The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

If loo Far Sale, 17 LOST AMD FOUND ,71 IUUITIN 10AID OFFERS ni Hitkel all for Yar. 300 wallei" 60 TRADi SCHOOLS Mni hit bahbek ror.i.raw Burin" i.ik 1, llll -llh PI. XX'K THAlN you ff tiotii M.nlorn lliirbpr (Villopiy filh 51 S-tdol NoMces ed Ptr sonol Services CAN YOU USE EXTRA MONEY 95 Machinery and Seppllei TWO GREAT LAUNDRY AUCTIONS Auction 1. Monday, June 28, 1 p. m.

Antiseptic While Btar I-aun-drv, .3964 Manilla Oakland. Auction 2. June 27. 10 a Model of Golden Gate 6qo WANTED and approaches. Renlica In mini- W.rlt Womoa ature.

Glasa enclosed: (1x4x8 onB, Houtehold WOT, WomeP 2U yrs. In cortstr. Very artistic DAY work and plain cooking by hr, Lights electrically constrolled. Modell or dav. A-l rers.

FLfi-2057 of ships, autos. Ilghlhoiise, etc 51'R CT" KXFEKiKNftBli, FOR DA? scale. Orcal tourlBt and apectatoii 'W()RK. CALL WE. 1-675B.

aiicue.tion. Will sacrifice "GIrL, coJoredTcHrfcare and nibtber'e Frank 4 24 4gnH7 pelr. Refs.MJ- 84768. day work. 5 V.OnV.' to bV dlsinan I onod references.

WA. 1-3245. DIN I I i KM. MOT. Md, H0 HiiK.

0x12, trnit, jajs Smdio-bfil SIB. NkI Ixed, blond xxood. I'offee, 2 end tablet. 1.1. mil xxn, nt, lilnsa toin, tic, airnl Flour latnim.

S2il llooxerxnc, ltkc Sill. All A-i ciin.lltloll V.V li-ILIliri 7 Hith Ave. IMNINl'r tin sol tiurfct. II cltalrsi S'Jtin: hah j. Krnnd pin no liirnM'ast lomid lalile.

-I match Iiik cltilij pc. heilrm mi. :i.i: ael, recently pur yri; bpaiii. rug with pail, PXI2. rtllverlonp rndtn.i i ll'jl 3 llll Ave.

SK. 1 1N1N( rniini set. 9 pe xvnlnut x.ry IteiilK evicted. MI "ST ii.d Thousands of feet of cholce'IIOlTsKKERr'ER, Bpanlati aykf. lady.

hardwood Ttourillg Bash, doors, cupboards, etc. (all Joe Collin, Cleveland Wrecking Co. 2800 THIRD ST. VA. 4-141A 20 GAL.

automatic water heaters. i tm. 1UIIK anu Slll.r, TODAY. $-175. MISSION ST I-S761 IP', AV Apt.

102. SK. 1-5502, SuHTliv-! a5 ox'tfflifT'Vvir hil whllV seat $27 50 I weeltJPerrnanent: rers. AT. a-2749, 1 QUART ic.

cream H'l-ffff: 62 DANCING ACADEMIES i.riiwiow kstaii. ari yk.ahs Nn llrllor l.e.s.'intis at Anv Prin. ,532 Unary St. li-XNClNil' lpson. Arthur IXturniX'ji 10 hull ri 1'ost SSo Prixatr t.iitti pa it.

oiiit. 1.KI1N? 1IANCF. STIIMO 11T0 VACATIUN i rllll's, 1 1 1 atrrt luiw ailahlc. SI. SI'.

1 (l Millinery, Corsets mih'SNMAKlNc niter ita. ns, i csti 1 UK. 1 (1117. 1 Caroet Cleanino. Lavina 511 11x12 ordttmry d.mi rnt: clnd dcmotlied, culor.i, raise nap MurtiMlscn ISiiK On.

I'N. 1-1775 (6 HARDWOOD FLOORS I ii rl ixrxr nrriKlirt irn I viu rLv-'j ni'NTXN' SK 1-1515 Sanded nieaclieil. Waxed. Free est i I'N. anil KVKS.


KKRVICK PAN KRANOISfO ARLA ONIT TOPPED. TRIMMKD. F'KLI Kt Kutly tiistiie-'' i i-. 1-ree esttni St 1-. xxeek las.

Ml Furniture and Supplltt LEASE EXPIRES! MUST VACATE! NEW AND I'SED Tithles. clintrs, fleHkM, ftlet, ctibineU, typewrlteia. etc. PRrflD TO CLEAR itKaAKUJ.Ktria QF CtJtjT NEW, AT DISCOUNTS VI' TO 00 De Mello's, Never Undersold 472 20th Oakland. HI.

4-0949. CARTER'S BARGAINS Pteel file. $2(1. SO: 60" onlt flat oeskii. typewriters nianrlaid model.

$52. SO. Chaa. P. Carter.

764 MIsKlon nr. Ban Francisco. 2-7058 i wr.n..M rr 4th Vnd mah usee and reconn. addtns comp- lomeiers ana calculators, irom it. Air.

pence. a-4770. KAROKX usevl, aufe, file desks. TiWNSKND. tHO Mission, 83 Safes for Sale, Rent or Exchange) GASH RF.a!!STF,RS, National Rebuilt Yr low orlceH terma.

S. F. Cash Res. 55.1 Mkt. DO.

2-8409 MATIONAL cash register (electric) Make of ler. Typewriter and Suppliei Typewriter Repairing RERI'lLT S5-S13. TOU SAVE 50 im.11,1 tou savjs so AT BARGAIN TYPK tHOP. 1130 AT. 2-5665.

85 Camerca and Suppliei TOP CASH FOR YOUR CAM bJRA CAMERA CENTER "WHERE MARKET AND TAYLOR AND GOLDEN GATE MEET" OPEN 'TIL 10 P. M. GO SEOONDS from snap to print with a I'oiurotd lntt camera. Demonstration at CAMERA SHOP 137 Kearnv. F.X.

2-5475. MOTION picture- camera, excellent condition. Bolex. H-18, 1 inch 1.4 ea S2 OFPICI EQUIPMENT. IKK.

24" Foy 'a, Frl nn NoH-- 23rd. kexvatd 1 07 M. ish 1 mer, ilia Ic, 2 it Mill -17tll Hll'll. I. Re want.

UK. 2S lend Ii'i or I 7 111. mil Cic li. 'i'clrgi apli 1 1 1-853 HO Itl'VX fl I'll .11 Ml 1 1 1-r til .1. HA.

hull 1 I. I A Mile brow Ki 'K I I r.nllv C. I.nlii. Ti l.lKt tl. VI I ill (toss.

2 't 1. CE, 1 1 1 1 1 xv ii A I i 1 1 a i en vei, I IV cd (A Urn Council ill. to mvii, Vt. Mill. i.

i Si I'lisli'i Ki i ii mi I 'nt, Sntri rn, IltAv. rtiinii si tx XTCIt, 'mnn'a'iuiM 1" 1 nil laT-i XX 1: XX' hctuccn uml Itur. hiipnw. R-xv. I'll ml, (IN.

vrnli.vr, i-i-imi; iai rin.ij Kiall. Iln'liiil. AVE, 1-3(107. 1 Inquiries for Mininq People AF-RENS 1KTKT1 VK Reliable EMilhliahed Vi.ur Problems vcl- No Pllhlicitv Sctxi-e All I'llns L.Riitcd Tr'lnn DOug'ri" 2-131 1 r.on Mmiiot miii klut. r.mwn pis I Q.

LEGAL NOTICED NuT RESP, nny nelds evil rnc: ed. hi Maleo I'lt'des. r.i.miT cutter oi TVn' uml ltlll Eihs after 22 -Pin JtJ'IT1'' 3 PERSONALS HETTY sdie'lilng Important lo led you. Please tie or i.r.ui.t.i1 CLEMENTINE PE rKTE.

4-04 16. 6WOMEN'S REALM HAIR GOODS 1 Furopr tint's, t.Hlpl'Pl, in si.t-k v. i Hair htihrt nn.l to older i ail a p.1 (1: V. Cos-met and lia Stillns Open eves Street lloor A i I Arc rr A IT CAI OM! 170 Gearv St, SV. 1 Rl-'.

'iiNsrii' i'T yoi'h i.ineoj ol IMNiNc. lonni set. pc. walnut SSO: ailio c.tltliiet. 1 5 Kasy asher -P I 1 DIM.

NO Room set flniMh. iliait. Htitfei. blond oak, HO. AT.

2-1S-12 a dritannica, 4S c.liliun. 21 x.iltttneH pln 4 volumes lo Fvetitful Yeais. Sairlflce SJiV. I -1 OS 1 Kl'RS 5 knllnskv inns 1'tnner tip American Pro tiltn il cual. Exo.

nxl. $150. SE. 1 21 50. il'l'R cape-coat, Chinese kid, size 14" xxoiii 5 times, $225.

GK. 4-4611. Fl'R coat." Kit st." in'nk." '14-16. lonK. exc.

eond. $S50. OR. 5-6297. ICE box.

xililte enamel," 100 ex- -client rnnil, $25. JO. irK liox "l(10 lb. rap. "While" pore cond.

$54.50. H-544IH. T.lVlS'G i uofii set, 2 piece, lady's desk. liron leaf talile. larue wall mirror.


9. 12. 15. 1ft ft. xvn UhH, File.e, I 0.05.

M. A curved ll.ti.'X, now a.u;i XX'ilton Carved J8.05 so. yd Sriilpt. Wilton. $17 00, now $9.05 Wool Rubs $14).

95 each Ttrmnanta, Odd Sizes, spec, prices. 27" Carpets, $1 yd. Free. Delivery. Hl'G MART.

1008 MISSION ST. OPEN TONIGHT SAVE 5-pr, chrome dinette S.TO.ftfV 5iu li Siik room Mioup 7-pc, heirm inc. mat.SrtO.05 Cold Hpot Refriff $79. 50 Easiest it'rniK nn to 4 moa to pay MARKET ST. FURN.

