Grow As We Go - Chapter 20 - writergurl2828 - pazzi (2024)

Chapter Text

Standing and posing with her National Player of the Year Award, Azzi smiled on at the photographers as they fired off a round of snapshots to capture the moment. While her iphone camera couldn’t compare, Paige stood amongst the photographers with her phone to get an up close picture as well of her girlfriend. Shaking the President of the NCAA hand, Azzi made her way back to her table as she was quickly greeted by her mom and dad. While she enjoyed the moment, Azzi was more than prepared to get out of her dress and slip into some more comfortable attire. But for the most part, Azzi had to grin and bear it for the next hour or so at the awards ceremony. Walking over towards her seat at the table, Paige met her girlfriend as the two hugged briefly before taking their seat.

After the awards ceremony, The Fudd clan had made plans to gather back at the cottage house that Azzi’s grandparents own in Storrs. Gathering back the house, an array of food was put out along with free flowing drinks as the family gathered to celebrate Azzi. While Paige and Azzi couldn’t have too much affection towards each other at the awards ceremony, as they both weren’t eager to be photographed outside of Azzi receiving her award, but amongst her family, the two felt more than comfortable to act like the couple that they were. They were free and comfortable to be themselves, no judgement or questions. Azzi sat in Paige’s lap, while Paige had arm wrapped around Azzi’s waist as they intertwined their fingers together, looking on at the craziness of Azzi’s family as the games portion of the night got everyone riled up.

Deciding to spend the night at her grandparents house, Paige and Azzi retired to their room as everyone else had slowly went off to their own rooms. Once she put her pajamas on, Azzi made her way out of the bathroom and headed towards the bed. Quickly pulling back the cover on her side of the bed, Azzi hopped into the bed as Paige just sat up looking on at her girlfriend. Pausing for a moment as she could only feel Paige’s stare upon her, Azzi looked on at Paige with a bit of confusion as to what she was staring at. Motioning for her to look ahead, Paige smiled as Azzi glanced over to see the two small boxes on the bed. Once again glancing back at Paige, Azzi was confused as to what to make of the small boxes.

“What is this?” Azzi asked with a bit of a laugh.

“It’s your present for your award” Paige smiled.

“I don’t need a present for an award, the present is the award” Azzi replied.

“Well this present is from me, to say congrats on the award….” Paige began to say.

“It’s not really common to give presents for an…” Azzi began to say as Paige just rolled her eyes at the banter they were having.

“Azzi, open the damn box” Paige snapped as Azzi laughed as she reached forward to grab one of the small boxes.

“Well by the size, I can already conclude that its jewelry” Azzi said as she opened the box to see that another box was inside of the small cardboard box. Grabbing the small jewelry, Azzi opened it up to see the black band. Looking over at Paige, Azzi just laughed as she couldn’t believe how unreal this moment was. “Is this a wedding band?” she questioned.

“It is” Paige smiled as she reached for the other box, taking out the jewelry box to show the matching wedding band that went along with Azzi’s.

“Wait, wait. Did you like secretly get us married or something online?” Azzi teased as she asked Paige.

“No, I know we talked about it back in Dallas, how our goal was to be married in the future. So it just stuck with me, and I figured we needed something to hold us to those promises we made to each other that day. It’s our prospective wedding bands for what’s to come, because while it is a band, I do intend to buy you a diamond ring when it’s the real thing. Until then, I got these bands for us so that whenever sh*t gets hard or when they’re amazing, we remember the promise we made to each other about our future” Paige said as Azzi was amazed on how sweet and thoughtful Paige was. Leaning forward, Paige held up the wedding band to show her the engraving on the inside of the ring. “And if you look closely, we’ll always have these three words to remind us what really matters when things get crazy” she said as Azzi looked on at very engraving in her band.

“You and me” Azzi said to herself as tears welled up in her eyes. “Okay, you must’ve been working on this for awhile because I don’t know when you would’ve had the time to do this” she said as she wiped away tears.

“…I had help from my dad” Paige told her as Azzi was surprised to hear that her dad and her had put together such a sweet symbolism for their future. In moments, Azzi would always question if they were crazy to be so recklessly in love. Like they were just two love sick kids that had no clue, but then there was always one thing that dispelled those doubts in her head. No could love Paige the way she loved Paige, and no one could love her like Paige loved her. “Yeah, he was actually happy I came to him with this idea. I had to swear that we weren’t trying to run away and elope, but he…he was really supportive of my idea” she smiled.

“I feel like we should mark this moment, especially with it being our prospective wedding bands” Azzi said as she took her wedding band out to hand over to Paige.

“Like a wedding ceremony type deal?” Paige questioned as she laughed.

“Yeah, I mean this is a prospective wedding band, so it needs to have the same importance like the real thing” Azzi said as she reached over to grab her cell phone off of the night stand. Fidgeting with her phone for a bit until music came from the speakers, Azzi played their song as she put the phone down in between them. Smiling on at the girl, Paige felt as if any doubt she had about this idea, she’d cast all doubts aside as she wanted to prove in every way that she wanted Azzi to be her endgame.

“Do I have to say vows?” Paige asked as she handed over her band to Azzi.

“That’s what they typically do” Azzi laughed as Paige took a moment to think.

“….I didn’t think this far with this idea for this moment” Paige said as Azzi just smiled on at her.

“Just go with it, plan P it” Azzi said referencing Paige’s last minute play call when everything else wasn’t working, just go with it and make something happen. Turning to face Azzi in the bed, Paige reached forward to take Azzi’s hand as she held the band in her other hand. Looking as nervous as ever, Paige knew this wasn’t the real thing, but in her heart it always felt real with Azzi.

“From the very first moment I met you, I knew that you would be different for me. You were supposed to be my rival as we were both competing for the same position on the Olympic team, but along the way…you became the cool girl that would talk to me to my best friend to my person. You’re my first love, my everything. When I imagine my greatest days, they have you in it. While this is not the real wedding with the real wedding bands, the promise I make to you with this ring, I will forever hold true until my dying breath” Paige said as she began to slide the ring onto Azzi’s finger. “I promise to let you in past the insecurities I may have. I promise to love and respect you as not just my girlfriend but as my partner. I promise to love you unconditionally, through sickness and health, through shooting streaks and shooting slumps…” she said as the tearful Azzi began to laugh. “I promise to love you when times are good and bad” she said as slowly inched the ring up Azzi’s finger. “With this prospective wedding band, I promise to uphold my promises to you until death do us part” she said finally putting the band in place on her finger.

