May 15th: International Conscientious Objection Day (2024)

Every year on 15th May, International Conscientious Objection Day (CO Day), we organise solidarity with conscientious objectors (COs) and draw attention to their resistance to war. This year, together with our partners, we are launching the #RefuseWar action, as part of which you can submit your statements of solidarity with COs on our interactive map.

Find more information on the #RefuseWar action and how you can be part here.

Alongside our online action, there are lots of other events taking place across multiple countries/cities on/around this day.

Events/actions on International Conscientious Objection Day

Find below a number of events/actions taking place as part of International Conscientious Objection Day. All times are shown in local time.

This list is being updated regularly. Please email us at if you're planning an action/event on/around the CO Day and it's not listed below.

In Turkey:

İzmir, Turkey, Fr., May 17, IDA, Documentary screening (Shalom – Salaam – Peace) and talk, organized by Vicdani Ret İzleme(Conscientious Objection Watch), FemActArt Social.

Diyarbakır, Turkey, Sa., May 18, Mordem, Documentary screening (Shalom – Salaam – Peace) and talk, declaration of conscientious objection, organised by Vicdani Ret İzleme(Conscientious Objection Watch), FemActArt Social Cooperative,Mordem Sanat, Amed Conscientious Objection Initiative, Cultural Studies Center for Peace (BAKAD).

In Cyprus:

Nicosia (North), Lefkeliler Hani, Wed, 15 May, 6:00pm: Banner-making workshop by Initiative for Conscientious Objection in Cyprus - in preparation for the actions to take place in solidarity with COs Mustafa Hürben and Halil Karapaşaoğlu later in May. Find more info on COs in Cyprus (North) here.


Vilnius, Thurs, May 15, 7:00pm, Belarussian embassy, Action in solidarity with Belarusian conscientious objectors, Our House (Belarus),

In the Netherlands:

Amsterdam, Thurs, 16 May, 8:00pm:Plantage doklaan 8. A discussion with Israeli conscientious objector and anarchist Yuval Dag, who is a part of “Mesarvot” refuser network and has spent 2 months in military prison for refusing to enlist in the IDF.

In the USA:

Online-Webinar, Thurs, May 23, 1:00pm EST (7:00 pm CEST),Emergency Forum with Israeli Conscientious Objector Yuval Dag, Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR-USA). Registration form:

In the UK:

London and Online, National Ceremony, Wed, 15 May, 1:00 pm: Please join us in Tavistock Square for speeches and music in front of the conscientious objectors' memorial stone. This year the ceremony will pay tribute to the struggles of COs in Israel, as well as in Russia, Ukraine and many other countries around the world.

Liverpool, Wed, 15 May, 12:00 pm: Gather at St George's Hall steps close to the war monument. Pax Christi will remember and share the testimonies of past and present Conscientious Objectors with an update from War Resisters International of countries that do not recognise conscientious objection.

Manchester, Wed, 15 May, 12:00 pm: Come along to this event to mark CO Day, organised by Greater Manchester CND.

Wokingham, Wed, 15 May 12:30 pm: All are welcome to attend this commemoration of CO Day in Wokingham.

National Memorial Arboretum, Wed, 15 May, 2:30 pm: On May 15th 2024 there will be a Quaker Meeting for Worship at the Quaker Service Memorial, located at the National Memorial Arboretum.

Arran, Wed, 15 May, 4:00 pm: An event to honour COs past and present, with statements from Israeli, Russian and Ukrainian COs.

Edinburgh, Wed, 15 May, 5:30 pm: Come along to this rally in Edinburgh in solidarity with Conscientious Objectors in Israel, Ukraine, Russia and around the world, to mark CO Day.

Leicester, Wed 15, May, 6:00 pm: All welcome to attend this annual event in Leicester to mark CO Day, with stories, poetry, songs and cake.

Online, Sunday 19 May 20247:00 pm: Leicester CND and other peace groups are holding an online event to mark CO Day, with a range of speakers focusing on the struggles of conscientious objectors in Russia, Ukraine, Israel and elsewhere.

