The sheer amount of just the good old machines located within the wall of the Jakobs mansion truly fascinated him. Everything on Promethea was newfangled and as his Rhys would say state of the art . Rhys himself surrounded them in the newest tech his team developed, giving him solutions he didn’t even know were needed. Of course, for Timothy it was one of the… Well, everything he loved about his husband. The ingenuity of his actions, as well as the resourcefulness of good ideas, visible at every step.

Au contraire, everything in here was simply… Noisier. The olden mechanisms whirring and spitting as they came. Looking at the solid motion, it was almost like a charm for Timothy, definitely mesmerizing. As if the time stopped and the images of the past were this place’s present. Though, after all it did seem like a recipe for Timothy’s disaster.

Still bobbing his head, Timothy couldn’t help but to furrow his brows. Oh, he definitely couldn’t spare even an ounce of appreciation for the past.

Especially not when the future was what was on his mind. Or a weird, weird mixture. Just, after all, nothing that would lend itself in pleasantries.

Sparing a look on the other side of the room, Rhys happily chatted with Wainwright of all things CEOs did. Maybe he should have focused, yet it just wasn’t what his mind had wanted. Of corporate things, no matter how much he tried, Timothy just couldn’t get the hang of it. Desperately piecing together the meanings of shareholders and profit margins. A clear divide between them, looking from afar. But whenever Rhys’ laughter filled the air, Timothy couldn’t help but to remember it was what truly mattered.

Within the vastness of the Jakobs mansion, Timothy couldn’t help but to look by to see the stairs. The one thing that just kept coming back to him, almost as surely as the strikes of the old fashioned clock.

Maybe a bit too apparent too, as suddenly, Rhys’ voice filled the room, “Tim! Can you, uh come by here? Wainwright and I are having a bit of a, uh…”

“A pickle, let’s say. Or whatever you youngsters say these days,” Wainwright joined in.

“Well, not many people say that, y’know…”

“Eh. Still worth a good ol’ fashioned try.”

Not wanting for Rhys to be any more concerned than he already definitely was, Timothy turned on his heel and with a rather stilted step, went forward, “Sure! Ehm, what’s up in the corporate? Makes the world spin, right, haha.”

Oh, Eridians, that was even worse than he had imagined.

“Why, Timothy you’re a clever kinda guy, aren’tcha. Sit down, have a drink,” trying again, Wainwright sat closer to the edge of his armchair, getting a fresh glass and pouring Timothy a hefty portion of wine. “Say what would you do in our position while we’re out there tryina see if the younger folks will care for our combined forces. You know, how Rhys here is makin’ all the crazy techie bullets an’ shock blasts–“

“While Wainwright makes the one shots that bounce around the heads. You have used them, right, honey?”

Between the words, Timothy took the glass into his hand, edges of his lips tasting the woody aroma of the wine. Goddammit, even his wine, not only a spectacle but also an old timer. None of the electric kick the co*cktails on Promethea had. Still, quite enjoyable.

“Hm? Oh, right, yep, totally, heh. As a Vault Hunter, I kindaa needed to use what was handy and man, weren’t the Jakobs-es handy. Didn’t get to use them as well as Nisha did buuut well, had their perks,” almost carelessly, Timothy answered, shrugging a little. Even then, his own mind wandered off to the lush forests, right outside the windows.

“See? The demographic is right there, juuust within our reach. We’ll show those damn Maliwans who can meet form and function,” boasted Rhys, smiling right at Wainwright. Then his sight moved ever so slowly right back at him. Or at least, tried to do it as casually as he could, while the worry within him just had to grow. “Right, Timmy? Timmy? Dear?”

Snapping back into reality, Timothy could tell whatever face he made wasn’t exactly the most subdued reaction. Not when both Rhys and Wainwright looked right back at him with confusion or worry. Oh, that stare of Rhys’, why did he keep on doing this when he just knew how it worked on him.

“Oh sh– I mean, YES, obviously, mhm. Look, Wainwright, no matter what the dealio must be I can damn assure you that Rhys will make it work. Truuust me, everything he touches turns golden ,” explained Timothy, hoping all this would get resolved as he always tried.

Rhys and Wainwright exchanged way too knowing stares. It did not.

“Wainwright, would you mind if I, uh–“ Rhys stared, not too subtly pointing to the further place in the room.

“No, go ahead. ‘m a married man too, I know when to check if Alistair’s all good an’ dandy. I know it, now go do it,” Wainwright nodded, as relaxed as he could be. Seemed that he just knew Alistair out there was doing well.

Unlike whatever the hell had been going on in his own head. As Rhys smiled, showing all his teeth, and took Timothy to the side, he could feel the tension both building and releasing. At least, no matter what, Rhys knew what to do. Always.

When they were in a far away place within the room, Rhys looked back at him, worry painted within his multicolored eyes, “I know that something is going on, Tim. If you don’t wanna tell me in full now, it’s okay but, uh… Just tell me if something’s wrong, alright? And if you don’t wanna be here, I’ll just call Wainwright and we’ll meet some other time.”

“Woah, hold up there! I-I’m fine here, pfft, totally! And I don’t want to be the reason your deal gets called off, I’m just… Agh, guess I’m feeling a lil anxious, that’s all,” Timothy explained as fast as he could. He knew Rhys. Oh, he knew him too damn well to let his opportunities slip. Not because of himself.

“Tim. I know you’re not fine now,” the tone of Rhys’ though firm was also as understanding as they came. Something inside Timothy’s heart trembled. It always went both ways. “I’ll go to Wainwright, we can reschedule and just get it another day.”

As quickly as he could, Timothy caught him by the wrist, “Rhys, please , darling, don’t throw away all that because of… Me.”

Just like so, Rhys’ eyes went from his touch to his face again. The look on him, so worried, Timothy knew he had to calm it all down. Even if to simply see that smile on Rhys’ face again.

“Tim. If it was on the table, not even the fate of the entire Atlas is more important for me than you are. So what’s the problem? I-I can help you out solve it, that CEO stuff can wait,” once more, he turned around to face him, approaching it all as gently as he could.

To which, Timothy’s lips pressed together and his eyes looked to the side. Right. Now he had to say it all out.

“Aren’t you… Aghh, I dunno just the tinsiest bit worried about Tommy?”

Rhys’ brow quirked, “Tim. I am always worried about Tommy. Always.”

“Yyeahh that’s not the best way I could say it, hah,” Timothy tensed his shoulders then got himself together. There was a goal in all this. “D’you think I was too hard on him back then? With that bluntness or something.”

“What? Noo, no no, c’mon now, you had to stand your ground, right?”

