Made a rainbow one two three, such a pretty sight to see! - Theweirdslingshot (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: (Soy Luna) Actually, I'm not straight Chapter Text Chapter 2: (Glee) Surprise! We’re dating! Chapter Text Chapter 3: (Soy Luna) Early Signs Chapter Text Chapter 4: (Violetta) Gender Euphoria Chapter Text Chapter 5: (Soy Luna) Surprise! We're engaged! Chapter Text Chapter 6: (Violetta) Proposal Chapter Text Chapter 7: (Asoue) Pride flags Chapter Text Chapter 8: (Violetta) Prideful baking Chapter Text Chapter 9: (Violetta) Wedding Chapter Text Chapter 10: (DCLA) Shenanigans at the pride parade Chapter Text Chapter 11: (Soy Luna) Coming out as trans Chapter Text Chapter 12: (Soy Luna) Planning for a child Chapter Text Chapter 13: (Violetta) Two moms Chapter Text Chapter 14: (Soy Luna) Are they dating or not? Chapter Text Chapter 15: (Rise of the pink ladies) First crush Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 16: (Violetta) Alternate universe Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 17: (Soy Luna) Realizing they're ace Chapter Text Chapter 18: (Glee) Two dads Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 19: (Violetta) I thought everyone liked both? Chapter Text Chapter 20: (Soy Luna) Fruity Sleepover Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: (Asoue) Pining Chapter Text Chapter 22: (Violetta) Secret dating Chapter Text Chapter 23: (Soy Luna) Dinner Chapter Text Chapter 24: (Violetta) Confession Chapter Text Chapter 25: (Violetta) Date Chapter Text Chapter 26: (Soy Luna) Gender is a construct Chapter Text Chapter 27: (DCLA) Queer group meeting Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 28: (Soy Luna) Accidental coming out Chapter Text Chapter 29: (Soy Luna) Alternate time period Chapter Text Chapter 30: (DCLA) Growing old together Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: (Soy Luna) Actually, I'm not straight

Chapter Text

It was a great day outside and the friends were preparing to go to the pride parade together.

Right now, Luna, Jim, Yam, Simón, Matteo and Ámbar were in the Benson Mansion, sitting in the living room to paint some pride flags on their faces and decorate their outfits.

“We need to bring our skates!” Simón said.

“Definitely,” Matteo said, “Although it’s annoying to carry them around.”

“What, are you weak?” Ámbar asked teasingly.

“He’s weak for Ramiro!” Yam exclaimed, causing everyone to burst out laughing.

“What are you talking about?” Matteo asked. “What does Ramiro have to do with anything?”

“Oh, we have eyes,” Luna said.

“And ears,” Simón added.

“And noses,” Jim said, which caused everyone to look at her. “What? I thought we were listing parts of our bodies?”

“Anyway, the point is, every time you and Ramiro talk, something is going on between you,” Yam said.

“Where is Ramiro, even?” Ámbar asked.

“In the closet!” Yam exclaimed dramatically.

“Yeah no, duh, but I mean where is he literally right now?”

“I think he wanted to buy some things,” Luna said, “We’ll meet him at the parade later.”

“Do we know anyone that is actually straight?” Simón asked.

“Our family members, maybe,” Jim chuckled. “Not that I’ve asked them, but still.”

“Yeah, also for the past 3 monthly visits, my godmother has spoken a LOT about a woman who pushed her stepdaughter down some stairs, and at this point I don’t think it’s friendship,” Ámbar admitted.

“She’s even mentioned her to me,” Luna said, “And I see her only like every six months and all we talk about is what I do for work and then she gives me one story about my biological parents. And then we take each other’s hands for a moment and I feel a bit sad about the whole situation that made our relationship be this strained, and then I leave. But the last time she literally mentioned this woman? What is going on? My aunt wants to tell me stuff in her life?”

“No, she never told me anything either! Something is going on!”

“I’m still confused as to how you two are cousins when that woman is Luna’s aunt and your godmother,” Jim admitted.

“Ámbar is adopted by her, but due to some unclear reason they pretended that they were godmother and goddaughter and now that’s what Ámbar calls her,” Luna explained. “Sorry if I explained it without your consent, Ámbar.”

“No, it’s ok,” Ámbar assured her. “Also, it was a safety thing. Madrina was afraid if people knew I was her daughter, they’d use it against her and put me in danger. So, by pretending I was a goddaughter, I was kept out of danger. Now I don’t feel comfortable calling her mom, ever, and I have to go to therapy because she refused to, and now here we are.”

Jim blinked. She was probably still confused, but decided not to question it anymore.

“Anyway, before we’re turning this into a therapy session,” Matteo said, “We can’t say for certain our relatives are straight either, even if it might seem like they are.”

“I wanna say I never thought madrina was straight,” Ámbar said as she raised a finger, “I didn’t think she really had any sexuality whatsoever, because she just turned off that part of her.”

“I wonder if I inherited my asexuality from her,” Luna said, “You do often inherit sexualities from aunts and uncles for some reason. Seriously, it’s a thing.”

“But Luna, I don’t think she’s ace either, I think she literally does not have a sexuality at ALL.”

“What about friends?” Simón asked, “Do we have any token straight friends?”

“Nico?” Jim suggested.

“I wanna say yes,” Simón said. “But… okay, yeah, he’s pretty… he’s pretty straight, haha. But he’s not outright said it, so I don’t wanna assume!”

They thought for a little more.

“Delfi!” Matteo exclaimed.

“I’ve seen Delfi kiss girls at parties too many times,” Ámbar said.

“Yeah, but she’s drunk then.”

“Maybe, but it’s happened too many times for me to not wonder if it’s something more than just a ‘curiosity’.”

“What about Jazmin?” Jim asked.

“NO!” Everyone yelled.

“Ok, you were very sure about that…” Jim said.

“Jimmy, I love you, but you have the worst gaydar,” Yam admitted.

“What about Nina?” Simón asked. He turned to Luna. “Has she ever told you anything?”

“We don’t really talk about sexualities like that…” Luna admitted. “But she does talk about boys. A lot. She’s always been obsessed with boys.”

“Yeah, there’s a lot of boy talk with her,” Yam chimed in, nodding to herself.

“I think it’s safe to say she’s straight?” Matteo said.

Right then, the doorbell rang. They went to open, and welcomed Gastón and Nina inside.

“What’s up?” Gastón asked. “Can I get my face painted?”

“You sure can!” Yam said, holding a paintbrush.

“What were you talking about before we got here?” Nina asked.

“We were trying to figure out if we knew anyone who was straight,” Ámbar explained.

“Nico was the only one we were sure of,” Simón said.

“Yeah, and you,” Jim added.

“Me?” Nina asked.

“Yeah, you know. You’re so boy crazy, it’s pretty safe to say you’re straight!”

Nina and Gastón looked at each other.

“You wanna tell them?” Gastón mumbled.

“Tell us what?” Luna asked. “Are you pregnant?”

Nina shook her head. She smiled shyly. “It’s just… another thing.”

“What?” Yam asked.

Nina glanced at Gastón, who nodded and whispered “go tell them”. She took a step forward.

“Uh, so… I understand why you think I’m straight. I’ve been thinking so myself ever since I first learned what sexuality was. But… after I’ve reflected a bit, and… well, I guess it’s kind of because of all of you guys, I’ve thought about my sexuality deeper. And I… well…” She took a deep breath. “I have come to the conclusion… I’m not straight.”

The room went silent.

“WHAT?!” Jim shouted. Then it was silent again.

“I don’t know exactly how I would label myself just yet,” Nina admitted, “But I… I just know that, I’m not! And… I wanted to tell you guys this! So you know!”

Luna smiled and ran up and hugged her.

“This is what happens in queer friend groups, eventually it turns out no one is straight!” Yam chuckled, as she also went to hug Nina.

“We just need to convert Nico,” Simón joked.

“The second he’s back from New York, we’ll shower him with queerness,” Matteo chimed in.

“I don’t think I even would have thought so much about it if it wasn’t for all of you being so openly queer and making me think about the topic in general more,” Nina admitted. “So I have you guys to thank!”

“You’re so welcome!” Luna exclaimed, kissing her on the cheek.

Nina turned to Gastón, who gave her a proud smile and a thumbs up. She grinned.

She wondered what her mom would say if she told her this, too. But maybe she should wait until she knows more definitely what she would label herself as. Although, as Gastón especially had told her, she didn’t need labels. But Nina liked putting stuff in boxes, so she’d like to figure it out.

Maybe that day will come sooner or later.

Chapter 2: (Glee) Surprise! We’re dating!

Chapter Text

Rachel had invited a lot of her old classmates over for, what she called, “a very special dinner”. Santana, Brittany, Kurt, Blaine, Mercedes, Tina and Artie were invited over. All of them believed it was something silly, like Rachel usually does, but she claimed she had a “surprise”.

“What do you think is the surprise?” Kurt asked.

“Maybe that she has bought new shoes,” Tina suggested, to everyone’s giggles.

Rachel opened the front door. “Oh, come in! Welcome!” She grinned so much that you could barely see her eyes.

Everyone went inside and sat down in her kitchen.

“Oh, Quinn, I didn’t know you’d be here!” Mercedes commented, noticing Quinn existed.

“Yes, I’m helping Rachel with dinner,” Quinn said, She then formed a secretive smile to Rachel.

“Ok, they’re definitely sharing a secret,” Santana whispered to Kurt and Blaine. They nodded.

“What’s for dinner?” Mercedes asked.

“Vegan nuggets and rice!” Rachel exclaimed.

“I made real chicken nuggets too,” Quinn added with a wink.

“Is there non-vegan rice too?” Brittany asked.

They served the food and sat down. It was obvious something was going on between Quinn and Rachel, and everyone could see it. Whatever Rachel’s secret was, Quinn was involved with it.

The dinner was going smoothly, but the elephant was very much in the room.

“What elephant?” Brittany asked, as she could break fourth walls. No one replied.

The guests wanted to speculate about what the secret was, but they couldn’t do that in front of them. So, everyone ate super fast so that they’d have to go get the dessert.

But, even if everyone ate up everything on their plate, they had to wait as Rachel was telling a story.

The only one who seemed interested in it was Quinn, for some reason.

“Can you believe it?” Rachel asked. “I paid full price when it was 75% off!”

“Unbelievable,” Quinn said, looking way too interested.

Everyone else looked very bored around, hoping it was over soon.

Luckily for them, Quinn could read rooms.

“Oh. Is everyone done eating?”

“Yes, half an hour ago,” Artie said.

“Well, Rachel, then maybe you and I can go get the dessert?”

“But my story!” Rachel squealed.

“They’re waiting for dessert, don’t they?”

“Oh.. well… I guess.”

The relief of everyone in the room was something even Rachel noticed.

“Okay, you know what I’m thinking?” Mercedes asked. “Rachel is a surrogate to Quinn’s baby.”

“What?” Artie asked. “No, I’m thinking they’re putting on a new musical. Quinn is helping direct it.”

“Maybe they killed someone together and makes us involved by telling us!” Tina said nervously.

“I’m calling it, they’re cannibals…” Brittany mumbled.

“The most obvious thing would be that they’re dating,” Santana said, “But it’s so obvious that it can’t be that!”

“Right?” Kurt said.

“Yeah, it can’t be that they’re dating,” Mercedes said.

“Do you think they… are opening a glee club together?” Blaine suggested.

“You know what, it sounds possible!” Artie said. “And now they want us to help them recruit people.”

“Who wants help recruiting?” Rachel asked. She and Quinn came out with glace au four.

Everyone was silent for a moment, before Santana broke the silence.

“I’m breaking the silence. We wanna know your secret that you told us you have!”

“Oh! Like… right now?”

“Right now, Rachel,” Mercedes said, crossing her arms, “We don’t have all night.”

“Okay! Uh… Quinn?”

Quinn took a deep breath, as her shy smile grew bigger.

“Me, and Rachel… we have something to announce.”

“It might be surprising,” Rachel said, “And I know it will shock all of you in this room right now!”

“Yes, so just prepare yourselves…”

“No one chews on anything, we don’t want a choking accident from the shock!”

“Oh my god, just say it!” Kurt shouted.

“Yeah, the suspense is killing us!” Tina added.

Quinn and Rachel took each other’s hands, gave each other a grin and then revealed their secret in unison.

“We’re dating!”

The room was very silent.

“That’s it?” Santana asked, disappointed.

“I know it seems insane…” Rachel said.

“No, the insane part is that it’s the most OBVIOUS thing!” Kurt said. “Please, we’ve all been hoping for Faberry for years. We almost thought you just wanted us to assume you were already dating.”

“So you’re… disappointed that we are dating?” Quinn asked.

“No, we’re just disappointed it wasn’t a more unexpected secret,” Tina explained. Then she grinned. “But that’s great! You two are great for each other!”

“Yeah, I have a conspiracy theory that Rachel knocked Quinn up all those years ago,” Brittany said.

“Yeah, we love you!” Mercedes assured them. “You make a great couple!”

Everyone cheered and clapped.

Rachel and Quinn chuckled. They pulled each other in, as they shared a smirk. Then they kissed, causing their friends to cheer and clap even louder.

The surprise might not have been too much of a surprise, but at least it got well received. They wondered if all of their other friends that they didn’t invite here tonight would react the same.

Chapter 3: (Soy Luna) Early Signs

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When Yamila Sanchez was one year old, there was a boy at her daycare that everyone joked was her boyfriend. This was because they shared a mattress at nap time, and also traded pacifiers once. In retrospect, it’s kind of odd to ship children that still crap their pants on the regular together. Maybe they shared a mattress at nap time because the daycare had a small budget and all the children shared mattresses. And maybe they traded pacifiers because they were 1 years old and loved to put things in their mouths, and so they curiously wanted to try out the other one's pacifier. By using the logic that there would be something “romantic” between two toddlers, the same thing could have been said when one-year-old Yamila on the regular went up to kiss the face of another one-year-old girl at her daycare. But that was instead seen as her just being “affectionate to her friend”. And I mean, she was one, so that was probably what she did, but it was interesting the girl was seen as a friend and the boy that she spent less time with was joked to be her “boyfriend”.

When Yam turned four, she got asked by her aunt who she was going to marry when she grew up. She said she wanted to marry Stephanie from Lazytown. She was so pretty in her pink hair and Yam always sang and danced along whenever she saw her on screen. As she told her aunt that’s who she wanted to marry, her aunt laughed.

“Oh, Yamila, but isn’t there some cute boy in your preschool group you’d like to marry?”


Her aunt chuckled and turned to the other adults. They all were sure sooner or later Yam would get a crush on a boy.

When Yam was six, she played with her barbies in her room. She had several barbies, and one Ken. Ken was sitting in the corner of the room, and he was naked. Yam had taken off his clothes and put them on a barbie. In her pretend play, one barbie had taken his clothes because she was pretending to be him to fool his girlfriend. Yam laid down on her belly, as she held up the two barbies.

“You look different!” the girlfriend barbie exclaimed.

“I just ate something, that’s all,” the barbie in Ken’s clothes replied.

“Oh, ok! Kiss me!”

“Of course, babe.”

Six-year-old Yam felt something rush inside her as she slowly made her two barbies kiss. She didn’t know what it was… but she liked it.

When Yam was nine years old, she was playing The Sims 2. Her cousin had shown her how you could make your sims “woohoo” - which meant that they got under the bed covers and did what Yam understood as the thing you do to have children. It was a whole cutscene and everything.

Yam had only used this to make her sims have babies, but today was gonna be a different experience. She had created a household of two girls. Best friends, who shared a house together. She built up their friendship a lot, and clicked on the options you could have when talking. One of the options was… flirting…?

Yam thought you could only flirt when it was a man and woman. But you can flirt when it’s two girls?

She decided to try it out. Indeed, the same animations as when it was a man and woman played out as the two girl sims started flirting. Then came the option to kiss. Yam looked around, as if she didn’t want anyone to see, and then she clicked on it. It tickled inside of her as she saw the two pixelated girls kiss.

Then it hit her… could it be possible to…?

She took both girl sims to the bed. She clicked for the options.

Yes. They could woohoo.

She didn’t know why, but she had never felt this curious and excited in her entire life. Her heart started beating faster as she clicked on the woohoo option, and watched the cutscene play out…

When Yam was 12, she was at a birthday party at her classmate’s house. She chatted with Jimena, Jim for short, who was her best friend. She had known Jim for years, but they hadn’t become best friends until they ended up in the same class in middle school.

The birthday girl decided to call everyone over for a game of truth or dare. Yam always thought that was a fun game. This was because the truths and dares she’d have to do were all silly and funny. But today, as they spinned the bottle and it ended up on Yam, things got different.

“Yam, truth or dare?” the birthday girl asked.


“Okay… who do you have a crush on?”

What a boring question. Yam had a good answer. “No one!”

“Don’t lie,” the birthday girl said. “Everyone has someone. It’s not possible to have no crush. You do have one, you just won’t admit it.”

“But… I don’t. I really don’t.”

“Stop lying!”

“Yam never lies,” Jim said. Yam smiled at her.

“You’re her best friend, Jim,” another girl said, “Can you tell us who Yam’s crush is?”

Jim looked at Yam. “She… has not told me.”

“See, she has one that not even her best friend knows about.”

“No, no! If Yam had a crush, she’d tell me! We tell each other everything!”

“Yes… yes, I would.”

The other girls sighed in defeat. Yam was relieved they didn’t pester her about this anymore.

When Yam was 18, she came out as a lesbian to everyone she knew. The reactions were different depending on the person.

“Oh! How fun!” some of them reacted.

“You are?” some others reacted.

Some of them even said “Wow! I never would have guessed!”

There were some early signs. But maybe only Yam herself thought they were obvious.

Chapter 4: (Violetta) Gender Euphoria

Chapter Text

Maxi looked at himself in the mirror. He had put on his best outfit.

A cool T-shirt that said “80s man” on it. Maxi wasn’t even alive in the 80s, but the font was fun. A yellow shiny jacket. Red, baggy pants. White sneakers.

He liked this outfit. He felt at home with it.

But something was missing…


It was Camila. His best friend. She never knocked, and always walked into his house unannounced.

She experimented a lot with her style, and now had tried out a “retro troublemaker” style. She had a cap backwards, baggy clothes and a random slingshot she never used and just had as a decoration. She also recently got braces, which added to the look.

“Hi, Camila. I’m getting dressed.”

“Ooh, I love your outfit!”

“I love it, too, but… something still feels off. I don’t know what.”

“I think you look like a funky lad!”

Maxi chuckled. “Thank you. I’m trying to feel it myself. But…” He felt his hair. “I think this is the problem! My hair, it feels…”

“Too fluffy? Too large?”

“I don’t know… maybe I should shave off my hair… but I don’t want to have a buzz cut.”


Camila walked around him, playing a bit with his hair.

“What about… we’ll put it in a ponytail?” she suggested.

“No,” Maxi said sternly, “I don’t want that.”

“Hm… mmm… maybe… ugh, I can’t think with the cap on!”

She took off her cap and jokingly put it on Maxi.

“Ok, now I can think freely. Maybe we can…”

Maxi didn’t hear her. He stared at himself in the mirror. The cap was on backwards, and it looked… good, on him. What did it look like when he turned it around?

As he turned it around he stared at himself slowly.

He got some feeling inside that he could only describe as…




He felt euphoric.

“Maxi?” Camila asked. “Are you ok?”

Maxi nodded. “More than ok.”

Camila looked in the mirror. “Wow, the cap looks good on you!”

“I know! Can I… can I keep it?”

“I don’t know…” She then smirked. “Just kidding, of course you can have it! You look so good!”

Maxi laughed. He couldn’t believe how much a cap could make a difference.

He never wanted to take it off.

Chapter 5: (Soy Luna) Surprise! We're engaged!

Chapter Text

Luna and Nina laid down on Luna’s bed. They sighed.

Luna had just broken up with Matteo. It just… didn’t work out. And it probably would never, either.

Nina broke up with Eric pretty recently as well. Both girls were thus in a post-breakup blues where they just decided to spend time together.

”I just… don’t think romance is for me,” Luna said.

”Maybe we just found the wrong people,” Nina sighed.

Luna turned to her. ”At least we got each other.”

”Yeah. We got each other.”

They smiled and slowly linked their hands together.

Right then, Monica came into the room.

”Oh, don’t mind me, I’m just putting back some laundry!”

They didn’t mind her. They just smiled at each other.

Monica curiously glanced at them. ”Alright… you’re adults now, I’m not gonna get all nosy… I’ll leave you alone!”

”She’s always thinking we’re being so secretive,” Luna snickered.

