Heading For Home . . . (2024)

The Key West Inn in Fairhope is one of our favorite hotels, especially this particular room, #102.

It’s got a kitchenette area, with a rear window,

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and following with the Key West theme, it’s got a palm tree and a chaise lounge.

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Our very first hotel room with a built-in palm tree.

After another nice breakfast at our hotel, we headed out this morning about 10:30 making for Baton Rouge a little over 230 miles away. We made a half-way rest stop in the Gulfport area, at a QT (Quik Trip) Travel/Truck Stop.

I had planned to stop at the Flying J at that exit because I saw a billboard saying they had gas for $2.79, but when I got there I found the QT right across the street had it for $2.72, the cheapest by far we’ve seen in a long time.


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We stopped at a QT on our way up to Athens and found them really nice with a lot of food and coffee selections. Not a Buc-ee’s of course, but nice.

We got into the Baton Rouge area about 2:45, with our usual first stop at the Sonny’s BBQ, the last leg in this year’s Vacation BBQ Tour.

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Delicious as always!

Then leaving Sonny’s,fifteen minutes later we were checked into our Sleep Inn room for the night.

Tomorrow we’ll make the last 300 mile part of our trip, finishing up a journey that started May 9th and covered over 2,000 miles.

More tomorrow from HOME!

Thought for the Day:

Patience – What you have to have when there are too many witnesses.

Your Retro-Preview Highlights –

2017– Back Home in South Dakota

2019 – Afternoon Tea At The Chesterfield Mayfair

And Now On To Today’s Retro-Blogs.™

May 24, 2009

Donald Trump & Too Much Iced Tea…

Today we headed out to Bill and Charlee’s about 10 am to get together for the day.

We had breakfast at the Deli Inn, a great diner that we hope we can go back to before we leave. Really good food.

After breakfast we went to Walmart for our shopping fix, then on to Best Buy and BrandsMart so Bill and Charlee could look at new TV’s.

Then it was on to Home Depot because Bill needed some 2×4’s and I picked up some CLR to clean our shower head.

After this Bill and Charlee took us on a tour of Palm Beach mansions and yachts.

We drove past Mar-A-Lago which is now owned by Donald Trump, The Breakers Hotel, and countless other places. There is a lot of money here!

Later we went to supper at the Dixie Bar and Grill and had another great meal, topped off by some guy at the bar backing into our waitress who proceeded to dump a large glass of iced tea in my lap.

Boy, that was a wakeup call!

She was very apologetic, but it wasn’t really her fault, so we all just had a good laugh about it. Luckily I was only somewhat soggy.

Later on, I asked her for some more iced tea, but preferably in a glass this time. She started apologizing all over again.

After that, it was back to the coach to dry out. And luckily, no problems with the AC today.

May 24, 2010

A Coeur d’Alene day…

After lazying around the rig this morning we left about noon on a bunch of errands, but our first stop was at a Starbucks for coffee and a Danish.

Then it was off to Bed Bath & Beyond to pick out a gift for our daughter Brandi’s bridal shower. Since she reads our blog, I won’t say what we got for her.

Then we walked to the Borders Books next door to check out the magazines.

Leaving there we drove over to the Post Office to drop off some letters.

By then it was about 3 pm and we decided it was time for a little early dinner so we stopped off at Casa de Oro, a very nice little Mexican restaurant we ate at two years ago when we were here.. And it was still good.

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After dinner, we found a car wash and got the truck washed. Jan said it was about time since she was having trouble seeing out her window.

Leaving there we drove over to the Fred Myers for gas and groceries. It was nice to find cheaper gas. The last time we bought gas for the truck in California it was $3.30. Here it was $2.73. A big difference.

And the other day when we left Westport, WA I paid $3.70 for diesel. Here today it was $3.20.

That’s 50 cents a gallon! And at 100 to 120 gallons that adds up. Too bad I couldn’t wait.

After doing our shopping in Fred Mayer’s we headed back to the rig for the night.