“I guess but… Agh, putting it all on him wasn’t… Good. I guess. I just hope he isn’t causing trouble for Hammerlock,” Timothy sighed heavily.

“Alistair,” Rhys pointed out.

“Right,” to which Timothy nodded, as awkwardly as it was possible for him. “Alistair. God, I’ll never get used to that.”

“C’mon, he was the one to suggest it. Aaand getting back and knowing Tommy, he probably would annoy the hell out of him. At least that but I think he’s the happiest while out there,” with his hands softly touching Timothy’s shoulders, he explained the best as he could.

What else could Timothy do at this than to simply nod solemnly yet steadily enough. Of course, Rhys was right about this, even if within his mere being, he could tell how anxious he was towards Tommy. It was in everything he did, always slipping his mind a little too obviously. Would be the case for Timothy too, if he didn’t let it all be kept under the surface. Yet just inside, he knew how hard it was.

However, within all this… There was that ounce of doubt and regret he simply couldn’t shake off.

“Do you think… I dunno how to even ask this, hah,” rather awkwardly Timothy scoffed at the first part and ran his hand right at the back of his neck. To then compose himself again and look right at Rhys, his own left hand taking his in a soft grip. “Do you think I can do this?”

“Do what?”

“Well, I, uh… I dunno, if you need me here. I know and I am supporting you 120%. But it just feels like I give Tommy directions even I can’t follow on my own,” with his voice as hushed as he possibly could, Timothy finally decided to say it all. Whatever’s been bugging him ever since they departed to Eden-6.

It was one thing to just carry on with his way of things. Life oftentimes felt like the strike of luck that he himself never truly deserved to catch within his hands. Not to mention, Timothy oftentimes simply felt like that fish out of water Dr Tannis was talking about. It was one thing pretending to be the CEO but being married to one was a completely different feat. After all, Timothy knew how to shoot guns and make that quick action, while thinking of what plot his next novel would have. Not how to sell guns, design them and develop the right technology.

Within those feelings, he knew what Tommy could have felt. Yet with the regret that overwhelmed himself, Timothy knew it was pushing too hard on the aspect. Be gratuitous of what is in front of you and don’t mess up. Only because it was the story he’d been telling himself for far too long. Oh, Tommy didn’t deserve this, he knew it. And Timothy didn’t either.

He looked back at Rhys, trying to form a response. A man who gave him so much in this world, especially the chances and understanding. Truly everything Rhys did was magic to him. Inside, Timothy was pleading not to make his own doubts carry onto his beloved too far.

Goddammit, way to screw up everyone, Lawrence, he thought to himself.

Yet before Rhys could say anything at all, an ECHOcomm call signal rang across the room. Both of them turned around to see Wainwright answering it.

“Hello, my darlin’, all dandy out there?” He asked, as Timothy instantly knew it was Alistair.

“Winny, dear… Not exactly. In fact I do require you and the Lawrences right back to meet up with me,” Alistair explained shortly, with a voice with that tinge of panic.

Oh, Timothy could already feel Rhys tensing up in his touch.

“Are you all fine, Alistair, anythin’ happened to you?” This time Wainwright was the one whose face was met with that shadow of doubt.

“No no, quite the contrary. I might have a problem with… Tommy,” on the other end, Alistair sighed. Right then Timothy himself didn’t know what was true and what wasn’t. “I cannot seem to locate him. I need your help.”

“Tommy…” Timothy repeated his son’s name, almost as a faint echo. As if the whole mirror shattered before his own eyes. Feeling Rhys’ frantic stare on him, he couldn’t even bear to meet.

With the urgency, “We’ll be right by then. Don’t go off too far.” Just like that the comm between them ended and with a swift movement, Wainwright stood up. “C’mon, you two. I know he couldn’t wander off far.”

“Right,” Rhys nodded. “Right, right, hah… I-I mean it’s Tommy, not as if he… Y’know, not that he…”

Even if millions of pictures flew by his eyes, Timothy tried to stay in place. Putting his hand firmly on Rhys’ shoulder, he said, “I know. I’ll get him back.”

With a confident step and his hands firmly grasping onto a large stick he found, Tommy made way through the lush jungle of Eden-6. All on his own, of course.

Not that he needed anyone, especially neither papa nor Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs. His eyebrows drew together at the mere thought of them. Stupid grownups who could only think of their ways, never realizing who Tommy was. Act like this, look like that, don’t ask questions, blah blah blah. Tommy’s mind buzzed through the annoying thoughts, thinking of the perfect revenge for them. In actuality that was what his currently changing locations were all about – to show them that he could take care of himself and didn’t need to hold back. Then they’d all be sorry.

In a moment, immersed within his thoughts, Tommy felt his leg slipping. And next thing he knew he fell face flat into the mud. Stupid branches, stupid gravity.

That was still part of the plan! No matter how much Tommy didn’t want that, at the very least he’d look the part of the great adventurers who weren’t afraid to get dirty. No matter what those people said he wasn’t that stuck up Atlas heir. He wasn’t the little prince of Promethea, he was Thomas Lawrence! Well, Tommy Lawrence. He definitely preferred this one.

Still, Tommy knew he had to start small. At least, to impress the two of them. Seemed like enough but in practice, it was much, much harder to have been done. The vagabond adventures of his, going through one place to the other, didn’t seem to be too promising thus far. After a certain while, Tommy couldn’t lie, everywhere on Eden-6 started to look quite the same. Branches, swamps, forests… Or, he did get lost within the perimeter. Which he simply didn’t want to think about.

From one side to the other, Tommy tried to spot every single thing in his way which could be considered worthwhile for… Anyone, really. Times like these, he truly was glad that he was the one to inherit a good eyesight papa had. If Johnny was by his side, he’d probably trip over thousands of times already. Smiling at the idea, Tommy couldn’t help but to let out a small snicker. To have Johnny by his side, it could’ve been easier for him to find something cool. At least, he’d have someone to bounce off of, as Johnny always provided him with the best observations.

However, to impress not him but papa and Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs, Tommy needed something much bigger. He stopped for a second, seeing something moving on the tree trunk. Vines eloping it, with openings like Venus flytraps. As his fists tightened around the stick, Tommy was ready to strike and collect his loot. Yet in a moment the Venus flytrap swallowed a nearby lizard with just one move.

Tommy’s eyes got bigger. With a few slow steps he backed off, not breaking off the eye contact for even a second. Then he simply ran as fast as he could.

Various plants blended themselves together, as Tommy strolled further. Maybe some had stories to tell, maybe some were stories in of themselves. All within this, Tommy didn’t know. So desperate for a clue and for a way to approach them, he went forward, with that stubbornness of his, accompanying his every move. Actually, what good were plants for, anyway? He was supposed to be a hunter, a victor, not someone who’d just beg for anything remotely interesting. Not when so much was at stake.

