The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

He Volca Dory Lobeli Dawson Tabtson Jabion Johnson Henderson in a lax Virginia Ana mE. mars mars A -s THE DAILY DELTA TORE. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post-office at New Orleans LIST OF 1860. Persons calling will please mention that they are RUGGINT April la On vertised. advertised remaining on hand, there shall be charged delivered will out, be on besides each letter one regular cont.

postage the Regalstions cost of of adver- PostOriente. ping, parter General, Fondles' List. COUNTR A Anna Austin Adolphus Mattie Jessie miss raiss A Abright dams Mary Sortha miss braee: texander Jans mars ours A mrs TARANTEED Ann miss 2 Butterfield Ellen mrsBrady Letitia miss sue wain A Annie mrs 2 Blair Riggs 08 Krizabeth mrs 3 Bell Kailey A 21119 New Orleasa. miss mars books Anna mrs Bridges Ellen ire Boland mrs Ann mrs Tarry Eliza miss Bohet a St James Ana miss Boggett Elizabeth miss Banard tors ans for the Barnes Aim Butterfleld Francis Brady Mary 11'8 by demijohn Burke Alice A miss Begedict mrs Barrett Mary 1 mrs Bels Bridget mrs Beber Kidwell Tenbella Henry mrs 2 Burns Bradford Mary Ann 8 mrA Druggiet, Bridget Maria mis street, N. 0.

Bugaman mrs Roland John mrs Bietry Pauline tars Benson Churlotte herine mraBir Beatty Jane John miss mrs Brown Belcher mrs Susan Buckner Va Charles Berella Boales Sallie miss men urs mrs most celebrated Scothby Catherine Bird Kate miss Brown Sallie urs I by them with Buckler 0 mirs Brown Kate miss Bat on mrs pup, Whooping Bates Cha mrs Bush Louisn miss Brice Wallace A inra had, Brook Charlotte mire Brown Lury mrs Beattie Mary L. mrs Druggist, Brown Caroline mars He encon Leilie miss Harreit Ann Lite New Orlesna. itares Catherine mra Bagreit Louisa A miss hes. Chapman Alice miss Cressap miss Credden Mary miss Case Ann miss Carter Credden El Fannie mrs mrs Carmines miss 2 ations of Cavanaugh Ann miss Cunningham miss Druggists by Col ins Ann miss Clark He-ter mrs Cody Mary mis st retail. Collins Ann mrs Crosstand Ida miss Creein mrs Druggiet, Caloon Annie miss Cataeron mrs Chilross A mrs few Orieane.

Carrie Anna tuts Comerford Jas mrs Clark tars Goan Bridget Crowell 8 mrs Comestock R. A urs hill Bridget Conney Jus mrs Caughlin mrs mars Carr Cannon mrs Corlett se of riber has Campbell Catharine 2 Julia Clenry mrs ill sell Conery Carl miss Carroll La sr8 Clark mra Peletier, at 12 Corbin Collins I. miss On be tron 1' miss Druggist, Calkeen miss Clark Louisa mica Carbrey 0 miss Cuncannon miss Cartwright m18 Chappell 8 few Orlenna. mrs Eliza mrs Crowly Cox mra Goods. Carroll E.

miss miss Cowen Conway miss Clark Cimeo 8 mrs X. miss fumes, Comper la miss basket, gnar Dacia Amelia Davis Eliza miss Dixon Mary mules 2 Duncan Caroline onovan Elisa Daveza Mustie mi -A Is. Dovan Alleo mrs Daley Ha riot mars Darich Mary tors onic, Dustie A Rita Drake Hester Donovan nirs anana, Lemnos Dunbar Catharine Demoritt John mrs 2punon Ma gazet 5 mrs Daniel Catharine tars Davis Jennie miss Davidson Mary tors Catharine Debaun Jane mrs Demilt Rebecca Dumpk Ellen Dunn Jane tors Durgan Rose mrs Doyle Ella miss Drew mrs Deahon Wm. mrs Pun mrs Duffey Downer mrs Kliaboth Kate miss Rare miss Davis Louisten a miss prices, st agrigist, Oil Emma miss' Eagan Michael re Ellett Farah Pazle Julis miss Carly mrs A IDES Fisher Della miss Florence Lonisa miss Finigan Bridget inisa Fox Emi miss Fester lie mrs Fisher Bess tors Ford 0 mrs 2 Fost Mattie tales Parrati Bridget miss Vaulter Harriett miss Fenton unra Fisher Clara Finney mars Falconer L. furs miss Farrell James ins Ford tars Fabsbaw 1, tars Fink Mary miss Fittert Win mra Gilligas Aun miss Green An: la miss Gotham 8 mars Graten A miss Gavin Bridget Green E.

mrs Grim Arthur furs Ganing Barbara Gittens Eliza Groves miss Guarteey mrs Gray Cults tors 1 Gillinghamn Helen Gu brie I mi4 Gerard Josie miss Godfred A mos Gould John mare Gonison Lizzie Glover Mary mrs Graham Marat Gordon Sarah mra Goo twyn Martha Green Winnie miss Graynor Susan miss Dane Grate Mart miss Gardner mrs Gordea mrs A furs ponds Nero Hamiltou A Hooper Cath nits Hall 5 A mra Haines A tars 0 mrs Hor on Frances tra Hyatas Henson Hi Homans Carrie miss Hardin mrs Heard mrs Hughes dent le miss Hines mary Isabella miss Hacking I wars Heron Marg mars Hill Hasson miss 3 Hani ton Mary 2 8 Handle Mars mrs Heron A furs Hunter 8 mra 975, Huratoge Mary Heine Hooper Sailie miss Sarah Ho hrook miss Hanna A miss are Hurley mars SNES ew Orlease. Jacobs A l. miss Jordan argist, Alice P. Johnson Helen Jones Julia 1, miss Mollie mr4 Mary Jane Johnston mrs Maria Jones Mathilda Jones Susan A ruts Sarah miss Johnston Buah mrs Jail Virginia mrs A miss Jami miss Jones Kate miss Kirwond Christian nice Kater Mary mrs Keefe John tars Kennedy 8 mrs Ki wall miss Knox Hugh 83 Keane Mary Aun ins Keane Mary miss Kirby Sarah A mrs Lewis Alexander Ines Levy mry Levy Charlotte mrs Celeste mrs Leafarrier 11 mrs Leston Emma tors Leader Kims Lowd izabeth mrs Laurence mra Langdon Georgia miss Lonenez I mrs Loraine Kate mrs Lowrey Louisa mire Lewis Lenora A mrs vons rearet Lowd Margaret mi Lowe mrs Loekwood mis galet, Lewis Mary mrs Lamb Mary cars Laushan 0 mrs ow Oriessa. Loyal Mary tars Lewis Ninnie miss Logan Sarah miss Lobdell Sarah miss 2 Larson Sophia mrs Logan SC miss Looney Jennie miss netrntaent re Morrison Almira miss Mitchell miss Murrell Mary miss can Maban A mi- Moses ster Manatso mrs Maloney Margaret Mortian Ann mars Moloney Johanna Macro Maria ire Morgan Adeline miss Maraden Jane 0 mrs Maguire mrs Mitchell Betseg mrs Murphey Jane miss Meagher mrs Maguire Bridget Mazuire mrs May Mary mrs Morcey Delia miss Malone Kate miss Matin Mary miss Dents! Ineire Montgomery mrs Mariott Levinia mrs Milliken Mary A miss Miller iniss Morgan Louisa miss 2 Miles Mary Myer Catherine mrs Moss Levinia miss Malone L.