Tomorrow we head out to Garrison, MT for one night, and then on to Billings for one night.

We will be in Gillette, WY for 4 or 5 days starting Friday the 26th for the American Coach Rally.

May 24, 2011

HDMI and DVR . . .

Today was kind of a rest-up day from our 235 mile round trip down to King’s Canyon and Sequoia National Parks and back. Soweslept in this morning.

When I got up at 10:30 I fixed us coffee and had the last of our muffins from the Sam’s Club in Las Vegas. I guess it’s time to stock up again.

We’ll have to check out Von’s in Oakhurst and see what they have in the bakery.

Later we decided to head out to Oakhurst to get the cable and then have dinner at the Chukchansi Casino.

After a great meal at the Casino, we got back about 6:30.

May 24, 2012


is the sound a large crew trailer A/C unit makes when someone accidentally hooks up a 3-phase 480 volt generator to the power input instead of the single phase 120 volt unit that should have been used.

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Other items that joined the fun were the water heater, water pump, microwave, LCD TV, satellite DVR, washer, dryer, refrigerator, and various and sundry light bulbs which reportedly blew up like firecrackers.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the pad here is a little smaller than normal so they put the crew trailer over behind us right outside the gate. Well, the story goes that the diesel generator that supplies power to the trailer quit and wouldn’t restart. So someone drove over to the pad and bought back another generator, apparently not noticing it was a 3-phase 480 volt unit that is used to run some of the big rig pumps. How they got it hooked up I don’t know, since the plugs are not in any way compatible, but hook it up they did.

And then they cranked it up. And then they threw the breaker.

And then guys came running out of the trailer like they were under attack! You know, the exploding light bulbs, the smoke pouring out of the TV, the bright flash of light and loud pop from the microwave, that kind of stuff.

It’s never a dull day here on the George Long Ranch and drill site.

For lunch today (Thursday) I made the 8 mile trip into beautiful downtown Charlotte (pop. 1637) to pick up some tacos from Tita’s Taco Stand for lunch. Ryan Etheridge, the Marathon Safety guy has brought us back breakfast tacos from there a couple of times, and they were really good. So we thought we would try them for lunch.

I was disappointed that they only did breakfast tacos until 11am, especially since the breakfast items are the biggest part of the menu. And I think this is the first time I’ve seen SPAM as an ingredient for tacos. But apparently it’s pretty popular since I heard several people order them while I was there.

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I got us two chicken fajita tacos and two beef fajita tacos, so we could have one each. They were plain and simple, and really good. Just the meat wrapped inside the tortilla with your choice of a red sauce, or a really good, really spicy green sauce. We’ll go back.

Last night when I drove over to the office to drop off the previous day’s logs, I asked Boone Williams, the night Company Man, if he would have one of the big water tankers soak down the road in front of our gate. Yesterday it was like being in a dust storm. Vehicles would stop in front of the gate and you would have to wait for the dust cloud to settle before you could see who it was. But three times during the day we got our road watered down which took care of the problem for now.

This time next week Jan and I will be in Houston for our granddaughter Piper’s High School Graduation. We plan on leaving next Wednesday afternoon and staying two nights before coming back to our gate on Friday afternoon. Gate Guard Services is arranging for someone to cover our gate while we’re gone.

Piper’s graduation is Thursday night, but Thursday morning we’re taking Landon to the Houston Zoo. It’ll be his first trip, and the way he loves animals, it ought to be fun.

I decided to try one of these wireless solar-powered Vehicle Monitors that Amazon sells.

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Solar-Powered Vehicle Monitor

The one we have now, the old ding-ding service station type, only goes about 100 feet in one direction and 60 feet in the other, and I would like to have a little more lead time for approaching vehicles. And yes, this is so at 3am I can wake up before they get to the gate and find me napping. I haven’t been surprised yet, but it’s been close.

This one is supposed to work up to 1000 feet line of sight. Most of the reviews are pretty good, so I wanted to give it a try. I’ll let you know how it works.