”We kinda are…” Nina said. ”I like it. It feels like we’re living a secret life that only occurs behind closed doors.”

”Yeah… except that we have no secret.”

Nina glanced at the door. Monica had closed it. She then turned back to Luna.

”Wanna let me do something to you that I want you to keep a secret?”


”You have to promise to not even tell Simón!”

”Ok! I promise!”

Nina then leaned in and kissed her.

As she let go, Luna didn’t seem to be sure if she was gonna smile or not. She blushed, and her heart had started beating faster.

”Uh…” Luna said, and let out an unsure chuckle. ”Why did you do that?”

”I just felt like it… I don’t know, the whole setting of us lying down on your bed, and your mom leaving comments about us being secretive… I just got a feeling! Was it okay?”

Luna nodded. ”I was just surprised, that’s all. But… I loved it.”

”Woah, loved it, even?”

”Yeah! It… it’s a very nice secret you just gave me.”

Both of them giggled.

Then suddenly, Luna sat up. ”Hey. I just got a crazy idea.”


”Remember that my mom said that we were adults now? Well, what if…?” She leaned in and whispered in her ear.

Nina at first gasped, but then started to feel intrigued.

”Oh… my gosh… I’d actually love that! I mean, I’d want at least a week to think it through, but… right now it sounds amazing!”

”Ok, we’ll give it a week’s thought. Then we talk it through, and go from there!”


A week went by, where people could see something went on between the two girls. Now, they had always kept things between them, but this felt… different.

Simón especially was curious. He sat down on the Jam and Roller stage with her.

”Luna, what is up with you and Nina? What are you hiding?”

”It’s nothing important,” Luna replied. ”Also, it’s a secret.”

”A secret sounds important.”

”Well, it’s between me and her. I’m not allowed to tell anyone. Not even you.”

Simón formed a smug face. ”Well… I hope that whatever it is, it brings you joy!”

”I promise you that it does.”

”Luna,” Nina said, walking up to her and Simón. ”Come. We need to… you know.” She gestured for them to go and talk backstage.

”I’m coming. See you later, Simón!”

”It’s been a week…” Nina said, ”And… I think I’m more sure than ever.”

”I’m also pretty sure what I want,” Luna said, ”But I’m gonna respect whatever you want.”

”Same here…” Nina took a deep breath. ”Should we say it together?”

Luna nodded.

3, 2, 1…

”I do.”

They gasped in a happy surprise.

”I just… I think it could solve all of my problems,” Nina said, ”And I never have to be lonely again.”

”Yeah,” Luna said, ”And… we can live in the mansion that’s big and if we ever need space, we can be in separate rooms!”


”So… should we tell people?”

Nina smiled. ”Can I kiss you first?”

”Well, we’re gonna kiss a lot in the upcoming years, so we better begin now, eh?”

The two walked out with their arms linked together. They walked up to Jim and Yam, who were sitting by a table.

”Hello, girls!” Yam said. ”What’s up?”

”Nina and I have an announcement!” Luna exclaimed.

Suddenly, Simón ran up, almost crashing into the table.

”Can I hear the announcement, too?”

Luna giggled. ”Yes, Simón.”

”Luna and I…” Nina said slowly, ”Are engaged!”

Jim spit out her drink.

”What?!” Yam yelled, causing the rest of the people in the room to turn to them.

”What’s going on?” Ámbar asked.

”Me and Nina are engaged!” Luna explained.

”Oh. When’s the wedding, then?”

”We haven’t planned that far!” Nina chuckled. ”I wanna finish my studies, and we need to live together for a bit first to get a feeling how it is living so close…”

”Ok, I had a feeling you were dating or something,” Yam said, ”But engaged… woah!”

”Technically we never dated… Luna just suggested last week that maybe we could get married to each other, since none of our relationships last… and we’ve had this week to think it through and… we agreed we did want this!”

”Congrats, amigas!” Simón cheered, almost tackling Luna with a hug, and then hugging Nina.

“Have you told your parents?” Ámbar asked.

“No…” Nina and Luna said in unison.

Oh, no… how would their parents react to this?

They made a large dinner at the mansion. Monica and Miguel on one side, Ana and Mora on the other (Ricardo was not in Argentina, he’d know later).

Luna and Nina sat next to each other at the side of the table. Ámbar sat next to Simón, who insisted that he’d need to be here for this. The two smiled like idiots, which caused all the parents to wonder if they knew what was going on.

“Tell me,” Ana whispered to Ámbar, “Can you give me a hint of what Nina and Luna are hiding?”

“You’ll see,” Ámbar said.

It was a suspenseful dinner, until finally, Luna asked for everyone’s attention.

“Okay, so… Ámbar and Simón know exactly why you are all here, but everyone else does not.”

“I’m curious,” Monica said.

Nina took a deep breath. “Well… should we make a speech, or…?”

“We’re engaged!” Luna yelled.

Simón buried his head on the table to not make his laughter as loud.

“Engaged as marriage-engaged?” Mora asked.

“Yes,” Nina said. “And… I know you might have questions, you might think we’re rushing into this, and that we’re too young… but I promise, we’ve thought this through and we won’t actually get married until I finish my studies and we’ve lived together for a while.”

“Hija!” Ana said. She went up and gave her a big hug.

Luna smiled awkwardly at her parents.

Monica turned to Miguel. “Well, I guess you owe me some money.”

“Wait, what?” Luna asked.

“Oh,” Miguel said, “Well, hija, you aren’t that good at telling us when you’re dating someone.”

“Not that good,” Monica chimed in. “And so we kinda have had to theorize it.”

“Now, I have been betting for years that you’d be dating Simón!”

“Wait, what?” Simón and Luna exclaimed in unison.

“And I wondered if perhaps there was something going on between you and Nina!” Monica explained.

“Of course there is!” Mora yelled. “Ah, I always had a feeling, but Ana said I was crazy!”

“You can’t blame me!” Ana answered. “Nina has always had boyfriends!”

“Yeah, but I’ve also experienced a lot of heartbreaks from boys,” Nina said. “And I think… Luna is the only one that has never let me down.”

“A life goal is to marry your best friend, isn’t it?” Mora asked. “More people should do that! Who needs men anyway?”

Everyone chuckled.

“So you don’t think we’re rushing things, or that we’re too young, or something?” Luna asked.

“We just want you to be happy,” Monica said.

“And we trust you!” Mora added.

“Yeah!” everyone else chimed in.

“Can we go back to Miguel thinking that me and Luna…?” Simón said, but then noticed no one really paid attention. So, he let it go.

Chapter 6: (Violetta) Proposal

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It was a beautiful day in June, and some former On Beat students, who also were former Youmix stars, were performing at a pride event. This event was mostly a fundraiser to help organizations for queer youth. A lot of the former teenage pop stars nowadays mostly performed at galas and televised fundraisers, when they didn’t work on new music or wrote music for other artists.

Right now, they were backstage, fixing up to go out and perform.

There was something in the air, and everyone felt it. It was like something was gonna be revealed today.

Francesca, Violetta and Camila knew. Francesca and Violetta walked up to Camila to talk about it specifically.

”Do you have it ready?” Francesca asked.

”I have been double checking it 5 times,” Camila assured them. ”I got this!”

She turned to Naty on the other side of the room. Naty smiled secretively, like she was gonna reveal something today, too.

Everyone went out on stage, performing their songs. Violetta and Ludmila performed Mas que dos together. Then Camila and Ludmila performed Si es por amor, Violetta and Francesca performed Junto a ti, and then Ludmila and Naty performed Peligrosamente bellas. Finally, all the girls performed Enceder nuestra luz.

As the last performance ended, they all stood on stage for a while, before Camila grabbed the microphone.

”Uh… so, I have something to say. This month, as you know, is pride month…”

There were cheers from the audience.

”Yes, so, this month is all about us queer people, and our right to be how we are and love who we want! And I am lucky to live in a time where, what I am about to do is completely legal.”

She went up to Naty as she quickly knelt down. The second she knelt down, the audience started cheering, as they realized what was happening.

”Natalia Vidal…” Camila said. ”You’ve always been a light in my life… and… I wanna spend the rest of my life together with you. So…”

She dug up her box and opened it, revealing a ring.

”Will you marry me?”

The crowd went wild.

Naty grinned.

”Oh, Camila…” she said, waiting for the audience to quiet down. As they did, she slowly dug up a box on her own. ”I was actually gonna…”

”DOUBLE PROPOSAL!” someone in the audience yelled excitedly, and everyone laughed, cheered and clapped.

”Do you wanna marry me?” Naty giggled.

”Oh my gosh!” Camila didn’t know how to feel. She stood up, and grabbed Naty’s hands. ”I guess… it’s yes for both of us?”


The two shared a kiss as everyone lost hearing in the crowd cheering.

”Why does this always happen at queer proposals?” Ludmila asked, ”That both of them propose at the same time? I feel like it’s a theme!”

”Maybe they know each other so well they both thought of the same opportunity!” Francesca said, as she and Violetta tried not to happy cry.

This proposal had been quite the event, and it would forever live on the internet and in thousands of people’s phones. And, of course, everyone’s memories.

Chapter 7: (Asoue) Pride flags

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Jerome ran into the room.

“I wanna be educated!”

The Baudelaires and Quagmires were sitting in one of the many living rooms in the penthouse, and were not expecting Jerome to just run inside.

“Be educated on what?” Klaus asked.

Jerome catched his breath. “I know… it’s pride month now… and it’s wonderful. But there’s so many flags, for so many identities. And I wanna learn them all!”

“And you want our help?” Isadora asked.

“Yes. I know you know all the different flags!”

“We sure do,” Duncan said.

“Ok, Jerome,” Violet said. “Just give us some time to prepare and we can meet in the presentation room.”

One of the rooms in the penthouse was dedicated to just doing presentations. Jerome now sat eagerly, as the children started their lecture.

“So, Jerome,” Quigley said, “We will start by the easy rainbow flag. You’re familiar with this one.”

“Yes! It’s for the gays, isn’t it?”

”Yes,” Klaus said, ”It’s also a general flag for pride.”

”What flag is this?” Violet asked, showing him a new flag.

”Oh! The… bisexual!” Jerome exclaimed.


”This flag?” Sunny asked, holding up a new flag.

”Hm… wait… isn’t the pink, yellow and blue also bisexual…?”

”No…” Duncan said.

”Wait… no! It’s… pan! Pansexual!”


Isadora put on a flag on her back. ”What is this?”

Jerome smiled. ”That is the trans flag. That one I’m sure of.”

”That is correct! And this?” She helped up a new flag.

”Hmm… isn’t it… gay, but… girls…? Wait! Lesbian flag!”


”Here’s another,” Duncan said. ”Can you guess?”

”Hm… this one… I think… the one where you don’t feel attraction… or… do you? I know it reminds me of cards…”

”Yes… and what’s it called…?”

”Uh… hm…” Jerome thought for a moment. ”Wait! Asexual?”

”Yes! Correct!”

“And then we can add this one,” Violet said. “This flag is similar to asexual, but… focusing on another aspect.”

“Hmm…” Jerome glanced at the flag that was green and gray, and white in the middle. “Something starting with a, too… wait, I know it… it’s… a… aromantic?”


“This one?” Sunny asked, wrapping herself in a flag that was yellow, white, purple and black.

“Hm… it’s something with gender again, isn’t it?” Jerome asked.


“Okay… it’s…” He thought for a moment. “When you’re not a woman and not a man, right?”

“I mean… you’re on the right path, but… what’s the name?” Klaus asked.

“Uh… it’s when you… aren’t… What's the word? Not binary?”

“Close! Non-binary!” Quigley exclaimed.

“Nonbinary! That’s right! Ah!”

“We don’t have more flags to show you right now,” Isadora admitted.

“Is there more?” Jerome asked.

“There’s a lot more! But guess what, you already know more than most people.”

“Yeah, some people don’t even know the pansexual flag exists!” Quigley chimed in.

“Wow… it’s so amazing how there’s so many flags for so many identities!” Jerome said. “I feel like I’ve been learning so much already!” Jerome admitted. “Thank you for this lecture.”

“You’re welcome!” the kids replied.

Chapter 8: (Violetta) Prideful baking

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“Ok! Let’s go make cupcakes, and we won’t poison them!” Camila yelled.

“Can you poison cupcakes by accident?” Naty asked nervously.

“Let us hope we never find that out!”

Camila was craving sweets. Thus, she asked her friends if they could meet up and bake. Since it was pride month, they decided to make some rainbow themes on the sweets they baked.

“I know you have a sweet tooth, Camila,” Ludmila said, “But you feel almost desperate… why are you craving it this badly?”

Camila stood up, revealing her pregnancy bump that was way more visible than what it was the other day. “I don’t know, I just do.”

“Are you in the sixth month now?” Francesca asked.

“Yep! And the little one has not tasted cupcakes, so let’s let them try it!”

“You still haven’t told us who the father is,” Ludmila said.

“Yes, I have! He’s Argentinian and has brown hair!”

“But his name?”

“I don’t know! Why is that important, he’s anonymous.”

“How… I don’t understand…”

Camila clapped her hands. “Let’s make rainbow cupcakes! Let’s go, lesbians!” She then pointed at Violetta and Francesca. “And bisexuals! Let’s go to you, too!”

“Woo!” Violetta cheered.

They started making all the cupcakes.

“Where’s the deciliter cup?” Francesca asked.

“Over here!” Naty said, handing it over. “Woops!” She accidentally dropped it, making flour fall out of it. Some flour got on the floor, and some got on Francesca’s apron. Francesca just snickered about it.

“We need to make the frosting, so that we don’t forget!” Camila said, stuffing chocolate in her mouth.

“Where did you find the chocolate?” Ludmila asked.

“I’m not telling! It’s mine! Now, frosting! Rainbow frosting! Rainbow cupcakes! Chop chop!”

“Yes, boss!” Violetta chuckled.

They made the forms ready and put them in the oven. Camila’s mouth seemed to water just looking at them before they got the cupcake frosting on them.

”Okay! Begin preparing the frosting! No time to waste!” she ordered.

”Can you help us?” Ludmila asked.

”I’m pregnant and tired.”

Ludmila scoffed.

“You’ll understand if you ever get pregnant.”

“I’ll never get pregnant,” Ludmila said. She would, but she didn’t know that yet.

“Anyway, I need to go pee because the baby is literally stepping on my bladder,” Camila admitted. “I’ll be back soon.”

Violetta and Francesca stuffed down rainbow colored frosting in the pastry bag, to make it ready.

“Oh, you got some frosting on your hand, Vilu,” Francesca said.

Before Violetta could raise her hand, Francesca grabbed it and licked it off her knuckle.

“Okay…” Violetta said, giggling.

“What?” Francesca asked, as she smirked.

“I’m just…” Violetta didn’t know what she wanted to say. “You’re so odd. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

The two women started to get a bit distracted by each other… and Ludmila and Naty were pretty distracted too.

“Can you please tell me who her father is?” Ludmila asked.

“But she doesn’t know!” Naty said. “It was an anonymous donor!”

“But I don’t understand what that means!”

“It means it’s someone whose identity is mysterious! She only knows essential information like nationality.”

“But what if he comes and wants to take the child?”

“That’s not how donors work, Ludmila!”

“Hey, I’m back!” Camila announced. “What’s going on- HOLY f*ck, THE OVEN’S ON FIRE!”

Ludmila and Naty turned around. Indeed, smoke was starting to emerge from the oven.

“AAAAAAAAAA!!” Ludmila screamed.

“How did this happen?!” Naty cried as she tried to find something to stop the fire with.

Camila opened the oven and hurried taking out the muffin pan.

Ludmila opened the window, as she coughed.

To say the oven was on fire was exaggerating. However, the muffins were pitch black and could not be turned into cupcakes.

“Well… at least we have the frosting…” Camila said.

Suddenly, Francesca and Violetta turned around. They had been busy just… I don’t know, sensually touching each other’s arms.

“Woah, what happened here?” Violetta asked.

“You… didn’t hear us screaming?” Ludmila asked.

“No, we did,” Francesca said. “I just… was busy with something else.”

Violetta giggled.

“Ew,” Ludmila said, “Get a room.”

Camila grabbed the rainbow frosting, and proceeded to pour it in her mouth.

“Mmm! You know what? We don’t need cupcakes. I just need frosting, it’s perfect!”

“Next time we should just bake something that does not require an oven,” Naty said. Everyone agreed.

Chapter 9: (Violetta) Wedding

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All of their friends were there. Violetta, Francesca, Maxi, Naty, Leon, Diego, Broduey, Andres… and even Federico! They hadn’t heard from Federico for so long that they almost thought he died.

Camila’s family was there. Her parents, all of her sisters, all of her cousins, aunts, uncles, and a bunch of plus ones. Even plus ones of plus ones. They were sure that there were some people here just to crash the wedding. It was fine. Camila would have done the same. As long as they behaved.

Ludmila’s family was… well, as many as could be, were there. Her dad was there. Germán was there. Violetta, of course. Her friends were also her family. She didn’t expect her mom to be there, especially because she was institutionalized. But her mom had been wishing her good luck. Ludmila wasn’t sure her mom knew who she married…

Who knew Camila Torres and Ludmila Ferro would get married? Not the two girls.

But life is full of surprises.

”I now pronounce you married,” the officiator said.

”Do we have to kiss in front of our friends?” Ludmila asked.

Everyone laughed.

”Come here!” Camila laughed and then dipped her, as she kissed her hard.

People clapped, cried and cheered. And of course, everyone took photos and recorded them, so if you went on social media this day, you’d see the same videos and photos but from different perspectives.

Everyone was sitting by the tables, eating cake and chatting with each other. But then, it was time for wedding speeches.

Ludmila and Camila were both kind of scared of what their friends would say. Especially as Violetta went up first.

“So, I got to know Camila and Ludmila roughly around the same time. And I got very different first impressions from them.”

Everyone laughed.

“And every time I saw Camila and Ludmila interact for that first year, they were all up in each other’s faces. Like, in retrospect I should have known… I remember by the time they told us ‘by the way, we’re dating’, suddenly I felt like… I wasn’t as surprised as I should be?”

A lot of people nodded and chuckled slightly.

Violetta told some fun stories in her speech, and after she was done, it was Maxi’s turn.

“So I’ve known Camila since we were 12,” he said. “My first memory of her is us being on the playground at our middle school, and suddenly Ludmila came outside. Camila immediately pointed at her and she said ‘that’s my mortal enemy’.”

Camila and Ludmila giggled and shook their heads.

Maxi then talked about some pranks and beefs Camila and Ludmila had with each other, and eventually he started to suspect something was going on.

“You wanna know when I realized you were in love with Ludmila?” Maxi asked. “It was when you and her were gonna sing a duet, and I expected you were gonna compete for the spotlight again. But instead, you stood there on stage, and your eyes… sparkled. And I realized… oh… OH!”

Everyone made “aww” sounds and giggled.

Maxi also talked about some shenanigans he and Camila did, as well as his relationship with Ludmila. It brought a lot of laughs and facepalms from the two wedded, as they recalled everything Maxi brought up.

It was then Naty’s turn.

“As long as I’ve known Ludmila, she has been obsessed with Camila. I thought it was because they were ‘mortal enemies’, but… well, girls, are you still mortal enemies now?”

“Absolutely!” Camila and Ludmila exclaimed as they grinned.

Naty started talking about all the plans Ludmila had about Camila. “At one time, I asked you how come you wanted to get her attention so much. Why can’t you just focus on yourself? And you answered ‘Nat, you don’t understand anything!’”

Everyone laughed again.

As Diego went up to have a speech, he had a similar story to Naty’s. “Well, I’ve known Ludmila basically all of my life, and I can say that I knew about Camila’s existence already when we were as young as five. It would take another 13 years before I’d actually meet her, but Ludmila gave me a very special picture of her. I remember, when she told me about all the things ‘that vicious Cami’ did, I too asked her why she just couldn’t leave her alone or just ignore her. Ludmila answered ‘Diego, you just don’t get it!’. And I guess I never did… until I met Camila and I saw exactly how they were with each other.”

Some chuckles were spread out.

One of Camila’s sisters also had a speech, and mentioned how apparently one of their first memories was of Camila obsessively talking about Ludmila.

What the two women could gather from all of the speeches was, how obvious it was that eventually the two would get together. They had spent so many years thinking they hated each other, but along the way, they realized they actually loved each other all along.

“Let’s dance!” Maxi exclaimed as everyone had finished their speeches.

Camila and Ludmila took each other’s hands as they stood up.

“Ready to dance?” Camila asked.

“Shut up, nerd,” Ludmila replied teasingly, as she kissed her.