mrs Maher Dan mrs Martin Louisa mrs Malone Rose Morse A miss Milligan miss 3 Morehead Rachel urs Markley K. Sours Mathews Mary Mvers Wm mrs Morrises miss Mnsphy Mary 8 miss Moberter Sam inr2 Morgan 8 mrs Mahoney Margaret Moria mrs Mons Fannie miss 2 Mathew. Mary miss Muse Salti- miss Mundey Fanny miss Manton Mury mrs Mash Sarah mrs Motett A tors Murry mra Draggial, Macs oN Culley A McCleary mrs MeCloin Mary McCran Aunie miss McChesney Jane mrs McKerge Louisa 'allogh Ann mrs 2 Coard Julia miss McCarty Mary miss Stichael E. A miss McChe-ney Kate mis Metarrell mrs 334 Casa AcK inner miss 2 Me Nure Lucinda mis MeFarland Virg mra ive proper Catherine tars McCarthy furs New MeLellen Winfield mrs and will McC'arty Cath mra Basin McLeod mrs and chronis Mouloy Erotia ins bas been much on th Nielso Cordella mise Naylor Ellen miss Nelson mars Xol-on Kate tole 9 Neely Mary mrs Newman Thos tors 0 Catherine miss Orburn Elizabeth Odwser John mars arly supplied O'Conner mies O'Neilly mrs Oliver miss led by Means. Belly Rose miss enta for New ublic that Putairo Annie Perry miss Augusta mrs Purcell Bedella miss He proprietors Park Ann be fresh.

mrs Post Charlotte mars Pardee mra Powers E. tars Plummer mis Philips Eliza mrs ew Oricans. Ellen miss Pigeon mr8 Parker A mrs ruggiet, Parker Parrots George miss Palfrev Gen miss Pa cell Gertrude miss Plores 8 mr Poimer Harriet A mrs Phelps Hattie mrs Piecell Justina mrs Powers Julia miss Patterson miss Phillips Louise tars Prys ack Lydia Powers Lizzy miss BLUE LICE Porter Martha mrs Perry Mary mrs Purcell Mary Ann mare Texas, and Porter Mary ITS Pike Peter Mary miss letor's prices. Phetan I mts Fhillips mrs well knows 8 demijohn, In Quaide Mary Wm Quirk mrs Draggist, 1 Ready Alice m'es Riper Mo'lie I. mrs Rolfe Georgie miss Ready Alic miss Kurdie Mary mrs Reed Hiy InTS Reding A mars Richardson A mrs Vegan Rosanna Agnes Roberte Mary mrs Rate gy Jos miss Redmond swice 1 Richmond Belinda Reiley mrs Riley Jus mrs ngs owned I Rawlings Car'e miss Reiley Mary Ann miss Ryan Jas inra ed to supply Russell Caroline miss bich Mary Rector Kate miss roquired, Reese 0 8 mrs Robinson Mary missRoward mars Carol'e miss Richards Margt miss Keze Lydia mrs Robison Druggist, Rawes A mrs Renshaw furs Robinson Lucy ow Orleans.

Rickets Ellen airs Reid Rachel tars Ryne Margt miss Read 16 mrs Russ Samuel mrs Roper mrs Richardson Eliza mrs Robertson Eliza mura Randall Eliza mars Bitters, miss Reese Fannie miss Russell El za mrs Rohiuron Emma Bichi-on Eliza Kobbins Fannie more Read mrs leak Lung Richard-on Eliza mrs 18 Blood, l'o be assure Summers A Itself la Sherwood Annie mrs Emma mrs Stuart Mollie miss than othe Sheppard Amanda miss Smith Segmore Hi lizabeth Shepard Mary mrs the head Sinsion Amelia miss Spaouso Mollie Mary mins mrs Filby Joseph be mrs Sheffer miss Simonda A Julia A wiss Stanford Mary 1UES Druggist, Smith Bridget miss 2 bimpson Josephine mi a Smy Smith la Mary miss mrs Swan Addie mrs Smyth Orients Stolhe Bett 00 Hermanda mrs Saunders Clementine Shannon Kate mrs mith miss mra 68 Suapp Smith Sarah mrs Sutton Catherine Sealey Kate miss Slaughter Farah iniss Shaw Eliza furs Swain Lena miss Stephens mrs stantly DE Kieane A Sho sr Mary 0 miss Spears Win mars and coD Sibling Ellen ITS Huge Mary mars Striekland Wro mrs Te prices. Pr Ann Orlean Catherine mos miss Todd Treadway Julia 4 A miss mrs Tritt Sarah mrs A fully T'ombin Hallie mura Turbull Cm s4 Taliafero Mary aura Tracy Thos (1 airs farner Chariotte 8 Thorne Martha miss Tueker Virginia cars cale and Say tor Emma Hi mys Tank Mary m.AN fora ilho. Van Eatin BE mrs Vanloon 8 urs Launere. Chala ate de Wilson ard. White Henry cars Watson Mary mars Ala Welsh Bridge Wentaway Watts Chas Wallwyn Jus mra Whitson mrs mrs Jana Wilson afe, so.

Wasson bite 0 mrs West 1 INTH Wright 54 mars ruggist, mars Wilson Jae mrs Wilson intse Orleans miss Wa ers Kate miss tors Weldon Emma Wilson Watson A mars White Kate miss Wamack miss Weaver Kin ly naiss Wood Lana miss Wilson mrs Pher Walton Williams Emma Emma mrs Wilson mrs Withene Sarah tors mis Wisdom Maria mrs Wat-ou Sarah mrs females, br Wilkes Wheeler 0 mrs Wha ton A mrs White UI 55 poonful con Waits Harriet miss Wilkerson mis Williams Titta dine, ADd Harriet Wisdom mrs set solutios. Vasion Barbara aura Young Clarissa mra Initials Orleans. Nancy, a Lizzie, belouging to Me Ellen Gentlemen's List. Com A retnovlas A Appel Antill 4 A Ta cat Geo Aines Atwood 8, ship Ankland Frank Ames san Hinks ugglet, Al man Dan A. ker Arne A bell 14 Alhan Abbott Allen Atikee Abbott Allen Albrecht OT Aldions Hy ler.

Allen Alston Tartar, Ackerman Ald ich Arrors flavor Alexander A Albright Andeam forms Alexander Albitz Chas Arthur Jan Alexander Ed Atkins A 0 dr urgiat, Alexander Andrew A Austin 4 cel LA Alberteca Ben Anderson Palm, Sulley Mike Baltzer Brannon Thos Baer Warren Blair Barnsley er it form Andrew Is lair Barely Banks A 8 Blanchard Barbour Wiz Bang Ba lard 0 col Barnet dr Backes Balk Hears Bare Henry Subler Michael Baker Barron 8 for ker Barret A Maker artmus ta. John Brady Barney Barnes Chas Hyde co Bear ford Bare West TTER9 Banks Lowla Bredford Hi Barker Goo Saner Bradford I Barely Robt Sate: 0 col Barnett 0 dr 8 Braden D.vid Ba net David Baldwin I Bray Benson Joe 089 Braining Beiding Dries AL 1 co I Ball Brandon Risimann 0 Black John Brandon Benson apt Blade Wm Bradler Beach John Baldwin Starr Bradshaw John Benton 0 Benward Becker Wm Beasley Bennet Blukman Bonner 8 capt Bennett Brigham Brown Bennott Bizelow A Brown Bensadon Brows Brigve IT Brown Fred Keil Co Brice Brown John Bell mona Bliss A Brown Bell Thos Krient 0 Brown 0 Brennit L. Bloomkahn Co Brown Wm Breed Breed A Bourne 0 A capt Brown F. capt ship Boseth Montmaorescia Bree John Bord A Co Browu Frank Bremen Black I Brown Thos Bret 0 Bondaan A frown Brenner John Brooklebank dr Bruce Belton A If Boone Boree Dani L. Brooks Pareglove a Browndle Breas John Bohme Broniler David Brewster Barge .1 Bropley Kdw Brezuet Bout Brown Pg T.