CO. 2085 Mkt. at Church. HE. l-fi2SS many other bedroom sets.

Di'nlne dinette and breakfast room 8et.s. Chesterfields and divans. Occasional chairs, tables, lamns and Pianos. rtiKa. buffets.

Ice boxes, Oooierators bedst. springs and mat tresses. T.T. and other guaranteed stoves, cottren movuik gr stonnR (inen eves, and San. Tentia.

50 Valencia. (. tee 74A ANTIQUES FOR SALE ROWKWOOD marble-too dreasers. hieh Doys. nusuai sidfoonrd, fa dtninp criBirs, head throw rug.

All excpiieni rommion. rti. n-i I 75 Furniture and Household Goodi Wanted by Oealeri NOTHING too large or too small. A. B.

WILL PAY HIGHEST PRICES for furniture. ritKs. stoves, sewinff machines, etc. Will call eves, or Sundav. Phone VA.

1-77-12 or MO. 4-5fi08 eves. COTTREI.L'S MOVING STORAGE CASH for furniture, rugs. Pianos floor lama. Good condition.

Hollywood, modernistte. snd LANDSCAPE pnrdemng. Inxvns, main up. Free est. VA.

b-5 I27 I.ANDSCAPF. lawns, contract cnrilen- l'l l.nB: cement patios. I.O, gardkning, s.i mo, up: iniini vnur imvn Kt xxv. 1-stig 'c xtion oini ail gardenillK Free est PR 5-8S5H' onnlS00. HK.

Ty: Kherson. Amazing bargain BUILDING TRADES, HOME I $125. wheelchair, $55. SERVICES Dav. Contract I 'Ann ACDUcin nAADC 'PIANO.

UPRIGHT. GOOD TON xJVtKrlfcAU DUOKSi AND FINISH, $80. II A. -9206. new 'Stevens motor drive T-s.

office, store, rest, or lakelCAMBRAS. I lers. A for $400. ML 8-5391 after 5 p. m.

SPOT CASH FOR CAMERAS. Monroe J. Belling' 112S Mkt. oon. 7th Open 9 to 9.

16 Mlvir Ampto sound. Prem 20. $225 or trade for Pace electric dryer. JU. 7-7960.

photo aatiinment. bought. sold, exchanged. Bet prices paid. BROOKS CAMERAS.

45 KEARNY TRADER KAUFMAN Buys, sells, swaps cameras. 590 Market. St. OA. 1-S027.

CAME RA, Magazine. 3 6 Kodak 1.9. Never been used. MA. 1-3195 86 i Musical Instruments for Sale and Instruction NEW SPINETS A GREAT SAVING S25.0O DELIVERS Another shipment of famous name! 40" spinets has arrived a newi model regularly $720, now $595.

Limited number. Buy yours on MAOYS RENT-TO-OWN PLAN" STARTING AT $10 PER MO. MACY'S STOCKTON O'FARRELL Sir. 1-1S00. ext.

210 5th Floor STUDIO UPRIGHTS 2 beautiful 1VFRS POND ntndinl 2-1(1 McAllister, UK. 1-0017. l-Stiinel. Heaiiliful jet ebony 'ictorian mod Like nexv. Cost $750 Must sacrifice.

$525. ML K-0252 tl'lANO concert crand. Amnlci Svmtihonldue. Dark wa'nut finish. 1'IANO UprlKht Henjamln Curtast.

Good cnnillUnn, 1 PIANO. JR. I'PRIGHT. $180. Good condition.

SK 1-3052. PIANO, sm. Kohler, 44 in. $250. Auto.

wash. mach. $125. LO. 6-6575.

RA IHO-ptionopraph-rccorder. Wilcox- Gav jtecorilette, nranil new, cost $156, sell $45. THorn. 5-1025 eves. RADlO-eomh.

"Scott. '49 model blondei console AM-FM. Orip. cost $1,580. Sell $575.

Diamond 4-0675. RADIO Phonograph Wire Recorder. GHfiilen Model. $200. OK.

n-tiitiz. RE FRIG. 5 gd. cond. $45.

twin sz bed, box matt. liv. rtn. table $15. PE.

3-4058 eves. REFRIGERATOR Kxcellent cond. 6 SHO. LO. 4-5105.

REFRIG. Leonard, family size. New motor, runs good. $59. EV.

6-4 91 REFRIG Fritfdalre. 4 cu. Kooti condition. $(i0. TKmnlebar 2-9100 REFRIGERATOR Sholvedore 7 ft.

like new '49 mod. $1 90. WE. 1-1 53 R1ICLE. Savage 300 -Mod.

99. Never tired, tsneiis. tsi. lU'GK (2 1. 12x15 cashmere solid beipo, never used.

Import from Bombay. India Sacrifice $200 ea Lit. 4-5514 eves, and xveekends. Rl'GS'one 12I1H. Hri ia.

sculp tured, rote, $900; 2 Persian scatter rugs. $25 and $65. WFJ. l-o3l6. 9-noon and after RVG Oriental Sarntik runner and Pad.

$250. WA. 1-8837. RTJGS i 21 9x12 Nelson Axmiu. Colon ial pads.

JU. 4-5421. SECTIONAL." "3" piece chartreuse. Practically new, $75. MO.

4-3584, a iter STOVFL Suiierior. table top. trash burner, griddle, 4 burners, like new, $110. OV. 1-7936.

STOVE. Magic Chef, tbl., Ed. SCO, MI, 7-530fi bef. 12.

2 French hand carvext wal nut tb one with blk. marb top. $HK1 and $140; console with mirror, I walnut. $7Ti: end table, walnut. WE.

l-83()ii. 9-noon and aft. fi p.m. Wp-xfW. All cfo- heted pine motifs $125.

Ml. 7-7152. TELEVISION, 1950 Admiral blonde li in. scr. j.

mo. oio; cost $297.05: sell $220. GR. 4-03B9. TELEVISION projectori set, Islond oaK console, usea months, $295.

BA. 1-7138. TOAST MASTER Hostess, lg. tray, 5, trays, cut. $22.50.

LO. 0-2527 1 L.C. Kmitll. all exc. $40.

i'K. VAC. clnrs. (2) Hoover. G.

E. Pr. nxv. Perf. cond.

$25 ea. UJN. a-5221. WASHING machine. F.asy Sptndrier.

SI 25; fi-vear-old crib, $30; Thayer higli chair. $10. All practically ncxv. JU. 7-R940.

WASHER. Keiimore. 1 old nearly! 4-0660. I yr. new: will take $00.

JU. WASHING machine Thor wringer. Excel, cond. $35. MO.

4-5327. WASHER. S30. el se, cond uprights, $20 delivers. HOP vem-s In nav PRBlttl 1 1 1 1 1 1 a l-istril, he Do, 'tors.

LADY 'lOI'NTlFl'T. 160 Poixtil. Rm. 4 00.1. YL.

fi-6550 CiTflREf'TlX'E m-issace: ehrnnie. ron-riitains: c. Home calls. PR lit! FACF, ift S20. No snr'iey.

Free! treatment Come, see proven rrsiiLs: Cfi V. Portal. Rm. 1. MO.

4-4731 KErVPXOS creepv skoi. Lues moles: rrtn.o No tpieJ.o tlIjr-0ixj2' 7 SUPfcRFLUOOS HAIR FTP removed. M.nxarct Bui 27 Dili Gearx. F.X 2-154 2 28 REDUCING The TREU METHOD Way Wak'i tnoe ir.chcs fade away 2B O'FarrelL VV. L0SL1 2-5 In.

imh! 15 lbs. In one mo Il F. 1 "I.TS or AH A I KFY SLKNDEP.IZ1NG SALON 1 50 Poweil YU. 2-40S0 15 1 massaKe treatments, S12 50 No diet drncs. Ladies only.

151S ITvde St reet. OP.dxvax-5-2570 29- EEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOLS CA LIFOP.NT A S- hool. Our 2tn year. Sra-ital montlis mani'tire Frt'Qll noxv. Day, eve, pny Market "3D THEATRICAL Radio, Saqe Screen STAGE WORK 21 to 27.

for line or pif-oie iinneccssari'. Mou in Roupe Theatre Oakland TL'NG operatic soprtino wanted with opera reneltoire xvork xvith nieht clutx trio. Excellent ion For 5-2227. EPT.X cciuiedy materia! produced. tccted I.f.s snow 441 Powell yi'.

2-0770. l'ANTKri Nt'e Club entertainers. or double Send de.icrip and photn. P. O.

Box- 725. Modesto. -) I kUlLCl.liUn AUCPklCJ WHO OWES YOU MONEY 7 7 Mercantile Adi Co. collect or no; charce. S2 lMarketPt SI'.

1-4981 32 DEBTS ADJUSTED Consolidate Your BILLS DEBTS ADJUSTED TO FIT YOUR INCOME Financial -Counsellors LICENSED AND BONDED 717 Market F. JDO.2-8778 1212 Broa iiwv. Oak land. fiL 2-4315 filt.I.S PAID No co-stKtiers. No End debt worries.


I JC.O Mill pay rash tinv TEXT-LtiOKS ON Ti 1 Ni i yini mil li.ivo nut subject rr.T- LiUUXS Inn hooks -i 1 1 i sr Willi 1 A 11 1 'I MKrililDP I'KDAGOGT SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. 1' A TION'AI. rSYCHOI OCY. KTC, Huoks as old n. HMO nm O.

Anv cliilcin will do. Onlx' tin hi re (hiil Ihe lint.liM he hnt'iiil hi loam mill thick ami in iea- riiti.iitiuii. rru'i Is iiiiirorni eai-li. a ilnllnr for rnur. t'lii-i yi.tir hnscnii'in or attli- pnsi-ihip i.xl niioi' Klx nr.

oriMv; jn CAMPUS TEXTBOOK EXCHANGE 1 70 fl 'av. Call MMNC VI 2-5715. I Ax F. ILL, AKHAN 51 A Diamonds, Gold, Jwelry Tor sale. i LARGE size Roiii rlnc Diamond rlui- sinan 1 riie.lliiiii.