Then Tommy heard a particular sound, in the depths of the jungle. And as a huge devious smile graced his chubby face, he knew he just hit the target.

With several quiet steps, the destination seemed much closer. Looking over through the ferns, Tommy tried to show himself as little as he possibly could. That was when he saw it, in all its glory. A huge rukga, just minding its business by the lakeside. A more perfect opportunity couldn’t pass him if he tried.

What was it that people have said about rukgas… Large creatures, covered in green scales living mostly an underwater lifestyle. With sharp teeth in 4 rows and intricately webbed claws that make them so fast within the Edenian rivers. Quite lazy on their own but amazing hunters in the water.

Right, another lightbulb moment Tommy couldn’t pass. This particular rukga was relaxing not in the water but nearby . Which absolutely had to mean, he could catch it as easily as possible! Oh, the stars aligned for him so much, Tommy couldn’t help but to start to grin widely from one side of his face to the other. Heart racing at the prospect of an adventure and victory, one he was promised but couldn’t have gotten delivered.

In his head, the visualization had already started. He’d use the most stealth he had to sneak to the creature. Then with that clear cut whack of his stick, he’d knock it down, so it’d be unconscious, dead or even better, both! At the end as his little hands would drag the rukga carcass to the Jakobs mansion, all the grownups would be oohing and aahing. Nothing could possibly go wrong!

Now to actually do it. Tapping his fingers on the fern, Tommy truly had to brace himself. He had to go for it, take that chance and smash the problems right through. Like a rukga skull, it had to shatter into pieces.

Did rukgas have a thick skull?

Without a second thought, Tommy jumped out of the hiding and with his stealthiest moves, he had tiptoed to the unassuming creature. The days of drinking water have been numbered, Tommy thought to himself, as his face betrayed the utmost focus. Just several more steps and…

All the force in the world was nothing compared to what he had felt in his fingertips attacking the wretched beast. The highest altitude of the slam, coming right from his fragile spine, but he had to do it, it was now or never! In his imagination, Tommy heard the cracking of the skull, the monster slayed by a single blow that would be deemed fatal.

In reality, however, all he had heard in return was a hollow sound echoing through the jungle. Tommy’s green eyes, round as they ever were, looked right back at the unbothered rukga. Wait. Scratch that. Maybe rukgas were slow in movements but incredibly attentive. Its head turned around, inch by inch, making him face it all completely on its own. As Tommy could feel his heart beat faster and faster, his legs already took tentative steps back off. Just no unexpected movem–

The rukga’s high-pitched screech boomed all across the field, as it showcased all its razor-sharp teeth. Before Tommy could know it, he ran as fast as he could, never looking back.

Not exactly “never”, though. With the adrenaline kicking in, Tommy spared a look mid-run just to know what in fact he was dealing with. To immediately regret it, of course. Everyone’s perception of rukgas was so, so wrong as even on land, this one sprinted with incredible speed. Also another thing the grownups and textbooks failed to note (or he had failed to acquire) was that from the rukga’s jaw, he could see the spit hanging around in droplets that were thicker than he would think. And they left burnt traces on the grass. Wonderful – acidic.

All the might he had drained not for that whack but actually towards getting away. Omitting every branch on his way, Tommy almost flew across the foreign landscape. Tears pricking his eyes, too scared to open them for too long and too terrified of the sudden action to keep them closed. What would dad say? Ah, right, it was a conundrum. Whatever did that mean.

Nothing as important as the violent chomps of the feral rukga trying to kill him.

Then it all happened to him. In a split second of having his eyes closed, Tommy managed to outrun the rukga by a long mile. Victory swelling up his chest, freedom within his fingertips. All when not that he hit a dead end. More like a dead end found him.

Turning around, Tommy spared one more look at the rukga, approaching with vast speed. As much as he could, his palms dug in the surface of the wall to climb up. One step above was easy. Yet when he tried another, the slipping sand started to fall before him. A risk of completely falling right into the beast’s den.

Bruised knees ready to collapse in of themselves at the exhaustion, hands aching from every possible hit over the road and grabbing onto that stick for too long. The dead end consisted of a slope, a sandy one. But as many times as Tommy tried to grab it, he simply couldn’t hold on. His body was giving up, the air in his lungs on a shallower level.

His forehead slammed onto the surface of the slope. A low sob escaped his mouth. He had failed. Papa and Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs were right. He truly couldn’t accomplish anything of value. Just to sit, listen and obey any of the grownup rules, that was all he was supposed to do.

“TOMMY! Tommy, where are you!?”

A sudden sound not of the rukga’s attacks but of someone familiar, warm, protective had been heard by him. Even more so, Tommy was ready to burst into tears just by the tones of it within the possible carnage. Like a safety blanket.

“Papa?” Tommy tried to call out, hoping he’d spot him shortly. Which he did, yet much further away than he thought would be right. “Papa, I’m here!!!”

With his arms outstretched, wobbling around, he tried to catch his papa’s attention. While also possibly not letting the rukga get him in its claws. No matter if papa’s vision was right or wrong (though he always said he couldn’t look too far), he had finally spotted him. A huge smile spread across his features as he ran further.

“TOMMY!!! Oh my GOD, Tommy, I was so worried!” Running as fast as he could, Tommy already could feel papa’s happiness spreading in every direction. Only if in a moment, it wasn’t echoed by a yelp and backtrack faster than he could note. “What the heck is that thing doing here!?”

“That thing is trying to eliminate danger, I must say. Though how it can’t tell a small boy from a weapon I am not quite sure.”

Another tone full of warmth and safety entered the scene. Just much less familiar than his papa’s yet as comforting as it could be. Especially in a situation like this. Realizing the source of said voice, Tommy looked behind him and suddenly his fears had become… Still big but significantly less terrible. At least the sight of Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs wielding an actual sniper within his hands had soothed him to the right extent.

“Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs!” He cried, thoughts barricading at him once more. Truly, he couldn’t leave something like this unspoken. “I’m so sorry! I thought I could get it but…”

“Now, now, Tommy. I appreciate this but sensing you’re in a bit of a pickle right now, let’s slay the beast first and then talk,” even with that tinge of disappointment, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs couldn’t back down from his adventurous self. Not to mention so friendly and kindhearted towards him. “Are you alright?”

Another wave of guilt overwhelmed Tommy. Both him and papa risked their lives, trying to capture the rukga for him, to bring him to safety. Wordlessly, Tommy nodded, hoping this time the grownups will have a better plan.

“Hi, Alistair!” Both of them spotted papa anxiously awaiting the instructions towards what to do. Honestly, quite strange after all. Wouldn’t he be the first one to take a shot at it? “I might be out of loop and stuff but there were no rukgas on Elpis! And there are definitely none on Promethea! So… Tips would be nice!”