Berwiek 1. Boaman Brooks A Birmingham I' Bosworth fant Bicek Bowen Bishop cap Born Jar Powen It Bist op 0 Poland Chas Boses Bind A Bolsins Boyce Dick Brad Burns Boyd I. Rey Barns Bird Buckner Burns Bowland 8 Broil Bro Burns 0 Boyle Pat Buffon Turns IT Bowe's Sami Butter Burns Ban Boylen Wm Myon Chas Hackingham Geo Bunn Burr 1, Buchanan 0 A Buckley Jno Burgers Bark Chas Butler A Burgess Burk Wm Butter Burrows Uno Bark TA Brace Robt Burton A Burns Jno, capt Cavanah Jolm Case Edw Cahill F4 Canilield Michael Cain Carey Dan Canchian Jas Cavanaugh A Cadiz Chas whey F.d Cady Can Joha Cassidy Owen Casson Cavanagli Cushen Carey 08 Crguey Im Cameron Car bra Frank Camden Calde Caden Callery 1' Caldwell Geo Ca: pbell Campbell Grisham Campbell Campbell Alex Ca onbeli 0 Campbell Jobu Carrew Carter John Cart wright 0 Carroll Pat Carroll Pat roll John Carrens Harry Carey 8 Carey Larry 0 Carney Carney Ca tor Carie By Carneir Carr Carroll Tim Ca roll John Clay John Chapman Jus Clay Charrelson John Chapman Chamell L. 1 Chase 18 Chase John Clancy Pal Clayton John Clarke 8 8 Clarke Clarke Jan Clarke John Clarke Darius Clarke 8 Crawford Crawfor Warren Crawford Deunis Crawford Crawtord Crawford 8 0 Craw ford Win Crawford In I Crampton Cleveland A Crews Clemens Oren Crenshaw (lemay Cerahen Jas Cufford Jolm Clio dO Ch issmann Childe E. Chilton Cripps hos Chinn Cochran Cochran Cochran Cox FO Clog ver Coleman a Conley John Conley 1.

8 dr Coughin Codey Wm Conan A co*ckrill Corly Cox Cope A Cooney Cosgrove I. Colter Pat Clowes Cooper Cooper 1, Cook I 000: 0 Comb Commina A Crusty Crone Corkers 11 Crowder 0 A Crowley L'AL Carly Martin Croghan Thos Carbridge A Collins Cartice I co Carver A ollins Cunningham Pat Crowell BI Collins Dan Cultum Juo Crookes Collet Cummings A Care Pat Corley Cusack Martin Crowan San Condon Chas Carlette Jo C'arlet duo Conrad 1. L. Cullichan Cole Con da Curley Co A Conner Jas Culver Cole Conner Caruthers Wm Cole no capt Connery Bernard Curry Co onyers Curry Coleman Connell Commins Coleman Connell Cummins Blount Coleman Conway Churchill C'ollert Condon Chas Curtico And Collin: Culay Mich Collins Jno David-oti Drew E8 dr Downy Davidson no Bee Martin Downs Dact Moses De Marbais Dowling lay 0 Devinery 8 A Downer Dayton 8 Denny Jas Donnelly ('has Dawnner Dewey Donohue Pat Dawson A 0 Defullo mar Dowlin Ed Dalton no De Harsh Jao Donnelly Chas Darrongh Thos Denman an Wm Da versoll Inc Develle And Do wale Jan Daverson I. capt Dean capt Donekey Dattiss Chas Dens Geo Donovan Davoren West Dewyer Jao Dwyer 0 8 Davis Dep iss 4 A Dubos Juo Davis Dickinson A Dwyer 15 Davis TN Dixey We Durdle Davis Dison Dumartrait A Davis I Dorsey Frank Dyebus Davis Joo Pors PS Duke las capt Davis Frank Deswell Trucett has Davis Brothers Dougherty Dyer Davis Donnell Pat Drumin Davis Dougherty Dan Dwass Won Devern Dan Dougherty il Duck Denouvion A Doane A Darbie I Drew Dooley Ham Duffer Devill Jas Dobson Jno Ducare Jus Delano capt Doll Dunn Martin Dens Geo Dolbear Dunn Dean Dew Doyle Dunn Mical Dean 0 Dodge nham Deland Thos Doty Ben Duncan Devesport Doyle Ed Dunkelberger Juo Doming Douglas Jae Dunn 0 Donnelly Edward: EB Engler Sam Elliot Andrew Edwards Ewens Chas Edwards Ansel Finery Dr Erwin Evans Jno Emmet Ellis capt Thos Eagan Michl Elbertield Monis Eagan Eberts Elliott Kasiman Kefrey 8 Estill HT Edward.

Jas Etheridge A Elmore co Edwards Eytine capt Eason Mr Eglin 0 Ewing Erwon Juo Kaling Dr Eli Fustiece Emanuel Elliott Bishop Kyck Ezekiel A Eggieston Frame Felkan Jno Foster Richd Fra A Ferrall Fostew Ily Fay Pat Fessendon Foster Thos Franeck Fennell Fea Foster Ben Fanistich A Featherly Foster Win Farbis co 8 Feines Thos Foster Thee Flinders Uno Finnel Poly Mr Farmer Dennis Fisher 0 Foly Jas Flang Friedlander 8 Florence Falroy Jas Fin Jas Forelay Harper Falros Pat Flinn Peter Fowler 8 Fant PS Field col A Flower Sam Flack Fitzgerald Frost Jno Farwell 8 Fredericks Fludd 0 miser Mhos Fu ch Flynn Farrett Geo Field Fly AB Farris TO Fitzpatrick Juo Fellas Ferguson Dan Fin Nd Flike Hy Ferg ison Fields Falmer A Freenan Fitzsimmons lush Jno Freeman Chas Filinn Jno Fulton 5 Mi Freeman MT Foster east 8 Fryer French Foucks Pr. Frost capt Moses Taylor Pow capt Jas Follin A French Roht Frost Frink Fletcher Hy Thos Greif Gordner Ed Ginger Gant Wm Greaney Geode 8 Gaddary Gregson Jos Goodman Gaban A Green Aaron Gorden Geo Glasser Greenlee capt Gould Glandain mr Green 8 1 Grove Gaines Green Gough Pal Gadd Green Me or mr Gorn an Eugene Gallagher Jno Green Conrad Goodwin CB Gallagher Hy Grisham Scol Goodwin Jas Galisgher A Gillette Goodman Galbraith 0 Gibbs W. Goodwyne 8 Gartner A Giles A 0 Good peed Chas Garreteon I Gill Goodwin Gardener Fred Griffith Gould Gibbert Guil Graey Garden Gibbs Hugh Guthrie J. Lieut Grady Richard Gibbs (rm 8 Ben Grape Fred Grimes Jus Guffey Glydden Graft Gilbuck or Gilberry no Gray Giese Hy Gullett Gullett Graham Graham Wm Gliddon Guernsey Gilmore A Gerard Gould Gould Robl Gumby Gullett Gee Gregory Golden Gulbert A Meyer Gregory TH Golden Jas Guild Guelser Gent A Goldman Ed Gerbert Dan Gouderph Gusherie capt Harris Hall TI Haltaway Haseltine A Haris Hall 1. Harsell Henry Harlan Jax Hall Hanna Jas Hall Hang Frank Harper Chas Hall Haveland Haruin Geo Halfier Thos Chas Haile Hadly 0 Hait Hallenbach Hart Hamblett Haur Juo Harvey Hanan co Hasting Harts Hannat Jno caps Harkin Hanson capt Hailes Harper 0 Haunepon Hayard Hasting Thos Hartwell A I.

Hanson 2 Geo Harvy F. Han on Hatch 8 Hartman Hy Hanley Jas Jas Halt Hart Jno capt Hale Haly Thos Hardy Hy mar Harper IT No 2 Hext Thos Hend Hewinis ick Hart Alex Heater A 0 Hart Harding Hess Geo Hid Hemmelly Hill Randolf Harding Hill Mr Bam' Harvy Harlan das Jas Heymar A HUL Hewitt Jas Hill Hearne dr 2 Harlin Harris dr Hector Hilbon Hinekly Jas Fred Herar 11 Harris Hewes I. Higgina Harris Harrison 2 Hevar A Hit tabrant Mr Heyden Higgins Joseph Harrison By Horreman 0 Hillabrant A Hawn Hawly Heexert Jas Hinekly Gea WI Heeney wood JEe Henry Jas Hir da no Hay Hendrickson Hieheock Hey 8 Headelekson Hobt Hicks Robl Hayrill Francis Heyden Henry Hi Me Heanir dr Henry Thos col Hoff Jas Hess 0 Henry Hotter Jno Heal A Henry Pat Hory ON Heirs A Hennes-ey Hoppy Hopkins A Hamer Howard col Hoey J0o Holland A Howard Hogar Holl day dr Howard bson dr Ho brook 11 Howard A Hoppe Jno Holcomb How capt Hope Wm Holland How Hoifman Jacob Hollerman How Hodkes L. Howard Hunt Howe Hunter Humphreys Pat Hon as rev Hun: Huebliaz Hopkins 0 Huckins Jas Hudson Chas Hoop I Haretisar Huntimil er Hour Hobsar baton (190 Thos Hynes Hanbs Hutching. 8 A capt Jao Hoey Mike Hymes Hughes 2 Hober Joseph Irwin Wm Innerman rer Italy capt Ismera Jansual dearess 8 Johnson 0 Ja Jackson kson Wm Jordan Jenkins Johnson A Johnson Jackson Jhastes A Jack Jaynes 8 Jones Jacob Joras Jones A Jamison John Josler Jones Jamison Jones James Jordan (has Jordan W.