Chapter 10: (DCLA) Shenanigans at the pride parade

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“Do we have everything with us?” Francesca asked.

“We got everything in my bag!” Violetta assured her. “Except for a change of clothes, cause it wouldn’t fit.”

“Aw, but if we don’t pack extra clothes it might be this specific time that we’re gonna need it.”

“Ok, but… it’s just a 10 minute walk, isn’t it? Worst case scenario, we have to go home and change.”

“True…” Francesca then turned to the kids. “Are you ready to go?”

“Weady, mama!” Carolina exclaimed. “Wook, I wew a wainbow!”

The three year old happily showed her little crooked rainbow she drew with markers on her arm.

“That is very nice, dear.”

“Do we need a stroller?” Violetta asked.

“Hmm… it takes up a lot of space,” Francesca said.

“It does. Wait, I got a better idea!”

She picked up their son Oliver, who recently had turned 1, and put him on her shoulders. Oliver giggled at being so high up.

“I wanna be up too, mami!” Carolina exclaimed.

“I can put you on my shoulders!” Francesca said, picking her up.

“Now we’re just waiting for the four year old,” Violetta said.

“I’m almost five!” Elina shouted, running up to them.

“Yes, you’re a big girl. We’re going now.”

“And I’m saying this now to you, girls,” Francesca said. “There’s gonna be a lot of people there, so I want you to stay close to us, ok?” She looked especially at her oldest daughter.

“Pwomise!” Carolina exclaimed.

“I promise,” Elina said, “But aren’t you gonna say that to Oliver, too?”

“Oliver is just a baby, and I will hold him all the time,” Violetta explained. “He can’t escape even if he wants to!”

“We need to go, chop chop!” Ludmila said, clapping her hands.

“We want our child back, Cami!” Naty called.

Camila came out, smiling. “I have a surprise!”

She moved aside, to show Ludmila and Naty’s daughter Stella toddle up in a rainbow dress and flowers in her hair. Along with Stella was Camila’s kid Kim, who wore rainbow overalls, but also had flowers in their hair.

“I’m dying!” Ludmila exclaimed, almost forming tears. “Naty, get the camera!”

“Mama, what’s a pride parade anyway?” Kim asked.

“It’s a parade where we walk around with rainbows. We’re showing that people, and families can look different and that we have a right to exist!”

“Yes, did you know, a lot of years ago, two moms were not allowed?” Naty asked. “We’re celebrating that we can now, and showing people that it’s okay!”

“I weaw a wainbow!” Stella exclaimed, jumping.

“Yes, you’re so cute, darling.”

Maxi and Andres were nervous. This was the first time they were gonna go out on an event with their twins.

Their twin boys, Tommy and Daniel, were just six months old and their dads had dressed them up for the occasion. They had now put them in baby carriers as they finished their own outfits.

“Is this rainbow tie too much?” Andres asked.

“Of course not! You look so classy!”

“I hope the boys won’t think I’m embarrassing…”

Maxi chuckled. “Andres… if they still poop their pants on the regular without a care, they don’t have the ability to feel embarrassment for you over anything.”

“You’re right. Also, speaking of that, I think I forgot the diaper bag!”

“Andres, we’re home, and I’m holding it. It’s gonna be fine.”

“They’re gonna be the fanciest babies there!”


“She’s gonna be the fanciest baby there!” Yam exclaimed, holding up Charlie. She had sewn a special suit for her.

“I don’t know if she’s much of a baby now when she’s 2,” Jim said.

“Both she and Lola are babies!”

“I’m not a baby!” Lola yelled. “I’m four!” To prove her point, she held up four fingers.

“By the way, Loli, I need to write on your arm,” Jim said, grabbing a marker.

“Are you gonna write something fun?”

“I’m gonna write our phone number.”


“In case you disappear from us. There’s a big crowd.”

“If you get away from us, please find an adult,” Yam chimed in, “Preferably someone with kids. They can see the number on your arm, and call us.”


As Violetta and Francesca arrived with their kids, they tried to immediately find their friends.

“Cami said she’d be here somewhere…” Francesca said, checking her phone.

“Mami, I don’t want you holding my hand,” Elina said.

“I have to hold your hand so that you don’t disappear,” Violetta said.

“But I won’t! Mamiiiiiiii!”

“Wait a little bit, Elina. We need to find Camila first.”

“Girls!” someone exclaimed. Francesca and Violetta looked up. Camila was waving from afar.

They went up to her.

“Hi!” Violetta said, “Oh, you look great!”

“And me?” Kim asked, holding their mom’s hand.

“Yes, you look really good too!”

“Does your mom force you to hold her hand, too?” Elina asked Kim.

“I want to hold mama’s hand!” Kim answered with a grin.

“Look at Oliver!” Camila said, “Oh, he’s so cute!” She tickled his chin. “Are you cute? Are you up on your mommy’s shoulders?”

Oliver giggled and cooed at her.

“Hey, if anyone’s kid is the cutest, it’s ours!” Ludmila yelled, announcing her presence by saying that.

Everyone turned to her and Naty. Ludmila was proudly holding up three year old Stella.

“Aww, look at her dress!” Francesca said.

“I made it,” Camila said with a wink.

“I WEW A WAINBOW ON MY AWM!” Carolina screamed, proudly holding up her arm.

“Yes, she drew a rainbow on her arm,” Francesca translated, if anyone couldn’t hear the toddler-speak.

“That’s a nice rainbow!” Naty said, “You’re an artist, Carolina!”

“Hello!” Maxi called. Him and Andres walked up to them, their twins in baby carriers.

“OH MY GOD!” Camila gasped. “Noo! Ok, you two won the baby pride outfits!”

“No, I won!” Kim pouted, stomping their foot on the ground.

“You’re not a baby, dear.”

“They look so peaceful in their baby carriers!” Violetta said.

In the middle of the adults talking, Elina took this as an opportunity to let go of her mother’s hand. She then slowly walked backwards, hoping no one would see her.

“Woah, so many people here!” Lola exclaimed excitedly.

“That’s why you need to be close to us at all times,” Jim reminded her.

“Tell Charlie that!”

Yam, who was carrying Charlie, put her down on the ground. Immediately, Charlie started whimpering and put her hands up, wanting to be held again. Yam picked her up again. “See, I don’t think we need to worry about your sister.”

“I wanna walk around!” Lola pouted.

“We are,” Jim assured her. “Just hold my hand, and we’re gonna go around.”

“I don’t wanna hold your hand!”

“Okay… but stand next to me.”

They walked around for a bit, looking at the other people there. There was a lot of cheering, a lot of rainbows and a lot of fun outfits. Lola was mesmerized by all of the outfits she saw people wear.

“Mama, can you make me that? And that too?”

“Of course, dear.”

Lola jumped up and down in excitement.

“She’s gonna fall asleep on the way home from all the energy she released today,” Jim told Yam discreetly. Yam nodded.

“Hey, is that Luna?” Yam asked, pointing at someone further away.

“I think it is!”

As her moms were busy looking for their friend, Lola saw this as a perfect opportunity to run off.

“Wait, no…” Jim said. “That’s not Luna. But it really did look like her from behind!”

“It really did!”

“Now…” Jim looked around. “Lola?”

Yam turned to her. “Jimena, where’s our child?”

“She was… right here!”

They looked at each other worryingly.

Lola felt like she was as fast as Rainbow Dash - she had been seeing an old show called Friendship is Magic and there was a pegasus there named Rainbow Dash. Maybe if she ran fast enough she’d become her.

But she didn’t feel like a pony. She felt like a lion. A lion running fast.

Suddenly, and without warning, she crashed into someone. Another girl, around her age.

The two looked at each other for a moment. Lola was lying on top of her. They catched their breaths for a moment, before Lola came back to reality.

“I’m a lion!” she roared.

“Oh!” the girl replied. “I’m a cheetah!”

The two stood up and started to make animal sounds at each other.

“I’m gonna get you!” Lola growled, while grinning.

“No, because I’m a cheetah and so I’m really fast!”

“Rawr! We’ll see about that!”

Lola was about to jump on her, when someone grabbed her by her armpits.

“No running away!” Jim scolded her. “I’m gonna carry you for the rest of the day if you keep this up!”

At the same time, the other girl’s mother grabbed her hand.

“I told you to hold my hand!” Violetta muttered.

“But-” the girl said.

“No buts, Elina. You’re coming with me.”

Elina. What a nice name, thought Lola.

Jim carried Lola away, as Violetta dragged away Elina.

But the two girls, like Kovu and Kiara in The Lion King 2, looked at each other as their parents got them further away from each other. Only that, instead of scaredly saying “goodbye”, they just smirked and stuck their tongue out at each other.

Lola hoped she’d meet Elina again.

Elina hoped the same.

Their separate mothers considered putting leashes on them.

Chapter 11: (Soy Luna) Coming out as trans

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There was a couple named Nina and Gastón, who in the year of 2027 welcomed their first child into the world. A healthy baby girl.

She was happy, sweet and filled with energy. She got all kinds of pretty dresses and skirts, handmade by her grandmother’s wife, and also by her parents’ friend, who made clothes for all of her friend’s children.

In 2030, Nina and Gastón welcomed their second child into the world. This time a healthy baby boy.

Their daughter and son got along well. They played a lot together, and there were rarely any fights. But… as their daughter grew and started becoming more aware of herself and her surroundings… she felt this… jealousy towards her younger brother.

He got to wear suits. Bowties. Jackets that did not look like her own jackets.

One day, when she was visiting her parents’ friend who made clothes, she asked her:

”Could you make me clothes that look like my brother’s?”

She smiled and said ”of course!”

All of the adults found her dressing style adorable. They called her a ”tomboy”, as she preferred to wear ”boy clothes”.

As she started school, she always hung out with the boys. She never really connected with the girls. It was not anything wrong with any of the girls, but she always felt like she wasn’t a part of them.

In the year 2034, Nina and Gastón expected a new child again. This time, it turned out it was not just one, but twins, they were expecting. Two girls.

People commented and joked about their son not having any brothers, and how it felt being the only boy. He didn’t mind it, but their oldest daughter did. Whenever people asked her little brother how it felt being the only boy, she felt like something was off. She couldn’t put her finger on it. He was the only boy, that was not a lie. And yet… Why did it feel like it was a lie?

As she grew, she wanted to start keeping her hair short. She also explicitly wanted to wear only hoodies. Anything else didn’t feel good. She asked her grandmother’s wife to not make her more dresses, and to please instead just make her hoodies or pants. She said the same thing to her parents’ friend.

She liked this style. This ”tomboyish” style, as people said it was.

Any time she didn’t wear hoodies or pants, she looked more visibly uncomfortable.

Sure, everyone said, it is like that for a lot of girls. There are a lot of girls like you, who do not like the typically “girly” outfits, and that’s okay.

Yet, it felt like she was just… different from the other “tomboys”.

When they played house, she always wanted to be the husband or the big brother.

Her favorite characters and role models had all been male. She just never felt like she could identify with any of the female characters, even if some of them were more “masculine”.

One day, when she was 11 years old, her mother came to her.

“Sweetie, I bought you something from the store.”

She dug out a bra from her shopping bag.

“I’ve noticed you’ve started to develop, and I think it’s time you’ll start wearing them now.”

“I don’t know…” her daughter replied.

“Why don’t you just try it on?”

She did. She looked at herself in her mirror.

It didn’t feel good.

She knew she’d need to wear one sooner or later. All girls do…

But… she didn’t want her breasts to grow. She didn’t want her body to develop. And she definitely did not want to have a period.

“No one wants to have a period,” her mom had said, “But that’s just part of being a woman.”

Being a woman…

At school, the other girls seemed to be genuinely excited over becoming women. Surely, it was not everyone that did, but that’s what it felt like. They wanted to have breasts, even periods… They wanted to look more adult.

Why didn’t she feel like that? Why didn’t she feel like the others did?

One day, at age 12, she found a video online. It was an interview with a former teenage popstar named Maxi Ponte. He was a part of the Youmix kids all from the same sch00l that got famous. He also had a band with some of his friends, and they often appeared at musical events. The video was titled “Maxi Ponte about growing up trans”.

Growing up trans…

She clicked on the video.

“I was born in 1995,” Maxi Ponte started the video by saying. “I know, the 1900s… I’m old!” He laughed to the camera. “When I was born, I was said to be a girl. And that’s what I said to be for the first years of my life…”

They showed childhood pictures of Maxi being zoomed in and out.

“Then I started school… and… suddenly, things were different. Things were very gendered. Boys on this side, girls on this side. It was also very frowned upon for anyone to break their assigned gender. I always wanted to play with the boys, but the girls judged me a lot if I did. They were like ‘no, you should be with us girls, because you’re a girl’ and… I think, to this day, I do have more girl friends than guy friends. Around middle school… I think that was when I felt… I don’t want to be a girl. Puberty started to happen and I was just… uncomfortable with, you know, getting more of a womanly body. I didn’t want it…” He took a deep breath. “Meanwhile I saw the boys, how their bodies looked. And I knew I didn’t just admire the male body, I wanted to have one. I discussed it with my parents, asking them if there was something wrong with me… and, my mom, she assured me it was nothing wrong with me. She also asked me… would you wish to be a boy? And I didn’t hesitate for a second. I said yes.”

Maxi smiled, as he remembered it.

“It didn’t take long before I told my family that I wanted them to call me Maxi. My friend, Camila, hi if you’re watching! When I told her I wanted to be called Maxi, she told me ‘I have a better idea: Your name shall be Maximiliano!’. And I laughed so much, and I said, that’s perfect! So, now my legal name is Maximiliano Ponte, although everyone calls me Maxi. For me, coming out as trans has luckily been a happy experience. But I know there’s so many that have not gotten a good experience at all, especially from their families… and to you, I’d like to say, I support you. There is help to get, and there are people out there that will give you support, love and comfort that you need.”

She paused the video and thought for a moment.

There were a lot of things she could relate to. Especially feeling more than just an admiration to the male body, and feeling a discomfort getting a more female looking body.

But did that mean she was trans?

She started to look it up online. “How to know you’re trans”. “Stories from trans people”.

She spent hours reading those stories. So many people with such horrible stories, having to endure the worst life just because they wanted to live the way they wanted. It scared her. What if she realized she was trans, and the same thing would happen to her if people found out?

The feeling grew each day. After a while, “she” didn’t feel right to say anymore. Every time someone mentioned them as a girl, they just felt like it was wrong. But they didn’t correct it, because it was correct…? Wasn’t it?

They started thinking about everything in their life. Their childhood. Some moments that were small and insignificant at the time, but thinking about it… maybe there was something more there.

They read a book, and saw a name there. A name of a male character. It was a nice name. They wished they had that name.

They had never really liked their name, but it grew stronger during the past years. They wanted to change their name, and this name they read was a good one. They wanted to be named that.

But what would their parents say? What if they would be really disappointed? What if they would get angry because they didn’t want to have the name given to them at birth?

What if the same thing would happen like with so many others, that their parents would get mad because they didn’t want to be the gender assigned to them at birth?

They thought about Maxi Ponte. Maxi had a happy coming out. Maxi was lucky. Maybe they would be lucky too.

But when was the time to tell his parents? It needed to be the perfect moment. But when was that?

After weeks of trying to plan it, he realized the perfect moment might not come. So, it was just to rip off the bandaid.

It was dinner time.

Everyone was chatting. Everyone was happy.

Then his dad said his name. “Could you pass the sauce?”

He looked at his dad. His heart was beating really fast. Ok… it was now or never.

“I don’t want to be called that anymore.”

“What?” Gastón asked. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t want to be called that name anymore.”

“What do you mean?” Nina asked. “Your own name?”


“But… what do you want us to call you then?”

He took a deep breath. Here it goes…

“I’d like you to call me Duncan.”

Duncan. The name he read in a book, and fell in love with immediately.

“Duncan?” Gastón asked.

“Yes,” Duncan said. “I’d also like to be called him instead. If that is okay.”

Everyone was silent.

“I know it may seem like I’m joking around, but… I’m not. I… I’m a boy, I’ve always felt like it and… maybe you’ll get mad at me and want me to keep being a girl and keep having the name you gave me at birth, but that’s not what I feel like! I… I’m Duncan!”

“Sweetie…” Nina said, gesturing for him to calm down. “We don’t think you’re joking. It’s okay…” She reached out to take his hands.

Duncan turned to Gastón, hoping his dad would say something.

Gastón smiled. “Duncan… could you pass me the sauce?”

Duncan started laughing, as he also felt his tears run down his face. His parents immediately went over and hugged him.

“I love you!” Nina exclaimed. “I am so proud of you.”

Gastón kissed his forehead, as he bent down. “You know… when I was younger, I had a dream that I had two sons and two daughters. I always thought it was just a dream, but… you just confirmed the dream was a prophecy! I have two daughters, and two sons!”

Duncan turned to his siblings. He hoped they’d be as supportive as his parents.

His little brother started talking.

“You know, I always felt like you were my brother.”

“Do we have two brothers now?” one of the twins asked.

“We have two big brothers!” the other one exclaimed.

“Yay!” both twins exclaimed.

At this moment, Duncan got a feeling that everything would be okay.

Chapter 12: (Soy Luna) Planning for a child

Chapter Text

They all met up for lunch. Jim, Yam, Ramiro, Luna, Nina and Jazmin.

“I saw the cutest video the other day!” Jazmin said. “It was a mom out with her kids, and her kids did the cutest things! Oh, I wanna be an influencer mom…”

”No, those kids get exploited so much,” Nina said, ”They haven’t consented to be on camera.”

Jim nodded. ”When I have kids, I’m not even gonna post their faces online!”

”But how will the world know that you even have a child, then?” Jazmin asked.

”Do they have to know?” Luna asked. ”I’m with Jim. Children deserve privacy.”

”Sometimes even from their own parents,” Nina chimed in.

”Well…” Jazmin said, ”I’m planning on becoming an influencer mom! I just need to… find someone and settle down with them first…”

”Why?” Luna asked. ”I want kids, but I don’t necessarily need someone else to get them with.”

”Then how can you even have a child, Luna?”

”I’ll adopt, of course! Ever since I was a child, I’ve known that I have been wanting to adopt. To give a child the life that I myself got to have.”

Right then, Yam got a phone call. She excused herself as she answered.

”I’m not having kids,” Ramiro said. ”Probably. At least I don’t feel a want for them right now.”

”That’s fine, you can babysit our kids!” Luna chuckled.

”Yeah, I guess so.”

Right then, Yam came back. She looked almost starstruck.


”Yes?” Jim asked.

”Uh… you know the… clinic we signed up for…?”


”They… they asked us if we wanted to meet them next week… and discuss…”

”Wait, are you serious?!”


Jim stood up. ”You said yes, right?”

”Of course I did! They scheduled us for tuesday!”

”Oh my god… oh… it’s all happening so fast!”

”What’s going on?” Nina asked.

”So, uh…” Yam tried to catch her breath, ”Jim and I have known since we were children ourselves that we have been wanting kids. And we’ve researched about it a lot, and… a queue for an IVF appointment can take years. So we put ourselves in a queue like, just a few months ago.”

”Yeah, and we thought they’d call in like 2 years or something,” Jim added.

”Yes… but they called now…

”Does this mean that… you’re gonna start planning for a baby now?” Luna asked.

”You’re only 22,” Ramiro said.

”We know…” Jim said. ”But…”

”We don’t know when this opportunity will come again,” Yam said. ”We have to take our chance now!”


”Well, you are more fertile in your early 20s than later,” Nina noted. ”And you’re financially stable…”

”I can’t believe it!” Yam exclaimed, clinging onto Jim.

”We’re gonna be parents!” Jim exclaimed.

”Well, it’s just your first meeting,” Nina said, ”It can take a lot of attempts to-”

”Yeah, yeah!” Yam said, ”Still! We’re gonna be parents! Eventually! Soon! Maybe?”

”I’m so happy for you!” Luna cheered and went to hug them.

Ramiro meanwhile, started to think about something.

Some weeks later, Ramiro was over at Jim and Yam’s house. They talked a bit about the meeting at the clinic.

”So first they need to visit us to prove we’re ’suitable’,” Yam sighed. ”It’s such bullsh*t. Heteros don’t need a visitation before they try for a baby to prove they’re suitable to be parents?”

”You are suitable,” Ramiro assured them. ”Also, I need to ask you something.”

”Ask on,” Jim said.

”How do you pick donors?”

”Oh… I don’t know if we… get to?”

”We haven’t come to that step yet,” Yam said. ”We just need to be approved as suitable first.”