“That’s because the rukgas live in a very damp environment!” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs shouted back right at papa. A certain kind of smile appeared on his face. “Though dangerous they’re cowardly and hate opponents with impressive heights. Not that yours isn't, we just need something bigger.”

“Thanks! Thanks for the compliment!” Papa thought a little and then asked again. “Uhh, anything else?”

“The rukga’s velocity on land is unpredictable, sometimes fast and sometimes very slow. For them to be caught, it’s best to act just as unpredictably,” this time Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs squatted, hoping that it would give him a better look at the creature.

“Right! Right, right, very cool. Aaany ideas now?”

“Nope. None at the very moment.”

Sparing one look between them both, Tommy’s head already started to spin. The ruling beast showing him the collection of teeth certainly didn’t help. Yet everything he had gained from Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs, all the information seemed to put the cogs in his brain in motion. This creature hated tall objects and couldn’t take sharp turns… Oh, of course, it all came together!

Happy at his idea, Tommy called out, “Papa! Papa, come here and give me a piggyback!”

“Uh… Don’t think that’s a good idea now, Tommy!” He yelled back, clear confusion on his features.

“No, papa, we’ll be taller together! Then Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs can take a clearer shot!”

His back straightening up a little, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs’ eyes glistened with an idea, “Brilliant thinking, Tommy! But I do not think that bullets of my caliber would be right for my sniper… Better to have something elemental…”

Suddenly worried, Tommy asked, “Don’t you have anything else for this?”

“I do. Quite a better one even,” all mysterious, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs recounted with certainty. “Stick to your side of the plan and you shall see.”

Tommy nodded. Now to set it all into motion.

In a moment, papa had approached the cliffside as carefully as he possibly could. Though honestly, all that Tommy needed right now was just to hug him, no matter for how long and how tightly. Then another shriek of the rukga pierced the atmosphere and Tommy knew it could wait.

“C’mon, Tommy! Grab on it!” Papa exchanged his hand forward, just to let Tommy come down easier.

Like so, Tommy went to the side, hoping his own hand could reach papa’s. Inch by inch, finally papa grabbed onto him, then with full force (and papa was very, very strong) he pulled Tommy to himself, letting the moment sink it. Of course, it couldn’t last long, as he then got Tommy on his back for an impromptu piggyback ride.

“Awesome! Good thinking but… Y’know, what’s the next phase?” Papa asked, at first happy as he could be seeing him. Then confusion took the place of the wonder.

“What we do the best or what dad does the best. The Lawrence Zigzag!”

“Ohh, you’re my little clever guy. Obviously after me,” papa laughed, firmly holding onto Tommy. “Hang on tight cause we’re going on a cruise.”

As he said, he had done almost immediately. Papa’s track changed from left to right, trying to piece it all together. Honestly, Tommy was quite impressed, knowing it was usually dad who did things like this. But still, papa kept up the pace and led them through the jungles of Eden-6. Those that Tommy now looked at in wonder. How fast the times had changed.

Truly, wasn’t that the best kind of distraction they could have. Probably as the only person in the family, Tommy had never minded the heights and papa’s sleek movements allowed him to move as quickly as possible. At the back of Tommy’s mind, there was something he couldn’t quite name, though it couldn’t leave fully. He did learn all that because of Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs’ research, right? Just why did it feel like a sting right then, he had always admired his knowledge...

Once or twice, Tommy also had to look at how the beast had kept up and thankfully – it didn’t. Going further and further away, the rukga stumbled on its big claws, trying to mimic how papa was running into the distance. It seemed that they were almost out of there, almost at the edge of the field when another sound broke off the ambiance.

A shot. No, two of them!

That was enough to make papa stop in place and turn around. Before their eyes the rukga was on the floor, wriggling around in pain. After all the adventures, Tommy didn’t want to be near it one bit. But why was it still alive?

Suddenly, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs entered the scene, something peculiar in his hands. Wait, not even peculiar but similar. As if Tommy had seen it up close before.

“Why didn’t it kill it?” Tommy asked, worried that it could come back.

“Have you noticed something about it?” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs asked.

“Yes! It spits acid!”

“Precisely. Though the rukga’s digestion system does indeed digest acid in its own way. To conquer it, we have to give it a proper reaction so that its very own being will kill it from the inside,” explaining so, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs took the familiar leaves upfront and then stuffed them into the creature’s jaw. “These will do the trick. Should be familiar to you, no?”

Tommy’s eyes shone brighter, “The color-changing leaves! That’s amazing!”

Before their very own eyes, the rukga started to choke and the fluids coming from its mouth became more intensely green. The terrible noises echoed through the field, leading to the complete demise of the beast. Letting three adventurers to look at their shared prize.

Almost questioningly papa nudged the carcass with his foot. Then made a disgusted sound, “Tommy… How are you feeling now?”

And with thousands of questions, doubts, regrets but also reliefs, Tommy was sure there was only one right thing to answer.

“I just wanna go home.”

One last band aid dad put on his cheek and he was all patched up. Not that it made much difference to him now.

In all probability, the face he made was too sour for everyone but dad especially. Even if Tommy looked to the side, dad gently touched his cheek and gave him a warm smile. Whenever he got back from playing in the Promethean parks and got back bruised, dad always made this face. Made him feel so safe, so homely. This time within all the bystanders, it only made him feel shame.

Dad probably understood it better than anyone else as he leaned closer, “Hey, Tommy, you want me to kiss it better?”

“No, thanks,” Tommy crossed his arms and theatrically shook his head in a “no”.

Of course, he wouldn’t be his dad if he didn’t catch this immediately. Hence as he stood up and went to papa’s side, he whispered something right at him, something Tommy couldn’t catch. Whatever it was, seemed to work on papa, as he very shortly agreed and took Mr. and Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs away to the other room.

All on their own, dad returned to the kneeling he did one more, looking back at him.

“Would it be alright if I did it now?”

Thinking for a moment, Tommy couldn’t lie, the answer was too simple. He pressed his lips together and said, “Yeah.”

With that smile on his face, dad reached to him and took him into his arms, right from the chair he was sitting on. Before Tommy could say anything, he kissed his cheek making a louder noise. Just like he did at home. His little hands embraced him tighter and he truly couldn’t contain laughter. Dad always knew how to make it all better. Twirling him around and hugging him close.

One of the first things Tommy remembered was dad holding him as he fell asleep. Maybe the place within dad’s arms truly was the one of the safest places in all of the galaxies.

Maybe that was also what made him feel even worse than before.

“I didn’t want it to end this way, dad…” Tommy admitted, his arms tightening the grip just a little.