Jones 1 -1 1 well JAY Jones Jeffing Johnson Jones Jetting Johnson Jones Jessup It Johnson Jones Chas Jenning Johnson 0 A Jones TH Kohn David Kirk wood Geo Kelly Kalthliffe Kira Kelly Kavaraut Kirk Kelley Kare John Kinney Geo Kelley Pat Keyner A Kidd Jus Kelly Keppler Kithedge Kennedy 8 Keichner Kimble capt Kennedy Klein Martin Killeoir Pat Kennedy Thry 2 Keller Kirby Robt capt Kennedy Kens Kinny Espy 00 Kennedy Mik Kean Thos Kip 0 Keen Ruby ST Kenner Jae Kettly John Kreigle Pete Kenner Keegar John King 2 Kenny Chas Kreug King Kent 8 Keney Pete Kite Kendall 4 Kenting Jas King Kerill Klein King ET Kilmore Kelly Too Kraff Kittridge Jacob Kessler Jno Koet Ernst tehing Chas Keefe Jun Kyt 0 Kirby Keage: Kyper Kinney Thos Lacour Patterson Lamar Lee 0 Lardner Ledbetter Lea Mika Lambert J. Let no Lee Tase Lettte Laurence Te tole Dantel Little Lamkin Leonard Peter livingston Lambert Robt Leay Livingston das Labn Lewis Leete Linden Laurent A Lei Geo Lisk 0 capt Lasher Lehnor Lest List Laniehland mr Leatt Paul Lindsey Geo Lane Learard Jus Liner itobt de Thos Lech 4 8 Littrell 8 Layzer Ir act capt Lispill Wm Lavillet beret John lily I Larramore Lenhart Libby Wm Lockett Jae Lender Geo Lin dburg Chas Larcasman Leny Lobre is Layier Levi A Longley Lattimer Lesly Thos Ir AI Laneta Inonard -cott co Longmire 1 Lampton Lewis Anthony Lonerevan Frank Laver Milton Lewis Long Lampre Henry Lewis JAR dr Loicht Wm Laurence Lee Tho: Lobtus Pete Long Lorillard Jacob Luther Lora Thos Lo Lorgobungh Lonely Lyons Mike Lottirop A Lozue Ino Lyret Lyrasa duo Lowasny Daniel Luret capt Longe Lund Lyres 8 Luos ord Albert Lyons Lowenhoup. Lonsdale Luther Daniel Mahony Mackison Jos Marionara Chas Mner I. Mackery Magnire Maher Mattock 11 Muckin John Mackey Joreph Maira mackison Jas Mason IT Mahon Mike Masen Robt Mann Maddock Manning It Man- field Mathews Uno dr Marshall A I' Matthews co Mardenbrough Matthews Marr John March if Marks A Marting Marsden Thos Marks Marion Joseph Marey Dani caps Mo Aton Marks Co Martin tar Martin I Marti Henry May Chas Martin Martin Colin May est Martin Martia Mayes Jas Maxwe Wm Merrima 4 Meany Jus Maxwell Mehaff-y Alex Merri 1 A Merriman A Mead Mere Mechar 2 Midwinter Meohar Mires Seth Milliken Mendenball Menard Sami Millard Miligen 8 11 Michael A capt Miller A Mint Miller Miller 8 Milway Jus Miller Miteeell I. Miter Mitchell A 8 Mitchell Andrew Miller 1, Mitchell Molloy Moltan Wt Moses capt Moot dr Moscret Robt Moody Sami Moll Molfatt A Moss Mo -8 Sami Montgomery Mon han Pat Molone Jun Mongomery Mounban Jno Meloney Mike Montgomery Alex Monks 0 1.

Monroe Isaac Monk Clia8 Moore Monroe Moore Moore capt Moore 8 Hi Mone A Moore E. Morris Thes Moore Morgan 2 Morris Banl Mote J0 Morris Arthur Morrow If Morgos Jus Morgan Moreheond Jos Moran Mike Morgan Moo chead Morgan I Moran Crooks Morris Wm Morill Morgan Morison Morill Morris Waner Morris Morse A Morse 0 Mu ky Malloy Thos Mulvy Peter Mullen Mud downey Jas Muse Pat Mullett Munze A Mullough Nuran Muir vers Myers das Myers My Joseph Myers Ret My ers 2 Myers Mirze L. Murphy Murphy Murphy Murpoy Frank Murphy Murphy Murphy Murry Muray Murry Thos Mutry Murry Macs Me Antif McCullough das MeGann Alex Me Ale duo Me MeGo wan Thos Me Avoy Jay McCracken MeGui 0 MeAntid Mike Me os co Metinire Wm Me Allison McCary Win McKenny Jas Me Alister 8 Mellade Geo MeKiller Jno Me Arthur Me Donald Hugh Me Kenzie Thos Me Adama Jas Me Donald Henry Me Kleroy Me Bride Jas Mellon 1t Me Kenz Thos MeCombs capt Me Donald Jos McKenzie Jno McCormick Pat McDermott Pat McKay A SteCampbell 1, Me Chas McKenny Ed MeUorey Jas McDermott Me Kennar McCall Jas McDermott eKinn A McDermott McKay Thos MeChintock Me Denett I' Melvey McCanslin Geo Me Donugh P' Melatosh MeCeve Juo Me Knery JAR Mellvain Metomb Jas McFarland Wm Mel.cod 0 McClean Jno McFadden Jas McLelland Met avaior 8 MeGill Mike MeLaughlard I. Mc0 ais Jas McGinnis McMahon MeCue He McGuire A McManus Mika Me ants i) Metee Uno Me Mickie Jas McCormick Chas McGreen Wm McMann MeVity McMight Wm Me Mahon Thos MeStoker Thos Mcl'eak 8 Me Merwell MeVicar Wm MeVey Jas Me Neal Hugh Negle Nee'ey Neit Jos Naile Norden 10 Niebols 8 Nuter Jno Noney Jas Nicholson A Naughton Norris Nilson Thos Neni Noonan Niekel Nesbitt Northen L. Nicklas 1 Netnon Norton Nickis Neils Geo Norris Silan Newman Nolan Nicoles 8 Newman Geo Norris 1 Nickerson 11 Nelson Hugh Nopey Nickerson Neal east A orion Pal Nixon Neelis Nursent das Oran Owen O'Hara Overton Olwell A O'Hara Jus Overton 11 O' Dea Pat Oldham a Dimshy Jus Oley I.

Owens Otis O'Neil Overton Dr Otis Francis Ogden 1. Overon Jus O' Brien Janes Orett A O' Brien O'Sullivan O'Neil John 4 O'sullivan JA O' Neil Thos Ollpant Byar John I' O'Connell O'Connell Hamil O' n'onner O'Connell O' Keefe Geo O'Conner Joseph O'Connor Mr 91 FrakDonald Henry O'Connor lin Oleut W'm Olvoldl Frank Pa James, ship Eli- Pepper John Parsons ze Sonsell Peterson Parsons Dr Pauli Res John A Phe ps A Pale Chas Perit John Parker P'atison George Perry John Parker Cunningham Payne James Perri Col Henry UA P'aussen James Perfect John Parker 0 pt Win Pal ship Be Perkinson HI Purser nares Perkins Jas Piston Anthol Payne Binnit Pike Platt Pike Daniel Phinney Pa ton Frank Pike Albert Pritcha John Pratt I. A Pike Capt Wm Pringle Robt Pratt Jno Peek 0 Piun John, ship Patterson Wm Peck Burge Passmore Thos Pennel A A Pitfeld John Page 0 Pelet Pickering Parton Juo Per dietna Peters Jacob Patrom Peel Joho Pendergast Ja6 8 Patton Petsy Thos 8 Parham John Phillips Wm Phillips Jas Phillips Win capt Phillips Sami Phillips Sami Phillips Geo Pierce Pierson Joseph Pierce L. caot Pierson 0 Poole Wm Probian Brother Potter Henry Powers Powers Patrick Powers Phillip Porter 1. Porter Wald Porter Jno L.