As the days get hotter here in Texas I’m thinking about putting together a cheap Swamp Cooler, or Evaporative Cooler, to cool us down in the hottest part of the day. Swamp coolers are those doghouses you see on rooftops in Arizona. They’re really very simple, consisting of a fan, a water source, and a porous material like burlap.

Swamp coolers will only work in low-humidity areas like Arizona, and not places like Houston. But where they will work, they are much cheaper to operate than conventional air conditioning.

Here’s a link for a simple Swamp Cooler you can build yourself. I’m going to see how the mister units that I’m going to pick up at Tractor Supply tomorrow work before I proceed with the swamp cooler idea.

And ironically enough, a swamp being very humid, would not be a good place to use a swamp cooler.

May 24, 2013

A Bridge Too Far . . .

I’m sure you’ve all seen the news reports about the bridge collapse up in Washington state. It was hit by an over-size truck and it’s really lucky no one was killed, even though a number of vehicles went in the water.

In checking the location of the bridge, on I-5 between Everett and Bellingham, I was curious if we’d ever crossed it. And, as it turns out, we had. Three times, in fact.

In 2008, on our way to Alaska, we were staying at a nice little Passport America park in Cle Elum, WA. The real reason we were here was to visit Roslyn, WA, the town where one of our favorite shows, Northern Exposure, was filmed.

While we were there we drove over to Bellingham in our truck to pick up four new house batteries for our rig. The Trojans that were in the rig when we bought it were pretty much shot, and I wanted to replace them with Interstate U-2400’s. The nearest store that had four in stock was over in Bellingham, so off we went, crossing that bridge both ways.

Then about a week later we crossed it one more time, in the rig this time, on our way to Alaska. We were entering Canada at Sumas, about 20 miles north of Bellingham.

So the last time I was on the bridge was five years ago, so it’s not my fault.

Our daughter Brandi called this morning with the latest new house update. They did the walkthrough yesterday with closing scheduled for next Thursday. One of the few things not finished yet is that the custom shower doors haven’t come in yet, but soon.

A little later I called Tahoe Duck Tours to get tickets for the 3:00 tour tomorrow afternoon. We’ve taken the Duck Tours all over the country, so this lets us check another one off our list.

Later Jan started up a batch of spaghetti sauce with ground beef and mushrooms in the Crock Pot. It should be ready to eat for supper.

About 2:30 Jan and I headed out for some sightseeing and a few things from Raley’s, a local supermarket. I also wanted to see how much worse the traffic would be over this holiday weekend.

While we were out and about, we drove down by the lake and I came across something I hadn’t seen before. A Dog Water Park.

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And it looks like it was being put to good use.

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And even as cold as the water was, there were still people out on their Jet-Skis.

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Hope they’re wearing a wetsuit.

By the time we finished up at Raley’s. it was about 4:30 so after we got home Jan got started on the garlic bread while I got the spaghetti going. And in this case, it was really easy using the Microwave Pasta Boat.

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We got it several years ago and it’s great for any type of pasta.

You can use the round, hollow handles to measure your spaghetti. One handle-full is a serving for two. You can cook as much as 8 servings at a time. Then just place your spaghetti in the container, add water to the correct level, and set your microwave for 15 minutes. When the timer goes off, your spaghetti is ready, no fuss, no muss.

The holes in the lid let you drain the pasta quickly, and then you’re ready to go. You can cook any kind of pasta, and even steam-bake potatoes, both plain and sweet.

A really neat item, and only about $12 from Amazon. Check it out.

Thought I’d you a heads-up on a new RV show that starts this coming Sunday night. I’m sure you’ve seen the shows where a group goes in and remodels someone’s bathroom, kitchen, backyard, whole house, or even their car. But now we got one for remodeling RV’s. It’s called Rock My RV with Bret Michaels and it comes on Sunday nights at 6pm PDT on the Travel Channel.

Bret Michaels, is known for a number of things: lead singer for the rock band Poison, winner of Celebrity Apprentice, and now for being an avid RV’er. He grew up RVing with his family, and still vacations in one today, plus he’s traveled millions of miles touring for concerts in buses he has designed. And he’s designed travel buses for many of his friends.