London, UK, Fr., 17 May., 5:00pm:In front of Swiss Cottage Library (near the Israeli ambassador’s residence), London NW3 3HA, participation in IJAN anti-genocide action, protest to highlight refuseniks in Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the US, Myanmar …, organized by Payday men’s network with collaboration of International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)

In Hungary:

Székesfehérvár, Sat ,1 June, 11:00am, Annual meeting of conscientious objectors who have been in prison before 1989, BOCS Civilization Planning Foundation

In Italy:

Torino, Sat, 11 May, 11:00am,piazza Cargnano, Peace Presence in the main square with intervention on CO issues + presentation of #RefuseWar and continuation of promotion of #ObjectWarCampaign. By Coordinamento AGiTe, a regional network created by local groups of national organizations like MIR Italy and other local organizations, institutions…,

In Austria:

Graz, Wed, May 15, 10:00am:Grazer Hauptplatz, Aktion "Politisches Asyl für Kriegsdienstverweigerer und Kriegsdienstverweigerinnen". Wir zerbrechen die Gewehre. Veranstaltet von: Grazer Initiative für Frieden und Neutralitä

Vienna, Wed, May 15, 6:00pm:Platz der Menschenrechte, Stille Mahnwache für Frieden und Menschlichkeit in Palästina und Israel, Verlesung eines Statements eines israelischen Wehrdienstverweigerers, Versöhnungsbund Österreich im Rahmen der wöchentlichen Mahnwachen von Standing Together Vienna

In Germany

Weiden, Di., 7.5., 19.30 h, Kunstverein Weiden, Ledererstr. 6 OG, Veranstaltung: Sand im Getriebe – Der Widerstand gegen die Rekrutierung für den Ukraine-Krieg, Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft – Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen (DFG-VK) Oberpfalz

Berlin, Mi., 8.5., 13.00-19.00 h, Sowjetisches Ehrenmal in Treptow, Skulptur „Mutter Heimat“, Nein zum Krieg – Tag der Befreiung vom Faschismus, Berliner Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes – Bund der Antifaschistinnen und Antifaschisten (VVN-BdA)

Hamburg, Fr., 10.5., 18 h, MoM Art Space (Gängeviertel), Valentinskamp 34A. Vortrag "Flucht vor dem Krieg. Deserteure und ihr Denkmal in Hamburg", mit Alexey Markin.

Leipzig, Mo., 13.5. 17 Uhr, Nikolaikirche, Friedensgebet (im Rahmen der wöchentlichen Veranstaltung in der Nikolaikirche), Arbeitsstelle Gerechtigkeit, Frieden, Bewahrung der Schöpfung in Kooperation mit der Nikolaikirche

Bremen, Di., 14.05., 19 h, Ev. Kirche, Hollerallee 75, Veranstaltung: Kriegsdienstverweigerung – Schritte den Krieg zu beenden, Stiftungdie schwelleund Ev. Bildungswerk Bremen

Hamburg, Di., 14.05., 16-18 h,U-Bahnhof Horn. Infostand der DFG-VK Gruppe

Greifswald, 15. Mai, 15 bis 18 Uhr, Marktplatz, Mahnwache und Schweigekreis für den Frieden, Infostand zur Kriegsdienstverweigerung, Kollektive Kriegsdienstverweigerungsaktion, Greifswalder Initiative Frieden Jetzt, Kontakt:

Berlin, Mi., 15.5., 10 h: Botschaft der Republik Belarus, Am Treptower Park 32, 12435; 12 h: Botschaft der Ukraine, Albrechtstraße 26, 10117; 14 h: Botschaft der russischen Föderation, Unter den Linden 63-65, 10117, Mahnwachen vor den drei Botschaften von Belarus, der Ukraine und Russland. Rede- und Kulturbeiträge, Initiative Solidarität mit Pazifist*innen aus Osteuropa, VVN-BdA (LV Berlin), Connection e.V., Bundesvereinigung der Opfer der NS-Militärjustiz, Antimilitaristischer Förderverein Potsdam, NaturFreunde Berlin e.V., Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner*innen e.V. (IDK), Umbrella Peace Art,,

Potsdam, Mi., 15.5., 17 h, Nähe Landtag Potsdam, Breite Straße 1, 14467 Potsdam, Ausstellungseröffnung “Kriegsverrat ist Friedenstat” über den Wehrmachtsdeserteur Ludwig Baumann, Antimilitaristischer Förderverein Potsdam

Frankfurt/M., Mi., 15.5., 15 h bis 17 h, Römer,Aktion Kriegsdienstverweigerung international, u.a. mit einer Aktion eines russischen und eines ukrainischen Verweigerers,DFG-VK Frankfurt, Hessen und Mainz-Wiesbaden, Hessischer Flüchtlingsrat, Evangelische Arbeitsgemeinschaft KDV und Frieden (EAK), Connection e.V., NaturFreunde e.V., pax christi Rhein-Main, gewaltfrei grün e.V., VVN-BdA.