”Ok, but I have a proposition,” Ramiro said. ”I’ll be your donor.”

The two women stared at him, and then burst out laughing.

”You?” Yam asked.

”Yes! Listen… I don’t know if I want kids. But the thought of… you know, spreading my genes? And you knowing where they came from, too? I’m not saying I wanna be a dad to your kid, just that I wanna help you out.”

Yam smiled. ”Listen, Ramiro… thank you, but no.”

They were deemed suitable. No one doubted it, but Jim and Yam were still nervous about it. But now, it was just to start the journey.

”So, who’s gonna carry the babe?” Ramiro asked.

”Don’t say babe,” Yam said. ”And it’s me.”

”Okay… and have you picked a donor, or… how does that process go?”

”Well,” Jim said, ”Usually, they pick out someone who resembles the other mother, the one who isn’t carrying. So, they’re getting a male version of me.”

”And you don’t have a say in it?”

They shrugged. ”Well, unless we want a personal donor, it’s the clinic that picks it out. We simply get small information like the nationality, but otherwise the donor is pretty much anonymous,” Jim explained.

”And… you don’t want a personal donor…?” Ramiro wiggled his eyebrows.

”Ram, we’ve been over this,” Yam sighed.

”Don’t call me Ram, that sounds like a girl’s name!”

”And Jim sounds like a girl’s name to you?” Jim asked with a smug face.

”I’m gonna call you Rama Lama Ding Dong,” Yam said in a tone that you couldn’t determine was serious or not. ”Anyway. I want my kid to remind me of my wife in some way.”

”Alright…” Ramiro sighed. ”But! If it’s a boy, please name it Ramiro!”

”As a middle name, maybe,” Jim told him.

Some months later, Yam came out from the bathroom with a smile.

She handed over the positive test to Jim.

”Oh my gosh!” Jim exclaimed, ”I didn’t think it was gonna work! This is only the second insemination we’ve tried, isn’t it?”

”I guess I’m really fertile,” Yam joked.

She and Jim hugged as happy tears ran down their cheeks.

The first one they told, after their families of course, was Ramiro.

”Well, then I have some news for you,” Ramiro said, smirking. ”You see, during your insemination, I snuck in and switched your donor’s sample with my own. So you’re carrying my baby now.”

Jim and Yam stared at him.

”No, you didn’t,” they said in unison, looking rather unimpressed at his attempts to trick them.

”Fine. I didn’t. I actually tried to sign up as a donor a while ago but they declined me because they said I didn’t match the criteria.”

The women chuckled at that.

”Sorry,” Yam said.

”It doesn’t matter, though! I’m certain that inside of you is growing a tiny me.” He bent down, patting her belly. ”Hey, you have it good in there? You’re gonna grow into a little dude, I just know it!”

”It’s barely a fetus just yet,” Yam snickered, ”I’m in like week 6.”

”I think a dude is aware it’s a dude already as a sperm, to be honest,” Ramiro declared.

It turned out it wasn’t a ”little dude” growing in there, but it didn’t stop Ramiro from referring to her as that.

Having his friends getting kids made him start thinking if maybe it would be nice to have one yourself. But he wasn’t too sure of it…

Chapter 13: (Violetta) Two moms

Chapter Text

“Good morning, baby!”

Naty smiled as she looked down at the crib. The baby turned her little head as she started waking up.

“Did you sleep well?” Naty cooed. “You’ve been sleeping all night! You’re such a good girl!” She slowly petted her. As the baby sat up, Naty slowly lifted her out of the crib. “Let’s get you ready for the day.”

Ten minutes later, Ludmila came into the room.

“I wanna say good morning to my baby!”

Naty smirked. “We said good morning in bed.”

“Ha ha. Where’s Stella?” Ludmila gasped as Naty held up their daughter. Naty had dressed her in a cute overalls with star patterns over it.

“She’s changed and dressed for the day!”

“Aah! My little star!” Ludmila grabbed her and kissed her. “I made breakfast for you!”

“Did you make breakfast for me, too?” Naty asked.

“No.” Ludmila smiled teasingly. “Just kidding, of course!”

Stella was 9 months old, and could almost stand. Although, she needed to hold onto something. It was June, and today they were meeting up with Violetta and Francesca. They had their second daughter just 2 months ago, and Ludmila and Naty had kind of been thinking about if they’d ever have more kids. Stella was just so amazing, so they wondered how another little one would be. And by visiting Violetta and Francesca, they’d get a taste of that.

Ludmila grabbed her phone and took a picture of Stella in her high chair.

“Will you do that every day?” Naty asked.

“Of course! It’s my daily breakfast picture!”

She always uploaded a breakfast picture on her instagram story. Of course, she always censored Stella’s face. After what she went through herself as a teenager, she would never want her daughter to go through the same.

Naty glanced at Ludmila and smiled. Ludmila just a few years ago would never even consider having kids, and now… here she sat, looking more in love than ever as she saw her baby girl. She knew Stella would grow up knowing just how loved she was.

People expected Ludmila to not be able to deal with all the “messy” things that comes with having a baby. But she barely cared. Not with Stella.

Anyone else could have slightly sticky fingers and Ludmila would freak out if they touched her. Stella could throw up on her, have diaper blowouts and get snot all over, and Ludmila cleaned her up without feeling the least grossed out.

“She’s just a baby, it’s expected of her!”

Naty loved the mother role, too. She felt like Stella could do nothing wrong. Well, a 9 month old couldn’t really do anything wrong as they are literal babies, but still. She’d never blame that little girl for anything.

“Well! Are we ready to meet Vilu and Fran and their wild kids?” Naty asked jokingly. Violetta and Francesca’s two daughters weren’t that wild. One of them was literally 2 months old. The other one was turning two years old shortly, but had always been quite calm whenever Ludmila and Naty had met her. She probably would be as calm now, because small children surely don’t change behavior in just a few months…

“Hello!” Ludmila exclaimed, not even knocking as they entered the house.

“Mila!” That was the sound of Elina, Violetta and Francesca’s oldest daughter. She ran up to hug Ludmila’s leg.

“Hi, darling!” Ludmila chuckled.

Elina pointed at Stella, who Ludmila carried. “Baby!”

“Hi!” Violetta said, coming up to greet them. “I can take your child for you as you take off your coats.”

“Are you gonna kidnap my child?” Ludmila asked jokingly.

“Yes, I’m gonna kidnap your child.”

“Baby!” Elina shrieked again.

“Yes, it’s Stella. She’s grown a bit since you last saw her!”

“So has Elina!” Naty said. “I feel like she’s grown taller.”

“Yes, you’re a big girl now, aren’t you, Elina?”

“You know what Stella can do?” Naty asked. “She can crawl. She couldn’t do that last time we met.”

“What!” Violetta pretended to gasp to hype up her toddler daughter. “Should we see if it’s true, Elina?”

Elina nodded, and jumped excitedly as Violetta put down Stella on the floor.

Stella was a bit unsure at first, but then started slowly crawling into the living room. Elina shrieked and jumped, as the adults laughed.

Inside the living room was Francesca, feeding their youngest daughter, Carolina.

“Hi!” she said. “She’s just finishing up eating.”

“Let me look at her!” Naty said, walking up. “Oh, she’s grown so much!”

Elina, who had been so excited of Stella crawling, now ran up to Francesca and tried to grab Carolina from her.

“What do you wanna do, sweetie?” Francesca asked.

“Aah!” Elina pointed at the floor and tried to drag Carolina down on it.

“No- No, Elina, she’s not gonna be on the floor.” Francesca handed the 2 month old to Naty, so that Elina could not reach her.

“I think she wants to see if Caro can crawl, too…” Violetta said.

“Oh… no, she can’t, darling… she’s way too little!”

Elina turned her attention back to Stella. Stella was just slowly crawling around, minding her own business. Then Elina decided to see if she could ride on her back like a horse.

“No!” Violetta dragged her daughter away, which Elina immediately protested against. “Ludmila, grab your child from the floor.”

Ludmila quickly rushed up and picked Stella up.

“AAAAGHH!” Elina groaned.

“I’m sorry, you can’t sit on other children,” Violetta explained.

“Ludmi, she’s light as a feather!” Naty said, holding Carolina carefully. “I remember when Stella was this light…”

“Carolina is such a calm baby,” Francesca said. “Most of the time, at least. She’s easy to please.”

“Yeah, we kinda got the reverse with how it stereotypically is with first and second child,” Violetta said. “They say the first child is calm, and the second one is wild. But Elina was way wilder already at Caro’s age. How is Stella?”

“She’s so easy!” Ludmila said, and kissed her daughter. “Yes, you are!”

“Yeah, people warned us to keep an eye now when she can crawl, but she’s never one to go and try reaching for things she shouldn’t be able to grab,” Naty said.

“Then if you get a second one…” Francesca didn’t even have time to finish that sentence before Elina had grabbed something by the window and knocked it down. “Well, they’re gonna be a handful.”

Violetta almost had to chase their almost two year old around to make sure she didn’t knock down or touch anything she shouldn’t. Elina got very frustrated by this.

Naty sat down, making Carolina sit in her lap. “Ludmila, seriously… just holding her, I’m getting baby fever.”

“Your daughter is a baby, too!” Francesca noted, and gestured for Ludmila to hand over Stella. Ludmila did.

“I know, but Carolina is like a smaller version of Stella and I get reminded of when she was this little…” Naty said, her voice cracking a bit.

“Let me hold her,” Ludmila said. Naty handed her over. Immediately, Ludmila felt her heart beating. “Oh my gosh… Nat, we need to get another one. Holding her reminds me so much of Stella when she was the same age.”

“Remember that usually, if your first child is calm, your second will be wild,” Francesca said. “And if your first one is wild, your second will be calm. Those are the rules of the universe.”

“Elina doesn’t seem that much of a handful,” Ludmila commented.

Violetta lifted Elina up, causing the toddler to make a fuss immediately.

Violetta sniffed her. “Ough, ok… Fran, can you change her this time?”

“No, I changed her last time,” Francesca said, “Also, I’m busy cuddling with Stella over here.”

Ludmila and Naty smiled.

“Well, I have barely talked to our guests because I’ve been chasing her around for the majority of their visit…” Violetta noted.

“Why do neither of you want to change her?” Naty asked. “You’re her parents. Are you the same with Carolina?”

“No, actually, I’d love to change Carolina instead, can I check her diaper?” Violetta asked.

“What’s so bad with Elina?” Ludmila asked.

Francesca put it gently. “She… is not very cooperative on diaper changes. She hates them, as a matter of fact.”

“And we have tried introducing her to use the toilet instead, but she refuses that even more right now, so… we’re in this situation,” Violetta added.

“It can’t be that bad,” Ludmila said. “Let me change her.”

“Are you sure?” Violetta asked.

“Vilu, I’m a mother, I know how to change diapers.”

“No, I know, but your daughter is 9 months old. Mine is 22 months old. There’s a difference.”

“I think I can handle it.”

Francesca and Violetta exchanged looks.

“Good luck,” they said in unison.

Almost twenty minutes passed without Ludmila coming back.

“Should we… check on her?” Francesca asked.

Naty nodded. “I think Stella needs a change now, anyway.”

They went inside the bathroom, and immediately were greeted by a sight. Ludmila looked like she had not brushed her hair in months, she had a scratch on her arm and she took a deep breath. Elina sat up on the changing table, looking very innocent.

Ludmila grabbed the toddler and handed her over to Violetta. “Why didn’t you tell me your child was a demon? Look what she did to me!” She showed her scratch on her arm.

Violetta and Francesca chuckled.

“Don’t say we didn’t warn you,” Violetta said.

“She’s changed now, anyway…” Ludmila sighed. “Unless she decided to use her diaper again, just to spite me.”

Violetta checked her. “No, she’s clean. And even if not, we wouldn’t force you to go through that again. It takes some practice and effort to do it smoothly.” She kissed Elina on the cheek. “You like it to be a challenge, don’t you sweetie?”

“I hope Stella never becomes that much of a challenge.”

“She needs changing, too,” Naty said.

Ludmila grabbed her. “Ok, I’ll take her.”

“No, you don’t have to-”

“Nat. I got it.”

Ludmila then proceeded to change her daughter within a minute. Stella was not fussy, nor seemed to react to much of anything.

“Wow… I thought I’d never be so happy to change a diaper ever. Please always be this easy, estrella.”

“That’s me every time with Caro,” Violetta admitted. “Our kids are the literal opposites!”

She glanced at Carolina, who seemed to have fallen asleep in Francesca’s arms.

“Maybe we should put them down for a nap.”

“No!” Elina shouted.

“No, you don’t need a nap,” Francesca chuckled, “But your sister and Stella need some.”

“Yeah,” Naty said, “Stella usually naps around this time.”

“But you need to eat!” Violetta said, bouncing Elina slightly.

Violetta and Ludmila went to put the babies down for a nap, as Francesca went with Naty to the kitchen. She put Elina down in a high chair, to which Elina immediately tried wiggling out of it.

“I’m gonna give you some apple slices,” Francesca told her.

“What is the hardest thing about having two kids?” Naty asked.

“Well, they’re still both very small,” Francesca said. “They’re both still in diapers. So maybe it would be different if they were a bit older.”

“Of course, but… right now?”

“It’s that you have two children that have needs, and you need to tend to both. And it’s hard when they have different needs.”

She served Elina apple slices. Elina immediately picked one up and threw it at the floor. Francesca picked it up and gave her a look. Elina smiled mischievously and threw another one on the floor.

“Okay, so mama’s gonna eat it!” Francesca proceeded to eat it up.

Elina gasped. “No, no, no! Mine!”

“If it’s yours, you need to eat them yourself. Or else mama is eating them.”

This caused Elina to start to eat her apple slices.

“You kept that cool,” Naty said, impressed. “I would not know what to do if Stella kept purposely throwing food at the floor.”

“We didn’t really know either, but you’ll learn. But, you know, just because this worked on Elina doesn’t mean it will work on Carolina if she eventually does the same. I notice their different personalities so much already.”

“How do you see it in Carolina?”

“Well, Elina may be a bit fussy when eating and changing diapers, but she’s always been really easy to get to bed. Carolina on the other hand… she’s always hard. She’s so little, so she does fall asleep at random still, but if she falls asleep in our arms, she’ll wake up the second we put her down. It’s been a problem when she wakes up and cries, and then Elina wakes up due to her and don’t get as much sleep in the night, so then in the morning we have our little baby sleeping peacefully, but then a cranky toddler to deal with, who due to being tired throws a tantrum and then wakes up the baby again…”

Naty smiled nervously. “Woah, you… have your hands full. How do you manage?”

“Well… I got my wife. And no matter how much they keep me busy, I love my kids so much.”

She stroked Elina’s cheek with her finger. “You drive mama crazy, but I love you so much.”

“Noo…” Elina giggled.

“Yees!” Francesca giggled, causing Naty to also let out a chuckle.

Right then, Violetta and Ludmila came into the room.

“How did it go?” Francesca asked.

“She woke up briefly when I put her down, but she soon fell asleep again,” Violetta said. “So we were lucky today.”

“Stella is sleeping too,” Ludmila informed them.

Elina slammed her hands on the high chair.

”Schh, the babies are sleeping,” Violetta whispered gently.

Elina put a finger on her mouth to imitate hushing. Everyone chuckled at that.

About 10 minutes later, the four women sat in the living room drinking tea, as Elina was playing with a dollhouse next to them.

”Me and Francesca discussed how it is having two kids,” Naty said, ”And I must say, I’m so impressed you two can handle so much.”

”Eh, we’re parents, aren’t we?” Violetta shrugged, giving them a smile.

”Maybe it’s gonna be easier when they’re older,” Ludmila said, ”When both can be a little more independent.”

”Don’t say that!” Francesca said. “Are siblings ever similar?”

“Well… when we were kids, me and Lena always liked different foods,” Naty said. “So our parents had to cook different foods for us at dinner because otherwise one of us wouldn’t eat.”

“That will without a doubt happen to us,” Violetta chuckled.

“Also, I was very shy and she was very outgoing…” Naty said, “We were polar opposites!”

“See, that’s what I’m saying!” Francesca said. “Children are never the same. If your first child is wild, your second is calm, and if your first one is calm then your second will be wild.”

Right then, they heard a crash behind them. Elina had somehow tripped over her dollhouse.

Instantly, the toddler started screaming.

“Oh…” Violetta quickly grabbed her and hugged her tightly. “It’s okay, baby… did you trip? Let’s see if you got hurt…”

Right then, they heard a baby screaming from another room.

“Well, she slept for 15 minutes at least…” Francesca sighed, and went to get her.

“I better check that Stella didn’t wake up, too…” Naty said.

Francesca went inside the nursery. Carolina was lying in her crib, and Stella napped on a mattress they put out on the floor for her. Francesca stroked Carolina, who was crying loudly.

“It’s ok, you can go back to sleep…”

Carolina kept crying, not really calmed down.

Francesca sighed, and picked her up. She rocked her slightly. “Shh…”

“I think Stella at least is still sleeping…” Naty said. She checked her daughter, and realized Stella’s eyes were wide open. Stella didn’t seem to be bothered, just confused as to why there was noise. She was so used to sleeping in silence, because her moms were really careful to not disrupt her sleeping. “Nevermind…”

“I’ll go out with Caro,” Francesca said, hoping that could help Naty to get her daughter back to sleep.

“Well, Carolina woke up Stella, so now Naty tries to get her back to sleep,” Francesca explained to the others.

“Poor Stella,” Violetta said, letting out a pitiful snicker.

Ludmila sat down on the couch, observing the situation in front of her. Elina had gotten over tripping pretty quickly, but now she suddenly got whiny over other things. Violetta was not sure what was wrong now, and deemed the toddler simply was overwhelmed or tired, so she just tried to hug her and calm her down.

Francesca meanwhile, bounced, rocked and patted Carolina, in hopes she’d get back to sleep. But Carolina was fussy and continued crying.

To have one child crying, it was one thing… but two, at the same time…?

Suddenly, Naty came out with Stella in her arms. “I don’t think she can fall back asleep.”

Naty as well observed Fran and Vilu trying to calm both of their children.

“Wow…” she mumbled to herself.

After 2 minutes, Elina had fallen asleep in Violetta’s arms.

“How can she fall asleep as Caro is crying?” Ludmila asked.

“She’s used to it,” Violetta shrugged. “Also, I think she’s really tired.”

Carolina slowly stopped whining, and to her mothers’ relief, she fell back asleep again.

Francesca sighed. “Some peace and quiet… at least for a little while.”

“I applaud you,” Ludmila admitted. “Seriously…”

“Well, thank you!” Violetta said, smiling.

Stella suddenly let out a whine.

“Oh, she must be so tired…” Francesca said sympathetically. “I’m so sorry our kids woke her up.”

“It’s okay,” Naty assured her. “She can sleep in the car on the way home.”

“Yeah, maybe it’s time for us to leave,” Ludmila said.

“It was really fun hanging out!” Violetta said. “Maybe next time we’ll get babysitters and hang out alone, just us adults.”

“Haha, yeah.”

As they said goodbye, they put Stella in her carseat. She fell asleep immediately.

Ludmila and Naty sat down in the front seats and let out relieved breaths.

“So, about us having another child…” Naty said.

“No,” Ludmila replied very fast. “At least not… for a long while.”

“Let’s hope Stella is not lonely if she’s an only child, though.”

“Hey, we’ll put her in a daycare, and she’ll have playdates with our friends’ kids. She’ll be fine.”


Chapter 14: (Soy Luna) Are they dating or not?

Chapter Text

Luna skipped in the hallway up to Ámbar’s room. She decided to joke around, and thus just bursted the door open.


Ámbar was sitting on top of Emilia. Both girls looked at Luna.

Luna was too stunned to speak.

“What?” Ámbar asked.

“Dinner’s ready…” Luna said. “Ok… bye…” She closed the door again.

That was an odd sight. What were they even doing?

Ámbar and Emilia came down 5 minutes later.

“Oh, is your friend eating with us?” Monica asked.

“No, she is going home,” Ámbar explained. She playfully tapped on Emilia’s nose, causing Emilia to giggle.

Monica and Luna exchanged looks, as Ámbar sat down to eat.

“So…” Miguel said, “Your friend… is she… close to you?”

Ámbar shrugged, focusing on eating her food.

“What were you doing up in your room?” Monica asked.

“Why all these questions?” Ámbar asked back.

“Nothing, I’m just curious.”

“We just… hung out.”

Luna raised her eyebrows. She so desperately wanted to comment about catching them on top of each other. But she couldn’t say that at dinner.

So, she decided to help with the dishes to get some alone time with her parents.