The early online reviews of the series seem to only have good things to say about it. So give it a try.

May 24, 2014

The Smell of Campfires . . .

The aroma of charcoal lighter fluid.

The screaming of kids.

That means that it’s a holiday weekend, and the campers are out in droves. But overall it’s been pretty quiet so far. We have a large camper next door, along with a large tent full of kids. Looks like several families together.

But unlike past experiences, everyone’s been well-behaved. Even the parents. A pleasant change.

Our son Chris and his family are spending the weekend up at Inks Lake near Burnet, TX, so he’s getting a chance to try out his sailboat .

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Looks like the weather is pretty good.

While we were at the Old Bag Factory yesterday, we checked out a charity thrift store and I got a Lava Lamp.

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Not a bad deal for $2. Makes a nice night light in the coach.

When I went out to get something from the back of our truck today, I discovered that sometime in the last two weeks, since we left the Lake Conroe Thousand Trails, someone hit the rear bumper, causing enough damage to push the bumper into the tailgate preventing it from being lowered.

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I know it took place since we left Lake Conroe because that was the last time I used the tailgate. And it looks like it was maybe a week ago at least, due to the amount of rust.

I had to say some last words this afternoon for our late, beloved Black & Decker Convection/Toaster Oven. It was Jan’s Christmas present in 2011 and it’s always worked great until now.

But this morning, a couple of minutes after I started our English muffins, all of a sudden, the magic smoke came billowing out the side vent where the electronics reside. And its little light blinked off for the very last time.

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Because, as everyone knows, when the magic smoke escapes, that’s all there is.

It will be missed. At least until we visit Wal-Mart tomorrow.

The oven is dead. Long live the new oven.

May 24, 2015

Where Everyone Knows Your Name . . .

Friday, the 22nd. (I’ll catch up all the way eventually.)

Well, after our 15 hour drive on Thursday, it would have been nice to sleep in a little more, but we were excited to get together with the family, or at least the first part of it. So we were out the door a little before 9 to meet the group down the road a couple of miles at the Denny’s.

The Denny’s here in Vandalia is pretty much the local hometown diner, not only where everyone knows your name, but you’re probably related by blood or marriage to three-quarters of them. But the food is good, the service is great, and the manager stops to chat with everyone. Just a really great place.

After breakfast Jan rode back with her sister Debbie to her house while I came back to the hotel to catch up on some client computer stuff, (and to also catch a nap) finally heading down to Debbie’s about 3pm. Tried to get some shots of all the hummingbirds around Debbie’s flowers and feeders, but they were mostly too fast. Did get one though.

Later in the afternoon we drove south to Salem, IL to Debbie and Jim’s son Jason and his wife Laura’s home. Laura and Jason have 3 daughters close to Landon’s age so they all had a great time playing on their trampoline.

Then it was off to the Village Garden, a favorite restaurant in the Salem area. Once a defunct Golden Corral, it’s now a great dinner location.

And this little cutie is Annisten, Jason and Laura’s youngest, who just sat across from me and stared. All night. I guess she was wondering just who the hell I was. But she’s a real beauty.

This is Ella, Annisten’s older sister, who looks more and more like her mother Laura every day.

Another cutie.

The oldest, Avery Jane, I never did get a good picture of because she never stops moving. I’ll try again later.

Then after a great meal, it was back to Debbie’s for a while, and then on to the motel.

Sleep at last.

May 24, 2017

Back Home in South Dakota . . .

By ‘Back Home in South Dakota’, Jan and I have been official South Dakota residents since March 28, 2008.

We bought our 2004 Dodge Dakota toad in Pearland, TX on December 15, 2007, and our 1999 American Eagle coach in New Braunfels, TX on December 28, 2008. But we didn’t register them in Texas, but in South Dakota.

I had already established an SD address with MyDakotaAddress in Madison, SD so all I had to do was to send them my bills of sale and other paperwork, and a week or so later I received my tags in the mail.