Porter John Pormier Garstow Port Riebard Purnell Hort Plummer Purinton Jedediah Puckett Parnell 1, Pugh Wm Purse Jas Pryor 88 Parkinson 2 Pryor Richd 4 Quintal Queenon Quayle Wia Quayle Phillip Quigley Jus Raghurn Ravens Ranney Raito Robt Rankin A Railey Aug Rainey Woodson Ray Daal Rapfeldt Rayner Win Rae James Reed Reed Peter Reed A Reed Wm Reed Peter, ship John Rep ty Rettherg Wm Taylor Kemlek Jos Regan 1. Re gon Timothy Reilly Benj Real PS Reilly Reilly Edward Rees Thos Redding Reese mr Ree-e Henry I Reynolds Regan Reading IC Remegins 8 Resting Janies Reavey Peter Reitf Henry Richardson Gen Kiels Dani Rill Moses Rile Rill Ben) Rigt John Rierden Dani Rickera Frank 11 Riguins Rich Robinson Henry Robinson Robinson Matthew Robinson Charles dr Robbins Neo Robertson We Robertson Dani Robe te Alex Robson George Robson I1 dr Kose Joseph Rosch 0 Roper Rooks Heury Rowan Jas Rose Bert Rose Wm Rowse Rosetter Charles Ross Rosa John Hoper Owen Ross Donald Ross Wm Rosch Jas Rochaosky Ed Rowan Jas 8 Row and Ramsey I. Bully Joseph Kuscoe Chits Rulh 0 Rupert Robt Kwoff 4 Kuwell Kail Augustus Ruther ord Jolin Ryan Edward Ryan Thos Ryan Thos Ryan duo Ryan Mike Savage I Reanlan John Sargent Wm. A Hoartas John Swasey capt, ship Swarbrick Geo Swaine Ed ward Sprague Geo Saucy Win Rackett IS Aparhawk Giro empt Schawarb Metibias Small Sandford Bain psor. Win Spalding John Scanlio John Shannon Ahwalbert L.

Sawalbert Geo col Shanby Joha Shand Geo Sharman Thos 8 anley 0 Staff ed A Sian Isaac 8 Shas line Jno A Bewail Gilbert Seduly 0 I' Sleiga Famuel Sweeney Beibert Louis Spencer dr Be Hi Heifert Chas Seduly 0 Spencer 8 col Sperry John JI Spell 8 Sexton John Skelton John Spear Harry Sedgly inr, ship Selleast Selenk Schenk A A Shy phard Wm Shepherd Jos Sheare Schetky (has Sherman dr Shel ed Aholdon Varaum Stewart John Stewart Francis Stewart Win Stewart -tewart John Stewart John Stewart Won Stewart Thos Streker Jan Steely Sten 1e Stevenson Sam Stedman Steven- Stevens Wm Stevens Lavi Starrat David Steffen Andrew Rimison Geo Siddnen Jar Sureler Ch fattan Simmonds 8 Skinner Win Shine Jas Simmonds Sillani Andrew 8 mons Henry Sidebottom War Skinner Hi Sti Almon Anied no Spicer Jonathan Si lara Abe Bigg Edward Sim Schi ling 8 Simpson 8 Sin mons Chas capt Fehmide A Simonda Sieber ('has Fimon David Em th A dr Smith Wm Arcith A dr Smith John Smith Wm Ocean Line Bin th Francis Ami James Smith Ben dr Smith Robt Broith I Amish W. Arith Hualth 1 is eta Spooner Somers de Scale Jas 2 Sorighan Softy Soniles Solomon Fommer Henry Scoril Henry Story Mathew 2 Tate A 3 Trasston Ja. Tracy Hugh Travis John Taylor Wm 8 Taylor Gilbert Taylor James Taylor A Co Taylor Robt Taylor Richard hon Taylor Taylor 8 Taylor 0 Taylor Geo Taylor Win 8 bark 8 Bryant Tuylor Taylor Robt Teasly John ship Kirkham Tenny Won Teague Trefy Conrad Tren a A explain brig Meison Terpenning Riley Trezerant Uno Trezevant dr end mrs Trilling Marcias Siery Norman Sturges Mitchel Stobridge It Summers Jas Stone Win Summers Wm Strong Heart Sum pers Newton Scott Mek Sheren Scott Walter Shula Scott Geo Sohntert A rev Scull Ebenezer Sal ivan A Stabbe Thes Aynsen Chas States 0 Timberley Thomas Ernst Tindall has Thomas Payne Triplett bi Thomas A Tildon Norwood Thomas Chas rev Taloison Wm Twiford John Thomas 0 Trimm Thomas John 1 mony Jas Thomas John Tillotson Dantel Thompson Throop 1, 4 Thompson Co Towel John Thompson Wm Topper Thorps a Jno Toser Ripley Thompson Co Jas Toulmin, 1 hompson Co Thompson Mat Torrence Thompsoa as Town Geo Thompson David ship Far West Tomlin slab Turnball Andrew Tow send Chis Tenem mi Jokn Tottenham Jus Trus Chas Tourk Seaman Turill 1. ship Bazaar Topper Theme Jas A Truscott Rob Thomas E. dr Trucks Thomas JEo Turner ship Calla Turner Thomas 0 I judge Tarner Franklin Thomas Tyler Chas Phones 0 Bi rev Tyler Chas UnderhULT Upton Isaac 11 A GREAT POLITICAL CLUSKRY'9 POLITICAL, TEXT-BOOK, OR ENCYCLOPEDIA.

By M. W. CLOSERY, Washington, D. It containa, among other thingsThe varions Party Platforms, The American Ritual. Kansas Leginiation of Congress Senators Green, and Collamer's a and Mesera.

Stephene' and Governors Geary, Stanton, and Walker's Inaugural Addresses. hers' Reports on Kansas. The material portion of the Kanas- -Nebraska Lecompto1, Topeka and Leavenworth Constirationa, The Orittenden, Mon gomery, Senate and English But. The votes on the rame in each House- -Indeed, everything essential appertaining to the same, lucinting President Pierce's Special Mesence, The Dred Scott Case. The Constitation of the United Statee.

Articles of Confederation. Washington's Farewell Add Ordinances of 1784 and 1787. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and 1799. Mr. Clay's Report in fiver of Distribition of the Public Lands, and able documents against it, with a full history of the same.

President Pierce's Veto of the Indigent furane Land BIll. The History Address of Mr. Faulkner on the subject. A of Railroad Grants by Congress, with the votes therenn. President Pierce's Message vetoing the River and Harbor Bill, The School Land Bill, and votes thereon.

The Clay ton-Bulwer Treaty. Extracts from speeches for and against Slavery. Extracts from specches of noted Republicans and Abolitionist. Mr. Toomb4's Boston Lecture on Alavery.

Me-ars, Fremont aid Buchanan'a Letters of neceptance, Buchanan and Letters on the Bargain and Intrigue Charge, Me. Calhoun Port 11111 Address. President Jackson's Proclamation aralast Nullification. The Magsvitle Rond Veto. A History of Party Conventions, Repert of Mr.

Davis, of Heath Carolina, on the Political Power of the Supreme Court. Mr. Buchanan's Minority Report en the same subject. Gov Wise's and Mr. Caruthors's Let ers against the American Ortanteation, and Hon.