Mannheim, Mi., 15.5., 19.30 h, Cinema Quadrat Mannheim, Filmabend mit Diskussion mit dem Film Die Liebe zum Leben über den Wehrmachtsdeserteur Ludwig Baumann, DFG-VK Mannheim, NaturFreunde Mannheim, Freireligiöse Gemeinde Mannheim

Tribsees, Mi., 15.05., 15-17 h, Gemeindehaus, Info-Veranstaltung mit offenem (Flüchtlings-) Café, AK Asyl Tribsees

Marburg, Mi., 15.05., 19 h, Kerner, Lutherischer Kirchhof, Veranstaltung: Wer sich einem Krieg entzieht, verdient Schutz! Mit Franz Nadler, Connection e.V. Veranstaltet von: Marburger Bündnis “Nein zum Krieg!”, CAF Cölber Arbeitskreis Flüchtlinge e. V. sowie Connection e.V. mit Unterstützung von Asylbegleitung Mittelhessen e. V., DFG-VK, “200 nach Marburg”, Soli Asyl, bruks

Herford, Mi., 15.05., 16-18 h, Alter Markt. Aktion "Friedensfähig statt kriegstüchtig - Internationaler Tag der Kriegsdienstverweigerung". Veranstaltet von Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft-Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner*innen Ostwestfalen-Lippe (DFG-VK OWL)

Stuttgart, Mi., 15.5. 18.00 h, Dorotheenstr./Goerdelerstr. , Kundgebung mit Redner*innen und Stuhlaktion , DFG-VK Stuttgart

Münster/W., Fr., 17.5., 15 h, Rathausplatz, Kundgebung, DFG-VK, graswurzelrevolution, Antimilitaristische Aktion Münster

Halle (Saale), Sa., 18.5., 10-13 h, Marktplatz, Aktionstag gegen Zwangsdienste – mit großem Zerbrochenem Gewehr (big Broken Rifle), Veranstaltet von: der Deutschen Friedensgesellschaft – Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner*innen (DFG-VK) Regionalgruppe Sachsen-Anhalt, dem Friedenskreis Halle, Die Linke Stadtverband Halle, Linksjugend Solid Halle, den Omas gegen Rechts Halle, der Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes – Bund der Antifaschistinnen und Antifaschisten (VVN-BdA) Sachsen-Anhalt

Schwerin, Mo., 20.5., 14-16 h, Alter Garten, Infostand Kriegsdienstverweigerung / Stoppt das Töten – mit großem Zerbrochenem Gewehr (big Broken Rifle), DFG-VK

Kiel, Mi., 22.5., 15-17 h, Infostand Kriegsdienstverweigerung / Stoppt das Töten – mit großem Zerbrochenem Gewehr (big Broken Rifle), DFG-VK

Bremen, Do., 23.5., 13-15 h, Kunsthalle, Infostand Kriegsdienstverweigerung / Stoppt das Töten – mit großem Zerbrochenem Gewehr (big Broken Rifle), DFG-VK

Fritzlar, Fr., 24.5.,Ganztags, Hessentag, Infostand Kriegsdienstverweigerung / Stoppt das Töten – mit großem Zerbrochenem Gewehr (big Broken Rifle), DFG-VK

Büchel, Sa., 25.5., Ganztags, Bundeswehr-Fliegerhorst, Sadakos Kraniche Infostand Kriegsdienstverweigerung / Stoppt das Töten – mit großem Zerbrochenem Gewehr (big Broken Rifle), DFG-VK

May 15th: International Conscientious Objection Day (2024)


May 15th: International Conscientious Objection Day? ›

Every year, 15th May marks International Conscientious Objection Day (CO day) - a day to celebrate those who have, and those who continue, to resist war, especially by refusing to be part of military structures. If you would like to take part in CO day, contact us.