”Hey… when I told Ámbar that dinner was ready, I caught her and Emilia lying on top of each other on her bed.”

”Lying on top of each other?” Monica asked. ”With clothes on, I hope.”

”Yes! They were fully clothed.”

”That makes me relieved… but you also may wonder what they really were doing…”

”Maybe I just caught them at the wrong moment,” Luna shrugged. ”They weren’t doing anything odd, but it just seemed like it the moment I opened the door.”

”Could be,” Miguel said, ”But I do wonder about them… Ámbar seems to like her a lot.”

”Remember, we should never assume until we get it confirmed,” Monica said. She turned to Luna. ”We thought you and Simón were dating for several years and simply didn’t care to tell us. But you’ve never dated.”

”Haha…” Luna chuckled awkwardly.

Ámbar was outside the facility. She was waiting for Sharon. The doctors had allowed for her to have scheduled walks with Ámbar, around a certain area.

As Sharon came out, she and Ámbar embraced, and they began their walk.

They talked about some updates in their life. Sharon talked about a roommate of hers that had attempted to murder her stepdaughter, and how funny this roommate was (Ámbar decided not to question it). Ámbar then told her what she had been up to.

”Me and my friend Emilia have been hanging out all week. We’re hanging out later today, too.”

“Emilia… is that the girl who dresses in all black?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Hm… you’re close with her.”

“I am. She’s not a… well behaved girl, and some may say she’s a bad influence, but she understands me.”

Sharon smiled. “I think I have a worse influence than any other person I’ve met. I’m glad you have someone to understand you.”

“Yeah… me, too.”

“I hear that tone… you really like her company, don’t you?”

Ámbar went silent.

“I meant that positively,” Sharon assured her, knowing from past experiences that Ámbar might have taken a comment like that negatively.

“Yeah… I… I do like her company. A lot.”

“You don’t have to hide anything from me, Ámbar.”

“I’m not…? What do you mean?”


Ámbar frowned. “I don’t get what you mean…”

“Forget it. Let’s talk about something else. Have you started university?”

Ámbar was in the café at Jam and Roller, chatting with Jazmin and Delfi.

“So Ámbar, tell me,” Jazmin said, “Any new gossip in your life?”

“Not really.” Ámbar took a sip of her milkshake.

“Ok… are you sure?”

“I think I know my own life well enough to know if there’s gossip.”

That’s when Emilia came up and scared her from behind. Ámbar shrieked.

“Hey! You bastard!”

Emilia laughed. “Ah, I just need to bring some drama into your life.”

Ámbar playfully hit her.

”I’m gonna be you-know-where if you need me.” After saying this, Emilia placed a kiss on top of Ámbar’s head, causing Ámbar to pretend she was gonna throw a pillow on her. Emilia chuckled and went off..

Jazmin and Delfi gave Ámbar a curious look.

“What?” Ámbar asked.

“Nothing…” Delfi said. “Just… what’s up with you and Emilia?”

”What do you mean? That we talk? Because we’ve always talked, Delfi.”

”We just wonder if there’s something more between you,” Jazmin explained.

”Yeah, you seem… I don’t know, intimate,” Delfi added.

”I like being intimate with everyone,” Ámbar said.

”Since when?” Jazmin asked.

Delfi smiled. ”Ámbar, we would never judge you if you would date a girl or something.”

”That’s a really random but specific thing to say,” Ámbar replied.

Jazmin gasped. She leaned in to Delfi. ”Maybe she’s not ready to come out of the closet yet… in that case we can’t force her…”

”We can’t? Then why did we do a full documentary where we theorized about the secret lesbian at roller that later turned out to be Yam?”

”To be fair, we wanted to investigate who she sang her song to in the singing competition, and then we theorized if it might have been a girl and then people got mad at us if we tried to out her.”

”I recall she wasn’t outed by you, but you also made her really uncomfortable,” Ámbar said. ”And you make everyone uncomfortable by speculating about their private lives online. The only reason not too many have said anything is because they think it’s all a sketch and not real.”

”They think it’s not real?” Delfi and Jazmin asked, genuinely confused.

Ámbar scoffed and then got up and walked away.

Nina was past the backstage area, where she heard a noise. Curious, she opened the door.

She walked in on Emilia sitting on the table, as Ámbar had her hand on Emilia’s thigh.

“What?” they asked in unison, staring judgmentally at Nina.

“I heard a noise…” Nina said.

“Yeah, we’re humans, we communicate with sounds,” Ámbar muttered.

“Ok… I… bye…” Nina closed the door again.

“Hey, Nina!” Luna said, walking up to her. “Why the face?”

Nina walked away, with Luna following her. “I just… saw Ámbar and Emilia backstage…”

“Were they acting odd?”

Nina nodded.

“I am wondering if something more than friendship is going on between them,” Luna explained. “I caught them earlier in Ámbar’s room… lying on top of each other.”

Nina gasped. “Lying on top of each other…? What were they doing?”

“I don’t know… I mean, I don’t know if I just entered the room at the wrong moment and there’s a reasonable explanation.”

“Can’t we just ask them?”

Luna snorted. “Do you think they’d be honest?”

“Maybe not…”

“I want to know, though…”

Ámbar noticed how much everyone seemed to be interested in her relationship with Emilia. Heck, even Sharon seemed to be interested!

Did they think they were dating? Why would they?

She and Emilia were intimate with each other, but friends could be intimate!

Well… she was more intimate with Emilia than with any other friend she ever had.

Maybe she needed to ask Emilia what she th0ught.

They were in Ámbar’s room, looking at their phones.

Ámbar took a deep breath. “Hey, Emilia?”


“People think we’re dating.”


“How do you… feel about that?”

Emilia shrugged. “People can think what they want.”

“Yeah, but… would you say we’re dating?”

Emilia sat up, looking directly at Ámbar. “What do you think”?

Ámbar was afraid she was gonna say the wrong thing, But she also wanted to be honest.

“Well, I… am intimate with you in a way I’m not with anyone else.”

“Yeah, we’re intimate in a way girlfriends are.”

“We are…”

“But we haven’t made out. I haven’t even touched your lips with mine.”

“Do you want to?”

Emilia chuckled. “What do you think, Ámbar Smith?”

She then proceeded to kiss her. Ámbar kissed her back.

What they didn’t see was Luna, who had slowly opened the door sneakily. She smiled to herself witnessing them, and then quietly closed the door again.

Chapter 15: (Rise of the pink ladies) First crush


This stems from the headcanon that Cynthia had a small crush on Olivia when they were kids.

Chapter Text

The pink ladies were sitting in Jane’s room, having a sleepover. It was Hazel’s first sleepover with them.

“Should we play a game?” Jane suggested.

“Sure, but what kind of game?” Olivia asked.

“I don’t know…”

“Wait, I saw a book where you could ask each other questions!” Hazel said, pointing at Jane’s shelf of books.

“Gosh, you’re right!” Jane went up to it and dug out a rather dusty book. 1000 questions to ask your friends. “I got this when I was 12 and… never used it, because I never had any friends to ask…”

Nancy grabbed it. “Let me see here!”

She flickered through it and then slowly felt her disappointment growing.

“Hey, there’s no fun questions in this! Just boring questions…”

“What kind of boring questions?” Hazel asked.

“Oh, just stuff like ‘who was your first crush?’... you know, stuff no one cares about!”

Jane smiled. “Well, my first crush was this boy in New York who I thought was so interesting, because he could burp the alphabet.”

Everyone chuckled.

“How old were you?” Olivia asked.


“See, that’s neat!” Cynthia exclaimed. “Nancy, maybe this question could be interesting!”

“Ok, can you tell us about your first crush, Cynthia?” Olivia asked. “I’m genuinely curious.”

“Yeah, you’ve never seemed to have a crush on anyone!” Jane chimed in.

Cynthia went silent. “Well… ladies… you know… I’m a little like Nancy, you know, I never really had crushes…”

“Come on!” Hazel said, “Everyone has someone.”

Cynthia thought back on her childhood. She remembered when Olivia and Richie first moved here, and they played together around the park. Every boy thought Olivia was so pretty. Cynthia thought so, too. She remembered thinking Olivia was so pretty in her flowery dress, her pigtails and that gap in her mouth where her teeth had not grown out yet.

Obviously Cynthia didn’t have a crush on Olivia anymore. She still found her sorta pretty, but she got over her childhood crush.

What was she gonna tell the pink ladies, though? The only one who knew was Nancy, and while she trusted the others, she couldn’t risk them having a bad reaction.

Maybe she could tell them, and play it off as a joke…

“I think my first crush might have been Olivia, haha! I mean, you were so cute when we were kids! It was hard not falling for ya!”

Olivia chuckled nervously.

“I mean… I’m not into you anymore, but... you know, I thought you were pretty.”

Nancy gave Cynthia a look. The other girls (hopefully, Cynthia thought) probably thought the crush was just silly and not serious. But Nancy knew.

“Yeah, we’ve all had ‘girl crushes’, of course,” Olivia said. “There was this woman I saw on TV that I thought was so beautiful.”

Nancy furrowed her eyebrows. Suddenly this conversation got slightly more interesting.

“Oh, I always felt so bad, because I obviously had crushes on boys, and then when I felt similar to a girl I saw I was so afraid it would mean I felt romantic feelings…” Jane admitted.

“Yeah, me too,” Hazel said, “But girl crushes are simply admiration… and boy crushes are… you know, romantic.”

“Yeah…” everyone replied, although very unsurely.

“Well, I mean… there are girls who are attracted to girls,” Nancy said.

“Oh, of course!” Jane said.

“Yeah,” Olivia said. “I mean, someone said one out of every 10 is like that…”

“Really?” Hazel asked.

Olivia nodded. “They aren’t open about it, because it’s illegal and frowned upon… but many people we know may go around with that as a secret.”

“That’s sad…” Jane said, “Imagine having to hide who you love… just because it’s someone of the same gender.”

“I don’t know about you girls, but if my friend told me they had a crush on someone of the same gender, I’d treat it just like if it was an opposite gendered crush,” Nancy said.

Jane nodded. “I will, too.”

“I promise on it, if it ever happens,” Hazel said.

“Me too,” Olivia said. “And… maybe I did have an actual, romantic crush on that woman on TV. Even if it’s not the same as, you know, all the boy crushes I’ve had, which has obviously been bigger and real…” She looked at Cynthia. “And maybe you did have a genuine romantic crush on me when we were kids!”

“Haha!” Cynthia practically squeaked in nervosity.

“Just joking… but if you were, I would have been flattered.”

Cynthia nodded.

She wasn’t ready to tell everybody about her and Lydia just yet. But she at least felt confident now that they wouldn’t react so negatively…

Chapter 16: (Violetta) Alternate universe


See this as a little mini-sequel to my multiverse trip fic. The ones in this fic are Leonetta and Diecesca's daughters, named Isadora and Diana.

Chapter Text

Isadora and Diana were in the park, eating ice cream.

“Isadora, do you sometimes wonder who you’re gonna marry when you grow up?” Diana asked.

“I… don’t know. Sometimes.”

“Me, too. If I even marry someone.”

“I wish there was a way for us to know. Imagine how cool it would be to see into the future.”

“Yeah, but also… do you wanna be spoiled?” Diana asked. “Then it’s not gonna be a surprise anymore.”

“That’s true!”

They ate up their ice cream and wiped their hands and mouths off with napkins. As they were throwing the napkins in the trash can, something rather unexpected happened.

There was a candy wrapper of some sort that fell onto the ground.

“Fausta…” Isadora read.

“What?” Diana asked.

“It says ‘Fausta’ on that candy wrapper. I don’t know why, but that name sounds familiar…”

Right then, the candy wrapper started flying, rather violently around. In a flash, it was gone, and instead was a girl with blonde, almost white hair with pink and blue streaks in it.

“What the f*ck?” Diana let out. She looked around to see if anyone else saw the same thing she saw. Isadora nodded in confirmation. However, looking around to see if any stranger noticed, they realized they were practically alone in the park. Weird…

“Hello! My, how you two have grown!” The girl had this odd accent, like she was talking Spanish the way an American cowboy would.

“Do we know you?” Isadora asked.

“Well… I don’t really exist as a person in this universe, but I have a connection to your parents!”


She hugged them, and as she did, the girls realized she was floating in the air and brought them up with her in the hug. “I haven’t seen you since you were babies! I remember looking through the window as your mothers were on maternity leave with you.”

“But you look like you’re our age…” Diana said. “You must have a really good skincare routine.”

“Or you were a child when we were babies, and you’re not that much older,” Isadora suggested.

“Both are wrong!” the girl admitted. “My name is Fausta, and when your mothers were teenagers, they created some alter egos. I was Francesca’s alter ego.”

“Oh my god, you do kinda look like my mom!” Diana said.

“Yes. Well, you see, when an alter ego is created, they enter a universe only inhabited by alter egos, imaginary friends and made up people. We don’t age and we pop into existence being the age we were as we were created. So, your mom was around 18-19 when she created me. Therefore, I am forever around that age!”

“What are you doing here?” Isadora asked.

“I was summoned!”


“Most of the time it requires a spell or a potion. But I can also be summoned by chance! And I just so happened to hang around in this universe today, disguising myself as a candy wrapper. And you said my name twice, and that’s the lucky charm!”

“I don’t really understand any of what you’re saying,” Diana admitted, “But sure.”

“What are you gonna do?” Isadora asked.

“Well, what we do to the people who summoned us, we take them on a trip across the multiverse!”

“You can travel through different universes?”

“Duh! That’s basically all we do. The universe I live in is essentially just a void we float around in, so we enjoy ourselves watching how people live in different universes.”

“Okay… how many universes are there?”

Fausta laughed and grabbed their hands, as she dragged them away.

They ended up floating in some sort of white sparkly space.

“This is the travel space in-between all the universes. I thought we could look around a bit in a few of them,” Fausta explained.

“When you say universes, do you mean that it’s us, but we live differently?”

“Yes, kind of. And there’s universes in which you were never born, because your parents married other people.”

“Ooh, can we see that?”

Fausta made an unsure expression. “Are you sure you want to see that?”


“It could be interesting,” Isadora said.

“Well, alright… but if it’s too weird to see your parents with someone else then remember it’s not like that in your universe.”

They ended up in front of a house they hadn’t seen before.

“Who lives here?” Isadora asked.

“Your mom,” Fausta explained. “But not your dad, because they never married in this universe.”

“Who did she marry, then?”

Right then, Violetta came out, preparing to pack things into the car. Behind her came three children, the oldest seeming to be Isadora and Diana’s age. She resembled Violetta.

“Is that… her daughter in this universe?” Isadora asked.

“Yes… one of her three kids.”

“Three kids?” Diana asked, “Who did she have kids with?”

Right then, Francesca came out.

“What’s mom doing here?”

Francesca helped Violetta put things into the car. Then she gave Violetta a smile and kissed her on the lips.

Isadora and Diana stared dumbfounded.

“What…” Isadora whispered.

“Our moms…” Diana said, pointing at them.

“Yep!” Fausta shrugged. “In this universe, they married each other instead of your dads! Now they have three kids together!”

“Woah…” Isadora said.

“Hey, that’s our friend Lola!” Diana commented, pointing at a teenage girl walking up to the house. “Does she still exist here?”

“Of course she still exists! She’s not related to you, is she?” Fausta asked.

“Ok, so it’s… only us two that do not exist, basically.”

“Pretty much.”

“But what is Lola doing here?” Isadora asked.

“She’s saying goodbye to her girlfriend, who’s going on vacation!”

The oldest daughter of Violetta and Francesca went over to Lola, and gave her a big hug.

“Ooh… so Lola’s dating her…” Diana said.

“That’s sweet… wait, but this girl doesn’t exist in our universe!” Isadora said. “Who will Lola end up with in our universe, then?”

Fausta shrugged. “You just have to wait and see!”

“Can you see into the future?” Diana asked.

“No… but there is a universe that is identical to yours, but it takes place 10 years into the future! We might get a glimpse of who you might end up with! If you have found the love of your lifes at age 26, that is!”

They popped away, and ended up in what appeared to be a dressing room. There were two people in there, and even when they were older, Isadora and Diana immediately recognized them. It was Kim and Stella.

Stella was helping Kim with a bowtie they wore. She was dressed in a very formal dress.

“It’s almost like it’s someone’s wedding…” Isadora said. “But who’s?”

Stella giggled in a rather flirty way. “Kim, let me help you!”

“I promise I know how to put on a bowtie!” Kim replied.

“Sure you do…”

Kim smirked. As Stella was focused fixing their bowtie, they leaned in to kiss her quickly.

“Oooh my god!” Diana exclaimed. “I knew it!”

“Yeah, I knew Stella had a big crush on them, but I didn’t know it was mutual!” Isadora said.

“Now I wanna see us,” Diana said.

Fausta turned to the left. “Well, here is one of you coming right now.”

Out from the door came Isadora. She was hearing the most beautiful dress they had ever seen. It was a wedding dress.

“I’m getting married?” Isadora asked.

“You look so pretty,” Diana said. “I’m jealous of whoever you’re marrying.”

“Are you ready?” Stella asked Isadora from this universe.

“As ready as I can be,” Isadora from this universe replied.

“I just wanna say it again,” Kim said, “But we really knew for so long something went on between you two. I can’t believe you’re finally gonna get married!”

“Yeah… I can’t believe it either.”

“Let’s hurry before we’re late to the ceremony!” Stella said.

“We need to see who it is!” Diana said, but Fausta stopped her.

“No… we don’t wanna spoil it, do we?”

“But I’m curious!”

“Do you know who it is?” Isadora asked Fausta.

Fausta gave her a knowing look. “Well, I think it’s someone you know very well.”

She gestured with her head to her other side, and Isadora lit up.

She knew exactly who it was. And suddenly her life felt even more complete.

“What?” Diana asked.

“Oh, our time is up!” Fausta said, and suddenly popped them away.

They came back into the park.

“Isa, tell me, who are you marrying?” Diana asked.

“It’s a surprise,” Isadora said.

“Yep… and it’s gonna be a surprise for you, too!” Fausta said.

“Wait, what?”

“Oh, didn’t I tell you? You’re gonna forget about all of the multiverse traveling.”

The girls got disappointed.

“It’s better that way,” Fausta explained, “Otherwise it could lead to horrible side effects. You will get a feeling of just having experienced something, but not knowing what.”


“Well! Adios!” With that, Fausta disappeared.

The girls stared at her in silence for a moment.

Then Diana looked back on the candy wrapper.

“I think Fausta is some kind of candy. No idea what kind, but I’ve seen the name before.”

“Yeah…” Isadora said. “Hey, Diana… I feel like I forgot something I was supposed to remember.”

“Same! Huh… strange. What were we talking about?”

“Who we’re gonna marry.”

“Right! Hm… what did we say?”

“I don’t remember,” Isadora chuckled. And she genuinely didn’t. But she felt hopeful that the one she was gonna marry was someone standing in front of her…

She actually felt more hopeful than before.

Chapter 17: (Soy Luna) Realizing they're ace

Chapter Text

Luna had for as long Simón known never been interested in any boy. Every time someone had asked her if she had a crush, she always said no, with a large confidence.

Simón had not reflected much about it until recently.

During their short dating period, he noticed that she was not into it the way he was. He wondered at the time if she was more interested in Matteo.

However… while Matteo definitely was into her, she did not feel as invested in him either.

Luna never talked about boys romantically. She didn’t talk about romance much in general…

“Has Luna really never had a crush on anyone?” Nico asked as they prepared to go to bed.

“Not that I know of…” Simón admitted. “I mean, she would have told me.”

“What if she hid it?” Pedro suggested.

“From me? No.”

“Maybe… she didn’t realize she had a crush.”

Simón shrugged.

”But wait,” Pedro said, ”You said she never had a crush on a boy.”


”But what about… girls?”

”Wait, you’re suggesting Luna is… a lesbian?” Nico asked. They both looked at Simón, as if he would have an answer.

”Guys, I… I don’t know,” Simón admitted. ”But it…” He gasped. ”It could make sense? But I need to ask her.”

”If she knows it herself, that is,” Pedro noted. ”I mean, I know a certain other that didn’t know…” He glanced at Nico.

”Who?” Nico asked.

”Someone you knew well.”

”I don’t know anyone who’s a lesbian.”

Pedro and Simón exchanged looks.

”She never told you?” Simón asked.

”Who is it?” Nico asked.

”Oh, it’s not our place to say. Still, I wonder why she didn’t…”

The next day, Simón was determined to find out if Luna possibly was a lesbian. Like Pedro said, maybe she didn’t realize it herself. But he could try figuring it out.

