ATV6000 Drive Power Cell Fault. (2024)


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ATV6000 Drive Power Cell Fault. (1)

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ATV6000 Drive Power Cell Fault. (15)



Posted: Wednesday




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Posted: Wednesday

ATV6000 Drive Power Cell Fault.

Dear Colleagues,

One of the power cell shows Fault. A Fault code is 0010.

Drive is Running with this fault.

Type of Drive : ATV6000C638A6360NB4AM5

For troubleshooting , what can we do?

Thanks in Advance.

ATV6000 Drive Power Cell Fault. (16)


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Reply 1

ATV6000 Drive Power Cell Fault. (17)

ATV6000 Drive Power Cell Fault. (18)PriscilaCunha22ATV6000 Drive Power Cell Fault. (19)

Lieutenant JG

Posted: 7 hours ago



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Posted: 7 hours ago


Please reach to Country CCC or Schneider Service.

They will need to understand the problem and guide you.

Thank you

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ATV6000 Drive Power Cell Fault. (20)

ATV6000 Drive Power Cell Fault. (21)

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ATV6000 Drive Power Cell Fault. (2024)


What is the OCF fault on a Schneider electric VFD? ›

OCF is an over current condition. Load is mechanically blocked, or too large for the drive/motor. Resolution: Check the motor nameplate information and compare the amperage and HP rating to the drive part number/ratings.

What is the efficiency of atv6000? ›

Specifications. Efficiency at rated power: Inverter efficiency is 98.5%. Drive efficiency including input transformer is 96% to 97% depending on the product.

How do you fix a VFD fault? ›

Troubleshooting VFD Problems
  1. Check the system with a good visual inspection. ...
  2. Clean the drive of dirt, dust and corrosion. ...
  3. Check all wiring connections for tightness. ...
  4. Check the line voltages and currents coming into the drive. ...
  5. Check the drive output for voltage and current.
Dec 17, 2011

What is the common fault of VFD? ›

Overheating, display problems, motor control issues, communication errors, power supply problems, grounding issues, programming errors, motor bearing failures, electrical noise interference, and faulty input/output components are all potential issues that can affect VFD performance.

What is the obf fault on a Schneider VFD? ›

The ObF [Over Braking Fault] appears when the drive is in a run state and voltage on a DC bus is over the OBF level that represents 825V DC (a N4 version), When there is a voltage dip, the drive goes in the deceleration mode & if the motor is connect to high inertia load, it works in a Generator mode & trip on OBF ...

What is the OC fault in VFD? ›

Many conditions can impact the relationship between your VFD and motor, leading to an overcurrent fault. A motor may be subject to a front impact or can be mechanically seized, which leads to a sudden increase in the current draw. The VFD may have an output short.

What is the opf1 fault in Schneider Drive? ›

This fault is triggered when the drive detects one of the motor phases has been lost (or has very low current) for more than 500 msec. Troubleshooting steps: Check all connections between the drive and motor. Re-seat connections and check for torque.

What is the OPF2 fault on a Schneider VFD? ›

OPF2 fault means 3 output phase loss. Meaning the Motor may not be connected to the drive so check to see if there is a output contactor wired between the drive and the motor. Troubleshooting tips: Turn off all the power to the drive.

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