Set in $kio. sic, a-nsisn I.Tl RKn al imtmrr. i piiics, Sutter 51 Diamonds, Gold, Jewelry Wanted. 704 market room oio i r-it-. a Ajn tor UIAMUIN Ui jrsxvn Ticket Diamond Ktc UFO 1 1,1.

INCUR ROOM '10 01 MARKET OR i OKART ST. I PAY knPCX-. ni Akkinc I I I lL- 1.1, HLJJ Or Dl A MUi ii GUI Ti ATCHKS. I'AWN TlfKKTX. K.

RAKER Co Maiket. Rm. 20. Opp. Emporium "cSH for YOPR HIXMONDS G01.D.

F.LRY. old silvf.r ANTIQI'KS. PAWN TICKETS M. CFRF RM 50O 177 POST DIAMONDS, 01 GOLD. i Iiotitnt aiti oriee--' free tsl imates.


National International uit.iifc.xirit 1 DOROTHY FARRIER k. 1-1 sir Onn Tntif p. m. 'AX Siockton S. F.

S. TELEVISION Opportunity One or America's outstanding pinnper television production executives. Miaa Marcia Drake, formerly, executive contract television con-l sultant to Mr. Kcigar Kergen. Is select ioe ambitious newcomers 1a be immediately trained and de- veloped under her personfil supervision for entrance, when qualified, into her own nationally famous and worid publicized television dramatic inclmtinK "Pupet Moon." "Toitt lawyer," Tele- Vanities et-.

Miss Drake is the exclusive Hr- coverer of myny of the picture and television iDdustr. brightest con-1 tract stare, includme Aileen Roberts, r-olleen Townsend. Anita or-. don, Barbara Blake, Mary Elenor! etc etc. Bv Appointment Only Pbone EX.

2-2441, Kxtension 8 5 Sutter St. BEAUTY CULTURE LEARN THE WORLD FA MOT'S PAY AS YOU LEARN COURSES 3 TO 9 MONTHS Electrolysis and Thermolysis Removing of Pupei fluous Hair A Fascinating 4 Monihs' Course VETERAN APPROVED Cull in person, phone or write for free descriptive literature. "Beauty A Career" Dolores Premier Don Lux Powell St. SI'. 1-7085.

SHORTHAND IN 6 WEEKS SPEEDWRITING Tx-plnft Optional Nn siens no symbols uses ARC'S HAY and EVENING CLASHES. Placement Assistance Phelan Bide. EX. 2-0751. TEENAGERS SPECIAL SI'MXtER CLASSES IN Charm Self Improvement Fashion Phofo Modeling DOROTHY FARRIER A 1-1819.


LEARN REAL ESTATE Dav or eve. Pre-exam. training. Bi rea Schon! of Real Estate. 1605 Tiroval.

S.F. 16. MO. 4-1360. A I IS ItK.X I Prepare for State Examinations nxv AND EVENING CLASSES i 1 Veaturlns; Stanley and Frantj hard- xvnie Low as $60 Installed Guar- i.r.teed City Overhead Dootp.

l'l, 5-5080. Ml ADDITIONS. Alterations. Repairs Overhead Garaae Doors Licensed, LO. 6-4927 or I.O.

retiairs, a'i i'lonies. scores, itxtures; cabinets instilled. Me. ins. Free est.

JU. 4-5762. ALTERATIONS Nn job too Iflrge or too pmnll. our first; no nblipitlon, stores, npts, rrrnteis, offices. JACK CURRY Trrrn nrrnnppd Jtf.

ALTERATIONS REPAIRS AH Tx-pes BldK Construction. Can Handle Complete Job. Lie. -Ins, Reas. Rates.

Terms. MI 7-4141. ALTERATION or new xvork. General contractor. Free est.

AT. 2-8508, ALTERATION or new wont. General contractor. Free est. JU, 4-05H5.

ATTICS and basem*nts cleaned. WA, eves. JU. 7-7002. BAsem*nTS-A ptsTYds.

clrid Alloiv ioraivaBe. Mln. $5. UN 3-5342 BAsem*nTS, yards cleaned, rubbish. hauled.

Reasonable WE 1-1252 CiDDrMTDV ami nnvmrM Finest Work at the Lowest Cost HA. 1-0970 CARPENTER work, "repairs, remnd" ujjj mi. ff-or( or jvhj. -iiyn CARPKNTER, by day or contract. All work CtiaranteM.

Ph. MA. 1-9274 CARPENTER. alterations, repairs new-old. FHA terms.

VA. 4-3794. CARPKNTKR, peneral. Prompt hpi-v- icp. Power equipoed.

VA. CARPENTER, remodeling, etc. Insnr. j-iccnsed contractor. hk, CLEANING GENERA T.

Floors waxed, uolished: wallr. wfn dows washed. Fully ins. SK, 2-22DI CLEANING. PAINTING, A I.

I WAftPTNG. WINOOWH. FT. fi-0800- CLEANING walls, hardwood firs, onythinK! By an expert. W'A.


oxv ices in tow nM O. 4 -( POH. OTEFJIEAD OARAGE "DOORS New car too long, too wide for old KaraRe? Old doors sagging, hard to open? Free Estimates for Alterations. 'Light as a Feather" Overhead Doors. JU.

4-7897. Gliile-In Overhead Door Co. Fainting equipment rented. ir CM iit'llslies etc. SAVE Do vour own xvork Free del verv.

EV. 6-7203 PAINTWG IiY FATHER AND SONS! PROMPT A-l SERVICE UN 1-2578 PAINTING by 2 men who know their business. Inter. -ext. Lowest, prices i Pamttnq and rapennq Do nx'-n x'ork Free a -9-112 1 "out.

Neat xvork. Dutch Bnv Paint. Lie. Ire. Terms.

HE. 1-8706 PAINTING- PAPERING, S8.S0 FREE ESTIMATES. WE. 1-9260. PATNT homes, Ige.

Free eini Heas. LO. B-o3. MO. 4-723P PAINT Personalized colors.

JIT. 0-26KO. MA. 1-4852. PAINTING.

I do my own work. Nice cm. painting, very reas. PAINTING 50 exp. 1st, class wk.

Reas. Mr. Rilev. OR. 3-7277.

PAINTER A-l. NEEDS em in trade for moving or storage expenses. DAY or Nile. HE. 1-1000.

Will Pay More for Furn. RUGS, SEW MACH, or what have YOU? WA. 6-fi58Ji. MAKE ME PROVE IT. Auctioneer Jensen Bakke Pavs more for rugs, bric-a-brac, antiques etc.

WE. 1-97RS. DE. 3-1450. ALFRED B.

CLARK will pay more for your Rugs, Household Applncs. WA. 1-7040, VA. 6-5985 HIGHEST prices paid for rugs. stoics, pianos, antiques, etc Nothing too big or sm.

WA. 1-1737 DEWLANEY PAYS MORE FOR FUR NiTURK. 7-mr7 or at, a-aaiv. ATtMltRTTSTFRS need VOlir FtllTI WA. 1-3084 Spot Cash.

EVB-IUUI JENSEN pays cush, antiques etc, DO. 2-3MOO: Ml. eve BEFORE vou Belt your furnishings all Federsen tor caan. i l. tt-ain.

Books Wanted, DO. 2-8798 77 MATTRESSES For Sale and. Renovating MATTRESSEts RENOVATED, new covers. $5.95. 1 day service.

GAI.ANT MATT. CO. WK. 1-7661 77A UPHOLSTERING UPHOLSTEKlNti at iactory prices. Dliect from iactory to you.

FflLDNETt AND SEA VY 1757 MISSION. UN. 1-8383 73 Commercial bA KGAlrtS in aisptay cases, iHcn in hntes. si, r-servlc cases, bever age boxes, freezers. Official Taylor ice cream freezer dlstrib.

Also large war surplus walk-in boxes and commercial freezing plants. BARNEY MORROW'S, INC, 938 Valencia St. VA. 4-6154. COMMERCIAL Refrigeration Enuip, Di.sti av cases, freezers, reach-in boxes, ice cream freezers, beverage coolers, water coolers, hie makers etc Will sacrifice at cost MODERN APPLIANCE CO.

2311 Market St. UN. 1-4050 Open da ily 'til 9, Sat urday 'til 6 LSKIl REFR1GS GUARANTEED BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, AND UP. 1150 GEARY OR. 3-6106 iFREEZER cabinet, 6 holes: A condition $iuu.

Mb. j-pkij. vrasners. Tacuumi, tg, Ouornmeed Refrigerator Repairs by qunlified refrigeration engineers. Fast, dependable service.

Cnrney. 7 UK 1-7945 79D -Refrigerator refrigerators. No refrigerators. No chips. No floor samplef.

Full service and parts gun rantce. Terms. FREK FRF.E-FRKE with lite purchase of a new refriB erator. Your choice of 10 lbs. of frozen meat or 4 place nettings of stainless step! ware, Get your new refrigerator today.

Call 2-57 15. Loral 706. REFRIGERATOR BARGAIN Cros ley de luxe Shelvador, newest 1950 model. will sacrifice at $177.30. No money down, 25c a day MODERN APPLIANCE CO.

2311 Market. St. UN. 1-4050, Open dally 'til 9. Saturday 'til 9 1950 GENERAL REFRIGERATOR $159.95 $5 DOWN 104 WKS.

TO PAY 5 YEAR GUARANTEE E. SUGAR MAN. INC. 3604 rtea rv Rlvd at ArffllellO Open till 9:30 rebuilt, rcfinlshed and guar anteed. from $69.50.