Luna was currently skating around the rink. Simón just observed her for a moment.

“Luna!” he called after a while.

Luna got out of her skating bubble and back to reality, as she noticed Simón and skated up to him.

“Hi!” he exclaimed.

“Hi. Wanna hang out?”


They sat down on the bleachers.

“So… we were talking about celebrity crushes the other day, and I wondered if you ever had one,” Simón explained.

Luna drank from her water bottle, as she shrugged. She then replied: “I don’t know…”

“Yeah, you’ve never been obsessed with any celebrity… at least not a male one.”

“What do you mean?”

Simón smiled. “I’m just… maybe you have had female celebrity crushes.”

Luna frowned.

“Maybe you didn’t realize you had them.”

“Yeah, Simón, I don’t… I don’t know.”

He noticed she was starting to grow a bit awkward with this subject. That could mean anything. He knew it was not the best to continue asking her, especially if she didn’t feel comfortable with the subject. He decided to instead try asking about it if there were some clear indications about it.

The next day, Simón walked up to Luna, Jim and Yam in the Jam and Roller café.

“Look at this!” Yam said, showing a video on her phone. It was a famous roller skater.

“Wow…” Luna said, “She’s really pretty!”

“Who’s really pretty?” Simón asked.

“This skater!”

Simón looked at the video. “Ooh! Yeah, she is pretty…” After he said that, he gave Luna this look.

Luna seemed unsure how to react to him looking at her like that, but she didn’t say anything. However, Jim and Yam seemed to notice too, and being their nosy selves they needed to investigate what was going on.

Luna needed to go get something, and that’s when the two girls took their chance.

“Simón… what’s going on?” Yam asked.

“What’s going on with… what?”

“You gave Luna this look…” Jim said, “Like you knew something…”

Simón took a deep breath. “Ok, I… I have been wondering if Luna is a lesbian. And I can’t just directly ask her, you know, so I am trying to… just hint at it?”

“Yeah, stop doing that,” Yam said quickly.


“Because if she’s not comfortable discussing the subject, it’s not gonna do anything good.”

“Yeah, and you shouldn’t pressure her,” Jim added.

“I don’t wanna pressure her!” Simón said, “But I’m also curious… she’s just… never been interested in talking about romance and she seems to brush off the subject when asked.”

“I was too,” Yam admitted.

Simón lit up. “Do you think Luna is like you?”

“I do not want to make that assumption, Simón…” However, after she said that, she leaned in. “Although, I can say that I never have thought she was straight.”

“Ooh…” Simón then turned to Jim. “Also, Jim… Nico told me he knows no lesbians…”

“What?” Jim asked. “But I…” She looked into thin air. “Oh.”


Jim cracked an awkward smile. “I forgot to tell him…”

Yam and Simón snickered.

“I need to tell him…” Jim admitted. “Someday. When I have the energy.”

She never told him.

Simón decided to ask Luna out to roller skate in the park. She didn’t say no to that.

As they skated around for a while, they decided to rest a bit in the grass.

“I like sitting in the grass and philosophizing,” Luna said.

Simón chuckled. Luna laid her head on his stomach, as the two watched the clouds.

“Simón, can I ask you something?”


”Why did you ask me yesterday about… you know, celebrity crushes?”

”Oh, I was just wondering.”

”Ok… cause… I have been really thinking about it… and I don’t know anyone, Simón. And I’m not just not daring to say it. I genuinely do not think I’ve ever had it.”

”I believe you, Luna.”

Luna took a deep breath. ”How do you feel when you’re in love?”

Simón cracked up. ”Well… I guess you just… know.”

”How do you know if you’re in love?”

”My heart beats fast… my stomach is tickling… I feel… sweatier than usual.” Both of them snickered. ”I also… sometimes dream about the person often and wake up feeling good, you know?”


”I also have an intense desire to kiss them when they speak, heh!”


It was quiet for a moment.

”Simón,” Luna said after a while, ”I don’t think I’ve ever felt like that…” She inhaled and exhaled slowly before continuing. ”I know that I have had ’romantic’ dreams about people… but I haven’t liked them.”

”You haven’t?”

”No. They have made me feel confused and weirded out. And I’ve never gotten a desire to kiss anyone, ever! I think kissing feels weird most of the time, if it’s not your average cheek kiss greeting and goodbye, you know…”

Simón thought about something. ”Luna, we’re… open with each other.”

”Of course.”

”And we’re grown up now… and I wanna ask you a question that might be too… vulgar? And you really do not have to answer or give me details, I’m just… I’m just wondering.”

”Just ask me.”

”Have you ever felt… sexual feelings?”

Luna thought about it. ”No. Not ever. I’m sure of it. Even if I never had, I’m sure I’d know if I did.”

Simón nodded.

”Simón… I don’t know why I don’t feel in love, or feel sexual feelings. I do know most people do, even if no one says it. But I just don’t.”

”Well… maybe you’re asexual.”

Luna was quiet.

”You’ve heard of asexual before, right?” Simón asked.

”I have,” Luna said. ”And I guess it’s…”

Suddenly, she sat up. She stared into thin air.

”It would explain a lot of things, wouldn’t it?”

”Yeah,” Simón said.

Luna turned to him. She was shining.

”I’m asexual.”


”No. It feels so right to say. It feels really right to say, Simón!”

Simón could not help but cackle as Luna seemed to be really ecstatic over this revelation.

”Am I ace?” Luna asked, probably more to validate herself than anything else.

”If you feel that you are, then you are,” Simón said.

Luna laughed and practically tackled him into a hug. ”I’m ace! I’m ace, Simón!”

”Yes, you are!”

They both made cheering sounds as they laughed lying on the grass together.

Life felt brighter.

Chapter 18: (Glee) Two dads


Apologies to all the glee fans who had to wait like 16 days for a new glee oneshot

Chapter Text

The little girl woke up crying. She was a baby, so this is how she woke up most days.

Her two dads were quick to come into the room.

“We’re here, darling!” Kurt said soothingly. “Don’t you worry.”

“We’ve prepared a marvelous breakfast for you, princess,” Blaine said. “But first, we need to get you ready!”

“Yes!” Kurt lifted her out of her crib. “As we all can smell, you need a change out of your morning diaper. Have you let it all out or is there more? We don’t want to waste too many cloth diapers, it’s too much laundry as it is.”

The baby gurgled.

“I’d take that as you’ve emptied it all out.”

“Good, then you have plenty of room for breakfast!” Blaine said.

The men only had cloth diapers for their girl. Better for the environment, and they save so much money! Plus, the cloth diapers were really pretty.

“Tell me, your highness,” Blaine said, “Which diaper would you like to wear this morning?”

Their daughter kind of moved her foot slightly, which they interpreted as her pointing at a pink pair.

“Pink is an excellent choice!”

They put her down in the high chair.

“Bon appétit!” Blaine exclaimed. “I made some scrambled eggs for the little lady!”

The baby shrieked and flapped her little hands.

“Let me assist you,” Kurt cooed. “Open your mouth!” He fed her the scrambled eggs. Both him and Blaine could tell she loved it.

“How do you rate this cuisine?” Blaine asked.

“Weh!” their daughter exclaimed and held up both her hands.

“Full stars! Woah, I’m so honored!” He pretended to bow in front of her, causing her to giggle.

After breakfast, it was time to go out for a walk. Kurt strapped their daughter onto a baby carrier. ”Now you just sit there enjoying the view, my love.”

”I’m jealous, I wish I could sit in a baby carrier,” Blaine said.

”And she’s probably jealous you can walk,” Kurt joked.

They walked out around the park, enjoying the weather. Some people stopped them just to comment about their cute baby.

Some people asked which one was the father, and got quite a surprise when they answered ”both!”. Apparently, even in the 2020s people were surprised about two dads…

After half an hour, they noticed the baby was getting a bit cranky.

”It’s time for your pre-lunch nap, isn’t it?” Kurt asked.

”Kurt, she’s not supposed to nap for another hour.”

”Hm, then why is she cranky?”

They decided it was best to head back home, so they could calmly help their daughter with whatever was bothering her.

She had been growing increasingly more cranky by the minute, and the men almost felt the need to run home to figure it out.

Finally, they reached their house. The second they came inside, Blaine lifted her out of the baby carrier.

”There, there, princess… what’s wrong?”

She just cried and made grunting sounds.

”Maybe she’s just feeling overwhelmed,” Kurt suggested.

Blaine nodded. He patted her back.

”Yeah, sometimes being outside is a lot… but it’s ok… just let it all out.”

Right then, she very loudly started to fill her diaper.

Kurt and Blaine stared at each other in silence for a few seconds.

”Well, she seemed to have let it all out,” Kurt joked, and both laughed slightly.

They went to the changing table. As they laid her down, she started to yawn.

”Maybe messing herself took a lot of energy out of her,” Kurt said.

”Yeah, I mean, sometimes it drains your energy,” Blaine replied. ”Maybe we could have her nap be a bit earlier.”

”Good idea. Little lady, what color of the diaper you’re gonna wear for nap time will you choose?”

”Eeh,” their daughter gurgled.

”Violet? Well, why not!”

They put her down in her crib.

”What would miss like to hear as a lullaby?” Blaine asked.

Their daughter seemed to be up for anything, as long as it soothed her to sleep.

So, her two dads sang her the first song that came to their minds. They hummed the melody, and smiled as they watched their little baby close her eyes and drift off to sleep.

”Have a nice nap,” Kurt whispered, kissing her on the forehead before the two walked out.

”Kurt?” Blaine asked, ”Will we continue to sing her a lullaby at every single nap time?”

Kurt nodded. ”I hope so. I wanna sing to her every day… until she’s a moody teenager who asks us to stop.”

They laughed.

Luckily, their little angel would not be a teenager for many, many years, so they could look forward to a lot more lullabies to sing her to sleep with.

Chapter 19: (Violetta) I thought everyone liked both?

Chapter Text

Violetta laid on her bed. She took a deep breath.

Camila and Francesca were sleeping over.

“Guys…” Violetta said as she stared into the ceiling. “I think I might be… bi.”

Francesca laid down next to her. “You know what? Me, too.”



Camila also stared into the ceiling, because apparently you get more philosophical by doing that.

“Girls… I have a theory.”

“Tell us your theory,” Violetta said.

“I think… everyone is bisexual.”

“Not true!” Francesca quickly replied.

“No, hear me out! I mean that everyone likes both! Not that they are particularly bisexual, but you know… I don’t think anyone is simply straight, for example. There’s always a percentage on how much or little you like a gender.”

“Hmm…” Violetta said. “I mean… it could make sense… maybe…”

Francesca nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, the door burst open.

“I have been eavesdropping long enough!” Ludmila yelled. “And I wanna say, this theory is wrong!”

Camila, Francesca and Violetta barely reacted to her, continuing to stare up the ceiling.

“Explain,” Camila said.

“I’m a lesbian,” Ludmila said.

“We know,” the three girls said in unison.

”Well! I only like one gender! And I am 100% sure I feel no attraction at all to men!”

”Of course…” Francesca said.

”Yeah, so the theory that everyone likes both is wrong!”

”You know what?” Camila asked, ”When I came up with it, I was thinking mainly about the straights. Because I don’t really believe anyone is straight, you know?”

”Well,” Violetta said, ”Just like we don’t like it when the straights force their sexuality on us… we should not do the same for them.”

”What I think we could do is starting to not assume someone is straight,” Francesca suggested. ”Maybe just try to not think anything unless they have stated it otherwise.”

”Already ahead of you!” Camila said.

Ludmila stared at the three of them for a moment. It was kinda peculiar seeing them all just stare into the ceiling.

”Are you high?” she asked.

No one replied.

Chapter 20: (Soy Luna) Fruity Sleepover


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

They had the mansion all to themselves for an entire week. Three days had passed, and it had gone pretty smoothly. And tonight, they decided to have a large sleepover.

They invited all the girls: Delfi, Emilia, Jazmin, Jim, Nina and Yam. Yes, they wrote them in alphabetical order. By “they”, I mean Ámbar, obviously.

“I hope Emilia can get along with everyone.” Ámbar said. “I know she and Jazmin tend to butt heads a lot.”

“I think it’s gonna be fine,” Luna said. “We can try to split up if they have their claws out too much.”

Soon enough, the doorbell rang, and their sleepover guests started popping in. Everyone arrived just minutes from each other.

“Should we put on some music?” Luna asked.

“Let me do that, you’re just gonna put on Caramelldansen again,” Ámbar said.

“How do you know?”

“What did you plan on putting on?”

Luna didn’t reply.

Luna instead went to the popcorn bowl and tried to throw popcorn in her mouth.

“I have an idea,” Jazmin said, “Can’t we play a game?”

“Sure, what game?” Yam asked.

“Hm… truth or dare!”

“Oh, yes!” Emilia exclaimed, “I’d love to dare people.”

“And ask them for the truth,” Jazmin said.

“Nah, that’s boring. I’m all for dares.”

“Yeah, let’s play truth or dare,” Jim said, “But nothing too outrageous.”

“I’m in if we don’t ask any too personal questions or purposely want someone to do something humiliating,” Nina said.

“I think we can spin the bottle at the same time,” Luna suggested, “That way, no one should feel targeted.”

“Seems fair,” Emilia shrugged.

“I’m surprised you think so, Emilia!” Jazmin gasped.

Emilia smirked. ”I’m full of surprises…”

Luna and Ámbar exchanged unsure looks, hoping that this would not escalate too far.

They sat down in a circle, and started spinning the bottle. Luna was the first one to spin.

She possibly spinned a bit too excitedly, because the bottle went at a rather rapid pace. But eventually, it calmed down. It ended up on Emilia.

”Emilia, truth or dare?” Luna asked.


Luna furrowed her eyebrows. ”I thought you didn’t like picking truth.”

”Normally, but I am afraid of what kind of dares you’d force me to do.”

”That’s fair.” Luna took a deep breath. ”Ok, truth… what kids show do you still secretly like?”

Emilia smiled with confidence. ”The Moomins. I feel very seen by Little My.”

”That actually makes sense.”

Emilia grabbed the bottle, giving it a spin.

It ended up on Yam. Yam’s eyes widened.

”Yam. Truth or dare?”


For some reason, Jazmin gasped at this. ”You are so brave.”

”We promised no humiliating things, so I’ll expect Emilia to do something creative,” Yam explained.

”Well…” Emilia licked her lips. ”I dare you to kiss the person the bottle falls on.”

Everyone went silent.

”Ok…” Yam said. ”But… do I have the potential consent from everyone in this room to do that?”

”Yes,” everyone replied. Kissing at spin the bottle was nothing.

Yam carefully spinned the bottle, wondering who it was gonna end up on. She was ok with kissing everyone in this room.

Until it landed on Ámbar.

”Are you gonna kiss me or what?” Ámbar asked.

Yam didn’t know why, but it felt like her knees were made of noodles as she crawled up to Ámbar. Ok, here it goes…

She closed her eyes and very gently kissed Ámbar.

It neither felt or looked like a casual kiss. Both girls seemed to be very careful about it.

As Yam let go, she stared at Ámbar for a moment.

Why was Ámbar such a… good kisser?

She went back to her seat and they continued their game, but Yam felt slightly less concentrated.

Three hours later, the girls sat in front of the couch, watching a movie. Yam couldn’t focus on it.

As she reached for chips, Ámbar reached them at the same time, and their hands touched. Yam quickly snatched away her hand and Ámbar gave her a suspicious glance.

Jazmin and Emilia caught everyone’s attention as they noticed they were snuggled up together. Yam tried to comment on it, but she was possibly the only one too unfocused for that.

As they later went to prepare for bed, most of them found a sleeping spot in the living room.

However, Ámbar decided to go sleep in her own room instead.

As Ámbar went up, Yam suddenly noticed she had forgotten something. Her phone.

Yam decided to leave it to her.

Her heart beated fast as she came closer to Ámbar’s door.

Knock, knock…

Ámbar opened the door, raising an eyebrow.

”You forgot your phone,” Yam said, her voice shaking.

”Thanks,” Ámbar said. She stared at Yam for a few seconds. ”Was there any more, or…”

”No, I’m… I’m gonna…”

”Yam. Are you still thinking about the kiss?”

Yam felt how her face grew more red. ”What? Me? Why…”

”You’ve been so off all night. I figured it might have to do with that.”

”You… noticed I was off? You noticed me, like in general?”

Ámbar scoffed playfully, and grabbed her hand to drag her into her room.

”Let’s do it like this. We’ll kiss again, this time without any game or witnesses involved, and you’ll tell me how you feel.”

Yam nodded.

Ámbar did not wait long, and closed her eyes as she grabbed Yam’s face.

The two kissed just as gently and carefully like last time.

As Ámbar let go, she smiled. ”How do you feel?”

”You go first,” Yam said.

Ámbar shrugged. ”A kiss is a kiss. Now tell me. And give me your honest answer.”

Yam took a deep breath. ”Ok… I loved it a lot, and I don’t know how you’re so good at kissing, but it intrigues and mesmerizes me a lot.”

Ámbar was quiet. She slowly placed her hand on Yam’s thigh.

”You’ve earned your right to spend the night with me here in my room tonight.”


This is one of my favorite oneshots I made this month, so please leave a comment if you read <3

Chapter 21: (Asoue) Pining

Chapter Text

Jerome sat on the bleachers at Prufrock Prep, watching the football practice. Football is a word that here means, they kicked a black and white round ball with their feet. This fic author is european and that’s the only form of football that’s of relevance. And even if her English is mostly influenced by american, she will not call it soccer. Football is the correct word.

Anyway, Jerome sat on the bleachers. But his focus was not on the football practice, even if it looked like he was focusing on that. No, in actuality, he was looking at the cheerleaders further away. There was one particular cheerleader that he had his eyes on.


Jerome got startled.

Lemony Snicket had appeared out of nowhere.

”Are you also watching the practice?” Lemony asked.

”Well… I…”

”Me, too.”

Jerome smirked. ”Are you really watching, or are you just watching Beatrice?”

Lemony smiled. ”You got me there.”

”Don’t act like you don’t sit and stare at someone, too!”

That voice came from under the bleachers. The two boys turned their heads to look.

It was Olaf, secretly smoking as per usual.

”Why don’t you just talk to him?” Olaf asked.

”Talk to who?” Jerome asked.


”Charles? He’s not on the football team!”

”But he is on the cheerleading team, is he not? And you sit and pine for him all day!”

”Am not!”

Olaf rolled his eyes. ”Come on.”

”I can talk to him for you,” Lemony offered, ”I was a cheerleader last year, so I know him pretty well.”

”No!” Jerome exclaimed.

”So you’d rather just be pining and never talk to him?” Olaf asked.

”Uh…” Jerome tried to figure out an answer. ”Yes.”

Olaf scoffed. ”Oh, you’re pathetic.” Then he left.

”I think pining can be quite fun too,” Lemony admitted. ”You don’t have any pressure on you. Just feelings…”

Jerome formed a small smile. ”Yeah…”

Chapter 22: (Violetta) Secret dating

Chapter Text

They were in the drive in movie theatre. Pablo, Angie and Jackie. It was 1996 and they were young and full of life.

Pablo was driving. Jackie sat next to him. Angie in the backseat.

As they parked, Pablo let out a groan.

“What is it?” Jackie asked.

“I don’t know, I ate something weird…” He opened the car door. “I think I’m gonna go use the bathroom. If I miss the movie, tell me what happened.”

“We will,” the girls promised.

As Pablo walked away, Jackie followed him with her gaze. The second she saw that he was out of sight, she turned to Angie.

“He’s gonna be gone for at least 15 minutes, I’m sure.”

“Probably,” Angie said.

Jackie put her hand on Angie’s leg. “So… we got some time.”

She got out of the car and then opened the door to the backseat.

“Lay down, Angie.”


“Lay down. On your back. Your head should face the other side of the backseat.”

Angie nodded. She made herself lay down, taking up all the space in the backseat. Her feet were facing Jackie. It was dark outside, only the moon as their light.

Jackie looked around and then slowly crept into the car, crawling on top of her. She closed the door, and then dashed.

“Someone passed us,” she whispered.

A random guy passed the car, and didn’t seem to even think of looking inside.

“Maybe it’s best I lay down, too,” Jackie said.

“Yeah,” Angie snickered.

Jackie stroked her hair. Angie felt how her body turned to jelly.

Angie and Jackie had been more than friends for a while now.

No one knew. Not even Pablo.

Poor, clueless Pablo…

It was exciting, Angie thought. To be secret lovers. No one knew but them.

Plus, Jackie made her feel things that were… indescribable.