At that point, we had 90 days to actually get to South Dakota to get our Driver’s Licenses, which we did on March 28th on our way to Alaska. And to do this, we drove from Billings, MT to Sturgis, SD on the afternoon of the 27th.

Unfortunately, we had to make the trip in the middle of a snowstorm. In fact it got so bad that I think the only way we made it to Sturgis was that we were able to follow a snowplow into town. We spent the night in a motel, planning to get down to the community center the next morning to get our licenses.

But the next morning, we came out to this.

That’s ice, solid ice. It took me almost an hour to chip my way into the truck.

Because they have so many small towns out in the middle of nowhere, South Dakota has traveling licensing offices that move around the state on a regular schedule. And in this case they were in Sturgis on Friday, March 28th.

The traveling office consisted of two ladies and six big equipment cases, about 3’ x 3’ and about 18” high. The cases contained everything they needed to process and check your old licenses, administer the vision test, and then print and laminate our licenses. So 45 minutes later, after filling out our voting registration forms, we were on our way back to Billings, early enough that we thought about detouring out to see Devil’s Tower, but the roads out there had not been plowed yet.

Around 4pm we drove into Rapid City to have dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. Our last visit was in Las Vegas a month or so ago so it was about time. Unfortunately, we missed Half Price Wings Tuesday, but it was still delicious. Just a little more expensive.

Jan got her wings with Asian Zing Sauce and a side of Mango Habanero while I got mine with Mango Habanero and a side of Blazin’, their hottest sauce.

One thing I like about BWW over Hooter’s is that they don’t nickel and dime you. I got my wings all drums, and also asked for an extra Ranch dressing. Both would have been extra cost at Hooter’s, but not at BWW.

Tomorrow we’re driving down to Hill City to ride the 1880 Train from there to Keystone and back, a two-hour round-trip. Leaving at 1:15 and back at 3:30, we’ll then have linner at the Alpine Inn, a well-known German restaurant in the area.

We chose to ride one of their steam locomotives rather than the diesel models.

It will be interesting to see if they’re still using the original link-and-pin coupler, or the Miller hook & platform on the passenger cars. But it will probably be the Janney coupler, since they also have to hook up to the more modern diesel.

Maybe Sheldon would know.

May 24, 2018

Bucky is a Dog . . .

Not a Beaver.

Jan and I headed out about Noon for a client visit. I got a call from a long-time client on Tuesday needing some help with their DSL service and their Netgear modem.

A client for my pre-RVing days, I hadn’t heard from Arlene in several years. But it’s always nice to hear from an old friend. But just about the time we were leaving, I got a call from my main client saying that the Shipping computer in the back had lost its WiFi Internet connection. So I made a detour by the office first.

Normally I just have to unplug the WiFi USB dongle, wait about 10 seconds, and then plug it back in. But not this time. The WiFi drivers seemed to have just disappeared. I even tried plugging in a spare dongle, again with no luck.

So then I pulled out the big gun. I rebooted. And that fixed the problem. So I was off to my scheduled client.

Arlene has phone service / Internet service through Frontier/Verizon. Then a couple of weeks ago everything quit. The repair guy fixed something outside, hooked his test meter up inside, said they had phone service and Internet service, and then left.

And yes, the phones did now work, but not the Internet. They could connect via WiFi via their Netgear DSL modem, but there was no Internet. But when they called Frontier they were told that the company would not do anything with a non-company modem and they were on their own.

Checking the modem, it had a green DSL light, and an amber Internet light. But the amber should have been green. So I started changing out the DSL cable, the DSL/Phone Line splitter, and even did a full reset on the modem. All with no luck.

So it sure looks like the modem is bad, but the only way to tell would be to swap a new one in its place. But that would mean buying a new one for ~$200. I suggested that they call Frontier and have them bring out a new one.

That way Frontier will be responsible for everything, and let them fix it.