“While I did intend to leave you at that airport in Minnesota, I’m glad that we stuck around long enough to take you home with us, because ever since that day…you’ve been the best thing that has forcefully entered my short life span” Azzi said as Paige just laughed through the tears. “I can’t imagine being without you and I don’t think I’d ever try to, because through all the crazy we both bring to the table, I can honestly say…you are worth every moment. I wish you could see what I see when I look at you because then it’d make sense why I demand so much from you. Your gorgeous, hilarious beyond measure, you’ve got a true heart of gold, your kindness is overwhelming, your still that same girl I met back in that gym in Colorado” she said as she took the ring and began to slide the ring onto Paige’s finger. “I promise to give you necessary kick in the ass when you need it. I promise to love you through the good and bad, even if I have to do it for the both of us. I promise to let you in. I promise to always be your best friend. I promise to never leave you, even when things are bad for us, I promise to fight for us…because like you said in that hotel room in Dallas, when I say you and me, that’s all that matters to me in this world, that’s all that exists in my happiness. Just you and me” she said “With this prospective wedding band, I promise to uphold my promises to you until death do us part” she said as Paige couldn’t wait any longer to kiss her, capturing her lips with hers, they both wore their prospective wedding bands with pride as this signified something deeper and meaningful for the couple. Swept up in the moment, the couple didn’t need an actual ceremony of that sort to feel like what they vowed to each other was more real than anything legally binding. They knew what they have in each other was rare, and they didn’t need anyone else to understand but them.

Laying back on the bed, they tenderly kissed as if they just wanted to remember this moment. It wasn’t about lust or passion that would lead to sex, it was just them being together and appreciating the love they had for the other. Entangled in each other, Paige pulled back to look on at the woman she loved, tucking the strands of curls out of her eyes as they just laid looking on each other. If everyday and night could end like this, Azzi swore she could love Paige until her last breath. They had that rarity of a relationship, where it didn’t need to be about sex for them to be satisfied in these moments together.


Looking on at her emails on her laptop as she laid in bed, Azzi glanced over to see that Paige was still passed out asleep. Staring at her for a moment, Azzi had to truly question was she really asleep or just faking it as Paige lay on her stomach with her face turned away. Shaking her head as she laughed, Azzi turned her attention back to a particular email that had come in. Pulling the laptop closer, Azzi read the message and with each word that read, the biggest of smiles came to her face. While it was the first big step, Azzi had hope that this could all be a potential reality for her as she now needed to complete the final step in her plan. Putting her laptop on the side table, Azzi leaned forward to pepper her girlfriend with kisses causing Paige to groan.

“Go back to sleep” Paige replied sluggishly.

“Don’t you want to go to grocery stores before we head back to campus?” Azzi asked as Paige lifted her head to look at the time.

“Azzi, it’s six in the morning?!? I’m not going anywhere until at least ten” Paige replied as she nestled her face back into her pillow.

“Ten??? The day will be gone by that time” Azzi laughed as she leaned in to kiss her cheek.

“No, it will be a good start time” Paige replied still half awake as Azzi rubbed her back trying to entice her to wake up.

“If we do our errands early, we could get back to campus early to chill for the rest of the day. Maybe even catch a movie” Azzi suggested as Paige just shook her head, not remotely enticed to wake up. “Fine, I’ll just go without you” she stated.

“Have fun” Paige muttered.

“Paige!?!” Azzi laughed as she pinched the blonde as Paige couldn’t help but laugh.

“Fine, just give me until eight at least” Paige popped her head up. “Then we’ll go to the market” she told her.

“Perfect, that’s the time I was hoping to leave anyways” Azzi quickly agreed as she happy that her plan worked. Turning onto her back, Paige looked on at the girl as she was in disbelief that she had been tricked. “You like driving, I’m a certified passenger” she reasoned as Paige laid back on the pillow while Azzi rested on Paige’s stomach.

“I feel like this is a glimpse of how married life is going to be with you” Paige told her as she rubbed her head, smiling as she looked down at her. “You bugging me to get up early to do something domestic, while you sit like a princess, and I do all the manual labor” she smiled.

“I like that, I love it actually” Azzi said as their hands intertwined, both wearing their bands on their respective fingers. “But I think these are called promise rings…” she began to say.

“I’m trying to move different. We’re calling them our prospective wedding bands or if you want something short and to the point, p band” Paige replied as she was determined to buck the trend of anything traditional.

“Okay, P band, I can get with that” Azzi said as she leaned forward to give Paige a quick kiss on the lips.

“Why don’t you get back in bed?” Paige asked as Azzi broke the kiss, but Paige wasn’t willing to let her go just yet.

“I need to go talk to Papa before he leaves to go fishing” Azzi told her as she was soon released from Paige’s hold. “But it’s fine, you can get your rest since you were the dutiful spouse yesterday” she said as she got off the bed but not before Paige slapped her but as she rolled back over onto her stomach. Looking back at Paige, Azzi saw the smile weigh heavily on Paige’s face.

“Sorry, my hands slipped” Paige laughed as drew her pillow close. “I love you” she muttered as she nestled her face against the pillow.

“Yeah, yeah. Love you too” Azzi said as she was making her way out of the room, making sure to close the door behind her so that Paige could rest.

Heading outside to where her grandparents were, Azzi smiled as she saw the couple sitting at their usual table, drinking their coffee, while Papa read the newspaper and her grandmother did the crossword puzzles. Standing and watching them for a moment, Azzi could only hope to get to that stability someday, where it was just being near the person you loved to feel content. Walking over towards them, Papa tore his attention away from the newspaper to see Azzi coming to join them. Wearing the biggest of smiles as Azzi leaned in to kiss her grandparents before joining them at the table. Putting his newspaper down, Papa turned all his attention towards his granddaughter as it was always a joy for him to have his grandchildren near.

“How did it feel waking up as the National Player of the Year?” Papa asked.