“You’re so pretty,” Angie whispered to Jackie. She meant it genuinely.

Jackie smiled. “You know what I think you are, Angeles? You’re hot.”

Angie let out a noise that was hard to describe, but it made Jackie giggle.

“You’re so corny. And I love it. I wanna hear more of it.”

She proceeded to dig her hand under Angie’s shirt. She had never done that before. Angie wondered if she was gonna do the same to Jackie, but when she tried, Jackie stopped her.

“Let me do it to you,” Jackie said.


Jackie leaned in, whispering it slowly. “Let me do it to you.”

“Oh…” Angie felt like her stomach was tickling way more than before. “Yes. Yes, please.”


20 minutes later, Angie and Jackie were in the bathroom, washing their hands. As they went back to the car, Pablo had returned.

“Hi,” he said, “What did I miss?” He pointed at the movie screen.

“You didn’t miss much of anything,” Angie assured him.

“Yeah, nothing happened,” Jackie added. She and Angie shared a knowing look.

“Ok.” Pablo was about to go back in the car, before suspiciously looking at the two girls. “Have I missed something?”

“No,” Angie said.

“Nothing at all,” Jackie said.

“Ok,” Pablo shrugged.

Chapter 23: (Soy Luna) Dinner

Chapter Text

“Dinner’s ready!”

Luna and Ámbar slowly walked down the stairs.

They shared a look.

It was in the air. They didn’t know what just yet, but it was.

They sat down on each side of the table. Sharon sat in the middle.

They ate in silence. Although, even Sharon could read the room. She didn’t like it.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked.

“Why do you ask?” Ámbar asked.

“Don’t be cross with me.”

“Why is she cross with you just for asking why you ask?” Luna asked.

Sharon inhaled through her nose. “I don’t want to deal with any nonsense. Now tell me, either one or the other.”

“I have nothing on my mind,” Ámbar said, “I just have nothing to say.”

“Same here!” Luna said.

Sharon did not like that answer.

”I don’t like you hiding things from me. You know that.”

”I promise you, whatever is going on in our lives recently is so uninteresting to you that if we told you, you’d just roll your eyes,” Luna explained.

Sharon took a bite of her food. As she swallowed, she stared straight forward. The girls kept eating in silence, too.

Suddenly, Ámbar’s phone beeped. Sharon shot an annoyed glance at her.

”Sorry, I’m gonna turn it off,” Ámbar said. However, before she turned it off, she briefly formed a small smile reading the text.

“Who was that?” Sharon asked.

“No one important.”

“Don’t hide anything from me.”

“We don’t have our phones at dinner, so it’s not important.”

Sharon stood up, and dug Ámbar’s phone out of her pocket.

“Hey!” Ámbar yelled.

Sharon read the text. She furrowed her eyebrows. “It’s only a number. You haven’t written who it is. How come?”

“I haven’t bothered.”

“Hm… I see. You have a secret boyfriend, don’t you?”

Luna suddenly burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Sharon asked.

“Nothing…” Luna tried to calm herself down.

“You two have much ‘nothing’ to say today…”

“I don’t have a secret boyfriend,” Ámbar said sternly, trying to take back her phone.

“I still need to know who this is,” Sharon said, “Or else I will not give you your phone back.”

Ámbar took a deep breath. “It’s Emilia.”


“Remember that girl dressed in all black that you spotted me skating in the park with?”

“And why is this girl texting you that she still can feel your taste?”

Luna could not help but laugh again.

“Well…” Ámbar wasn’t sure how to put this. “Do you want the truth?”


“The full truth? Even though it’s none of your business and if you didn’t ask, you wouldn’t even care that I told you?”


“Emilia and I are dating.”

Sharon stared at her. She didn’t say a word. Slowly, she gave Ámbar the phone back.

“I do not want to know more information,” she finally declared as she sat back down to eat. “Luna? Are you dating anyone?”

Luna swallowed her food. “No. Maybe this is a good time to tell you that I’m asexual. I don’t really want to date anyone.”

“That tracks.”

And with that, ended another dinner at the Benson mansion.

Chapter 24: (Violetta) Confession

Chapter Text

Germán was coming over for dinner. Violetta was in the kitchen, making dinner. She could never make as good food as Olga, but she was pretty decent.

Isadora came into the kitchen, looking for soda in the fridge.

“Hi, honey,” Violetta said, leaning in to kiss her. “Grandpa comes over in an hour.”

“Yeah…” Isadora made an unsure face.

“What’s wrong?”


“Isa. Tell me now.”

Isadora took a deep breath. “I… I just… listen, I love grandpa, but… he’s… I don’t like how he’s… asking questions sometimes.”

Violetta understood what she meant. She knew better than anyone.

She gave her daughter a hug. “I know he’s a lot. But I promise, if he’s too much, me and your dad will tell him to stop.”

“Absolutely,” Leon said, walking up to them. “I’ve never been afraid to put my guard down with him.”

“It’s true,” Violetta chuckled. “Your dad has had to fight with your grandpa so much just because he was in the same room as me.”

As Germán arrived, he gave Violetta a big hug, and a pat on the shoulder for Leon.

Then he noticed Isadora. “My beautiful granddaughter! Let me have a look at you!”

Isadora hugged him. It seemed fine this far.

They all sat down for dinner.

“I’ve cooked it all by myself,” Violetta said. “I followed Olga’s recipe, but I’m never gonna be as good as her.”

”I think it tastes wonderful!” Germán said.

”Thanks, dad.”

”So, Leon…” Germán turned to Leon. ”You got your hands full with Isadora? Hehe!”

”No, she’s pretty well behaved,” Leon said. He glanced at his daughter.

”No, but I mean… if she’s anything like her mom, boys should be swarming around her!”

”They don’t,” Isadora said.

”Ah, because your father is so protective, eh?” Germán laughed.

”No… dad is not protective over boys.”

”I don’t have to worry about boys, ever,” Leon said.

”But you must have a boyfriend, Isadora?” Germán asked.

”Dad…” Violetta said, noticing her daughter growing uncomfortable.

”I don’t.”

”A crush, then?”

Isadora barely moved a muscle, and yet Germán interpreted something from her.

”Eh? Yeah, you do!”

”She literally did not even react,” Leon said.

”Dad, she doesn’t want to talk about this,” Violetta said.

”If she doesn’t wanna talk, it must mean she’d hiding something,” Germán said. ”Come on, Isadora. You’re meeting a boy in secret, don’t you?”

Isadora shook her head. ”I don’t, and I won’t.”

”What do you mean won’t?”

Isadora could not hold it in anymore. ”Because I’m a lesbian. I like girls, ok?”

Silence was spread over the dinner table.

”Huh?” Germán said.

”Yes. So stop asking me about boys, because I’m not interested.”

”Ok… I’m sorry…”

Isadora had never said it out loud before. Of course, her parents did know - they had figured it out a long time ago, but never said anything.

Leon put a comforting hand on her.

Germán did not talk for the rest of the dinner, and left shortly after. As they had said goodbye, Isadora felt a sense of relief, but she also felt weird.

”I wasn’t too harsh on him?” she asked.

”No, you put him in his place,” Violetta assured her. ”He’s not gonna bother you about that anymore.”

Isadora smiled. ”I didn’t… plan for this to be my coming out to all of you. I actually hadn’t really had a plan to come out at all… not that I think you wouldn’t support me, it’s just that I didn’t feel like saying it.”

Violetta hugged her. ”We never wanted you to feel like you had to, anyway.”

”You knew?”

”Kinda,” Leon said, kissing her on the forehead. ”In the society we live in, I’d never assume anyone was straight. Especially not my own kid. I feel like no one should need to come out, because no one should assume anything, really.”

”But my dad is from another time,” Violetta chuckled. ”He’s supportive, but his default thought process is that everyone is hetero. The funniest thing is, I’ve been bisexual this whole time. He would only have noticed if I dated a girl.”

”Me too,” Leon said. ”If I dated a boy, that is. But Vilu, I think that if you dated a girl, he’d just think you were friends.”

Violetta laughed. ”That’s true.”

Isadora giggled at her parents. She was glad they were so supportive of her.

Chapter 25: (Violetta) Date

Chapter Text

The doorbell rang. Germán opened.

“Hi, Camila.”

“It’s still Francesca… is Violetta ready?”

“I’m here!” Violetta ran down the stairs, wearing a purple dress that sparkled when light touched it.

“Vilu! That’s so beautiful!”

“Your dress is beautiful, too.” Francesca was wearing a red dress, with a classy belt around her waist.

“Have fun on your hangout, girls!” Germán said.

“Sure… ‘hangout’...” Violetta said. “Bye, dad!”

As they closed the door, Ludmila popped up behind Germán, sipping on her drink.

“You know they’re out on a date, right?”

“What?” Germán turned around. “With who?!”

“With each other? You know they’re dating?”

Germán gasped.

Usually, the city of Buenos Aires was really busy and loud, but not tonight. Or maybe the girls were just so focused on themselves that they didn’t really notice it. They were walking, holding each other’s arms.

The stars had come out, but you couldn’t see them that well due to the city lights.

“If only there was a place where there’s no city lights…” Violetta said.

“Hm…” Francesca thought about it. “Maybe by the fountain? You know, the one close to the studio?”


They held hands as they went towards the direction of the fountain.

On the way there, they were mostly silent, just listening to the breeze and the stream from the water.

Violetta looked down at the river. ”The moon really makes the water sparkle.”

”It really does,” Francesca said. ”It gives this aesthetic of… calmness.”

”It’s romantic.” Violetta turned to her with a smile.

”Yeah. It is.” Francesca leaned onto her.

They arrived at the fountain. Just like with the river, the moon made the water sparkle in the fountain. However, the girls were met with quite a sight.

In the fountain were two other girls, who had climbed inside and danced around, laughing with each other even though they grew increasingly wet. But they didn’t care.

”Aww…” Francesca said. ”Vilu… do you think they’re in love, like us?”

”Definitely… the looks they give each other are ones that only people in love can give.”

They looked up at the sky.

”Look! Stars!” Violetta exclaimed, pointing up.

Francesca leaned her head against Violetta’s shoulder. They just stood there for a moment, watching the stars.

After a while, they grew a bit hungry, and went to buy some hot dogs in a stand.

”Maybe not the most romantic,” Violetta admitted, ”But it was the closest thing.”

”Hey,” Francesca said, ”It’s still a date, and being with you will always be romantic. Even if we’re sitting on a bench eating hot dogs.”

Violetta giggled.

”I love your giggles so much!” Francesca said.

”I love you so much!” Violetta replied.

”You’re so pretty, even when you got mustard stains on your face.”

”You’re… you’re hot.”

They both went silent for a brief moment.

Violetta didn’t mean to say that. She did think Francesca was hot, but she did not plan for it to just slip out like that.

”You’re pretty hot, too,” Francesca said with a mischievous grin.

”Oh, shut up!” Violetta giggled.

Francesca placed a kiss on her cheek, but when Violetta wanted to give one back, Francesca moved away, making her miss.

”Hey!” Violetta stood up, which caused Francesca to run away. ”Come back here! Let me kiss you!”

”Catch me if you can!”

Several people passing by gave them an odd look, watching the two girls chasing each other through the darkness.

The fact that it was dark was a large contributor to what happened next. Violetta had almost catched up to Francesca, when Francesca suddenly stepped on something she thought was the sidewalk, but was actually a stick someone had dropped there. Violetta grabbed her at the same second as she tripped, causing both of them to roll down the small grasspit.

Catching their breaths, they let out large laughter.

”Oh my gosh!” Francesca yelled.

Violetta took her chance, and kissed her right on the mouth. ”Got you.”

The two then laid on their backs for a while, looking up at the sky.

”My dad will wonder why I’m coming home all dirty…” Violetta chuckled.

”I can make you even more dirty…” Francesca replied in a rather suggestive tone.

Violetta gasped. ”Francesca, we’re in public… even if it’s dark out, I don’t wanna risk anyone seeing us…”

”No, no! I meant I was gonna throw grass on you. Your idea sounds very appealing though…”

”If you want, I could… convince my dad of a sleepover…”

”And if not, we can just go over to my house and… take a bath… no one is home tonight.”

Violetta kissed her again. ”That sounds appealing, alright!”

Chapter 26: (Soy Luna) Gender is a construct

Chapter Text

Ramiro followed Jim inside the house. He was about to meet her and Yam’s new baby.

They had just come home yesterday from the hospital.

“Hey,” he said, stepping into the living room. “Let me get a look at the little dude!”

He had during the whole pregnancy been sure it was a boy. Jim and Yam found out pretty early on they were actually expecting a girl, but they never really told Ramiro this.

Ramiro lifted the baby up. “Oh, look at you. Hello! I’m your uncle!”

The women laughed.

“Ramiro,” Jim said, “We have discussed it, and… we have decided you’re gonna be the godfather.”

Ramiro beamed. “For real?”

“Yes!” Jim and Yam exclaimed in unison.

Ramiro wanted to jump around in excitement, but he was holding the baby. So instead he just bounced her lightly.

“I’m gonna be the best godfather ever, little dude. Hey, by the way, do you have a name for him yet?”

“Uh-” Yam was about to speak, when Ramiro interrupted her.

“Don’t say it. I’m gonna keep calling him little dude.”

2 months passed, and Ramiro kept thinking their daughter was a boy.

“Has he not realized she’s a girl?” Jim’s sister asked once when she was over.

“Well, no,” Jim said, “And it’s just funny not telling him.”

“Has he not ever changed her diaper, or anything?” one of Yam’s brothers asked when he was over.

“Nope,” Yam shrugged. “We always go with her to another room when we change her.”

“Why don’t you just tell him?” Yam´s other brother asked when he was over.

“Well, who knows if our daughter turns out to be a son? We just say her right now, but who knows?”

“Gender is just a construct, anyway,” Jim shrugged.

Ramiro came over for a visit some days later.

“Hello, JimYamz! Have you slept well?”

“As good as you can with a 2 month old baby, but we slept pretty well last night,” Yam said.

Jim was slouching on the couch, cuddling with their baby.

“Let me say hi to my godson!” Ramiro said.

Jim was about to hand their daughter over, when she wrinkled her face. “Wait, we got a dirty diaper. Oh my god, what did you eat?!”

“Breastmilk,” Yam said, “Like most 2 month olds.”

“In that case, what did you eat? The diapers have never smelled this bad before.”

“Let me change little dude,” Ramiro said.

“Are you sure?” Jim asked. “Cause I can-”

“No problem. You two rest.”

“Ok, that’s kind of you.”

Ramiro bounced the baby lightly. “Come on, little stinker.”

Yam formed a smile. “Jim… this is the first time he changes her, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is…”

They suddenly started to crack up.

Around 5 minutes later, Ramiro came back. Much to their amusem*nt, he seemed rather shocked.

“Hey… uh… has your kid always been a girl?”

This caused them to burst out laughing.

“It’s not funny!” Ramiro said, “Have you tricked me this whole time?”

“No, we just never corrected you when you called her a dude,” Yam said.

“But… It's been 2 months and I didn’t learn until now that she's a girl? I’ve been misgendering her this whole time?”

“Listen, she’s 2 months old,” Jim said, “She doesn’t know what gender even is. We refer to her as a girl for easiness’ sake, but who knows if she still wants to identify as that when she’s conscious about genders?”

“Isn’t it the best to then not assign any gender on her?” Ramiro asked.

Yam shrugged. “Yeah, maybe. But just because we call her a girl now, we won’t impose any gender stereotypes on her.”

“At least not intentionally,” Jim added.

“You can keep calling her ‘little dude’,” Yam said. “It’s a cute nickname.”

Ramiro looked at the baby. “Yeah… it fits her. She is a little dude. I don’t even know her real name!”

“Lola,” Yam said.

“Yeah, I’m just kidding, I knew that. Also, the fact that I didn’t even reflect on the fact that her name was Lola and still thought she was a boy!”

“Any name can be gender neutral if you decide so.”

Lola made a gurgle noise.

“I agree,” Ramiro replied, causing everyone to chuckle. “Lola, little dude… you’re gonna grow up with the coolest people around. I’m the coolest, of course! But your moms are pretty decent too.”

“We’re way cooler,” Jim said. Everyone laughed.

Chapter 27: (DCLA) Queer group meeting


While this only focuses on the DCLA characters, there’s 100% a lot of other characters from other media here.

Chapter Text

A bunch of people snuck around in a corridor. It seemed like they didn’t want anyone to see them.

Ámbar was sure she could see Matteo further away, but it could have just been someone who resembled him. She slowly opened the door to the room that she was gonna go to.

”Hi… is this the group meeting for the ’sapphic-coded mean girls”?”

”Yes.” Ámbar recognized the voice, and looked up. It was Emilia. ”Nice to see you here, Ámbar.”

The room was rather full. There must be a lot of sapphic coded mean girls around…

Naty knocked on the table with her gavel. ”I declare the meeting for people who fell in love with their same-sex best friends open!”

“What’s the main topic of discussion today?” Francesca asked. “I guess we can go around the room and everyone talks about how you’re doing.”

“I can start,” Yam said. “Hi, to everyone new here, I’m Yam and I’ve been hopelessly in love with my same sex best friend since like 4 years back.” She took a deep breath. “Some news about it… well, I’ve always had a feeling she might be into girls, too, but hasn’t realized it. I know she needs to realize it herself, but at this point it’s getting ridiculous.”

“Have you told her that you’re into girls?” another person at the meeting asked. “That might inspire her to also come out.”

“No, I haven’t, I’m scared that she’s gonna realize I have a crush on her…”

“I feel that,” Naty said. “But it’s still good advice!”

“You’re better off than me,” Francesca said. “I’m not even sure my crush likes girls at all…”

On the other end of the corridor, the meeting for “queer people who everyone assumes are straight” was in full session.

“It’s weird,” Violetta said, “I know I can just tell them, and I just… don’t?”

“It’s the same thing for me!” Simón said. “I mean, everyone says I’m a women magnet… and it’s true, I make women swoon…”

Some people scoffed playfully and rolled their eyes.

“... but maybe I also want to make the boys swoon sometimes?” Simón said.

“I’ve always been thought of as straight,” Leon said. “But, well… Now one person I know knows I’m not.” He glanced at Violetta.

“Same here,” Violetta replied, smiling at him. “I guess because we’ve mostly had opposite gendered relationships, people just assume so?”

“It must be!” Simón said.

Right then, a boy that Simón recognized entered the room.


“Hi…” Matteo said, “Is this… the meeting for queer people everyone assumes are straight?”

Simón nodded. “But you know, man? No one has assumed you’re straight, ever.”

All these meetings began at different times, but happened to end at roughly the same time. Some because they went overtime, some that ended earlier than usual, and some that ended exactly when they were supposed to.

This meant for some rather awkward meetings in the hallway.

“Hi, Violetta…” Francesca said. “What are… you doing here?”

“Uh, I was just… on a thing.”

“Me, too…”

Ludmila had been in the meeting for sapphic-coded mean girls, and the second she saw Naty, she tried to blend in with all the other sapphic-coded mean girls (lots of them were blonde like her, so it was easy).

Ámbar noticed Matteo and Simón.

“Hello, boys. What were you doing here?”

“Uh, a band thing?” Simón said.

“Yes, band things…” Matteo chimed in.

Ámbar looked at them up and down.

“Sure… sure…”

Chapter 28: (Soy Luna) Accidental coming out

Chapter Text

Jim was sitting in the backseat of Juliana’s car. She clutched her foot, trying to somehow ease the pain by doing so.

She was spiraling. What if her foot was broken forever? What if she’d never be able to dance or skate again?

She jumped on one foot as she and Juliana entered the doctor’s office.

”Not even broken. You’ll be fine with just some rest.”

However, that did not ease Jim down. What if the doctor was wrong?

”It’s gonna be ok, Jim,” Juliana assured her.


Juliana could tell she was anxious. She could see herself a lot in Jim. Having not been able to skate herself anymore due to her own accident, she knew just how scary it could be every time you get hurt. Most of the time you just need to rest, but there’s always a chance it’s broken forever.

”I don’t wanna let the team down…” Jim said.

”You aren’t,” Juliana replied.

”And I have my dance audition! It’s gonna be a disaster! I’m already a bit wobbly with one of the steps!”

”I’ve seen you practice for the dance audition. You were splendid!”

”Really? Wait, when did you see me?”

Juliana chuckled. ”When you’re on stage you sometimes forget other people are around. I saw you practice while Yam was watching you. You used the song she sang last year at the competition.”

”Yeah, I did.”

”It’s very beautiful. Any particular reason you chose it?”