E-Z terms low i Sr. week WHY BUY ICE PIIRCELL BROS 13UO rtii.iv si mo. rents-to-own" a "refrigerator, 0uar repairs. Free estimates. All American AT.

2-7700 Onen dally 'til 9, Saturday 'til fi REFRIGERATORS, new "fir. samples. i70 r.o rt nt 1 7 FX U''-. ttscinnn 2 NEW FriKida'ires. Priced to sell ti iceii nj and 11 cu.

ft. JO 7-3970. Frl- ericksen Hardware. r.KNT Tu OWN refrigerators. tin.

Abeo Kerne, i.o. ma. ih. iR on Empire. 218 Clement.

SK. 8Eiri16509PeVeSsze178A-Refrigerator Repair, alto xattthtf 34 Mond.y, June 19, 1 950 CCCC for family: plain live In Salary open. Rets, a v. b-ixwhu.

HSXVK iinvs, $1 Toe. refs. of my home. BU. 1-00S8, Inc.

84.1!VoRK 3 days a Any type. HOUSEWORK, child care, by neat i rol. clrl: 5-day wk. JU. 4-0406.

ToushlKEEPER, plain cook, exp.j rart time; refA.l;2J02. mother tttr0 for child In her dava. UN. 3-2510, 1 ifrjRSEr pfact ilia capabie, vol r.fc 1 refs, Jf, 7-7537. PRACTICAL NURSE, 3 years exper.

at Laguna Honda Home. Live in or out. VA. 4-4107. AN with 2 achl.

child, des. plain cook, waitress on farm, resort. Box 7 90 8 3 lE xa iner or JU. S-8078. WOMAN, Finnish, desires work by day or week.

Experienced. References. Live out. Call SE. 10352 untill; 122 Services to Exehonge Wonien OFFICE srirl, do light eve.

chores, child care, exchange for prlv, room, hoard. Refs. SU. 1-0058. local 843.

123 Part Tim Situation! Wanted. Mo-Part Time Jobs Needed Salary secondary; carefully selected veterans attending Aero I.T.I, available for lanitors. clerking, dishwashing, gardeners, odd Jiibst. etc. SWeetwood 8-8182, Ex.

30 MA'N 22," wants work evenings, Saturdays: ran drive. MA. 1-2896 aft. 5. MAN, responsible, wants janitor wqrkpart time.

JO. 7-051M, T24 SituaTtiinTWanted. Men ACCOUNTANT P.A. license. exper.

Public, accounting or business position. Available July 10. SU. 1-3231. MA.

1-4763. ADVERTISING, radio or newspaper position. 5 yrs, exp. on metropolitan daily. College degree.

Age 25, single. Veternm Box 80038, Exarrij ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN and building: construction estimator. Residential and commercial experience. Fast, accurate. DE, 3-4006.

ARTIST wants job lettering, labels. pacltage design, assemoiy. ir have studio outfit. SU. 1-6919, BOOKKEEPING, college acctg.

major, a mos. public acctg. 27. married, desires perm. pos.

rep-ut. concern. Exc. refs. EX.

2-3344. BKKPR. Years exp. S. F.

Pay roll. Best char, ref. Cap. Box 80013, Ex. BUS.

ndm. 2 Mi yrs. full bookkeeping exp. Desires permanent position with well established firm. Young man, 22, honest, reliable, bright.

JU. 5-6482. CHAUFFELIR. licensed, experienced. or lanltor xvorK.

un. JU. y-djdj. CHAUFFEUR-Butler-Cook. Filipino.

1st class ref. $200 mo. TU. 5-991 B. CLERICAL or gen'l office, where age.

detail count. 7 yrs. last position. Go anywhere. A-1 refs.

Box A-78778. Examiner Oakland COMB, man, welder and blacksmith. Spanish, 10 desires work in steel fabricating end orn. iron works. 4 years last 1ot.

Good local refs. YU. 2-5715 local 68. COOK, butler. Gd.

dlspo. Fill- Pino lxc. rets. UN. 1-7431.

DIESEtTMECHANIC. 9 years dlesel experience. 3 dlesel schools completed: good refs. JU. 5-7479.

DRAFTSMAN mechanic, college exp. single, permanent, esui. DRY CLEANING MANAGER Age 35. 21 years experience. Have State license, can do spotting, press ing, alterations, va.

s-sia. BTLO-Painter. Job in hotel, apt. aat handyman, repairs. WA.

1-7843. GARDENER. Japanese, exp. clean up, new lawn. FI.

6-9051. GENERAL maintenance. Painting and service. Apartment optional. Full or part time.

Married. DO2-1827, local 73. LINGUIST and translator 5 languages. Educated In tnurope. Jt.xp.

in inn. and admin, fields. Personable. 35 yrs of age. Exceptional background.

References. Box 80036. Ex. MAN over 40. 20 years selling field.

Legitimate sales promotion oesirea. Full details requested. Write S. M. Amy.

931 Marsh, Road, San Pablo. Callf MAN, age 25 years, 4 years experi ence adv. salesman, 4 years college. Prefer job in intangible sales. Phone YU.

2-5715, Local 66. MAN. H. Desires janitor or maintenance work. Kef.

SU. 1-0058, loc. 69: JO. 7-2628 after 5:30. MAN, young, des.

work. Exp. cook, painter. Will Tielp pack when moving. Free to travel.

MI. 7-3940. MAN. Fin. co.

and bank exp. Cred. col. and of. adm.

OA- 1-6Q41) loc. 12. MAN. 50. Maintenance, paint or labor.

Drive SU. 1-0058, Loc. 59, MAN wants Janitor, hosmtal. elevator or kitchen work YU fi-4428. or kitchen work.

YU. 6-4428. MECH. engineer, U. C.

June age 28. 6 mos. drafting exp. Lie. chief engr.

steam and motor vessels, des. position to suit back- ground. su. x-uua. inc.

41. PERSONNEL EXECUTIVE Ex-Air Force officer (coloneD, just separated, age 41, thoroaghly experienced in all phases of personnel, management and administration. Over 10 years' experience. Married. 2 chidiren.

desires position with a future. References. I.O. 4-1751. PRODUCTION man.

Exp. in mfg. of ladies' and men's sportswear, time and mot. study, setting and negot. piece rates fact, admin.

Speak and write fluently French. Avail. Ref Box 80039, Ex. SERVICE station attendant, day or night. Ma lor oil company experi- ence.

Age26.Call JU. 4-2561. TRUCK DRIVER 7 years' experU encc. References. UN.

3-5679. VET. 23, law student, desires summer work. Neat, personable. Consider anything.

Have car.GR. 4-9963. ViT, "31, native S. desires work. Has chauffer's license.

MI. 8-5617, ARM IONIAN-AMERICAN FAMOUS CHEF. R- Thomas: yrs. exp. finest, restaurant, interested in contacting restaurant owner.

2058 Webster, Oakland or TWinoaks 3-9998. IcOLl.EGE Yale senior, de- sires summer employment. Full or part Jime. GA. 1-6041, loc, 17.

COLLEGE student, sum-merwork. GA.A-604JiLoc-25v 26 Services to Exchange, Me II'DYMAN, des. pos. in hunting or fishing club in exch. for room, brd.

Knows boats, DO. 2-1827, loc. 65. AN. des.

room for eve. services. RefsJO. 7-2897. DO.

2-1827JOC. 68 1 27 situations Wanted. Couples COUPLE, refined, A-l ref. wife imp. bus.

woman, prt. time: husband full tl em ai fE Jj54 62 130 'Port Time and Temperary H-I Wasted. EXPERIENCED Register now for continuous temporary assignments. Must be neat, co-operative, 24-3S. type 60 words minute.

X'ESTERN EMPLOYERS 995 Market, Rm. 310. No Fee. 1440 Broadxvay, Rm. 508.

Oakland. EDIPHONE OPERATOR Afternoons onlv, $1.25 hr. Must be rapid typist. Apply CONSUMERS YEAST CO. 121 9TH ST, STENOGRAPHER for1 temporary work, July m-rt August.

33-hour, for Insurance company. YU. 6-1874. 131 Help Wanted. Women ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Experience required.

$185 to for advancement. wk. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. 1301 Potrero ACCOUNTS receivable bookkeeper, must type, some experience required. Opportunity for right person.

See Mr. King, 777 Golden Gate bet. 9 a. m. and 4 p.

m. Administrative Secretary Private hospital In Pan Francisco. Hospital experience preferred. Give full details and references in first letter Box M-7118. Examiner.

ASSISTANT INSURANCE CLERK TYPIST Sunset Dist. Broker UttlCS SINGLE UNDER 2b. Write full information Box 79736, Examiner ASSISTANT to branch manager, nx'ei 25. sell cosmetics. Call JU.

4-1794, 7-8 p. m. Mon. and Tues. for appt.

BEAUTICIAN. 1st Perm, ros. 5 day wk. A. 11515.

BILLER, experienced. Use repiTae typewriter. Some longhand figuring. 5 dav. 40 hour week.

OA. L2.2fl.EXT30. BOND too S. F. firm.

T51T nee. T.rr advemt $21 A AMES NO FF.E AGENCY RM. 505 703 MARKET il ill 4StaAHEIIO SYSTEM m. Million Dollar Contra Costa Laundry. 23rd Ave.

and E. 7th Street. LEW WINSTON. Auclr. Sales under supervision of Milton xxersnnxv ompuny.

"RTWCWt cabinet plane, with grinder and Jointer, $1,750. DeVilbia apray bootli with blower and stack, $250. Spray Run, lot of paint and lacquer. Delta 8" table saw. portable dust' collector, power sewing machine.

2912 Shattnrk Berkeley AHhberry 3-0 512 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS Valves snd fittings at SURPLUS PRICES. Larue all Ize. WELDING GENERATORS 200 amp. ITsed $17 50. new S25.

ROBERTS SURPLUS Bldg, 723. Oa kland Airport, Oalt. 50 H. P. MOTOR 220-410 V.