“The same. It would’ve felt better to wake up a National Champion” Azzi pouted as her grandmother rubbed her knee.

“You’re close, next year will be your year to finally get it” Karen said as Azzi just nodded.

“Could be, I mean good thing is that we’ll hopefully have Paige back” Azzi told her grandparents. “Where did my parents go off to?” she asked.

“They had to hit the road early, Jon had a track meet and Jose had a AAU game” Karen told her granddaughter.

“I wish they would’ve woke me up, I wanted to see them off” Azzi sighed.

“Your dad said he heard you and Paige snoring, he wasn’t trying to wake either one of you up since you were both probably tired” Papa told her.

“Well, Paige is still sound asleep and has no intention of getting up until eight. So that means you have me until then” Azzi smiled.

“Fair trade off” Papa smiled.

“I actually wanted to talk to you guys about something, I brought it up to my mom but she said that I would need to get permission from you” Azzi said as her grandparents looked at her skeptically. “With you guys going back and forth from Virginia to here, there is a good chunk of time where you guys aren’t able to see about the house like you’d like. I mean I know Papa hates having to pay Todd to check on things” she brought up.

“Yeah, and where are we going with this?” Karen asked.

“What if to spare you the headache and money, you let me rent the house?” Azzi asked as they looked on at her skeptically. “I checked with campus housing, I’ve met the requirements for on campus housing to now entertain off campus accommodations” she quickly relayed.

“You can’t afford the upkeep of this house” Papa quickly told her before Karen gave him a look. “Okay, NIL deals aside, you can’t manage this house by yourself” he said as Azzi just smiled on at him.

“And I have a feeling she had no intention of living alone to begin with” Karen laughed as she knew what Azzi’s smile meant.

“I want to ask Paige to live with me, I want us to live together and I feel like this is a perfect spot. It’s close to campus for school and basketball, then we’re close to markets. It’s the perfect started home for us” Azzi told them as Karen looked on at Azzi.

“I don’t know Azzi, I don’t want you to feel tied to this place. Then what’s going to happen if you go into the league?” Papa asked her.

“Then we move out at that point, we’d just be renting until you guys decide what you want to do with the place” Azzi told them.

“And you think you and Paige are able to manage a house?” Karen asked.

“If we’re being honest, no” Azzi stated as her grandparents laughed to themselves as her statement worked against what she was asking. “But everything is a challenge at first until you’re forced to get it. I think together, we can grow together and as individuals in taking on this responsibility. We’re not trying to make it a party house or any of that, just something that we can have together” she told her grandparents.

“Does Paige know about this?” Papa asked.

“No, this is purely me thinking ahead. I want to surprise her with this ask and show her that I’m really in this with her and I want our next phase of adulthood to be together” Azzi said to her grandparents. “I mean that’s with your blessing to do so” she smiled.

“I mean, we’ll have to think about it. I definitely wasn’t expecting you to ask this of all things” Papa told her.

“That’s fine, so long as you think about it” Azzi smiled. “I will take that” she said as she got up to hug her grandparents.


As promised, Paige got up from bed at the eight o’clock and began to get ready for the day. While Paige wasn’t much of a person that got groceries for the week, Azzi had made it a point since her arrival to Storrs, that they at least visit a grocery store on the weekends to avoid eating out so much. Packing up their stuff as they prepared to leave her grandparents house, Paige couldn’t help but notice that Azzi’s grandparents were extra smiley with her. Not they were mean to her, Paige just felt a sense as if they were just a bit more extra than they typically were. Once making it to the grocery store, Paige pushed the cart as Azzi put items in the cart from the list she had compiled for the both of them. They ate differently, but Azzi knew Paige well enough to know her must have items for the week. Smiling on at Azzi as she did their grocery shopping, Paige was really getting used to the idea of marriage to Azzi, imagining that this would be something they’d do together amongst other domestic activities. A smirk came to her face as she looked on to see Azzi wearing her band so proudly, letting it be known that she was taken. Torn out of her reverie by the vibration of her cell phone, Paige pulled her phone out to see that it was her doctor calling her.

“Hello” Paige answered the call as Azzi looked back at her.

“What are you doing right now?” Paige’s doctor asked.

“Currently being forced to go grocery shopping with my girlfriend” Paige joked attempting to dodge Azzi’s hit. “Is there something wrong with my scans?” she asked a bit scared.

“Quite the opposite, I just wanted to call you and spare you the drive down” Paige’s doctor said as Paige froze for a moment. In her mind, she’s preparing to hear bad news.

“You are cleared for basketball play, five on five play is a go” Paige’s doctor said as Paige jumped up and down with excitement. Laughing as she looked on at the blonde, Azzi could only assume that she was receiving good news by her reaction to what the doctor was telling her.

“Thank you so much, I’m beyond happy and thank you for everything. Putting up with me and all my arguing” Paige told him as Azzi walked over towards the blonde. “Thank you again” she said before she eventually ended the call. Smiling from ear to ear, Paige looked on at Azzi with all the happiness in the world before she wrapped her arms around her waist to spin her around in the middle of the aisle.

“You’re cleared?” Azzi asked as she laughed while Paige spun her around.

“Yes, I have no restrictions, five on five play is a go” Paige told her as Azzi wrapped her arms around her neck, pulling her into a hug.

“I’m so happy for you” Azzi said as she herself began to cry, knowing the journey that Paige had to take to get to this point.

“We’re celebrating, definitely stopping by Noodles & Co for lunch. Hell, we’re going to take a splurge vacation to get our minds mentally ready for the domination we’re going to have as the strongest backcourt” Paige said excitedly as her mind was racing on all the things that her and Azzi were going to accomplish together.

“Vacation? Where are we going?” Azzi asked as all she could laugh at how all over the place Paige was in this motion.

“Anywhere, we just need to celebrate this occasion and all that we’ve both been through to get to this point. I’m thinking somewhere tropical, anything to see you in bikini. Then lots of drinks and nice beaches…” Paige began to ramble on as she walked off pushing the cart, leaving Azzi behind to just laugh at how excited the blonde was. Receiving good news about her own basketball future, Azzi was flattered that among her many thoughts was to plan a vacation so that they could be alone to celebrate.