A. H. Start's Letters, signed defending it. Kenneth Rayner's Speech at Philadelphia, In November, 1836, and in North Carolina in 1812. bistory of, wi the vetes on, the varions Tariffs.

history of the tinited States Bank and Abolition Petitions. Sir. Fillmore'8 Albany Speech and Erie Gale L. Hers History of the Annexation Texas, Opinion of public men en the power of Congress over the Territo: ries. The Nicholson Letter.

The Nashville Cenvention and Georgla Platforms Misant 1 Compromise, with every vote thereon sectionally efassifted. The Compromise Measures of 1850. Clay ton Com romise, Wilmot Proviso With many ether things too num rons te month u. Every subject is fully treated, and every vote in Congress, on any subject baring a pottical signification, is given. This book will post up the public speaker fully on the Kansas and other questions.

TERNS- -Single Copies, Club of six, 115. JAR, B. SMITH Publishers. mh27 1m Philadelphia. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THR PINCER! NOONOMY DISPATCH A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE." An accidenta sell happen, even in well regulated families, it very desirable to have some cheap and 'conventent way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Ac.

SP ALDING'8 PREPARED GLUE mosta all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It is alwaya ready and up to the sticking point. There la no longer a necemity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless della, and broken eradles. It ust the artlele for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popu1ar with ladies of refluement and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold, being chemically held In solution, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the best cabinetmakers' Glue.

It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. USEFUL. IN EVERY HOUSE." 15. A brush accompanies each bottle. Price, 25 cents, Wholesale Depot, No.

43 Cedar street, New York. Address HENRY C. SPALDING 00., Box No. 1000, New York. Put op for dealers in cases containing four, eight and twelve dozen benntiful Lithograph accompanying esch package.

A single bottle of PREPARED GLUE will save SPALDINGS ten times its cost annually to every household. Hold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hardware and Furalture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Stores. Country merchants shonid make a note of Spalding's Prepared Glue, when making op their list.a It will stand anyell daWly SOUTHERN LOTTERY, MACON, GEORGIA. WALTON FEMALE COLLEGE LOTTERY, Chartered by the State of Georgia in the year 1860. HAVANA PLAN, SINGLE NUMBERS.

WM. C. DAWSON 00., Managers, $50,000 MAY BE OBTAINED BY RISKING PAN DOLLARS! Halves, Quarters and Kighthe in proportion. DRAWN IN PUBLIC BY THE COMMISSIONERS, the Sherif of Bibb county, T. W.

Brantly, and his assistant, K. C. Buckley, Keg. The following scheme will be drawn every Wednesday throughou the year. Examine and compare with any other.

30,000 NUMBERS. PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $238,000. SCHEME: Prize of $50,000 Priza 15,000 Prize 10,000 Prize of 5,000 Prize 4,000 Prize of 3,000 1 Prime 2,000 3 Prizes of $1000 8.000 20 Prizes of $500 10.040 30 Prizes of $250. 12,000 60 Prizes of 8200. 12,000 100 Prizes of $100.

10,000 3000 Prizes of 530 90,000 3220 Prison, amountlug to $226,500 The 3000 Prizes of $20 mentioned in the scheme are determined by the last figare of the number that draws the Capital Prize. For stance, say the Capital Prize ends with number all those whole tickets ending with 8 are entitled to $20 in addition to any other Prize they may draw. Tickets $10. Halves 55. Quarters $2 50.

81 25, For Tickets, address W. C. DAWSON Managers, Macon or Savannah, Ga, or 15ox 136 New Orleans. Prizes cashed without discount, at Commercial Place, New Orleans. mi20 1y Gunnison, Chapman MANUFACTURERS OF Gallett'a Patent Steel Brush Cotton Gin--Stationary and Portable Steam Engines -Portable Circular Raw Mille -Chapinan's Patent Cotton Press--Shafting and Pulleys and Trope for Running Gear.

FOR BALES OF On'orie Engine -Andrews's Patent Centrifugal Draining Pumps Grist Milla, Circular Saws, Gin Sawn, Steel, de, These Gin Stands are made at our manufactory in this elty, under the personal supervision of the patentes, Mr. B. D. and sold (fully guaranteed) for $5 per saw, due lat January next. Under a thorough and rigid test they bave proved superior to all others, having taken the First Premium at the Mississipp State Fair for the last three years, for the best in in the world, and at all other Fairs where exhibited.

Are the ONLY GINS manufactured in New Orleans. Where a great power is not required, the Calorie Engine in the inost convenient, safe and ceonomical. It requires no Engineer to run it, and can not be blows up. The larger sizes are well adapted to plantation use for ronning Cotton Gina, Corn Mille, while the sinaller sizes are successfully used for pumping water and running Printing Presses, Sewing Machines, Ac. Our Engines, Saw mills, Pumps, Cotton Presses, ATO thor onghly adapted to the wants of the trade, and possess all the recen improvements in such machinery, with which we are prepared to furnish our customers at lower prices and on more favorable terms than any other deniers.

All articles sold or furnished by pa will be fully guaranteed. nice and Sales Room, 59 At. Charles street 117 and 119 street. mill dA worm 8120 (NEORGE H. VINTEN-TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' WAREHOU 106.

Between Camp and AL. Charles stroeta, New Orlesus. Pressco, Type, Ink, Paper, Cards, and Furnishing of every descrip slot, at mannieturere' prices. Having a large stock constantly on hand, the proprietor la pre pared te til orders of any maquitude, and ship at 24 hours' notion. Katimatos for country newspapors and job offices furnished by turn mail.

Agent for the sale of R. Hoe Presses, and Jae. Conner Sone Types. Old Type taken in exchange for new, at 10 centa pound. "Recond-hand Presses hought and sold.

DUBUCH, No. 118 GRAVIER STREET A. Between St. Charles and Carondelet, IMPORT AR and DIR A LEA in BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS. CHAMPAGNE of every detoription.

Ian 6m kassa before add resing me to receive a new, portals, and the ONLY TOW TO BE -Young inan, OURS of Hie try all till you are BallaDed that ONE A a containing for sure In ion drone, la prifeet 3 7 superioribing Bes Boston, me 27 CLAY YETTY'S MEDICATED PAPER- -A large spl R. J. HART 00., 20 and 79 at rapple, for sale by a DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Vernon dr Via la Vierheller Henry Verony Jaseph Vincent 11 Vanderbook David Varney Lincoln Vall Vantstine Vogt Samuel Vall Geo Vanderpool SANS Waguer Peter, hark Watson Wheeler Sherwood Watson foo Wesson Wait Watson A Wending Waddill A Wetter We Wells Henry Wagner Adam Watts Joseph je Wells Wale Watts Joseph sen Winnemere 7 Woe Henry Waterhouse Willard Ch Wallace Thos Waterhouse Win A Wilder James Wallace 00t Waterhouse jr Winthrop John Wallace Wate house A Willard Wallace 9 A Weston Horatio Wilmot Joseph Walthat HE Webel John Geo Wingti Id Gen Waldkie. A West John Wingfield Chas Walker Wm Wederetrandt Juo dr Winer Joseph Walker Owen 0 Wheeler Widmen Joseph Wal Wether bee Wills 11 Wash Jares West Alex Wiggins Ward Webb Geo Wilmer 8 I Ward John, holler ma- Wren Wise 2 ker Weirs John Wilk Ward Thos We gets Wilbur 1.

Warnock Jas Webber A (co Wither Chas Warner W'm Webber Wilkins Jan Warring Webster David Wiggin Watkins Win Wes cott Ship Ga Wick Otto Watson Samuel lets Windell Alfred Winterholder Joseph ng A Winte Jossph Wilder White capi, ship Wilson 8 uml Wilkinson dr Falmouth lil as John Whitebead col Wilson Pant Williams Sami Whittaker Henry Witson Ed Williams Whitaker 1, Wilson Jos Willin Johu Whitfield Isom Wilson John Wil lams Whitaker Jos Wilson W. tinuee William Jos Whitney A 11 Wilson las Williamson Wright Thos Worsham William on White watal Wood dr Wolff ani White Workerspoon Jas Worthiegion Ralph White Frank Wolff Wood 4 Frank Wm A Wolff I Woods White Thos Wolfenden A Woods White A Wolffs John Woodward White co*ckerel Wooley D8 Wood White Win A Woolsey hridge Woman ship WHite Weods I Jewell Wood Jas Young Young 0 Vestus Young I York Ed Young 0 Young Mack Kora Young 0 Yates bE 11 Zimmerman 0 Intilats. President St George's Society Borge's Rev Bro aha The Christian Dispensary To the Banner. ...8 the Agent of Payne O.cott Steam Koines. S.