Jim smiled shyly. ”It just… fits. I don’t know… I felt like I wanted to express love and desire in my dance routine, and that song is all about love.”

”Yes, it is. You’re so full of love, Jim. I feel like I’ve seen you much happier during these past months. Has anything in particular happened?”

Jim snickered. ”Well… maybe.”

She then felt a new wave of pain in her ankle, and she scrunched her face up to power through it.

”What if it doesn’t get better before my dance audition? If I fail my dance audition, I’m not gonna get into the school of my dreams, and then I’ll just do nothing because I have no second option for university. Yam’s gonna go there without me, we’re gonna grow apart and our relationship is gonna fail, I haven’t even told my family that I’m a lesbian yet, and I’ll most likely not have the courage for it afterwards, and then I’m gonna marry some guy I don’t even like and live in misery forever!”

Juliana stared at her in silence.

”Oh my god,” Jim said, ”I wasn’t- I was not planning on just telling you I was a lesbian, it just accidentally slipped out. Or I mean, it didn’t slip out, I guess I was somehow comfortable just telling you, I haven’t told anyone really besides Yam, of course-”

”Jim.” Juliana put her hands on her shoulders. ”Take a deep breath.”

Jim inhaled, and then exhaled.

Juliana just formed a comforting smile and hugged her.

“I… I’m not sure why I told you all that…” Jim admitted.

“I’m glad you did,” Juliana said. “I feel happy you feel comfortable telling me this. And I wanna tell you that everything is gonna be ok.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am sure.”

They entered Jam and Roller. Juliana noticed Yam sitting on the stage, and she knew she could leave Jim in good hands.

She started to realize just how much she cared about these kids. She hoped they all would grow up to have good lifes, with minimal hardships…

Chapter 29: (Soy Luna) Alternate time period

Chapter Text

The year was 1962, and there was a new indoor roller skate rink in the city. Jam and Roller. It was created because of the increased interest in roller skating that happened in the late 1950s.

The rink turned out to be a hit, having especially young people coming to skate around.

This day, it all seemed like just any other. That is until Jazmin skated into the rink.

“Everybody!” she exclaimed, almost tripping on her own feet. “I have wonderful news!”

“What is it?” Delfi asked, leaning against the railing.

“You know how my uncle works with television? Well, he said I could borrow his camera, and we could record ourselves here at Jam and Roller! He said he wanted it to be as authentic as possible, which is why he lets us record ourselves!”

“What?” Ramiro, Gastón and Matteo skated up to her.


“We’re gonna be on TV?” Jim asked.

“We need to come up with good choreography we can perform!” Yam said.

Jazmin returned in the afternoon with the camera.

Everyone swarmed around her, all wanting to be in front of it.

“One at a time!” Jazmin exclaimed. “Hey! This camera is expensive!”

Luna stood up at a table and made a whistling noise, getting everyone’s attention. “Hey! Everyone who’s gonna roller skate in front of the camera, get to the rink!”

People started hurrying away to the rink.

“Thanks, Luna!” Jazmin said.

Luna did a salute, and then jumped down from the table, also heading to the rink.

Jazmin took a deep breath, and then started recording.

“Hello! Welcome to Jam and Roller! The hottest place in all of Buenos Aires!” She panned over the café. “In here, people meet up to drink milkshakes, catch up with their friends, or just…” She panned the camera to Nina, who was sitting quietly with her book. “Take it easy.”

Gastón suddenly jumped into frame, sitting next to Nina. He gestured for her to look at the camera, and the two waved at it.

“Jam and Roller also has their own band! The roller band!” She walked up to the stage, where Simón, Nico and Pedro were slouching around. “Say hi to the camera, boys!”

Simón, immediately, started to play a tune on his guitar, before smirking into the camera. “Hello there!”

“You’ll see this now before we’re famous!” Pedro said, posing in the camera.

“But Jam and Roller is most famous for its roller skate rink!” Jazmin explained for the camera. “And here is the rink right now! Filled with all the wonderful skaters. Look, there’s Jim and Yam! Hello, girls!”

Jim and Yam skated up to the camera.

“Hello, girls! Tell me a little about yourselves!”

“Well, I’m Jimena, but everyone calls me Jim. I like roller skating and dancing.”

“And I’m Yamila, but everyone calls me Yam. I like roller skating and singing.”

“And you’re best friends?” Jazmin asked.

“Yep!” Jim giggled.

“The best friends ever!” Yam added.

“I love Yam more than… almost my own sister, haha!”

Both of them laughed.

“Can you show me a little of your skating?” Jazmin asked.

“Of course!” Jim and Yam exclaimed in unison, and went out on the rink, to perform their little choreography.

As they finished, Jazmin panned over to Ámbar, who seemed to have waited to show off her own thing.

“As you can see, you can skate in pairs. Or solo, like my friend Ámbar!”

That was Ámbar’s cue to come in and skate. She did a fabulous job.

Jazmin then panned over to Luna. Luna didn’t say anything. She just waved at the camera as she skated by. Still, she made an impression, as it would turn out later when this aired on television.

In the year of 2024, a documentary was made about this old Jam and Roller place. A lot of these teenagers in the film eventually got famous careers, or became famous in other ways. And, it turned out, a majority of them had also been revealed to be part of the LGBTQ+ community. They called in these former teenagers for an interview.

“So, Jim and Yam,” the interviewer said, “A lot of people have said you could notice you two were in love already by this point. Do you agree?”

“Definitely,” Yam chuckled. “We did not officially start dating until years later, but you can see the sparkles already here.”

“Luna. You have never gotten married or even shown an interest to date a lot of people. Is this true?”

“It’s true,” Luna said. “I don’t want to label myself, but I’ve always found romance to be really overrated. And I’m so happy without it!”

“Ámbar, a lot of people have admitted to having you as a lesbian awakening. Apparently, you got the girls going wild. Do you know about this?”

Ámbar laughed. “Yes, people have told me that during the years. While I’m happily married to a man, I do feel attraction to women as well. And maybe I showed that aura more back in my teenage years. I feel flattered that I was people’s awakening.”

Finally, the interviewer gave everyone a final question:

“Do you think there is a reason so many people at Jam and Roller turned out to be queer?”

No one could give a straight answer to that. Pun intended.

Chapter 30: (DCLA) Growing old together


Not only is this my last one for this pride month, it's also the one I felt the most sentimental about writing.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Violetta and Francesca sat by the patio, looking at the sunshine together. They waited for some friends to come over.

The first were Ludmila and Naty. They couldn’t believe they had known them for over 70 years now. The second ones were two ladies named Jim and Yam, who Violetta and Francesca had gotten to know thanks to their oldest daughter marrying their oldest daughter. Yes, this meant that some of their grandchildren only had a bunch of abuelas.

So did all of Ludmila and Naty’s grandchildren. They only had one daughter, Stella, and to almost no one’s surprise she ended up marrying Camila’s kid, Kim. They ended up having four children together. Ludmila still did not know how to handle the fact that she and Camila were family by marriage now, even if it had been 20 years since Stella and Kim tied the knot.

Violetta and Francesca had three kids together - Elina, Carolina and Oliver. Elina was their oldest, who married Jim and Yam’s daughter Lola. The two girls had two kids of their own, and only women for parents and grandparents. Carolina only had one kid with her husband, and Oliver, while married, never had any children with his wife. Ludmila used to tease Violetta and Francesca about how, despite them having more children, they got less grandchildren.

Jim and Yam had a second daughter named Charlie, who had a child with one man, and then she had two others with another man that she still to this day was married to. So, they had 5 grandkids in total, which was the most out of all of them.

Ludmila and Naty arrived first. They went out to greet them.

“Hello! You look great!” Naty said, hugging Violetta.

“I just turned 87, I get more beautiful each year!” Violetta joked.

“Come inside, I made some cookies!” Francesca said.

“My doctor said I shouldn’t eat that much sugar…” Ludmila said. Then she laughed. “But I don’t really listen to my doctor anyway! Give me the cookies!”

“They don’t have any sugar in them,” Francesca said. “Cause I also have a doctor wanting me to cut down on it. But I promise, they’re still delicious!”
“I should know, I stole some,” Violetta said, causing her wife to pretend to dramatically gasp.

They sat down in the living room. Right then, the doorbell rang. Violetta went to open it.

“Hello!” Jim and Yam said in unison.

“Ooh, is this a lesbian gathering or what’s up?” Ludmila joked.

“Lesbian and bisexual,” Francesca corrected her. “Or, why not just a sapphic gathering?”

“Gathering for sapphic grandmas!” Yam exclaimed as she entered the living room. She and Jim hugged and cheek kissed everyone. “Ladies! Do you know who me and Jim met on the way here?”

“Yes, it’s actually amazing!” Jim said.

Everyone sat down, eager to hear the story.

“So… Do you remember when we told you about our friend Nina, who had a boyfriend named Eric?”

“The boy who sang Mi corazon hace wow wow?” Francesca asked. “I always hated that song, I don’t know how he managed to release it.”

“He asked our friends who were in a band to help him,” Jim sighed. “His only hit.”

“We liked it back then!” Yam admitted. “And we thought he and Nina were cute together! But we also had no idea how male-female romantic relationships worked, so we weren’t the best ones to judge.”

“That is so relatable,” Ludmila admitted, and everyone snickered.

“Yes, they broke up obviously, and in retrospect we noticed so many red flags with him,” Jim said. “We have not really thought about him for decades now.”

“Until now!” Yam exclaimed. “We were visiting our friend Ramiro, who has ended up in a nursing home now after he seriously injured himself trying to roller skate at this age. Well, one of the nurses there looked very similar to Eric.”

“Yes, this was like a younger version of him.”

“So we just had to ask… hey, did your father sing Mi corazon hace wow wow?”

“Do you know what he replied?!”

“Tell us!” Violetta sat at the edge of her seat.

Jim took a deep breath. “He said… ‘Oh, I’m so impressed you remember that old song! Yes, that is my father!’”

“HE REPRODUCED?!” Ludmila asked, shocked.

“HE REPRODUCED!” Yam yelled.

Francesca leaned backwards on the couch. “Vilu… do you realize this means there’s a possibility someone we know also has done that?”

“Oh no…” Violetta said.

“Who?” Naty asked.

“Tomas,” Vilu and Fran said together.

“Not Tomas!” Jim exclaimed. “Wait. Who’s Tomas?”

“They told us about this in 2070, Jim,” Yam explained, as she remembered every gossip ever. “Tomas was that guy that both Violetta and Francesca were in love with, and then they ditched him for each other.”

“Well, we realized our friendship was more important than him, but we didn’t ditch him for each other exactly,” Violetta corrected her.


“This is a genuine fear I’ve had all my life,” Ludmila said. “Every time me and Naty go to Spain, I’m so afraid I’ll bump into him there.”

“Luckily we haven’t heard from him since he moved back there in 2012,” Naty said.

“He told me I’d be the first to know if he ever got famous…” Violetta said, looking up at the ceiling. Everyone started laughing.

“This might be dark,” Yam said, “But maybe he’s dead. I mean… we’re at that age now where people start dying of… natural causes…”

The room grew slightly silent, but everyone nodded in agreement.

“To think, 100 years ago, it was the 80s…” Francesca said. “The 1980s. And now it’s the 80s again.”

“I don’t think 2082 feels like a real year,” Ludmila admitted. “But 1982? It definitely felt like a real year.”

“To think, my aunt was alive then…” Violetta said. “She wasn’t old then, but she… she lived.”

Angie had passed away only some weeks before her 100th birthday. The loss had been bigger for Violetta than it had for any of her parents. Her mom died when Violetta was so young, and her dad… well, as sad as she was, she felt oddly relieved that he had passed, too.

“Do you speak to Paula anymore?” Naty asked. Paula was Angie’s daughter.

“Yes,” Violetta said. “We speak often, and even more after Angie passed. It’s so weird, in my head she’s always a little girl, but she’s gotten grandkids of her own by this point!”

“We’re so old…” Francesca said. “Our own grandchildren are probably gonna have children soon…”

“I have a question,” Ludmila said, “Who in our friend groups do you think will be the first one to die?”

“Ludmila, that’s such a horrible question!” Naty exclaimed. “I don’t wanna think about that!”

“Diego,” Violetta and Francesca said in the most monotone voices imaginable.

Ludmila’s eyes widened. “No! No, not him! I don’t… I won’t allow it!”

“Calm down,” Francesca said, gesturing with her hands for Ludmila to calm down. “My initial answer would be Gery, but we were never really friends with her. She just keeps being in our lives despite us never making any effort to want her to. But she’s definitely gonna go first.”

Ludmila nodded. “Ok, yeah, you’re right…”

“In our friend group, if Ramiro continues like he does…” Jim said, not really daring to finish that sentence.

“I also feel like he’s immortal?” Yam said and chuckled unsurely. “Seriously, he has injured himself so many times, but he keeps coming back. My guess would be Matteo. Ugh, it still feels so horrible to guess when people are gonna die!”

“See it as when we guessed who would have kids first back in the days,” Ludmila said.

“We both were least likely,” Yam laughed, “Because I guess people assumed being a lesbian means you don’t want kids, or something.”

“I’m glad society has been better on that front nowadays,” Violetta said. “I mean, look at us! All women, married to other women, with kids! And even grandkids!”

After some while of chatting, Jim suddenly spotted some large sketchbooks. “What’s that?”

“Oh, our memoirs,” Francesca said. “We both write ones, one each.”

“Like moominpappa?”

“Like moominpappa, yes.”

“I do not get these references,” Ludmila admitted.

“We’ve referenced them so much through the years,” Naty said, “And we read the books to Stella when she was little! Come on, Ludmi! Are you turning senile?”


“Anyway, we know we are famous and stuff,” Violetta said, “But it would still be fun to write down some things about our lives.”

“Didn’t you have a diary from your teens?” Ludmila asked.

“Yes, and that one I still have lying around. My grandkids have all gotten to read it, and they think my teenage years sounded insane! But, they also told me they very much wanted to keep it for the future. I wasn’t sure why at first, because some things are just junk, and not so interesting.”

“But that’s the thing!” Francesca chimed in, “When we look at history, the most interesting things are just the random things people did! That’s why we love diaries, they tell the real stories of people.”

”Yes, and these memoirs are also a perfect way to write about those stories.”

”You write all about your careers and life as celebs?” Ludmila asked.

”Not at all!” Francesca said. ”If people wanna know about our careers, they can read our Wikipedia articles. These memoirs bring up some fun stories we have about our friends, some family stories we want to keep alive… sometimes we just write about life right now. How it is to be a senior in today’s world.”

”We also have promised to not read each other’s memoirs,” Violetta said. ”We give two different perspectives from the same household, how it’s like in our relationship, how we experienced raising our kids together, we bring out both the good and bad memories in there.”

”Yes, because we don’t just wanna share happy things. Sometimes you need to be real.”

”Sometimes we also just write about our days. It can be days where nothing happened, but we feel like there’s something to write down. Sometimes we have guests over and write about that. We’ll definitely sit down and write about our gathering today.”

Yam looked like she got blessed. ”I feel so inspired right now to do the same.”

”Me too,” Naty said.

”I also want to write some honest opinions about everyone I know that they can read when I pass,” Ludmila said, causing everyone to chuckle.

”Me too, but I am also afraid I’m gonna come off too harsh,” Yam admitted. ”I’ve been told I am brutally honest.”

”But people who know you know that you also are so full of love!” Jim said, hugging her.

“Since we share grandchildren, wouldn't it be super fun if all four wrote our perception of them?” Francesca asked. “And then they’ll get to read four separate perspectives of them.”

“Oh, I’d just gush about how adorable they are, though!” Violetta said.

“I’m not gonna say who, but I witnessed one of them steal my coca cola once,” Jim said. “They think I didn’t know, but I’m gonna write it down, and as I pass they will know… I knew it all along.”

Everyone laughed.

“I’m gonna write down some information about Spanish culture, too!” Naty said. “We’ve lived in Argentina for so long I’m afraid it’s gonna become lost.”

“Yes!” Jim exclaimed.

“That reminds me, I need to write some more things about Italy and Italian culture,” Francesca said. “I need to pass down recipes that my mom taught me. And some Italian phrases that I think could be useful!”

“Don't your kids know Italian?” Yam asked.

“I mean, they do… but I speak more Spanish than Italian with them, and my grandkids certainly don’t know anything.”

“Let’s hope they read it and not just gloss over it,” Ludmila said. “I know I glossed over some things my grandparents wrote down.”

“Then maybe our great-grandchildren will want to learn!” Violetta said.

“Am I the only one freaking out that there will one day be no one on this earth that remembers us?” Naty asked. “There will be a time when we’ll be forgotten.”

“We won’t be,” Violetta said. “We write our memoirs to keep memories alive.”

“You know what I would want to write in my memoir?” Yam asked. “Movies and shows I liked. I wanna tell them all about the kids shows we grew up with, and why we loved them at the time.”

“The kids of the future need to know about Phineas and Ferb!” Jim exclaimed dramatically.

“And Winx Club!” Francesca added.

“And those kids shows that were kind of obscure, but we can pretend that they were mainstream just to mess with future generations!” Naty chimed in. “Like Las tres mellizas, that cartoon about the triplets who got sent into fairytales by a witch!”

“See, and that can age pretty well, because fairytales are timeless!” Violetta said.

“Oh, and I need to encourage the kids of the future to read Isadora Starfighter,” Ludmila said. “Do you think my fanfictions I wrote as a teen still are up on the internet?”

“Your fanfiction you posted yesterday is still up, so why wouldn’t what you wrote 70 years ago be?” Naty asked.

“You still write fanfiction?” Yam asked.

“Yep. Still about the same franchise. I was afraid I’d stop doing it, but I’ve been writing back and forth all my life.”

“I have been wanting to write again, but now we’re getting so old that I’m afraid I’d… pass away before finishing it,” Yam admitted, looking down on the floor.
“Yeah, this is why I write the full fic before publishing nowadays,” Ludmila explained. “This way, if it happens, someone else can post the rest. And if it’s unfinished, then it’s just gonna sit on the document, and then maybe a kind and brave soul can finish it for me and then publish.”

“Now I wanna write fanfiction again…” Francesca said. “I mean, I never was big on them, but a lot of my friends did at the time and I wanted to try it, and it was fun. I’d just write about things that were relevant in the 2020s as latest if I posted one now, but still.”

“That can be fun!” Yam said, “I remember I was into stuff that came out way before I was born, and the fandoms were mostly dead. But I always appreciated it when someone kept it alive by writing fanfiction!”

“I never published any fanfiction,” Naty said. “I wrote one a long time ago that never saw the light of day…”

“Post it before you die!” Ludmila exclaimed.

“Noo, it’s probably bad…”

“Honey, I think the youth of today will probably be really intrigued to know just how similar, but also different people wrote in the 2010s.”

“Should we also write down old fanfiction recommendations?” Yam asked. “If we even remember them.”

“Of course!” Ludmila said.

“You know, even if it’s great writing everything down by hand,” Violetta said, “I appreciate the internet keeps everything forever… even when you have to dig to find it.”

“Definitely!” Jim agreed. “There are videos of us from 2016 that will stay there forever.”

“And we’re famous musicians,” Ludmila noted, “So we’re gonna be famous for that. Our songs will never die.”

“But people won’t know us, and that’s why memoirs are great!” Violetta said.

“Look!” Francesca said, pointing at the window. “The sun is about to set.”

The six elderly women went out on the patio, where Francesca and Violetta had watched the sun earlier that day.

“You know…” Francesca said, “I’ve lived such a good life. To think how much I’ve got to do.”

“The way I’ve grown,” Violetta said, taking a deep breath. “I’ve learned so much about myself, and the world.”

“I’m not sure what the world will do without me!” Ludmila admitted. “How can the world live without Ludmila Vidal?”

“Do you think we’ll get reborn?” Naty asked. “Or maybe… watch over everyone from the afterlife?”

“I wanna believe there’s something after this life,” Jim said. “And we’re just waiting for something grander to happen.”

“I don’t know what’s gonna happen after we die,” Yam admitted. “But I know one thing… I don’t fear death.”


The end of the month... this has been so much fun.
Originally I wanted to skip 100 years into the future to have all of these descendants find their old memoirs, and it would turn out that all of the dcla characters have intertwined in some way and suddenly we have a descendant of Violetta who has Perida as a last name, or a descendant of Yam who has Torres as a last name, etc. But I feel like that wacky story would need to be told another day.
Hope you've enjoyed this pride month prompt event! What has been your favorite day/prompt? Do leave a comment! :)

Made a rainbow one two three, such a pretty sight to see! - Theweirdslingshot (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.