Stopping off in the CVS close to the dorms, Azzi quickly ran inside to pick up the last of Paige’s pain medication that the doctor sent for her to use on an as needed basis. Feeling the vibrations of all the texts that were coming in from the team group chat and their family group chat with the Fudd’s and Paige’s parents, Azzi felt like her phone was going to explode with all the congratulation texts that were coming in. Standing in line, waiting for the medication to be ready, Azzi moved forward before she quickly felt an abrupt hit to her frontside. Looking up to see that the person that she had bumped into was a familiar face, Azzi looked on at Alyssa as she scrambled to pick up the multiple bottle of pills that were scattered on the floor. Bending over to help Alyssa with her medications, Azzi picked up one and couldn’t help but read that it said Rohypnol as the medication name. Quickly grabbing the bottle out of her hand, Alyssa stuffed the bottle of pills in her bag.

“What are you doing here?” Alyssa asked nervously.

“…I’m picking up medicine for Paige” Azzi told her as she looked on to see how nervous Alyssa looked. “Are you okay?” she then asked with some concern for the girl.

“Yeah, I’m fine” Alyssa smiled “I’m actually glad that I ran into you. I sent out invites to the team for the wrap party that Jason and I were throwing for the team for the documentary. I haven’t heard if you or Paige would attend” she said.

“Uh…it’s not really my scene at the moment…” Azzi began to say.

“C’mon, lets not make this anymore awkward than this already is” Alyssa sighed as she looked on at Azzi, giving her a knowing look.

“What are you talking about?” Azzi asked a bit confused as to what she was alluding to.

“Once again, Paige chooses you” Alyssa gave a weak laugh as she tried to avoid eye contact with Azzi, afraid that Azzi would take pleasure in her pain. “You two fight, you argue, even have a video leak that exposes you two as a couple with little to no repercussions…and she still chooses you” she stated as Azzi finds the conversation to even more weird with her recounting all of the low points in her and Paige’s relationship.

“I didn’t know she was ever put in a position to choose” Azzi stated as he looks on at Alyssa, thinking that while Paige was back in Storrs, the girl had most likely made an attempt with Paige.

“I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I did try again with Paige. But like the first time, she was only ever about you” Alyssa said as Azzi laughed to herself in disbelief on how desperate the girl was to get in the middle of their relationship.

“You know, just when I try to give you a chance, you pull this” Azzi said.

“I’m in love with her!?! What’d you expect???” Alyssa quickly relayed as she looked on at Azzi with all sincerity in her voice. “I have never denied that I loved her, so it’d be stupid of you to think that I wouldn’t at least try” she said.

“….it’d also be stupid of me to think that you didn’t play a hand in getting Paige those answers to the history tests either” Azzi said as Alyssa looked on at her in a bit of shock by the claim she was making.

“What makes you say that?” Alyssa asked.

“Paige isn’t capable of doing something like that on her own, so I knew a person with connections, which you bragged about in your assistance of helping with the video leak, had to have helped her in almost ruining her basketball career with that as well. So all eyes turned to you and your connections” Azzi said as she wore a look on her face that showed she not pleased at all with Alyssa’s attempt to romance Paige or her attempt to screw up her basketball career with a cheating scandal.

“It’d be your word against mine…” Alyssa began to say.

“No, it’d be your connection against yours because this even comes out about Paige, I will do more than just use words to make sure you go down for this” Azzi told her as Alyssa just laughed to herself while the pharmacist handed Azzi her bag of medication. Noticing the band that was on Azzi’s wedding finger, Alyssa felt her heart quickly sink to the floor at the sight of the black band.

“…did you get married or something?” Alyssa asked as she pointed on at the band that was on Azzi’s finger.

“It’s really none of your business” Azzi replied as Alyssa shook her head. “I can’t stop your emotions, but I just hope that you at least stop trying to seduce Paige or plot to get her back, I don’t know…we’re together. I know you’ve been fishing for that response and confirmation, she chose me and I choose her. So just stop” she said to Alyssa before walking off, leaving the girl to stew in her disappointment.

Feeling every bit of emotion fill inside of her, Alyssa pulled the pill bottle out of her bag before she walked to leave the store. Looking on at Azzi as she walked towards Paige’s car, Alyssa could see how happy they were, how happy Paige was just by her presence. It made her sick. It made her furious. Pulling out her phone, Alyssa quickly dialed up the familiar number.

“I need to collect on your debts that you owe me. I need your help with something” Alyssa said to the person on the phone.


Putting her clothes away in her drawers, Azzi felt as if she had been away for months with all the straightening up she had to do. With travelling from Nashville then to Dallas then staying at her grandparens for the night, Azzi was living out of her suitcase for the past couple of weeks. Feeling as if she had accomplished something, Azzi felt a sense of accomplishment to know that she was now just down to her duffle bag that needed to be unpacked. Looking on at the clock, Azzi made a mental note to head up to Paige’s room in the next hour. Just as she went back to straightening up her room, Azzi’s phone began to vibrate. Quickly rushing over to grab her phone off the nightstand, Azzi smiled as she looked on to see who was calling her.

“Are you guys there?” Azzi quickly asked as she answered the phone.

“If you mean cleaning up your place, yes. You have no idea how much you owe us for having to drive back over here to do this for you” Jon told her.

“I’ll just consider it sibling love” Azzi said. “Just make sure you put the champagne in the fridge, I want it to be cold” she said.

“You don’t even drink champagne” Jose replied in the background.

“Its for the moment, it’s not every day you ask your girlfriend to move in with you” Azzi said as Jose just laughed.

“Jon wouldn’t know that feeling” Jose teased.

“Oh, I didn’t know Jose had made it official with his blow up doll that he has under his bed” Azzi quickly fired back at her brother, tending to have a soft spot for Jon when it came to him being picked on.

“So how are you doing this? Jon asked. “I mean, its pretty cool that Papa and grandma just gave you this place to shack up in” he said.

“We’re not shacking up, we’ll be paying rent in the form of utilities” Azzi quickly replied to her brothers question. “I got this keychain made for her that says our starter home. I got copies of the cottage house key made and put it on the keychain. I’m going to put it in a gift bag and give to her when we go back over to the house. I’m going to say I forgot something and just unveil” she described her plan to her brothers.