“Hm? Tommy, w-what even happened there?” All confused, dad asked.

Just like so, everything within those past couple of hours started to show before Tommy’s eyes more vividly than he had ever wanted. His cheek pressed against dad’s shoulder, as he tried his best not to let the fear of the so-called yesterday overwhelm him. In all fairness, dad was simply the coolest guy around. Would he learn all about this? Probably. But with a possibility of delaying his knowledge of this indefinitely, Tommy had to take that chance.

It was bad enough that papa, the other coolest guy around, saw all this within his very own eyes. Both choices were incredibly disheartening for Tommy. Yet if he had to disappoint dad with new knowledge or disappoint papa with what he had already seen, this decision was at least a little easier.

Not by much, though.

“Nothin’…” said Tommy, hoping the topic would be dropped by this.

“You sure it’s nothin’?”

“Mmmhmm. Positive.”

His hand landed on his back, stroking it delicately, “Is it nothing or uh, is it something you don’t wanna tell me ?”

Ah, dang. Busted.

Nothing else to do but to simply give in. There were only two people he could tell this to. Unfortunately, dad was neither the first nor the second one. Yet, Tommy couldn’t say a thing. Not this time. So he simply remained silent while still holding right at dad.

Fortunately, being one of the smartest people in the world, dad quickly caught up on this one too, “Maybe… Instead of me, you want to tell it to papa and Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs?”

Within those words, truly Tommy could find the biggest solace in all of his worries, at least for the time being. Finally, he looked back at dad, hoping his reaction wasn't anger. Yet when he did so, there wasn’t an ounce of disappointment or malice. Just those big, kind brown and blue eyes of his. At least for that single moment, Tommy felt like calming down.

So he nodded his head right back at him. No words required.

Dad too didn’t seem to need any more of this spoken. Simply smiled warmly and kissed his bruised cheek one more time, before putting him down on that chair. Sparing a glance at the door, he then looked back at Tommy, “It’s okay. I’ll call them here and you can say it all.”

“You won’t eavesdrop?”

“Of course not! Pfft, why would I eavesdrop?” Dad laughed.

“I dunno,” Tommy shrugged. “You always eavesdrop on papa when he plans a surprise for you. Me and Johnny saw you with a glass by the door.”

Then dad’s expression dropped, his lips turning into a pout, “Yeeahh, I-I will appreciate it if you don’t tell that to him. And then I won’t eavesdrop on you. Deal?”

Better than anything, really, “Deal.”

“Awesome. I’ll get him right back in a second.”

Just like so, dad left the room. As Tommy had noticed or at least heard the chatters, their own little plan had worked. The voices, although indirect, were definitely of approval and understanding. In all honesty, didn’t that just salt Tommy’s wounds. Yes, he couldn’t be happier with dad’s reaction. However, he still had quite a lot of things to tell right back to papa. Already, it all seemed just like a cutout puzzle of pieces he truly didn’t want to look for.

Before Tommy could reassess it all, both papa and Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs had entered the room. Both with worried faces, rushing back to him. Or at least papa did, kneeling on the floor and checking him in an instant.

“Is it all good now? Does anything hurt you?” He asked, voice full of worry.

“No, it’s alright, papa. Just a few scratches, ‘s all,” not too convinced of himself, Tommy answered back.

“I was… Okay, okay, I’ll calm down but just… Ah, Tommy…” Papa sighed heavily, trying to put the pieces back together. Not too well.

Hence Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs stepped in and said, “I do understand it must’ve been a fright, Tommy. But your papa and I simply want to help you.”

It all came crashing on him, way too much in way too little time. Tommy’s eyes went through both of them, trying to read their emotions but nothing truly came through. Within this second, the only thing he was barely able to read were his own feelings. Those which hit him with a full force like a Promethean wave at the harbor.

Only that harbors were supposed to be a safe place, a homecoming. All while the only thing Tommy could feel was shame seeping through the docks. Were there even any bigger seas or lakes on Eden-6? He wasn’t sure. That was when he spared a look at Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs and even more shame came through.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve never ran away from Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs…” Tommy admitted, rukga tears filling his own emerald eyes. “I just… Papa, you only wanted for me to stay in place. I didn’t even do that, I’m sorry.”

“Tommy, Tommy, shhh, shh,” in this moment Tommy could feel papa’s hand on his already damp cheeks. He didn’t know how papa did this but his skin was always so warm. “I know what I’ve said but what it was, honestly, it’s right there in the past. Can’t change it, sure, but you reallyyy don’t have to always listen to what your old man says. Ah-lright?”

Sniffing loudly, Tommy spared him a look, “You sure you won’t get angry?”

“Hundo percento, cross my heart.”

“I do also swear not to get irrationally angry. Nor rationally, of course,” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs also gave him his word.

Nothing to lose, right?

“I wanted to… Impress you both,” with every last bits of courage, Tommy spilled his truth.

Papa’s brows drew together, “Why did you think you ever needed to impress us?”

“Well, you wanted me to stay in place and listen and not be a problem to anyone. And Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs didn’t want to show me the cool stuff. You grownups never want me to explore or anything… And I thought that maybe, if I’d get the rukga you two would be impressed and… I dunno. I’d prove I’m more than just that second one,” while thoughts kept on tangling, the words needed to come through as clean as possible. To finally say what was right. And to finally let everyone know what was within him for the longest time.

As he had finished, he was once more met with two stares. This time he could finally read them both. Nothing but bewilderment and uncertainty within them. Tommy’s heart began pounding hard in his chest, like a judgment call over him.

Though, the judgment he had received seemed like one from the flipped side.

“Tommy… Oh god, Tommy, I’m so sorry…” Said papa, as his hand brushed through his thick hair.

“I must apologize too, Tommy. It’s been my fault, I… I treated you unfairly…” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs admitted, a sigh escaping his mouth.

Wasn’t that a curiosity for Tommy. Still sniffing back his tears, he asked, “You’re really not mad at me?”

“Can I be honest with you, Tombo?” Asked papa, to which Tommy nodded. “I am. Sure thing, I am but… Ah, ‘m even more mad at myself, y’know.”

“Why? You’re a grownup, you shouldn’t be.”

“Naahhh, truuust me here. Grownups can also feel that thing, that lil annoying thing called shame. And I do, boy do I right now,” awkwardly, papa tried to brush it with a laugh. But he knew it wasn’t the way. So he looked back at him and said, “It wasn’t fair to just… Agh, to put you into the corner and ask you to just act like a textbook or other stupid things. I know you, Tommy. I know that you aren’t to be contained and that something I’ve said made you go to… Preettyyy desperate measures then. I should be the one to say sorry. And I am sorry, I really am.”