1750 R. P. M. ENGINE. Chrysler 6 stationary.

110 li. starter, clutch: BLOWER FAN, Aladdin, new. Priv. party. Mr.

Meyer. KWeetwood JS-5000 FOR SALE OR RENT Pkllsaws, discs and Beit Panders Chain saws. Firewood Saws, Floor Sanders, Edgers. pousneis iVrki a xi7 TirSl frs HAVFN SAW (JUL CO. 1072 Howard S.F.

HE. 1-B312 050 E. 14th Oakld. TE. 4-9110 PiPST 1B-24-S6" FITTINGS CIRCOSTA, Iron A Metal Co.

iSOl Evans AT, 2-2474 MACHINE WORK, $2 25 PElt HOUIL OA, l-IXoBl. PETERSON cylinder liSad surface grinder, BEacon 4-0126. 95A Machinery and supplies; Wanted WANTED Used iron worker. Buffalo No. 'A, Hi or equtv.

State price! ana capacity. ua, WAlx inuimia iiiiuiK i lour iniiiiui Reasonable, Box 80049, Examiner. QSR Contractors Machinery and Equipment for Sal, Rented. Wanted, CLARK Fork Lift like new. Vaughn Moblift with $1,000 of new parts, price $1,000 Skylark Liquidators 777 POTRERO, VA, 4-2924 1,000 CFM, late compressor, direct synch, motor.

Cheap. Lynnco, 9 4 1 1 SB tX Cl li 1 -O 9M. FORKLIFT tks. Clark. Ross O-3-fi-ton.

Like new. Guar. Lo. pr. Lewon, 1155 Harrison.

MA. 1-5228 2 fa*geol mixer trucks, 3 yard capac ltv for rent or sale. LERER BROS. 1750 Harrison St McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS Dealer Kellogg 368 9th St. HE.

1-8124 QSr TRACTORS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1 D-8 Caterpillar tractor with angle dozer n-xiro. wun double drum cable winch, 1 15 yard Le Tourneau Carryall LP-522576. 1 D-7 Rlooer To be sold as one unit. Price $11,500. All in good operating condition, i'none Mon terey 23795 or 74916.

96 Printin- and Printers Supplies. f. J'1 established In fine residential Peninsula city, excellent location, no sales problems. Must sell at once to devote full time to my typeset tine bus. All genuine offera con sidered for quick, deal.

Phone owner sny time. ua. or xia. 2-6314 or write Box M-7507, Ex, PRINTING plant, in prosperous Bay area community. Lino, equipped.

2 or 3 man setup. Write Box M7506, Examiner, CAMPBELL CYL. PRESS. 32x4 6. IN RUNNING CONDITION, $600.

IRWIN FRIEDMAN, 764 Mission. EX. 2-5864. Open till 2 on Sat. 97 Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Equipment Used, Good Condition Double de luxe soda fountain kitchen ranges, ice cream deep freeze, two 1 8 ft.

counters, back bars, 20 stools, steam table, hoods1 over ranges, large and small blowers, refrigerator salad case, Multl Mixer, casn register. 22 3RD PET ALUM A PHONE PETAI.UMA 738 VALLEJQ 33947 or 37567 BEER BOXES Direct draw new and used. Bottle Doxes. Elect, refrlgtd Low as $100. U.

S. Service Co- 1060 Folaom st. NEW Montague rotiaserle. Coat $800, Will sell for $550. YU.

2-4907. 98 Lighting Fixtures BETTER light, better sight. Largest rarest: assort, nent lamps. Incan 647 Mission. SU.

1-4600; 99 For Sale, Miscellaneous awuakium gal. stainless stecu $3.50: goidftsn. 15c ea. 2735 Geary ARMY TENTS. CANVAS COVERS.

sleeping bags, steel cots, mattresses, saddles, halters, bridles, saddje bags 1062FOLSOM ST ARMY Saddles, LO00. Used, comn! $10.50. Mall orders filled. Kao- lan's, 1499 Market S.F. UN.3-3486 AUTOMOTIVE lube.

Jacks, Darts bins, analvzers alieners. and many others. Nearly new at huge discounts, anderscnoot inc. h.t Kroadway. valle.1o BATTERIES 100.000 U.

S. Army Signal Corps 1 1,4 Volts Type BA23. Make offer. Skylark Liquidators 777 POTRERO VA. 4-292 BUTANE TANKS 60 gallon $29.50 233 Broadway, TW.


7-3085 COCOA MATTING NEW 3,000 yards 36 inch. DOT, AN BUILDTNG SUPPLY CO. 6939 Mission St. PL. 5-6300 COR galv.

iron sheets, new. 20 ua. V. Hill 725 2nd S. equipment, fountain, 9 stool counter, back bar, restaurant equipment, etc, 184S Foothill Oakland.

ANdover 1-0294. DRUG store complete fixtures Includ ing lountain. wan jose orug co. 222 Willow Street, San Jose, Calif. ELECTRIC motors A to i H.

P. Reasonable. 1815 Baker. VA. 6-6212 ELECTRIC motor, Westlnghouse.

Hi h. p. Like new. MI. S-379S.

FUR coats, capes. Huge stock Factory samples. Dow "Warenouae 1 0OfJf ur 1 33 Kearny. HAND saws, hammers, other "mis'c! tools. DE.

4-1191 KILN ceramic glaze making outfit, motor, chemicals, etc. Complete aia. at z-iziz. MEAT CASE ITTTSSMAN. REFRIGERATED.

12 FT. perfect condition, $300. CRI- Mission S. F. NAILS $6.88 CWT AND UP CYPRESS STEEL EQUIPMENT CO.

1829 CYPRESS. OAKLAND IIIGATE 4-7812. PAINTS, NAVY'SURPLUS 4 000 gals. Ocean ea 400 gals. Blue flight stain.

$1.50 ea 4 00 gals. Black enamel. ea. 300 gals. Fr.

gray enamel. $2.50 ea. Other Enamels and Varnishes Various grades. Same low prices. Made bv S.



PTumbing "Supplies Wholesale Prices Mini' nv MAUj ann isa Pyramid Company 666 Mission SAFE, used Karclcx, tiles, desks. TOWNSRNT). Mission Shuffleboard. Regulation size. Almost new.

nargatn. 1738 runs a Cleaner. Kerrlck Portable Model. A-l condition. Ouipcv Com pressor, industrial tvpe.

Aiaae or- fer. 7073 Mission St. SHOWCASES, wall cases, store fix tures. All kinds. Is'nnds.

Forms card racks, counters. 784 McAllister flLFT-BOaTRD, "24c sq. ft. Jones Rug: ft carpet, 8r3 Mission, ah. WASH $57; 36 ranges.

$69.50: Mah. doors. stoves, $15. 251 S. Vnn Ness.

KL. 2-1219. Water HEAtEPt. automatic" rebuilt and unconditionally guaranteed, an. gal.

sire. $24.50: .30 $39.93. New heater appearance. FUROELL BROS. 1300 POT K.

VATERIteaters, 20 gal. "autorhs'tTc pas, guaranteed. $10 Dolan Lum- her and Wrecking 1114 San monds. $75. Luncheon ser hand painted Bavarian $35.

UN, 3 6795 or frosted uni 1 DAYTON meat or delicatessen scale. 3170 16th 1-S588. 4 French doors and hardware, Rnx34: 4 French cabinet doors, 43x15. Excellent condition Keaaon IlOe. -('1.

nine. SK. U-2740. 30 LB. Danfofth type anchors.

New. Levin steel fiooucia. ioa Oakland.iii.-ioij. feiSvAn 'Bros S25 Valencia NEW close upll toilet 18. tile IHI V-MjCWivi fTnwEsT "nrices in town: Bee us first.

Win San Fran. HE. 1-04-11. 18; 48 tl 1650 MISSION inl-3617 I nn-Lumber Building Moteriol bhiNg. us vour mniner lists.

Nelii Lumber yti orausLni Tyt ann Carlos PJj.TiYtll3iJJJ t'' PLYWOOD, 11c ft. All new. 2x4 $415 2a. onetitmiiB, 3901 3rd ST VA. 4-5317 2x4 8, S4S.

il l. NI1W 1.UMRER Cash-Carry Lumber. VA. 101 Wanted, Miscellaneous xJVANTED TO BUY lln- Aai e.t foot, man icmnif Used but Rood condition Write, wire or telephone Matmor uanuiuB WoodiandaRfHerltJpnJdYenS. SHOWCASE fixtures, tables, mer chandise.

Dougnt ana uiu. cim Sales 1109 Mlssn. UN. 1-1837 trttpfl TtrittoilT solo, excnangeu. S.F.

f*ck HlXOHAOlCtlll. XOJ 102 Boats and Supplies NAVY SURPLUS PAINTS 3.500 ctils. Copper bottom ea. 5.000 sals. Gray deck.

non-skid 5120 ea. SAN PABLO MACHINERY 3030 San Fa bio San Pablo BF.acnn 4-8656 WE NEED LISTINGS -If you want to sell your Doar, can have prospects ior dobu to 118" sail, power and commercial CALIFORNIA MARINE SALES LAkenurst nitnn BAUMAN BROS. DICK MILLER ASSOC. YACHT SALES San Francisco Sausaltto Sausalito 1165W am crour rentser tin-tOD shape boat in trade. Come and inspect at Berta 2.

Marina, niiim, OR. 3-5574 pi, bnl t. cruiser. beam, nrari. duirj-jh a Fast, anu in iicut" tion.

$2,500. DIamond3-7775, STARBOAT, No. 2537. Excellent con dition. suits or sans, fittings.

2 wheel trailer. $795 com-nlete or best offer, DUnlap 8-31o8. ICATER PILLAR marine engine Full 24 V. elect, equip, it new. 375lltlL HEJ-(K113.