“That actually sounds like a better plan than what we thought you were going to do” Jose said.

“What’d you think I was going to do?” Azzi questioned.

“Just give it to her, like here you go, get your stuff so we can go” Jon teased his sister as he mocked her inability to be romantic.

“Well this is thought out, I had the key chain made by this person I found on Instagram” Azzi quickly stated. “I have upped the romantic game because I’m actually excited about us living together before things get crazy with the draft and all” she said.

“We’re happy for you” Jose told his sister. “Can you send pizza to the house? We’re starving” he then asked of his sister.

“If I feed you, then I need a guarantee the house will be ready by tonight. I’m thinking we should be heading over there by eleven or so” Azzi told her brothers.

“It’ll be ready” Jon told her as Azzi smiled with happiness over her plan coming together


Sticking to her promise to treat her to Noodles & Company, Azzi got the beloved Mac and Cheese that Paige needed to make her celebration feel so real. Still on cloud nine from the news, Paige got calls left and right from family members, just excited for the news that she had received. Upon getting back to the apartments, the team collectively met Paige with even more excitement on her clearance to play. Imagining the comeback with Paige, the team once again felt a pep in their step after an excruciating loss in the championship game. Relaxing in her room, Azzi and Paige laid on her bed while Azzi looked on at her upcoming class schedule for the summer while Paige went through lists of vacation destinations for the couple.

“Would you say sight seeing is a must for you?” Paige asked as she looked over at Azzi.

“Uh…I would like to see sights” Azzi reasoned as she was unsure as to what Paige was thinking. “Are you looking at your summer schedule?” she then questioned.

“I am” Paige quickly replied as she rolled over onto her side so that she could focus on her cell phone.

“Philosophy in summer seems a bit daunting. What are you taking as your elective?” Azzi asked as Paige kept her attention on her phone.

“If you had average sight seeing but beautiful beaches, would that suffice?” Paige asked as Azzi shook her head in confusion. Leaning forward to look on at Paige’s phone, Azzi quickly grabbed the phone out of her hand to see that she was looking at vacation destinaitons.

“Paige?!? We’re supposed to be choosing our classes for summer” Azzi stated.

“Summer session is not going to last all summer Azzi. I figured, if we did the school thing up until July, then we can do like a week in Aruba as a possible location but then Brazil does look interesting” Paige told her as Azzi just laughed at how scatterbrained her girlfriend was in this moment. Hearing a knock come to her bedroom door, Paige looked on unsure if she wanted any company at the moment when she had Azzi to herself. “Go away, we’re having sex” she stated in attempt to get rid of whomever is at the door.

“Stop it. No we’re not, come in” Azzi called out before the door opened up with Nika, Aubrey, Caroline, and Colleen came into the room.

“If this is you two having sex, you need more help than I thought” Nika teased as she flopped down on the bed.

“If you leave, we can try to improve” Paige teased as Azzi hit her arm.

“So are you guys really avoiding the ESPN wrap party?” Aubrey asked.

“It’s being held by Alyssa, I would say it’d be the best thing to avoid” Azzi replied as the idea of seeing Alyssa was disgusting and made her want to vomit.

“But it’s not only her party, Jason is also throwing this party for the team for the documentary” Nika stated.

“It’s not like you’d have to talk with Alyssa, you could avoid her and we’d be able to go” Colleen told her.

“You guys can go, I mean I’m not stopping you” Azzi said as she looked on at everyone in the room.

“It would be nice to just go out and have fun” Paige said as she nudged Azzi on the leg.

“See, listen to your girlfriend” Nika quickly brought up as the other girls wore a pouty look on their faces.

“Are you serious?” Azzi asked as she looked on at Paige.

“I got great news today, I really can give two craps if Alyssa is there or not, I’m getting a drink and partying. Besides this wrap party is technically for you” Paige told her.

“It’s for the team” Azzi stated.

“But its for you” Nika, Caroline, Aubrey, and Colleen said in unisons.

“Well why do I have to go?” Azzi asked.

“Because you’re not staying in and watching Frozen again” Colleen stated. “Plus, it’ll give me a chance to ask why you both are wearing wedding bands” she said as Nika nodded in agreement.

“I noticed it as soon as they came back” Nika replied.

“I saw it in Tik Tok that Paige posted in the team chat” Aubrey said as she one upped the two girls.

“Okay, fine. If you guys want to go so bad, then we’ll go. But we can’t stay too long” Azzi agreed as the girls excitedly ran off to get ready to go out for the night. Laughing at the excitement, Paige laid back on the bed as Azzi just shook her head at the group of menaces she was surrounded by.


With ESPN footing the bill for the party, the girls were treated the finer style of partying, where it wasn’t at their local pub but at a club in the city. Storrs didn’t offer many night clubs, but the clubs that were available were on the high end side. With their hands intertwined as Paige drove, Azzi tried to mentally prepare herself for having to see Alyssa. After her run in with Alyssa earlier, Azzi felt as if she’d see her again, she may strangle her this time around. Noticing that Azzi was deep in thought, Paige shook her hand a bit to get her attention. Looking over at her girlfriend to see the look of concern, Azzi gave her a weak smile as Azzi tried to live in the current moment of happiness with Paige.

“Where’d you drift off to?” Paige asked.

“Nothing, I was just thinking about if I should take accounting in the summer or wait to take it…” Azzi began to say.

“Oh God!?! If it’ll make you feel better, I promise that we will pick our classes when we get back. I can see this will be on your mind until it is actually completed” Paige groaned as Azzi just laughed.

“Look, I’m helping you out” Azzi told her. “Just because you got clearance for basketball, it doesn’t mean you slack off in school” she said.

“I’m pretty sure you’re going to beat that sentiment into my head until I graduate with a PhD, and even then you’ll say that I need to be focused on something else bigger” Paige teased.

“Hey, I’ll take that” Azzi smiled as she laughed.

“So, I was thinking of the location. It’s the perfect destination that will give you your sight seeing and my beaches” Paige told her.

“You’re just determined to go somewhere this summer, aren’t you?” Azzi asked.

“I’d like to come with if you’re going somewhere” Nika quickly intruded in their conversation.

“Aww, a group vacation” Caroline smiled at the thought.