“I wanted to say that I am sorry too, Tommy. It shouldn’t have passed my attention how you’ve been talking about this whole thing. I just wished I was listening better to what you needed,” admitted Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs, his shoulders suddenly dropping.

Yet within those words it almost felt like a faraway solace for Tommy himself. Those were things he had wanted to hear, yes. But deep down inside, they weren’t as sweet as he had made out them to be. As his short legs dangled up on the massive chair, he put his elbows on his knees and with propped hands cupped his round cheeks.

“Why are you guys apologizing? Sorry, you papa and Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs,” he admitted with an awkward smile. One that went away very, very soon. “I-I guess it showed that you were right. I didn’t listen to Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs and then I didn’t capture the rukga… I’m still just a wimp and I don’t know anything and you both are just mad.”

Something within papa’s multicolored eyes shined, “And why would you ever even think about yourself like that?”

“I dunno,” Tommy sniffed once more. “Kids in school think it’s just you who gives me awesome gifts. And that I was just made and I don’t do anything without you. And the Lancemen who think I can’t do anything but it’s not true, I can do many things! I thought that maybe if I showed you… You’d also believe. I’m just not as good and I can’t walk far and it all sucks! You’d believe in all the things I am instead of… I dunno. Cool things.”

Then something peculiar came down on him. All in the form of words from Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs.

“All the things you are or all the things people make you out to be?”

Wiping away his glassy eyes, Tommy asked, “What? Ehm, I’m sorry, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs?”

Thankfully, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs just as always made sure to smile warmly at him. So much so, it made Tommy completely speechless. Why after all the mistakes and running away from him would he even try to be nice back at him?

“It is all good, Tommy. Would it be alright if I told you a story?” Still oh so flabbergasted, Tommy simply nodded. Seeing this, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs sat down next to him on a nearby pouf chair. “You see, there was once a young lad whose family was known to be one of many, many aristocrats on the planet Hermes. I say many because the atmosphere there is too dense to not have loads of dollars to live there.”

“Do they have like… Cool places to jump there and do tricks?” Tommy suddenly asked.

“Tommy, c’mon,” Papa whispered but it seemed that it wasn’t such a derailment of the story.

“You know I have never tested it out myself but I do believe I’d find a few so yes. Very cool,” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs confirmed and continued on. “But in fact though the lad loved to travel and explore, he never really cared for this planet. Nor for the family’s fortune. As you see, the family he grew up with didn’t want to hear of his scientific endeavors and tarnishing the family name. Especially not his sister…” He took a pause, as if the words that were spoken hurt more than even the most precise gunshot. “So the lad simply cut ties with all of them. To become who he had wanted to be, not bound by the wealth and the hunter’s name but making a name for himself. As someone who he was.”

Every word of Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs’ story was rewiring Tommy’s mind again, making it spin in the completely new velocity. As it all unfolded and shaped the vision of someone so persistent and smart, someone who took the chance. In a way that filled Tommy’s heart with the newfound hope.

Yet, before he could say it all, papa turned away to face Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs (why he was still sitting on the floor was beyond Tommy). Though his face was obscured to him, the feeling was right there. An agreement between them, even if wordless.

“Yyyeahh I have a similar story but heh, ‘m guessing you know this one already or at least the parts,” papa shook his head ever so slightly, something changed within his features, something distant and almost elusive. “About another boy who found himself… Completely change who he was an then serve a very terrible, awful guy just to survive. He was pushed around, humiliated and made fun of, just because of how he had changed. Wouldn’t put it past others but yeah. Still hurt a lot. The boy, I mean. But with his quick thinking he changed his life and found those who didn’t mind how he looked. They just saw him for who he was, even if the face wasn’t the most pleasant.”

Between those two stories, Tommy’s mind started filling in the blanks. Those two boys they were both talking about, the contours of the drawings suddenly added in with colors around them. Just like so, Tommy almost wanted to let out a shallow gasp. As these weren’t just grownups before him – but once boys so similar to himself.

“Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs and papa?” In disbelief, Tommy asked but as they both nodded, he couldn’t help but to try again. “But how?”

“Indeed, that was who I was… Once an aristocrat now an adventurer and a scholar, longing for the adventure. Even now the times where the hunts are further between each other frankly don’t bother me,” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs admitted, another smile spreading onto him.

“Yyep. Just like me, Toms. You know how it was with me, heh… How I had to rescue myself from the Hyperion CEO and how I found dad… And then it was Johnny and you. ‘f course, sure, I’m a Lanceman but there are more important things in life. It was just that once others saw me as just an echo of that CEO,” papa joined in, that calm expression on him never waning, even for a second.

Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs chimed in, “Same as me with my sister Aurelia, may she rest in less chaos than I envisioned for her at first.”

“You had a sister?” Tommy kept at it, so curious he was ready to fall off the edge of his seat. “Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs?”

“It is fine, Tommy, I… I did, yes. I find it endearing and sweet how you and Johnny are two little peas in a pod. Makes me wish how it could’ve been with me and Aurelia.”

“Of course, we are! Johnny is the best, he’s so cool! He’s just kinda full of himself and thinks everything is the end of the world but it’s fine, he’s very funny,” finally cracking a smile, Tommy mentioned. Though, it suddenly became more serious. “I’m sorry about your sister, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs.”

“Thank you, dear boy,” nodded Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs, a wave of sadness all around him. “Sadly, we cannot change the ways of others. However, we can change how we see ourselves.”

As Tommy couldn’t find words to say, this time it was papa who took the spot, “I think Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs is right. Y’know, for us those were siblings and evil CEOs and for you, might be someone else… But we both can tell you, Tommy, that you don’t need to be anyone else to be loved…”

“And appreciated,” echoed Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs.

“Absolutely, yeah. It’s not about what others think you are – it’s about who you allow yourself to become.”

The last words of papa’s rang in Tommy’s brain as hard as they could, almost making him want to cry it all away. As if it was all he truly wanted in life, right in front of him. Many doubts and insults hurled at both him and Johnny, to the point of Tommy even asking himself was it all worth it? Were they worth it for dad and papa to be here in their lives?

Yet in this moment, Tommy knew that yes, exactly they were. Maybe none of the mountains have been moved but he knew the pride in which their parents talked about them. He knew the look on papa’s face, he even saw the same compassion within the looks of Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs. Both of them making sure to finally tell Tommy the truth. One he wouldn’t change for anything else in the world.

“Thanks. So so so much,” as even more tears started appearing in Tommy’s eyes, he could only say this out. “I shouldn’t have run away from the lesson. That was super duper dumb.”

“Not one of your brightest moments, Tommy, heh, buuut you still got out from that creature. Not to mention I mean, you did a dang good job! That idea to defeat the rukga, just good work!” Sure, he would have still been that bit of mad but papa still smiled at him.