Wrapping that up, Jan and I headed back into Webster, but before that, we made a bathroom stop at a new convenience store near Johnson Space Center, called Bucky’s.

No, not Buc-ee’s, but Bucky’s.

I had wondered about the closeness in the names, especially since Buc-ee’s just won a lawsuit against Choke Canyon Travel Center, because they said Choke Canyon Alligator looked too much like Buc-ee’s Beaver, supposedly because they were both facing in the same direction.

Not sure I can see the similarity.

But Bucky’s doesn’t have an animal in their logo,

and their Bucky is a dog.

But the place sure looks a lot like a Buc-ee’s, just not quite as big. Yet.

Then it was on over to Floyd’s Cajun Seafood for lunch, with a quick stop at the Webster PO to drop off a package.

And after our usual delicious meal, it was on up to Sam’s for a prescription and then the WalMart next door for a few things before we headed home.

May 24, 2019

Afternoon Tea At The Chesterfield Mayfair . . .

Today, Jan and I had Afternoon Tea at the Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel in London, something Jan had always wanted to try.

Looking at the guidebooks there were a number of places supposedly well-known for their Afternoon Tea, but figuring the locals would know better, I asked around at the hotel, and 3 for 3, they said the Chesterfield Mayfair. And since it wasn’t being flacked in the guidebooks, we had no trouble getting a reservation, so off we went today.

OK, you know you’re at a snotty British hotel when you pull up in your Uber and this guy greets you.

And it was just as elegant inside as you might expect.

Glad we dressed up.

And the dining room was a beautiful, sunlit, glass-enclosed atrium.

And though we could have ordered an afternoon meal, here was our Afternoon Tea menu.

And here is what you get for your £80.

You’re supposed to start at the bottom and work your way up.

It would probably be gauche to mention here that it’s actually all you can eat. They will just bring you an entirely new stand, or you can ask for a couple more of your favorites like we did.

Needless to say, this was our meal for the day.

And, of course, there’s tea with your Afternoon Tea. And not tea bags like us uncouth colonials use. But loose tea, a strainer, and a big pot of hot water.

And you can try a lot of different teas, just like the selection of tidbits.

Now, though this was Jan’s first Afternoon Tea, I had Afternoon Tea with the duch*ess and Lady Samantha (Sam, to me) a number of times. In fact, the very first time I met the duch*ess was for Afternoon Tea, and that’s also when I found out that the young British girl I had been hanging out with was a future duch*ess, and actual royalty.

I’ve blogged about this several times in the past, but if you missed it, here’s where you can catch up and find out the rest of the story

Robbing Peter To . . .

It’s down in the blog post after our visit to the Tower of London.

Anyway, I remember asking the duch*ess one time, noting how fancy it all was (in fact I think hers was probably fancier than the hotel’s), just how fancy was ‘High Tea’?

I mean, ‘High’ is better, right?

Like High Mass and Mass in the Catholic Church. But No.

The duch*ess just looked at me and said, “Oh, we would never have High Tea.” and left it at that. But later Sam explained it to me.

But this graphic probably does it better.

Basically, it’s a working man’s after-work meal where you sit around a tall counter in high chairs. Hence, High Tea.

See, the things you learn reading this blog.

May 24, 2020

Torchy’s And Brownies . . .

Jan and I headed up to Katy to have a Memorial Day Weekend get-together with Brandi, Lowell, and Landon. It wasn’t anything fancy, Lowell and I ran out and picked up Torchy’s Tacos and Brandi baked up a big pan of her extra-fudgy brownies. All simple, but delicious.

We mostly just sat around and for some reason watched a replay of last year’s Indy 500. Then around 4pm Landon’s Bestie, Sophie and her mother biked over so Sophie and Landon could spend the afternoon together.

Which they spent gaming each other sitting side by side, the same way they play each other when they’re at their homes.

Sophie and Landon have been friends for years, and their birthdays are so close that they usually celebrate their birthdays together. They’ll both be 10 in August, and it was a real surprise to see what a growth spurt she’d had since last August.