“Yeah, I’m not intending for any of you to go. This is a me and Azzi trip” Paige told them as Azzi just shook her head.

“Oh, so what is this honeymoon since we weren’t invited to the wedding” Nika teased as the girls laughed. “Did SZA play at the ceremony or did you just listen to Azzi’s Frozen spotify playlist?” she joked.

“Did you guys actually get married?” Caroline asked as the two girls shook their heads. “I mean that’d be pretty messed up if you didn’t even invite us to the wedding” she said.

“How did we become the topic???” Paige questioned. “You guys are just caught up with weddings and honeymoons, the bands mean what they mean. And this pending trip is for me and the wifey” she said Azzi pinched Paige on the leg.

“So with all this commotion, I take it we’re not doing a pregame?” Aubrey asked as she appeared from the third row in Paige’s car.

“Hell yeah, we’re pregaming” Nika said as Aubrey passed the small bottle of alcohol up to the front. The girls grabbing their alcohol of choice while Paige refrained since she was the sober rover of the night reluctantly. Passing the bag of bottle up to Azzi, she paused for a second as she didn’t want to leave Paige out.

“No, I’m fine. I’m a lightweight” Azzi said as she stopped Nika from passing her the bag.

“You can drink, you deserve it” Paige smiled as she knew that the only reason Azzi wasn’t drinking was because of her. “Just be careful, you’re a super lightweight” she said as Azzi reluctantly pulled out a bottle of tequila. Opening up the small bottle, Azzi quickly knocked the drink back, not wanting her nerves to get the best of her and giving her some liquid courage to deal with Alyssa.


Once they finally arrived at the party, the girls quickly took in the over top vibe of the nightclub. With their pregame drinks, Azzi felt a bit more loose and not so uptight in seeing Alyssa. At this point, she didn’t care if she saw Alyssa or not because at the end of the day, Azzi knew who Paige would be going home with that night. Walking in hand in hand, Paige followed behind Nika and Aubrey as they went straight for the bar. The music glared loudly through the club, making it hard to talk amongst each other. Just as Nika and Aubrey were getting the drink orders, Alyssa came up towards the girls with drinks in hand as if she were expecting them to hit the bar first.

“Glad you guys made it” Alyssa smiled on at the girls, seeming more happy than usual.

“Yeah, thanks for the invite” Nika said trying to force nice conversation with Alyssa, but deep down she couldn’t stand the girl.

“Well I got the first round for you guys, whatever you guys want its on ESPN charge card, so just let me know” Alyssa said as she distributed out the drinks to each of the girls, giving the one orange cup to Azzi as the other girls got red. Refusing her drink, Paige put it on the counter as Alyssa looked on at her.

“I’m driving tonight” Paige said.

“Driving??? I can get you a driver if you want to drink” Alyssa told her as Azzi looked on at the two interacting.

“I’ll be fine” Paige said as a particular red head emerged and walked over towards the group.

“Azzi, you’re in a night club?” Harley asked as Azzi quickly turned her attention towards the red head. Smiling on at the girl as the alcohol was starting to catch up to her and suddenly everything was great to her.

“Harley!!!” Azzi said happily as she walked over towards the red head to pull her into a hug. Looking on as Azzi embraced her ex, Paige couldn’t help but look at her skeptically as the two hugged. “How’ve you been???” she asks as Harley give a weak laugh as she notices Paige’s stare on her.

“I’ve been better” Harley said.

“Hi, my name is Alyssa” Alyssa said as she interjected to introduce herself, instantly picking up on the vibe that Paige was not the biggest fan of the red head, but Azzi was.

“Okay, I think we have reached our quota of drinks” Paige said as Azzi attempted to grab the drink that Paige put down, but Paige took it out of her hand before it could touch her lips.

“I thought we were having fun” Azzi told her as she turned to face Paige, not giving much distance between them.

“We will, but more of the sober kind” Paige said as she only intended for Azzi to hear her response. “You can’t hold your alcohol Az, one is your limit and then you tap out” she told her.

“Yeah, we can dance. I love the music in the club” Nika told Azzi as she tried to assist Paige.

“She’ll be fine, I gave her more of the water down alcohol” Alyssa said as she gave Azzi another orange cup. Attempting to take the cup once again, Azzi grabbed ahold of the cup before Paige got ahold of it.

“See, my cup is water down” Azzi smiled before she took another sip from her drink while Paige looked on at Harley, who seemed concerned as well since she knew Azzi was a lightweight as well.

“Well it was nice to see you, congrats on the award. You deserved it Az” Harley said as the nickname she had for Azzi was enough for Paige to furrow her brow.

“I hope we can talk again before you go” Azzi said as Harley just nodded.

“I’ve got to mingle with some staff members, but have fun. Again, let me know if you guys need anything” Alyssa said as she then walked off. Looking on at Paige, Azzi smiled as she could see a look of concern on Paige’s face. Wrapping her arm around Paige’s neck, Azzi kissed her neck in a surprising move to even Nika and the other girls.

“So we’ll just be elsewhere, you two have your own thing going on” Aubrey laughed as she pulled Nika and Caroline along with her while Colleen gave Paige a look.

“She’ll be fine, I’ll be with her tonight” Paige tells Colleen as has no problem in keeping watch over Azzi, who proved once again that she was a supreme lightweight. Swaying to the music, Azzi pulled back to look on at Paige.

“You’re with me tonight?” Azzi asked as she drunkenly smiled on at Paige. “I thought you said it’d be a forever thing” she said as Paige slid her hands down to Azzi’s waist.

“Well currently speaking, tonight I am on Azzi watch” Paige told her as they swayed to the music as Azzi kept her hold on Paige. “But beyond tonight, yes. It’s a forever thing” she said before she kissed her cheek. Just as Paige attempted to move her lips away from Azzi’s cheek, Azzi quickly capture her lips with hers. Smiling into the kiss, Azzi could feel that she was slowly breaking Paige down as Paige settled into the kiss.

“Let’s dance” Azzi said ripping away from her lips.

“You don’t dance” Paige laughed.

“Currently speaking, I do” Azzi said as she lead Paige out onto the dance floor where Nika was.