F. MARKS, P. M. New Orleans, April 6, 1860. Tredegar LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS, RICHMOND, VA.

JOSEPH R. ANDERSON of Loconiotive, Portable, Sirlotly Porteble and tionary STEAM ENGINES, Circular and Sash Saw Milin, Sugar Milla, Gin Shafting, And every article of Machinery required by the Southern Planter. AERO Car Wheels and Axles, Bar Iron, Bridge Bolts, Spikes, Chairs, and other Railrond Fastenings, Iron Trucks, Iron and Brass Cannon. EDMUND M. IVENS, General Agent, fe7 2dplm dA W6m No.

100 Gravier street. N. LABLANCH- EXTRAORDINARY MME. The most Wonderful and World-renowned PLANET READER Of the Nineteenth Century, the only NATURAL CLAIRVOYANT AND SEERESS And SCIENTIFIC FEMALE ASTROLOGIST In the World, lime arrived in our city, and is now residing at No. 98 BARONNK STREET, Opposite the Lower Carrollton Depot.

Residence, 93 Baronne street, Offices, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Second Floor, MADAME LABLANCH has mastered all the Belence embodied in the glorions, wonderful and sublime gift of PROPHECY, has astonished thousands by revealing the Hidden Myateries of the Past, Present and Future Prospecta of Life, appertaining to Courtship and Murriage, and will deseribe their PUTTRE PARTNERS, male or female, with perfect accuracy, and Future Events of Life, Sickness and Death, Absent Friends and Relatives, Law and Lawsuits, Travels by Sea and Land. Will inform Ladies and Gentlemen how to SELKOT AGREEABLE PARTNERS FOR LIFE. Can restore perfect tranquillity between Husband and Wife. MADAME LABLANCH absolutely advertises nothing but what she has FULL ABILITY TO PERFORM, and never fails to give perfect satisfaction to all that wish to be acquainted with this most wonderful gift.

The GLORIOUS STARS OF HEAVEN into ence the Destiny ef Man and she has revealed Mysteries that Mortal knew. She may well be called the WONDER OF THE WORLD. The public will bear in mind that Madame is the est Clairvoyant and Planet Reader that has ever visited our elty. Hours of consultati from 4, 9 r. M.

de38 ECONOMY 18 WEALTH -CARMAN'S CEMENT, OR NEGATIVE GLUE, For personnently joining broken China, Glass, Earthern and Wooden Ware, Furniture, Leather, India Rubber Goods, and Fancy Articles of all kinds. Ask for CARMAN'S CEMENT, OR NEGATIVE GLUE, and take to other. It far surpasscs anything of use, leaving no trace of any Cement having been applied. E. B.

WHEELOCK Hole Wholesale Agents, 41 Magazine street. For sale by all Retail Druggists and Dealers generally. Price 25 centa. TOHN B. MOONEY'S IMPROVED STEAM HOISTING MACH NE, which hoists 1501 barrels of whisky, five s'ories, with 25 cents' worth of fuel, in 10 hours, My Machine dis penses with breaks or rubber, makes no no'se, and Rons, makes the fifth story IN bandy as the first.

Refer to IC. Dexter Liquor Rectifiers, whe etwo are in use Dean Hale, where one is in use and Merrill Brothers, Drug Mills, where one is in use Harrison Wils where one is In use; Crane Breed, Burial (sae Manufacturers Charles Rate Co where one pulls his blocks of marble weighing 2:000 pounds also, Nites' Works, and others. With one of my small engines and which only consumes three bushels of co*ke per day, I Cats lion pull or 1 ft more than forty men. JOHN B. MOONKY.

Machinist, mar29 3n 116 Columbia street, Cincinnati, Ohio, 8 A. COTTON -SEED OIl. AND oiL. CAKE MANUFACTOR Nos. 116 and 17 Magazine street, New Orleans, Keeps constantly on band, CRUDE AND SUPERIOR CLARIFIED OIL, CAKE, MEAL AND DECORTICATED SEED Orders for the above filled with promptness and dispatch.

Cash paid for Cetton Reed on delivery no TOSIAH F. POLK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Claim Agent, Washington, D. offers his services in the prosecution of claims against the United States, and in the Court of Claims and Executive Departments. From more than twen ty years connection Indian with the he Treasury familiar Department and the Laud Office and Affairs, in with the mode of public affairs, and will give strict and personal attention to all matters is Mr. to Polk also offers trusted his care.

his services to profosional gentlemen at a die tance having ceases in the U. 8. Supreme Court, to make all the hecessary arrangements in Washington City preliminary to argument He refers 10 Hon. John Perkins, Louisiana. Kt.

Rev. Leonidas Polk, Bishop, of Louisiana. Hon. Jeff. Davis, Mississippi.

lion. Ham Houston, Texas. B. Morton, Arkansas. Wm.

C. Kaston, and Gen. Chas. A. Bradford, Mobile.

Gov. H. V. Johnson, Georgia. Hon.

John Bell, Tennessee, Richard 8 Coxe, and Joseph Bradley, Members of 1 s6 Ba of the Supreme Court of the U. 8., Washington City, D. 0. Chas. R.

Mix Chiei Clerk, Indian Department, City, D. 0. sepT PLANTATION on FOR the lower SALE- part of -A Lake tract Long. of in fine the Parish of Martin, containing 60) acres, of which 800 are above overflow, and with a small levee the whole ens be reclaimed. Also 140 acres of as fine Oyprees timber as can he found in the State There are ou the place a dwelling house, kitchen, negro cabins and some other outbuildings, cisterns.

Ten acres are in cultivation, 80 or 90 acres are deadened timber. The above tract of land joins Messre. W. M. and 1.

King's plantation. The conditions are $10 per acre $1,500 in cash, balance on one and two years credit, or cash. Those wishing to purchase a good tract of sugar land can not find such another purgain. This land lies on a navigable stream, and persons wishing to go into the lusaber or wood trade can split enough timber and chop wood to for the place to a very short time. pa further apply to J.

B. ANGER, on Bean Haven. Mr. SNYDER, on Bayou Larampe, or to the undersigned, Hayos Chene Post-office. oeti5 Wit J.

D. WILLIAMS. UININE-5000 ounces American manufaobare, for sale by E. J. HART 00., 77 and 79.

NHE SPRING FRESHETS AND THEIR -FOREWARNED -The rivers of the Ronth and South-wast have been dissetrously turbulent daring the spring. The tide of the Father of Waters has been so immensely swollen that the low shores have been broken down, and the connery on either side much Injured by the invading food. Reen where vealthy planters had erected strong embankments to protect labda, the accumulating force of the enrrent has borne down these apparently Impraguable walls, and swept the country far and wide Along most of the tributary streams and the principal rivers pursuing sther courses to the Gulf of Mexico, the same destruction has occurad, and millions of dollars worth of property has been swallowed the remorseless waters. But the Immediate loss subsequent upon these mighty sheta sinks into Insignificance, when cumpared more remote, bat cortain diansters that will ensue. The varnen may be repaired, and the property enguifed may be at least pa dally reclaimed.

But the waters which have covered the lowlands will remain in marshes and pools, to become stagannt, and give forth miarmatic vapors beneath the summer ena. Then comes the startling peril The pestilence threatens the lives of all who reside in the vicinity of these streame. Fevers of the most virnient deserts will be prevalent, and that of the South, YELLOW FEVER will weather Jenth In many hom*on now cheerfni and happy. The grim specter will darken many a door, and turn even festivity Into Familles will be broken nip, and frosides denolate. The mother will weep for her little ones and refuse to be comforted, because they are The husband and fathor will strick down aven in the sunny hour of prosperity.