Then she was about an inch taller than Landon, but now she’s almost a foot taller. Of course, that’s not unusual since girls usually get that spurt before boys do.

Before we headed home about 5pm, Brandi showed us all the improvements they’d made to their backyard pool area.

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The fence on the right is new, finally replaced after it was taken out by Hurricane Harvey.

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Really looking forward to a swim when the weather’s better.

May 24, 2021


After I mentioned the other day about subscribing to AppleTV+ so we could watch the “For All Mankind” series, a number of readers wanted to know what all we’re signed up for, and how it stacks up against DirecTV.

Well, here are the ones that we subscribe to, and pay for.


Prime Video

And with all these paid services, and a number of free ones like Hulu, Pluto, Philo, and Crackle, we’re still paying about $60/month less than we were paying for just DirecTV. Plus we’re getting a LOT more channels, and it’s all in HD or even 4K.

May 24, 2022

Counting Down To Thursday . . .

Since I work tomorrow, today was our last free day to get some things done before we leave on Thursday morning.

Leaving about 11:45, our first stop was at The CookShack in Webster, home of really good, and really hot Chicken Tenders.

Jan got the 3 Tenders, Mild, and Sweet Potato Waffle Fries,

while I decided to try the 2 Tenders and a Half Rack of Ribs.

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I got the Ribs in Hot, and the Tenders in Texas Hot, along with what they call Texas Caviar, which is Black Beans, Corn, Red Peppers, Purple Onions, Tomatoes, and Cilantro.

Really good. And I had Ribs left over to bring home.

Texas Hot is their hottest normal version of Hot. Their Hottest Hot is actually called AMF, which stands for Adios M F. You fill in the blanks.

I’ve done AMF Level 1 and AMF Level 2. And supposedly there’s a Level 3, but the owner said it takes a month to make it.

Actually, I think he’s making that up.

Finishing up our delicious meal, I dropped Jan off to do some shopping while I ran by the office for a few minutes. Then after we were both done, I dropped Jan off to get a pedicure while I went over to get my hair cut.

Apparently, it takes Jan a lot longer to get her toes done than it takes me to get my hair cut.

Probably because she has more toes than I have hair.

May 24, 2023

We Lucked Out Again . . .

After breakfast at the hotel, we headed over to Claudia’s once again, with a stop-off at a nearby Publix grocery for a few things first.

Then before we headed out I took a look at a few problems Claudia was having at her house, only one of which I was able to fix definitively,

She has a single A/C unit that is connected to two separate thermostats, one downstairs and one upstairs. Since this A/C is not a split unit the only way this can work is if the duct system has powered dampers to redirect the airflow between the upstairs and downstairs. So she’ll have to have a local guy crawl up into the attic to take a look.

The garbage disposal problem turned out to be a bad wirenut connection.

The problem with the bathroom vent fan seems to be a dead fan motor, since the light works. So it’s getting power. But I’ll look at it again tomorrow.

Finally about 1pm we all headed over to Foley and Lambert’s Throw’d Rolls, and we really lucked out again.

There was no wait, I think for the first time ever for us. But I imagine that will all change in the next couple of days.

Jan and Claudia both got the Fried Chicken, and it is good.

But I went with my usual BBQ Pork Steak, which comes with 3 sides.

And of course, the softball-sized yeast rolls that come lofting across the dining room, as well as the pass-around freebies like Fried Okra, Fried Potatoes and Onions, Black-Eyed Peas, etc.

Always great.

Then it was right next door to pOpShelf, one of Jan’s favorites, and a first for Claudia.

Coming home we made a loop through Magnolia Springs where both Claudia’s family and my grandmother both lived at one time.

Then it was on over to Fairhope and a visit down to Pelican Point for some more Pelican sightings,

as well as a Heron.

And, after dropping Claudia off at her home, we got back the motel about 7pm.

Tomorrow it’s back over to Gulf Shores for linner at DeSoto’s, another long-time favorite of ours, and then some more driving around, and maybe some sitting-on-the-beach time.

PV: 155


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.