For most of the night, Paige had managed to keep a close eye on Azzi, but in a blink of the eye and an impromptu conga line, Azzi had managed to disappear. Not wanting to go in to panic mode, Paige trusted that Azzi could handle herself well enough to at least meet her back over at their sitting area. Trying to play it cool, Paige still surveyed the crowd in search of her girlfriend as she headed towards their sitting area so that she could look down at the dance floor. Just as she headed towards the area, Paige looked on at her phone to see that Jose was calling. Confused to see Jose’s name come up on her caller identification, Paige feared that Azzi probably drunkenly called him and he was was just calling Paige to let her know.

“Hey what’s up?” Paige answered her phone.

“Where are you guys?” Jose asked.

“Uh, we’re still at this wrap party for your sisters documentary” Paige told him “Why?” she then asked.

“We just want to know when you guys were heading over? It’s getting late” Jose asked.

“Heading over? For what? To Virginia?” Paige questioned.

“….no. Just when are you going home or are in route to home?” Jon asked as Paige could hear the two boys bickering in the background.

“Since when do you care about us going back to the dorms while you’re in Virginia?” Paige questioned.

“We’re concerned for you guys, we love you both” Jon replied as he didn’t sound convincing at all.

“Yeah, you guys are up to something” Paige replied. “Don’t do anything stupid, your dad is going to be pissed and I can only imagine how creative he’ll be with this next punishment” she said warning the boys. “Are you guys in trouble?” she then asked with concern, knowing that they didn’t just call her randomly for no reason.

“…No, we’re fine. Just want to make sure you guys get home” Jose said as Paige just shook her head.

“Okay, the Fudd kids have joined together to drive me insane tonight. I’m looking for your sister, once I find her, I’m calling you guys back to get your whereabouts so we can all go home where we’re supposed to be” Paige said as the two boys agreed while Paige continued to scan the crowd.


Stumbling up the steps with the orange cup in hand, Azzi was in desperate search of a bathroom. Joining in on the impromptu Conga line, Azzi enjoyed herself up until the point where it felt like her bladder was going to explode. Following the crowd of people, Azzi could only hope that one person out of the crowd would lead her to the bathroom. Walking down the hallway on the upstairs level, Azzi looked on at the secluded room, having high hopes that what looked like a office with a bed in the middle, would be fancy enough to have a bathroom inside. Realizing that her guess was right, Azzi happily ran inside of the bathroom to quickly relieve herself. Upon washing her hands, Azzi heard the vibrations of her cell phone before she looked on to see that Paige was calling her. Attempting to grab her phone, Azzi couldn’t get a good enough grip on the phone before it fell into the toilet.

“That’s disgusting” Azzi muttered to herself as she looked on at her phone.

“Azzi, is that you?” Harley asked as she popped her head in at the doorway of the room.

“Yeah, I’m in here. Looking at my phone become overcome by toilet water” Azzi said as Harley walked over towards her. Looking on at the sight, both girls just looked at the phone before it eventually cut out and Paige’s picture slowly faded away.

“You need to get that if you have any hopes of getting a new phone” Harley told her.

“Can you?” Azzi asked as Harley just shook her head.

“You lost those rights on me doing whatever for you” Harley laughed.

“I suppose so” Azzi sighed as she sheepishly turned to head back inside of the room, soon flopping down on the bed. “This bed feels amazing” she said burying her face into the comforter of the bed. “This has to be like 1600 thread count” she went on to say.

“Okay, why don’t we get you more comfortable so that you can sleep off this drunkenness you’re experiencing” Harley said as she looked on to see that Azzi had slowly drifted off to sleep. In what appeared to be a drunken stupor, Harley leaned over to look on at Azzi to get her final confirmation that she was in fact asleep. “Azzi” she said as she gently nudged her as she attempted to wake her, looking over her shoulder as she did so “C’mon. Wake up, don’t make me do this to you” she muttered as Azzi didn’t respond to her touch. Continue to nudge her awake in some sort of a desperate plea, Harley was only met with snores that came from Azzi.

“Is she asleep?” Alyssa soon asked as Harley turned to look and see the girl, hating the sight of her each time.

“…yeah, she just passed out” Harley reluctantly replied as Alyssa quickly closed the door behind her.

“Okay, good. We don’t have a lot of time, Paige looks like she searching for her…” Alyssa said as she put a bunch of bottles on the nightstand to make it look like Azzi drank a lot more than she did.

“What’d you give her in the orange cup?” Harley asked.

“Relax, its not going to harm her” Alyssa told her. “Its was a roofie” she said.

“…I can’t do this” Harley said after looking on at Azzi and the scene that surrounded her that Alyssa was dressing up for presentation. “She’s not my favorite person at the moment, but I’m not desperate enough to do this to her” she said as Alyssa just laughed as she pulled the covers back on the bed.

“Harley, you really don’t have a choice in this. Either you help or I give you up as the connect that supplied the answers to Paige. Yeah, you forget I know all about your side hustle. Who do you think got you all that business in the first place” Alyssa threatened as Harley just looked on at her, trying to conclude if she would actually sell her out.

“You wouldn’t” Harley told her.

“I really have nothing to lose, but finally sticking it to this bitch” Alyssa told her. “So please, play your part” she said as Harley glared on at her.


It had been a few hours, the girls grew restless as they were eager to head back to campus. Still unable to find Azzi, Paige grew more and more concerned as to where Azzi’s whereabouts were. Searching outside, the downstairs bathroom, hell calling the local ice cream shops that were literally a block away; Paige was on a mad dash to find her girlfriend, cursing herself for letting out of her sight so easily. Coming back into the club, Colleen and Nika quickly walked up towards Paige. Joining in on the search, the girls did all they could to help Paige as well. Just as the girls were frantically calling Azzi, Alyssa walked over towards the girls seeing nothing but concern on their faces.

“Hey guys” Alyssa said as the girls didn’t even bother to greet her. “What’s wrong?” she asked as she could tell how serious they all looked.

“Not now, we’re trying to find Azzi” Paige told her as she continued to call Azzi’s phone.

“Oh, I think she went upstairs. I think she had to go to the bathroom” Alyssa told them as they all breathed a sigh of relief. “It’s a bathroom in a bedroom upstairs” she told them as Paige quickly ran over towards the stairs while Nika and Colleen followed closely behind.