GRAY. "SKO-4-30. GOOD Kuwai. ctlMU. nL.u J-yi-n 366 Jefferson, fit, o-oou 4XftrWARRENCRAFT.

twin motors. perfect cona. must offer refused. Terms. SE l-flfll GENE RICKSON ft ASSOClATJiB YACHT fAbM Sstisalito yachtHrbor.Sau.'.l'156 Outboard Boat 10 h.

"epiune motor, uuii ji erick St. OV. 1-2079. Ji. Id.

II EBGEN LTD Boats Johnson Motors Supplies 221 First St. RU. 1-494, JOHN G. RAPP CO. Distributors An Tina Bargain Prices 123 2nd St' S.

F. 16-FOOT inbd. cabin boat, pier, moor-, (off nnd gear. rsr. ixiini Shoals.

$400, PT.aza eves. 'SURPLUS OAkS $1 KACU. ALSO BKIH-jiw. x-x'y- OWBOARD S-" TFailers, Boiits, Kits. irom ni.

wi ji v- i'j-" RED WING ENGINES Thompson Mach. Wks. DO. 2-5069 APELCO. Webster Tlare antennas.

$69. rill lnsraneo. i-rv. 25' cabin cruiser, hiumv J. JV1.

30' cruiser, powered Chrysler ipyal. Make of fyrSa Rafael 1214-J 103 Boats Supplies Wanted 16 "TO 19' SPEEDBOAT, finished or imfmished JU. 5-7001. 'JU. 4-3453, IAS Airplanes.

For Sale and Wanted BT 1 3 A metai. tires, fabric. LOW engine ui new Perf. cond. rteas.

is- YOUR CHANCE! LO. 4-80-53. STEARMAN P-T-17. Prac. nw.

Beaut. hand runoett wmte paint iou. oiauua me $3,500. First $1,500 takes it. Belmont.

OA. 1-6041. Iocs! 3a. twin Cessna. Low" time majored en gines, incw mono, smss tires.

A GOOD BUY! LO. 4-8053 Will trade car, light plane, etc. 118 Part Time Situations Wanted by Women GIRL. 19, desires part-time work PBX operator, va. TYPING and clerical work at ho: Experienced, iters.

t-iamii. TYPING Exp. any type work, done In my ome. accurate. sis- x-( uuxi TYPING, my home Fast, exper.

Man- uscriot. statements, o-iifno 119 Situations Wanted by Women ACT. OFF. MGR. FX KG.

SWI young, capable, coti. 10 yrn, exo. 'res. EX. 2-1082.

local 34. ADDRESSING, typing any kind, steno exn. worn. last. serv.

ni-an. rates. My your ore. EA, 1-394 8 BOOKKEEPER, F. C.

accurate, effi cient. Gen. ledger, trial oatnnce. all taxes. EX.

2-1082. loc. 35. BOOKKEEPER assistant. P.B.X cashier, payroll ana general otrice tvpe.

Host loc. rers. TU. 5-5137. crnd.

des. sales pos. in jewelry, Sliver or oooixsiure. x.p, LAndscape 6-3615 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Topnotch Qualifications Plus accounting experience. Excellent City References Available July I GA.

1-6041. LOCAL 30 EXECUTIVE secretary. 10 years' ex perience motor freight, export, etc, Tiictaphone, teletype, payroll. Mrs. Boulter.

PR. 6-0621 HOUSEMOTHER, nurses home, etc. Ref. 110. z-itrjv.

j.oc. 12. LADY, elderly, educated, traveled, de sires pos. as companion to eineriy ladv not Invalid, outside city. Box 80394.

Ex. YU. 2-5715. local 72. 'PBX RECEPTIONIST, CASHIER; also excellent SALES references.

Will consider vacation relief, JU. 5-4996. PRACTICAL NURSE. Kind and con siderate lady desires to be companion to invalid lady. Live In or out.

City references. AT. 2-7311. SALES 28, exp. Some ndqtrs.

H.r. DO. li-15414. ext. 43: JO.

7-4026. SALESLADY, clerk. Lt. tvplng. 4 yrs.

off. exp. Married. Full or part time. EX.

2-1082, loc. 30. SERRE'TaKY, exp. dictaphone, tele. type, It, diet, 2 a yr.

old. ju. 3-yiii4 General office. Ex perienced. Japan.

-Amer. jo. 7-545H WAITRESS, 7 years exper. dining co*cktail lounge; F. or Bay Area.

Day or nite. LO. 4-37S8. WOMAN driver. Chauffeur's license.

will travel. GR. 4-3879. WOMAN. So.

Amer. "Unix', cier. acc tg. 110. 2-1827, loc.

01 119A Position Wanted Employment Agencies LILY'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1700 Stelner. WE. 1-5931 BELL'S Agcy.

All types of" help. XX'A. or 1 ev. 121 SITUATIONS WANTED Household Work, Women APT. Cleaning of any kind de.

by col. woman: A-l refs. WA. 1-2S51. CHILD care and" lt.

housework." Live nut. Best refs.MA.l-0.572, Ulli l.ii tv. r.xpcr..' neat, reliab. Col. Refs.

WA. 1-401 2. i uiili.o enre or nouscworK. yng. innv.

Good refs. Live nut. VA. 4-5440 CUT enre. Itplit be, rk live out $15 wppU.

Rff. AT. S-1314. ClTTHt) cr nnd 'lioiisewnrk, outSl WfPrt Ml. 7-7504.

COOKlNii. housework, day work, 5 ciavs. rnrt time. rw. s-inifi, high class: priv.

home orguext vt 5-d av k. refs. A. fi-fi rx 47 COOK, 1st class, live In: also 1st class maid. Local refs.

OR. 3-4562. DAY WORK and child rsre by EURO PEAN girl. Personable, competent. City references.

OR. 3-8882. DAY work. 2 neat col. girls.

Exper. cleaning, child rare. VA. 4-R3K2. DAY WORK for Thurs.

Laun-, dry preferred. WE 1-1631 reasonable pricks, ju. Furniture PAINTING and PAPERTNG. Oil lll. 1-4154.

or big. Neat work. Free est. WE. PAINTING, papering, small Free estimates.

ML 7-701 PAPERING and PAINTING. Day or job. Neat, work Rest materials used. Free estimate. 'AT.

8-1 634 PATr'IT plast sttlri'n, cement. No iob too small. VA. 6-6776, EX. 2-2R5" f'tticco," i-emeiit "xvalks.

Expert.Rea sonable. BA 1-85S4. PL vSTER repairingr Wrk. guatanteed. Jxo Jr.h Inrirnall.J.q.J-SjjlS.

PLASTER patching, cement, walks, firs oxen work: guar. UN. 1-2693. PI.ASTER-stnrco patching. work, OR.

3-5352 bef. 9 a. m. aft. 5 PLASTER-STUCCO" ML 7-7599 or JU, 5-724 1 WASHING MACHINE Apex, 6 years OK.

3-8713. Vi.v.iiiis.r iiiac.iiine, inui xvith man washer, si4o. lo. 6-2505 WATER, heater and new tank tot replacement. $20.

OV. 1-1917. WORK bench, for work shop; 1.2x4 heavy frame, $25. SK. 1-3654 72 BULLETIN BOARD WANTS WALKER -Chair comb, for invalid child.

Pay to $35. EV. B-151 1. PIANO, UPRIGHT. WANTED PAY TO $200.

JO. 7-5946 73 BULLETIN BOARD Swaps and Exchanges STOVE electric Frigldaire, like new. trade for article of comp-sale value. OV. 1-1275.

seil i and Household Goods for Saie $49 DOWN Furnishes Your Entire Home DURING OUR EXPANSION SALE! DAVIS FURNITURE CO. 01 MISSION FX. 24 001 OPEN" ex enings. Sundays. 11 to 6 SURPLUS STOCK LIU 1 11ATUKS, roslcy SHELVADOR refrigerators, sllirixt on outer cases.

FULLY GUARANTEED. Can fur r.lsh homes complete at SMASHING CUT I'ltK'EU. 3372 MISSION BE TWEEN -TI'II and 30TH nt tonrn xn ftUUPW I I LC, 7 17 i LAV IT YOURSRLF AND SAVE All colors Free Instructions I IMPll FIIM I APRY 5 Piece Chrome Dinette REGULAR $60,50.. NOW -4 4. OPEN Tll.l, 8 I' M.

CREDIT 50 RN Tl RE CO. lLu2JHh Ave. car nr 10 bus, SAVE $1,000 CtntOcte furnishings for 4 rms. In Chinese modern living room xvlute uak bediniiiii set, etc. Private, parly.

SK. 1-9011. after 6 P. ill. MAtRES'SEs SlightTy shopworn n.ior Hamuli's, oans ana enas, nose- unts nt special low price? ifcRn key Alrflex Mattress Co.

16H7 Market St. at Gotigh REPOSSESSED FURNITURE" Close Outs and Floor Samples TREMENDOUS SAVINGS PEOV1.KT SONS. 1660 Pine St. Nr Van Ness. OPEN EVENINGS 1 omr.lna M.wlorn V.1,,,1 lessons on all pianos rented or Hendrick Piano Co.

279 O'Farrell St. YU. 2-5120 PIANO SALE Spinets, Studio GRANDS Bunealows. Upright Trades. Rentals.

Easy Terms MISSION MUSIC CO. 2226 MISSION. ABOVE 1 8tn FREE PRIVATE LESSONS with all pianoa rented or sold. Rental purchase plan. $5 up.

1 year trial, Hendrick Piano Co. 279 O'Farrell St. YU. 2-5129 PIANOS 7 'The Best Deal in S.F.' BOB ALLEN PIANO SALON 150 POWELL 3RD FLOOR B.B. Buescher Sottsaohone $27 Deagon Vibraphone $300 Bb Buffet wood clarinet $125 Burns music ubhthk MA 1-9993 Cor.

17th and Sanchez. BALDWIN ft- concert grand piano, only 14 vrs. old. Brand new con dition. $1,995, terms.

Box M7205, I'lxtimlner. SAXAPHONE. French Selmer Baritone. Excellent condition. Owner going overseas.