“Indeed, I must say it was a great move. Though I would prefer if you stayed, your arsenal of ways to defeat the beast would be expanded. I know so, I deal with rukgas here quite a lot,” admitted Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs and truly, the picture seemed to be completed. He did live on Eden-6 after all.

“Oh. Sorry I called your lesson boring, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs. That wasn’t nice… I just didn’t know how you could be both!”

Something within his eyes shined at those words. He then turned to papa to ask him, “I am quite sure that both of us will tell you how it’s possible.”

Though unsure at first, papa quickly got it, “Oooh, sure, totally!”

“Because in every lifeform, balance is the most crucial element of not just survival but also thriving.”

Tommy tilted his head, “Balance?”

“Precisely! I’m not a corporate type, the same as Winny is. Yet when needed I can sit down and help with another set of, let’s say fancy paperwork. Within the knowledge, I can gather ways to be a better adventurer. That is how one might not exactly discredit the other. It’s all connected, you see. We are stronger as one, not our individual materials. We’re simply more than just one thing in the world,” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs once more explained in his own way. Truth be told, Tommy started to like such a way.

“Yyyep, just like I can be both a Crimson Lanceman and I might hate dad’s CEO stuff too but I can help. And let’s be clear, you’ve seen the novels I read in my spare time,” said papa.

Oh, yes, the ones with sunsets and two people embracing each other or kissing or whatnot. Just at the memory, Tommy’s face scrunched up, “Yuck.”

“But I still like ‘em! And you can tell, that doesn’t make me any less of everything else, right?”

“That’s true…”

“Well, Tommy – do you understand now?” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs asked.

And in that moment, within both of them, Tommy knew exactly who he was.

He was Tommy Lawrence. Son of Rhys and Timothy Lawrence, brother of Johnny Lawrence. Though he might’ve been a little small and he had to take a lot of breaks because of his neck, it didn’t mean he was any less. One day, he would be an adventurer and a soldier like papa, yet intelligent and savvy like dad. But not just like them. He would be someone whose name legends would repeat over and over.

He would allow himself to reach the stars.

And there was a person in particular who he had to thank. Hence, Tommy turned away his face, “Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs? Can I hug you?”

Just like so, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs smiled even warmer than before, “Of course, Tommy. Of course.”

Before they both knew it, Tommy hopped off the chair to make his way to embrace the man who did so much for him in such a small amount of time. Just like so, Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs hugged him right back, the human and a full mechanical hand so similar to when dad held him. Within this touch, Tommy’s sensed were overwhelmed by the biggest comfort he had felt, of arms that wouldn’t drop him. Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs smelled like the woods of Eden-6 and his strength let him calm down. Though it was both his kindness and wisdom being the most important things.

“Thank you so so much,” Tommy said within their hug.

“Just be good to yourself, Tommy,” Sir Hammerlock-Jakobs said back.

As their hug ended, Tommy looked back at papa. Oh, he couldn’t leave him be and sprinted to his arms.

“Woah! Are you alright there?” Papa asked, surprised by the little hands embracing him.

“Yeah… Thanks, papa for saying all this. Can I tell you you’re the coolest?”

Papa laughed and stood up, hugging Tommy right up in the air, “’f course, you can.”

“Then you are. I love you, papa,” he whispered, little hands clinging to his neck.

“I love you too, tater tot,” papa said back, giving him a kiss right at the forehead. Then it was all well. “Just next time… Let’s agree there will be less cleaning up.”


They both knew it was a lie. But it was their own little white lie.

The gentle tones of the piano currently in the room were at least a slight remedy for Timothy’s worn out mind. But definitely just slightly.

Everything on Eden-6 seemed so different and new, Timothy couldn’t point out if he liked it or not. Being used to Promethea’s sun never really setting, it was bizarre to look out the window to see landscapes embraced by the dark. In all honesty, he didn’t enjoy it in the slightest. A reminder of the metal prison of the old. Grumbling something underneath his nose, Timothy spun the glass with the frankly amazingly aged wine from Alistair and turned around. No need to pay any more attention to the dark.

The room with dimly lit walls was much more of his speed. As his hands propped onto one of the corner walls, Timothy observed the occurrences with utmost detail. Yet without an ounce of serenity within himself.

Soft notes of the piano playing were the result of Rhys simply not being able to resist the sight of the instrument in the room. As Wainwright had given him permission, he quickly sat down and started remembering all of the sonatas he had been taught over the years. As well as some of the Digby Vermouth covers. At the mere sight, Timothy smiled to himself. One of the beautiful talents of his husband, shared with the world.

On the other side of the room, both Wainwright and Alistair sat right next to each other, enjoying their own liquors of choice. Though Timothy couldn’t hear their talks, he truly didn’t need to know all the words. Their expressions filled with love and comfort, as well as the touches between them were a telltale sign already. With happiness, Timothy sighed a little, letting his shoulders relax. A wonderful future they shared it was.

In the other room, Johnny and Tommy already went to sleep after a truly eventful day. As the Jakobs-Hammerlocks had let them stay for the night to take off in the morning. It was after Timothy, now on the duty, had laid them both to sleep. Sure, Johnny might’ve been too old for that already but they both knew he still loved the attention. As for Tommy, he didn’t leave Timothy’s mind in the slightest, thoughts wandering to his huge green eyes and chubby freckled cheeks.

Truth be told the picture could’ve been perfect if it wasn’t for the little things. Yet when the little things added up, it all became too hazy to understand.

Seemingly catching this, Alistair called up to him, “Ah, Timothy! Come on, join us!” Well, if someone like Sir Hammerlock requested his presence, it would be, how he’d say it, preposterous to say no. Or was it Aurelia who said that? Ah, Hammerlocks. Either or, Timothy had taken that chance and sat down in the armchair before them. For Alistair to then say, “Winny, dear, don’t let the boy die of thirst or anything, bring him a refill.”

“Alright, alright, ‘m comin’,” said Wainwright, getting up. “But only because I know ya also need one.”

“A man after my own heart indeed,” Alistair sighed happily, seeing his husband move. Then he looked right back at Timothy, “And now, if you do not mind me trying this question out but why all the long face? I truly do hope you’re enjoying your stay at the mansion and if not it’ll be my priority to… Perhaps tell Winny to change our curtains.”

“No no, the mansion is great, haha I love it!” Immediately, Timothy both declined and confirmed. “No, it’s… Somethin’ else that’s just been. Hurling rotten tomatoes at me. No offense.”

“Since it wasn’t directed at me, none taken,” with the usual pep, Alistair shrugged it off. “Was the one hurling the rotten tomatoes the rukga or just the whole atmosphere around it?”