“Paige wait up” Colleen said as she tried to keep up with the blonde as she reached the top of the stairs.

“If she couldn’t even answer her phone, she’s probably knocked out cold” Paige said as she hurriedly walked down the hallway.

“Yeah well you’re going to need helping in getting her” Nika told her as Paige quickly opened up the door. Freezing in the moment, Paige stood motionless as Nika bumped into her as she wasn’t expecting the sudden stop. Looking over at the sight, Nika froze in shock as this was the last thing she’d expect. “Oh sh*t” she said looking on at Azzi.

Both hearts sinking to the floor, unexplained actions leaving them both in a cloud of confusion. Only difference was, Paige had a lot more to take in with her view of Azzi down to her sports bra while in bed with her ex. Tears welling up in her eyes, Azzi quickly hopped out of the bed and quickly began to search for her shirt as Paige laughed in disbelief that she had become so drunk that she couldn’t even locate her shirt. Walking in the doorway, Colleen took in the very sight as well, joining in on the shock.

“This isn’t…this isn’t what it looks like” Azzi said as she put her shirt on, tears falling from her eyes.

“I’m sorry” Harley said as she got dressed quicker than Azzi, attempting to walk past Paige, the blonde was tempted to push her but was prevented from doing so by Nika.

“Just let her go” Nika told her as Paige groaned against her friends hold of her. Keeping all her focus on Azzi.

“….I don’t know what happened” Azzi reasoned.

“You don’t know!?!” Paige yelled “You got drunk and apparently hooked up with your ex, that’s what it looks like to me. I mean is that not what we just saw???” she yelled through the tears as she turned to look on at Nika and Caroline.

“No!!! I don’t remember that. I swear, just…I had my phone and it dropped in the toilet” Azzi said trying to make sense of things as it was all a blur to her.

“Az, your phone is on the night stand” Nika said sadly as she pointed out the phone to her teammate. Looking over at the phone, Azzi could’ve swore her last memory was of the phone falling in the toilet. Shaking her head, trying to break free from the cloud that fogged up her memory and just her overall senses. Azzi turned to look back at Paige, seeing the pain riddled all over her face. She never known what heartbreak felt like until this moment, to feel and see it was an experience that Azzi knew she’d remember forever.

“Paige, I swear…” Azzi cried as Paige took her keys out and handed them over to Nika.

“You guys get home” Paige turned to face Nika, her face red as ever.

“Where are you going?” Colleen quickly asked.

“…I can’t be here right now” Paige said taking a moment to compose herself so that she could even open her mouth to speak. “Just go home, I’ll take a car back” she said as Nika and Colleen looked conflicted.

“Well, I’ll go with you….” Nika began to say as Azzi paced the floor, running her hand through her hair as she just cried to make sense of the night.

“I don’t want to be around anyone, so just please, do as I ask!!!” Paige yelled at Nika before she turned to leave the room.

“No, no, no. Paige wait!!!” Azzi screamed out as she saw Paige leaving but was stopped by Nika upon realizing that Azzi had fallen. Huddling around the girl, Nika and Collen looked on at each other, complexly thrown by the sequences of things, hearing the sobbing sounds of Azzi as she cried out for Paige’s return.

“We’re going to get you home, we just have to get you home” Nika told Azzi as she sobbed.


It had been a rough night for all the girls involved. A complete change from when they initially left their dorms to when they returned. Staying by Azzi’s side the whole night, Colleen assisted her best friend as she sobbed through the night and threw up the other portion of the night. Azzi would make attempts to go see Paige, but Colleen would prevent her from doing so as she didn’t feel that would be the best thing for Azzi to do, not with things still so fresh. Sleeping well into the next day, Azzi woke to find Caroline taking her shift to look over her. Slowly sitting up in the bed, Azzi felt some bit of a grip on reality as the room was no longer spinning. Looking on at her hand, Azzi stared at the black band on her finger for what felt like forever as hot tears rolled down her cheek. Tired of sitting around, Azzi quickly got out of the bed and made her way out of the room.

Racing out of her dorm room. Azzi quickly ran up the staircase towards Paige’s apartment, as if she was racing against time. Reaching the top of the staircase, Azzi quickly ran over towards the door and began to bang on the door. Relentlessly. Endlessly. Azzi gave little care to the other tenants in the apartment building as her one goal was clear. Opening up the door, Nika looked as if she was adjusting to waking up after such a long night. Making her way inside of the apartment, Azzi quickly went towards Paige’s room.

“Azzi, I don’t think…” Nika began to say before Azzi opened up the room, preparing herself to face the hurt that’d be on Paige’s face, but it didn’t matter because she had to see her and talk through this confusion she was in. Seeing nothing but an empty room, bedsheets stripped from the bed as her pictures were taken down as well.

“Where is she?” Azzi asked as she looked back Nika.

“She didn’t say, she left early morning” Nika told her. Looking back at the room that she had spent most of her nights, Azzi felt the emptiness of not just the room but in the pits of her soul. Like her heart had been snatched from her very chest and she was just trying to figure out how to breath without it.


Making her way through the crowd, she’d carry her duffel bag on her shoulder as she got closer and closer to her gate. Pulling the crumpled up paper out of her pocket, Paige checked it to make sure that she was going right. Continuing to walk further on, mindlessly just walking through life as nothing made sense to her at this point. Stopping once she spotted the blonde, Paige gave a weak smile as she walked over towards her. Giving her the biggest of hugs, Paige braced herself as she felt like any touch she’d experience they’d break the hollowness inside of her that felt empty inside and out.

“I knew you’d come around” Hailey said as she let go of her embrace of her friend.

“Yeah, things change last minute. I got the clearance to play and now…I just need to get back to basketball and put the other stuff in my past completely” Paige smiled weakly as she pulled her boarding ticket out.

“I’m glad, it’ll be like old times” Hailey smiled as Kara, the coach, walked over to them.

“Paige Bueckers, back in the Olympics, its nice to be apart of” Kara said as she hugged Paige. “You ready to make Vienna your home for the next three months as we train and play there?” she asked.

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t” Paige smiled weakly. “I need basketball more than ever after being away from it for so long” she said.







Grow As We Go - Chapter 20 - writergurl2828 - pazzi (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.