These are the sad scenes that are sure to follow season of doode have charneterized the spring of the present year. We have a gloomy esperience to bear witness that we do not exaggerate the danger that hange tree thousands of people in the South- western States. Portunately, while we know the peril that la to come, are not compelled to fold our arras and rosin ourselves to the 44ils that may enano. There la both a preventive and remedy for every forra of the destructive pestilence. Avery min who vales hie own existence- every heed of family who cherishes those who look to him, or her, for protection, are solemnly bound to prepare for the dread furader.

And this All many do, by simply securing a supple Dr. J. HOSTETTER'8 CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. downed thronghont the new world for Its wonder strengthening and curative properties. This medleine, which is compared if pow but perfectly harmless Ingredients, WAn discovered by profond physician, and has ever been warmly eulogized by the room lovers or medical selence.

Mild and palatable to the potent an a gives vigor to the digestive organs, fresh energy to the whole systom. The Bitters fortify the ton against disease, even in the heart of the regions most cursed by mtastia. Is well known if the liver can De kept healthy and the stomach to perform its functiona with ordinary vigor, there is little of a man being seriously affected by any of the fevers, anally attack the system through those organa. The Bitters wit socomplish anis good work. ft has proved anecessful in the mos seasons that have ever been experienced in those sections the country which are liable to be with maiaria.

Thus moob fer the merit of this medleine an a preventive. remedy, operates with astonishing rapidity. it will check any tendency Diarrtione and Dysentery, restoretone to the digestive organs, arouse the appetite, and by infusing a cheerful vigor throughout the stable the natural powers to throw off the Incubus of disense. The bout desperate eases of biliona fever, typhoid fever, fever and ague, and intermittent fever, have yielded to the influence of this magical and hundreds of persons have learned to place unbounded con 9dence in Ito qualities. The people of the Bouth and Wast, who have not yet taled CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, and who must be aware of the danger that threatens them this summer and fall, should at once provide ves with this famous article Even if they should use other inedleines, this will not interfere, but rather faoilitate benelola operation.

BEWARE OF COUNTERFRITS. The connine Bittern, so prepered by HOSTEFTER A SMITH, of PITTABURO, the true preventive and remedy. All will prove delnaive. Remember and get Hostetter'a Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and she be fortided againet the coming pestilence. ROSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS Has, for its medical and tone virtues, and sa a preventive and cum for all stomach diseases so prevaleul, especially in sensons of detale, in one Houth-wastera country, become standard family and medicine, and therefore has acquired a celebrity and sale throughout the land heretofore unknown to any niedtoni preparation, and in cousaquence of which unprincipled parties bore end in other eition have counter felted and are selling their vile mixture in our batand name, through unprinelpled strent brokers or at upon the representation of the genaine Hostetter Stomach Bitters.

We also hour of travelers in the country offering to sell Bitters cheap. who wresise no doubt engaged in the name nefarious business. Dregstate sud Grocers should look out for these fellows, sud soratiaiss strangers offering Hostetter', Bitters sale at a reduced price, a0 reduction has been made by the proprietors. Purchase of DO 004 but responsible parties, or their authorized agents, who would above any such inean consideration. Hostetter'a Bisters are never sold at auction or by street drug brekers, or Irresponsible parties whatever but can be had of any of the Druggists and Grocers of New Orlenna.

Caution should be exereised by persona Stomach Bittere to see that every bottle has the fee simile of ear ON aiguature ou the label, which, no desb4, the fear of ment has prevented being put on any of the counterfeits brought to eur notice. Also notice that the Dr. J. Stomach Bitters la blown on the side of the betilen, on the op covering the cork. All orders for the pennine article of anal be addressed to the proprietor HOSTETTER'8 STOMACH BITTERS, Hold by WRIGHT 00.

31 and 181 Obarires THE CELEBRATED ARGYLE BITTERS will effectually Dyspepala, for Liver Complaint, Merges of Appetite, General Debility, and Prostration of the Debility, Disordered Stomach, Pood, Mystem. They are entirely vegetable, and free from all Injurious ingredien to They are pleasant in taste and will mild in remove their all effects, impurities keeping from bowels gently noted upon, and stomach. These elegant Bitters are peculiarly adapted for a warms elimate and every person desiring health, strength, and protection frem she incident to the climate, should use them. Persona advanced in line, and feeling the hand of time weighing nearily upon An them, elixir with nit its will attendant instil life will Inte find ch in elr the use viens de Bitters that new restore, in a measure, the and ardor of health more youthful days up their shrunken forms, and give and happiness to their remaining years. It la a well established fact, that fully half of the female por ton of our population are seldom in the enjoyment of ad health 10 use their own expression, never feel well." are languid, devold of all energy, extremely nervous, and have appetite.

To this class of invalida these Bitters are especially reco num ended. Their peculiar tone and invigorating properties render them able in such caves. Persona visiting districts harassed annually with Fever and Ague or airy Fever of a billons nature, will dnd that, by the timely use one or two bottles, they will not in one instanae take the di isonse, Bitters will renovate and atrengthen the system, and carry bile off in its natural channel. Ic. B.

WHEELOOK Hole Proprietors, street, and 20 and 22 Bank Place New Orleans. DR. BROWNING'S FEVER AND AGUE MIXTURE. Numerous remedies, of more or loss power to cure, have long pin seen offered to the publie, but in nearly every Instance they proved ineffectual or injurious in their effects upon the a stem. Our wide spread and long acquaintance with the Southern country was demonstrated to us the absolate want of a safe and certaia cure for Fever and Ague.

Quinine, although the remedy which relied upon for this complaint, frequently produces diesstrous and thereby injures the honith and constitution. general rule it only alleviates the disease, and does but little towards a radical and permanent. cure. We feel confident we are offering the community a better remedy I contains no deleterious lugredients, and invariably euros Fever and Ague, or Intermittent Fever, Remittent Fever, Bilious Fever, And Dumb Ague, all of which originate from nearly the save canne, namely misematie which arise from decaying and vegetation fu moist aystem sorbed a earth. into long the It time, 1 blood, 40 before and it in shows many lie subtle presence la in the fuaidiowa accumulated form of in and Ague.

This remedy eures the Fever and Ague in this liver way: aud It at once expelling tacks the poison in the ayatem by stinaniating the the virus impurities from the blood Bole Proprietors, IC B. WHE CLOCK 00., Wholesale Druggists, 49 street, and 20 and 22 BROWNING'S BALSAMIO EXPECTORANT. This valuable and unfailing remedy, after having bean practice, anparalleled is now success offered for to the many publie yours in such a manner an to ba within in very estensive private the reach of all, and will ba found a safe and speedy cure of Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pains in the Side, Spitting of Blood, and an diseases of the pulmonary organs. Te prepared excluel from vegetable substances, known to exercise is soothing the lubsence on the lunge, and be iriven with perfect safety to younges child. Every one should be impressed with the necensity of attendice time have to been to a hurried slight into an early grave by that enemy of the human cold from the neglect of 16, how many Sho race, Consumption, who, by taking and the happy proper life! remedy, ad the proper dine, might lived a long BROWNING'8 BALSAMIC la pronounced ita to be the preparation proper is no remedy secret, for all the diseases manner of and the materials nary organs; coiaposition being at the command of any of the faculty, for and they invariably recommend in their practice, preference to anything else.

and full direction accompany such bottle. N. B. -He sure and ask for DR. BROWNING'8 BALSAMIO KIPROTORANT.

Sole Proprietors, E. B. HOCK bolesale 45 Magazine street, 20 Place, Jen4 New COAL--WOOD. CHEAP FUEL -Now Orleans Gaslight Comapany, October 10, -While the building forward the Station, the of 00K be present very low pries of thirty five cents per barrel. Is la a close and pleasant fuel for house rise, and superier either wood or for cooking.

At this price i6 er cent, chesper then the best Frees opal, bell N. WOOD steamboats WOOD respectfully Informed WOOD that the Captains under are prepared to furnish them with PINK WOOD, containing to the cord, subject to luspection by the Olty Julia New EDUCATIONAL. CLASSICAL INSTITUTE REV. DE. at the solicitation of will open having an removed INSTITUTE, Berninery frota Carrollton for to for the Freshman, CALLIOPE 00 in 1 of PUTTANIA AND For or further particalars, la.

The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.