“Mmmhm. Liiike hell. And that sucks.”

“I bet it does indeed suck as you say, so if you want to say it all out, I am all ears,” nodded Alistair and tilted his head a little. Though Timothy couldn’t lie, he just knew that when Wainwright had entered the scene, his sight couldn’t have been taken off of him. In all honesty, at this Timothy felt that warmth in his chest.

“As Alistair said,” echoed Wainwright, pouring out the wine for both of them, hearing a small “thank you” from Alistair. “We might not be the prime material for the problem solvers but I do reckon we make a pretty fine advice deal.”

“Right as rain, my dear.”

Just like so, Timothy couldn’t help but to simply try to remedy this situation. A certain kind of gut punch that he had felt at the words of Tommy’s, ones that he knew were talking of a child but… Wasn’t as if Tommy wasn’t mature enough for his own opinion. As well as the fact that it wasn’t just a child but his son. Hence he also tried.

“Feels like I just got too caught up in the good old thoughts that I’ve been trying all my life to just shoo away but… But even after all that, they come back,” as his hands moved to calm himself down a little more, Timothy got more and more within his own talk. “And to put it all on Tommy, oh god. I dunno, it’s just. The worst goddamn possible outcome.”

For years Timothy’s life was the chase and conscious effort to run away from it. Yet when the past came back, it had to come back in the worst possible outfit. One of the years in Hyperion, acting out the worst person alive and trying to fix it by staying within the shadows. Even if Timothy knew how wrong it was, his mind kept on slipping. And when he had said that to Tommy as if it was an advice, his own heart shattered into pieces. Was it really who he had become?

Sharing a look between each other, it seemed that for both Alistair and Wainwright the clarity of his confession was simply understood even without words. Though it was Wainwright who started, “Timothy. I may not be a parent but I sure as hell was a son one time. An’ from what I’ve been hearin’, I don’t think my own papa would ever do half of a quarter as much as you did for your son.”

“I-I mean, thank you but I still… Gah, I blew it so hard,” brushing off the hair from his eyes, Timothy’s hand pressed against his forehead.

“Don’ beat yourself up too much there. You’re still human an’ you still can make mistakes. Loads of ‘em even. But none of that can ever erase how much you can try.”

“Even if sometimes the past just… Crawls up with its ugly as hell face?”

“Despite those times, actually,” Alistair took the spot, as Timothy saw Wainwright’s arm embracing his middle, pulling him even closer. “If I may, dear.”

“Go ahead, darlin’.”

“Thank you. You see, the past usually has the most disgusting and vile face you could imagine but… It is quite inevitable to face it from time to time. As much as we probably would never want to see it, no one has the ability to hide. Nor does that wretched past have mercy,” Alistair explained carefully, each word flowing like a melody to Rhys’ song.

Even if Timothy wasn’t that sold just yet, “Yeah, sorry but that sounds just. Ungood, let’s say?”

“And it is ungood! But think about it like this – without your past, you wouldn’t have become the man you are in this moment. Of course, the past stings but it is the past for a reason and there’s plenty of time to heal,” Alistair then turned his sight once more to Wainwright, his left hand caressing the side of his face. “Not only who we become but the people who share this with us… That truly makes it all worth it.”

Feeling his breath get stuck in his chest, Timothy’s vision almost got blurry. For all the things he had fought for, to be in this spot. Himself included. A fight he had taken on not alone, yet within the wonderful people by his side. And now to hear it from the two men who were a model of a beautiful love, Timothy truly felt his own heart swell. Even if the words had failed to come out right.

“Indeed. Wasn’t for my own papa I wouldn’t have you in my arms now. Guessin’ past is right in some ways,” leaning in the touch, Wainwright kissed the inside of Alistair’s palm. “Truly I have married the smartest man in all of the galaxies.”

“Only if I married the most clever and gorgeous one,” backhanded Alistair.

“Then we have a deal.”

Saying so, Wainwright closed the distance, pressing a kiss right at the edge of Alistair’s mouth. One he immediately reciprocated, leaning into the touch. Though most definitely one of the quicker touches, everything they did seemed as if it was the first time. Seeing Alistair smile through the kiss, Timothy couldn’t help but to see the complete love they had shared.

Thus not looking too long, he instead looked back at Rhys, feeling the warmth within himself just at a small glance of his husband. Immersed in his thoughts, Timothy almost jumped when Alistair spoke again.

“What do you say, Timothy? Ready to punch the past away?”

In a moment, Timothy had realized how clear his mind had become. Of judgment and more understanding. Maybe that was what life was supposed to be. Stop being your own worst enemy, just see what others might. The past Timothy felt within his fingertips had drifted further away, as the melody carried itself. Even if it could never be completely gone, at least it was far. And in place of it, Timothy found what was the right future to live in.

“I… Yeah. Think I am,” once more, Timothy turned away. This time with a smile. “Thanks… Both of you. Honestly, we should visit more often.”

“The Jakobs-Hammerlock mansion always welcomes ya’ll,” nodded Wainwright.

“We’d be very happy. And now Winny, why don’t you stand up and ask me to dance as we did back at the Aquator resorts?” Alistair then asked his husband, stars in his eye almost lighting up the room.

“Heh. Would be my pleasure, love.”

Yet, Timothy didn’t hear any other thing between them. Instead, he himself had to join his most beautiful star in any of the constellations above. As another song started, he could see Rhys’ nimble fingers moving oh, so carefully on the keys, each one of them composing a full song. Maybe Rhys always brushed it off as a rich kid talent but Timothy always looked at this in wonder. Create art like this, almost as if it was his husband’s magic working.

So he sat down, right next to Rhys. Sparing another look at the Jakoba-Hammerlocks in their waltz, Timothy smiled. Before looking right at Rhys and stealing a kiss mid-note.

Maybe the harmony halted for a second but nobody seemed to mind. Especially not Timothy, as Rhys’ soft lips moved across his in a movement akin to changing the piano keys. Smooth, sweet, creating something beautiful. When Timothy moved back, Rhys looked at him from lips to his eyes again.

“Not that I’m complaining but uh, what was that for?”

“Oh, I dunno. For being the best in the entire world aaand because I love you, Rhys,” with still so little distance between them, Timothy confessed.

To which Rhys smiled, “And I love you too, Tim. Perfect as you are.”

When the music resumed, Timothy stayed hugged to his Rhys, feeling his muscles work to play the next part. Almost lulled to the sounds, Timothy couldn’t help but to thank the universe for a story like his own. In the moment, he truly had realized.

The universe had one hell of an amazing story for Tommy to write.

All The Things To Become - rhysothy (2024)
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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.