VA. 4-3445. PIANO. Apollo baby grand, walnut finish art model, like new, perfect rendition. LO.


6 FT. A REPOSSESSED. SAVE $900! 279 O'FARRELL ST. PIANOS rented. $5 mo.

up. Rowland Music 38 Mason. YU. 6-0132 87 Musical Instruments Wanted. USED PIANOS NEEDED TOP PRICE PAID.

EX. 2-9544 88-A Television Sets for Sale Rent or Trade. NEW 1951. Motorola 14" consolette TV. $1249.95.

Nothing down. 18 mos, to pa.y. Progressive Radio 3318 24t.ll st. va. TV CLOSEOUT SALE All current models.

No old stock. Up to $100: otr. jxianv iti'tt. 413 loin wt. FREE outdoor installation on pur chase of TV.

171 0 Polk. PR 6-4475! 1950 SETS RENTED BONDED T.V. LO, 4-5275 16" NEW 1950 console, was $369.95. now $259.05. Dave 1651 Polk.

St. 89 Furs A 1 A T1UIX I r. A KS FUR REMODELING, cleaning and glamorizing. From $23.50 Fur Doctor. 1521 Market.

MA. 1-8181 SILVER fox fur chubby, sz. 12-r. exc. $lbll.

ua l-nuai, ioc. FUR coats, capes, repossess. 8. F. FUR EXCHANGE.

133Kearny. 90 Pet Stock. Bsc. Cats, etc. AFGHAN hound, rare white female; reg.

very aitectionate; sacrifice to good home. LAndscape 5-2787. BOXERS, 3 female brlndle puppies. 5 mos. Registered AliU.

snow speci mens. Must sell. va. s-bb. reg.

snow type pups. Special prices. 3-7304. co*ckER STUD. REG.

RHOW VX'IN- NER BREED FOR JfJEJS UK rur, 1887 27th Al-e OV. 1-0089, co*ckER PUPS; beautiful blondes; AKC reasonable. MO. 4-9094, co*ckER puppies. Blacks.

A. KTC. reg istered, iieauties. rteas. l.

B-jpan, COLLIE PUPPY. mo. old. ble and xvhite. male, excellent pedigree, $60.

KL. 2-2767. COLLIE PUPS tricolor 6 wks. to FOX. "terrier-shepherd puppielsT each.

YU. 75. UERMAN Shepherd reg. sliver, other LUcerne 1-6121 IRISH TERRIERS. 10 weeks old.

Reg. They nceilajurne. OX. TSlfS!) perl, silver kits fr. wln- ners.

Also stud serv. OR. 3-0423. POMERANIAN Toys, io Wks with papers. Nlel's Put Shop, 480 Haight.

HE. 1-5730. POODLES, champ, sired, 2 mo. old. bin ck mln ia ture JIL8-0J98 jaf t.

6. kittens, if) wks old. Ped. Itoyai Sacred. Mother winner $50 slioxy.

Reas. CRjl-8457. PR. 5-0601 SIAMESE KITTENS Call Sunday and eves. DO.

2-5642. SIAMESE kittens" 2 1 1 nr icouson a ie: ru -a 7a -o 1 1 ix. TOYTblack" nnd tan puppies. 122 MIL ton Stt LT. WELSH terrier pups.

fetr. ch. stock. reas. LAndacape 6-6028.

PUPPIES FOR REAL BARGAINS -HI TAP AVAL. Sundnvs Onlv. 9 a Livestock, Vehicles, etc. WHITE Arabian stallion 4 yrs. old Well broken.

DUnlap S-404H. GELDING." 3 yr. old. galted." gemie. Owner must sac.

See at Piedmont Academy. Redwood Canyon, Call Piedmont S-1 KRS or orlnda 'JSin. leoLT Bcatr. Lsabeiia 2. Piedmont 5-1 688 or Orlnda 2816 boldt 3-3135 before 12.

aft. FOR SALE 3 vr. old Palomino mare 5241 St. Helena Road, Santa Rosa or call 96.11-2. 95 Machinery and Supplies i i tj canmet.

ninaet-s eiec saws nnd verv rea Mrs Hall UN 3-556o ojx riTS Kxv. Wbltton steam generator. i 18c. PER TILE REG. 39C A AN refrigerators.

$45 up. iirftRfCArr-ficHOOir to arid completed for diploma at home. liv i oiii t. ,,..1,1., PrmriBMV I 1 I 1 1 booklet. Broadwa 1 r-J-' -r vi I A II tie vvotk An iinab New and Rent.

ir Work Phones VA. 4-3756. Ml. 7-6220 NEW ISSION ART TILE 70 Moving, Storage and Long Distance Hon I in NEED QUICK SUBURBAN PET. IV Station ivayo'i delivery icrvi.e peninsula points dally.

iMiiv.lunl nr rnotvhlv ruiii'-K't P. -ona lile intes Mr 1-3725 ivpi-k ouvs (MOVING HOUSEHOLD." BAGGAGE a furniture, stores, etc IT'S LLOYDS FOR SKHvrCK Local Trnnpfpr Servioe OR. -S470 1047 rolK from Laltp Tr.hMp nnd nrK or sm.ill Tinuni, Jr INST'RED Movine. Reasonable rates 2 vets.

MI. 7-9024. JU. 7-1292 eves VANS ret tl rnin; Pas i. Return load rate H.V.L.

Agt. SK 2- 1 SSI. KENNEDY'S Fxnress. lobs. Vets.

825 i-ge "or st.vill CR. 4-4871 BULLETIN OARD OFFERS XCCORDION. 3 sxviLhes. exret.

BABY bug-y. grey, good condition. $1 o. VA A TUB --Pedestal t-dlrt. $10 set: kit, sink, $5.

LO 4-97 twin. French xvalnut. box snrings and matt. $125. Occ.

chair $15. Commode $12 50. Pressing ta- le and rr.5ti -g BEliS 12 bici ami ma't comp $50 divan and chair, set $85. LO. 4-7143.

BED. old "fashioned solid' springs and matt. J450. JO. 7-4339 M5 coffee table $15; $397qH STOVES end tallies 12: SI 55 chairs $50, STOVE BARGAIN Carney.

783 Huight. HE. mo 79-E 5ewing Machines SINGER REPAIRS ALL MAKES Free Estimates Singer Portables for Rent New Singer Hewing Machines. CALL ONLY SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 1729 Fillmore St.

WE. 1-7171 59 Grant Ave OA. I-R079 2117 Mission Rt VA. 4-8624 1014 Market St. MA.

1-3J20 FOR sewitig niarh. service and parts call AT. UIIIO mission DELMAR SEWING MACH. CO. 3230 MISSION Mlt51i3 O'Keefe Mer ritt, newest 1950 de luxe, wltlli trash burner.

Repossessed, xviii sac. No money down aay MODERN APPLIANCE CO. 2311 Market St. UN. 1-4050 (JLtiAttAAUlti Cnmoiefelv reconditioned stoves.

Ma ly makes and models to choose from, r.eni duvs. up. On 1 and Issl on ML 7-023 6 RANGE. WedgeWOOd, Witll trash bttrtier. Coinpletely rebuilt Guar.

KMI-ORIPM B6' APPL Ar.ii.,1., 'KLEC. stove, prac. now, '9 pan inures inn up, 1415 $10 OR. 3-8470. OR.

3 8463, ISTOVES. used $15 up. All makes and types. Come in and take your l-k. P.gonne,5n9 FOtTHT, SOLD, EXCHANGED.

i -eert lip. jxtw up. TTearing A id 58 Flood pti-c JiKW. uiiod liearinff aid bargains. 48 HOMES FOR THE AGED LOVELY rm.

and private hath. Trav sej.Sllndk.GajnSK i -4 0fe 49 Sanitariums, HoipitaU Rest Homn BED and ambul. patients. 24-lir een nursine rare. Reus.


T.oa Altos SEVEN OAKS Rest Home. Aptd convalescent 812 Santa RMa. One Work Shack.WH.S-2525 Millhrne PEPr. PANITAR1CM. AGED, PENILE HEART.


7-9721 Onklnnd heart case; ANrlnver 1- PKD panctv and aed paralytics: I5fi. I 50 Tromportotlon Offered WHY NOT LOWEST FARE POSSIBLE He Yo, $75 Detroit, $75 Chicoo, $69; Honolulu. $1 I9 PAV LATER F.IE'i TICKET DELIVERY. AR LIJES TERMINAL THK A IP CO.xr'lI CENTER. DO.

2-5154 Crane Hotel 245 Powell, S.F. -TEmp. Oop. bor 6-4363 Tcer I 1 l-t- 4C4 NO LOWER FARE ANYWHERE! FLYN.Y. $7 r- vj No Money Down 9 MONTHS TO PAY DETROIT, $75 SKYTICKETS Ed Er'n SK YU.

2-4393 N. 5'. 1 st xx ei i-15 W. Park St Juiy. 5-15 W.

I'ark- Stockton lOA Transporrarion Wanted MEXICO. man xiants ride. Share en. and drive. Yl 2-5715.

Inc. 69. R'lDE wanted" vie. Ncxv Yo ilrtxe. and CM.ctise.

JU. 6 5 Special Notices and Per sonal Services FREE-LADIES WE BAKED A CAKE 'CAUSE WE KNOW YOU APE COMIN' in no n'in it ain't noi imrtv. i''s a ft" and inM I r-r vou oar da 's'lpi'l clot FEE YOU AT T'' YU. fi-0273 133 Gcarv. Ptn.

nn Ji.c.e-- 1 P. N1 S. V. P. Studio special offer rutxv.

Poster card, paper gns at reasonable price Suns of I'll I'i'-'js Established 20 yrs. at 1230 -McAllister St. "ACCIDENT AND HusiPITX'. IN. NATIONAL TRAVELERS ln POWELL.