Is conscientious objection legal in the US? ›

Conscientious objection in the United States is based on the Military Selective Service Act, which delegates its implementation to the Selective Service System. Conscientious objection is also recognized by the Department of Defense.

What is the conscientious objection? ›

What is conscientious objection? Conscientious objection is when a registered healthcare practitioner refuses to provide, or participate in, a legal, legitimate treatment or procedure because it conflicts with their own personal beliefs, moral concerns and values.

Are Jehovah's Witnesses exempt from military service? ›

Other religious groups, like Jehovah's Witnesses, although not strictly pacifist, also refused to participate. Governing authorities have dealt with conscientious objectors disparately, with some receiving exemptions and others being fined or imprisoned.

Is conscientious objection still a thing? ›

Today, all conscientious objectors are required to register with the Selective Service System. A conscientious objector is one who is opposed to serving in the armed forces and/or bearing arms on the grounds of moral or religious principles.

Who qualifies as a conscientious objector? ›

Those exempt from training and service are called Conscientious Objectors. Conscientious Objectors by reason of religious training and belief, are conscientiously opposed to participation in war in any form.

What are the three types of conscientious objectors? ›

In Great Britain a noncombatant corps was established during World War I, but many conscientious objectors refused to belong to it. During World War II, three types of exemption could be granted: (1) unconditional; (2) conditional on the undertaking of specified civil work; (3) exemption only from combatant duties.

How to prove you are a conscientious objector? ›

However, you may write on the Selective Service registration “I am a conscientious objector. I believe war in any form is wrong.” Completing the Christian Conscientious Objector Registration form is one way to document your convictions and give evidence of your sincerity and long term commitment to peace.

What are the consequences of conscientious objection? ›

Conscientious objectors to military service face a number of serious and negative implications for their refusal to perform military service, when the right of conscientious objection is not recognised in their country. These implications can include prosecution and imprisonment, sometimes repeatedly, as well as fines.

What is an example of a consciousness objection? ›

Examples of cases in which actors have petitioned the state for accommodation of their moral beliefs, sometimes successfully and sometimes not, include physicians' conscientious refusal to perform abortions under any circ*mstances; pharmacists' conscientious refusal to fill prescriptions for the so-called morning after ...

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses not salute the flag? ›

Due to their belief in God's kingdom as the only legitimate form of governance, Jehovah's Witnesses do not participate in political activities, such as voting in elections. They refrain from saluting the flag of any country or singing nationalistic songs, which they believe are forms of worship.

Which country has no Jehovah's Witnesses? ›

Their religious activities are banned or restricted in some countries, including Singapore, China, Vietnam, Russia and many Muslim-majority countries.

Why can't Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate Veterans Day? ›

Jehovah's witnesses refrain from celebrating since they believe that the event displeases God. Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate national holidays like Veterans Day since they believe that holidays are a worldly kingdom other than a heavenly kingdom.

What religion is a conscientious objector? ›

To become a conscientious objector, or CO, usually a man had to be a member of a Peace Church such as the Quakers, Mennonites, or the Church of the Brethren. Personal feelings were not sufficient to receive CO status.

Is it illegal to be a conscientious objector? ›

Despite the fact that international institutions such as the United Nations (UN) and the Council of Europe (CoE) regard and promote conscientious objection as a human right, as of 2004, it still does not have a legal basis in most countries.

Are Quakers exempt from military service? ›

But by 1757, when the first attempt was made to establish a national militia, the Militia Ballot Act allowed Quakers exemption from military service.

Are conscientious objectors protected by the constitution? ›

though the protection for conscientious objectors from compulsory military service is statutory and not constitutional, the Supreme Court has consistently extended it to moral and not only religious beliefs.

What states have a conscience clause? ›

Conscience clauses have been adopted by a number of U.S. states. including Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota.

What is the conscientious objector rule? ›

A conscientious objector is a person who refuses to bear arms or serve in the military based on a matter of conscience; rather, on moral, ethical, or religious grounds.

What civil rights do conscientious objectors claim? ›

Conscientious objection to military service is based on the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.