YU. 2-1710 stop'hair Ftcm fallins In 4 treatments 535 fe-npi cost .1 Carcione ex. 1 -3 20 To' Pol, mis and incliu. To I'lintm and lical'n r-iblnet Katns Colonics PR.6-li917 jt FTI 1 1 1 owner shop llbracv ,1 11 relieve in shops, where free v.i.' needed. EV.

6-15M MAIL red. forw. 24 hr.phopee.erx;. Bin 23H 7-12 Market. EX.

2 -054 2 rvTl I'1 iiT Bills pniT. mo sec. Pox 7978P Fx Tx fx 1 I 'l 1RTR A 1 1 1 1 DO rormi.l. Call I 112 25th A v. San Mateo, rl.

Miw Free ..1440 Dept. Onportunltleai waiting trained massagists. Achates. 1 INT Corrt Irinl Coin 1047 Sutter. titl 4 i fi ha i Corresp.

Srhools. 421 indus-l trial. Commercial Courses. (J. 1.

app d. 877 Flood mtig a. COT'RSES IN Book pc Comptometer. MacMs'ster Payne, 131 1 Sutter. I tcunni.

Dav. men. women, all ages. Florence TTtr. 9i Mkt.

PR 5-4861 arr, n.ur fVa Sver Training CTiaranteed. Tuition $12 a week. 38 1st DO. 2-7742. A PROFESSION A A Rl Swedish Massage.

Electro. Therapy. 518 MARKET ST. su. l-nl'J INVISIBLE mending," learn right, re-weaving and hosiery mending.

Financial rt anirem' s. EX. 2-8805. LEARN dental nursing "in 4 months. co.

r.nm fi4 in Marsotheraov for men LEARN rexveaxing. Taught bv expert lay as you learn. YU.2-2767. KNOW 71 i ti BEDS grt, with wal dbk bed. Rent.

Vacuum Cleaners ALL make vacuums from $14 ALL make vacuums from uaiif. -ecreiai oi xi AUTOMUblLC Driving Instructions LESSONS Free plrkun anyt'me anvwhere. Dual controls. WA 1-7666 (19 '49 dtia' cars From door. Ace complete set.

FI. 6-2559 ED, "sgl. neatly new. Excel, mnt- cnmr-irtto ion ni? mat $200. WA tt mat eonn WA .2757 BEDROOM set.

6 pr. matiognnv 1 nexv. uinnlete xxitti ilja 691 42nd Ave, riione KV 6-0176 Sat. and Sun eves alter BICYCLES 2 Schwann, extras, rr-v if inns, old, -100 both. HE.

1-11111 CHXIR rlnb. blue tnohair 9 l.ti'M lll, oil paintinc, Marin Htll- $50. EX. 2-1117 set. 3 pc.

blue chair, $125. Table. $5. tables 2 $10. Floor lamps.

2. sm Drapes. $10. GA.1-92I I. CHEST Chinese camphor wood, llainl carved.

34 lti. sum. tm 835 Bush not. 4 cn'l 6-8 sunLF.ARN the fundamentals, or toon let tlle.

reuiuioisi cr. oui, IH1XK1. Minna. t.n, LIV'fNi renin samples at factnrx-prices. Direct from factory to you Terms Feldner nnd Seavy, 1757 Mission.

UN 1 I DECf lit ATtlR'S custom I I.air omft. lux. chairs, print. 1 conif. l-'renrh I'tovinclal.

ia price. DO, 2-680 or PR. 5-7317. rl '1 i '('an he seen Sat or Mon. Fl.

6-1898 or MO. S4 0: divaS. $24. i (ip.n Kit. until 9 Six 1 -9759.

FUen.Uy Furniture 7tli-CIement. LINOLEUM STXND.XRD LINOLEUM CO. is'ii', street PR 5-3ST3 triMc i-v riet Only $S4 50. tms. Congress c''1 75VaJenrla.

,.0,,, ts-mox e-Jp. Ci, 1 field ell mo, old. Selling .1 I -flv tnxyn. LO. i S190 TtVltillS WAREHOUSE 10 H.l'Mlll'S OPEN NITES tiPi'N FVLRY" 'NIGHT TILT.

9 KUnNITUR P. A RG A I MS ri'UX. 166, Market "lfi ivr-n'i Cm'VwT stylo $8(i 95 C. Fi'tn 1321 Mission. Open exes.

UN. 1-912 OPKN' EVERY NIGHT PEOPLE FURNITURE CO, Kft'l MISSKiN ST ul'I-''-" EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9 HEX FURNITURE CO 770 MISSION- NR. 4TII 'GS 9y1 "inOr'p face. ni'l 19 ..,1. tO tU 'on3 Mission' ROCKERS" large.

$18.88 I I 6 RMSM'rnrtid "View gas stove for, sale. 'Ul fi-5 171. Bet. J.2. IC A '-1 villi tin rtlKS, 2thAye.

I 1 I $14.50 up. Gitsranteed. compparts ann itrv. NOEL VACmiM. H23 VALENCIA.

70J Washing Machines BENDIX i Automatic Washers i'j 1 1 iN 1 'I 1 i.tiv i 1 ti HIlKhviy lilKhrr on term InMatlaUon can be firranped for as Utile as $35 UP 712 Vallejo St. i ASffER BARGAIN Hot point de luxe nutomatic. late 1950 model. Repossessed, will sacrifice at tinno mnnev Hn O'Xe a dav MoriEPN appliance CO 2311 Market St. UN.

1-4050 Open daily 'til 9. Sattirdny 'til 6 itlrNX ti.ionni $2 50 mr Inc. delivery and service. Can rent to purchase price. VICTORY SUPPLY AT, 2-4 303 WASHING MACHINES KKNT11P $3.50 per mo.

Will aopiv on pur. prlees Call Mr. Slaler, AT. 2-5893. APHIX xvashcrs." recond.

and $19 99 tin. SU. 1-8H00, local 398. WASif. MAC1I Easy Spirolator.

Fxc; condition. Slitthllv used. 1'R. I I I 240-120 ctitTimiiis CIU 'STERFIELD pie-e rype'rugs 9x12. $4 93 Three occasional tallies and! Inl-M chairs.

$35. Fi. 6-9016. Ed.r4rpro-53MJo and chair c8V OPEN TONIGHT ron.ii -10: set -in, great western furn. en.

(,., $ir, fid. ennd. OV. 1-S3M. 1 7 5 Market St.

nearllth 81. rivlnlr ill tier nr. i- 59 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION BOB ALLEN STUDIOS Pnrntlar rind C'asaica piano. 1 I.I'XRN vnur favorite Instrument XLT.EN'S. 79 llniglit 8 TONE: Accepting tor cnaelnnB in opera.

hv an- rmint Bernard Pa ice. PR. 5-342 xt triptu 1 FF" t'opi'tai- audi w.V, In 6 wks. SK. 1-2268.

---Jrr-, r-unnTt hO TRADE SCHOOLS RE' 1 ABLE MEN In get- ticg ahead in iner-tia iiicm tiauet i tra.iei slu.ti'.i write tcr 1 1 1 iii rite fcr free 1 nrma i.imnri unii ies Diese iiistallatinn and nia itn nee r.n.l er.nvefiii-ilt tttlillttn: T.Ultl Sl'C- e.i.l otter to xetetuns. Utilities jiiesel i I iijr BOX M-7501 EV XVINRR. 7t I tie. Vl'R, ll-'LI': IT ment pilot classes ft pi. ro Tra tart.

July 12: Airiines. O.vnir! Airoort. I.e. SpltlERN slToe luiit in 12 weel- dav or exe Mo.lern siioe Rehuil.Ilnp Sch'Tls 561 J2ltl flnkten.l. TE.

6-3353 AUCTION SCHOOL, 19th IP.A 1 n.m. 4nn Fi.itee OA 1-2218 x.1' 7r, u'a 1-0749. HSK1.U. 2 pc. Kioeliler." iiar: vitro set, I no.

XX 1-7' t.n CII1FFON1 El Frenrh Provincial 1,1., $90. PR 2691. 'TANKS REDWOOD ANfl STEEL. T. E.

BROWN, 416 Santa Clara LA. 3-09O9 angles. relnlnrcine lous, PiRtea. barbed wire, etc 1801 EVANS WE. AT.

2-2777 TOOL CHEST SALE! and 8 drawer. Reg, $29.50, $16.95. Simon Hdwre. Bth-Rdwv Oakland. FORSBERG 13 Planer" $460 DEPENDABLE MACHINE CO, 01 1 Harrison, Oakland TE.

2-1273 RADIAL Skllsaw, portable Sander, drill Like new. 322 So. 4th. Rich mond. FORK-LIFT TRUCK iTOOO-itt ea- Excel, conn, ouarnnt.

RoXj M-5HJ1T. Ex. TWInonks 3-54(10, i it furnl, toth-Howard 2 I'iciil I atlti.rie tl il'I- 'T uiKti XI crxTTR-rs'OZ ornce tyuirMcr-i, cnbine-s lnteo xx.t ti c.i.. 4tr; jniAMSillKRO 'I, T't i'iNis furniture. Reasonable.

V. H' toxin! KL. 2-08(15. Furniture and Supplies '6 INCH oak exec, desk and swivel chair. $39.50: 60" typewriter desk, j.ii-.oi.- i nniiiu Ncxv and I snd Weler and i r.i-.

Ensv rms. DO. 2-5713. 785 Mission 2 used QUICK-WAY Model trrnrh Tshlo El Cerrlto. LA.

6-635J hoes with attachments. Not war! nr BEacon 2-45R3. 'iitrn'tis. Box M-fK99. Examiner.

iwEDOlNG ring cold. 10 dTa- DEE I E.v dra freeze, cond temn U' ft ,7" l' 5 $10 ea 1-2156 dining n. sew rtdnlsf pn-li vain, it V.y-f BORINO RIG. tools mounted on 4- wheel trailer. 1.2.50 Concord 855 If 1 i.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.