Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas (2024)

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pll ft 7: 'kf 04 4 rr ouetit i MSI OT hh () WITHOUT OR WITH OFFENSE TO FRIENDS OR FOES WE SKETCH YOUR WORLD EXACTLY AS IT GOES'i Ml 1AV 1 "03 626" i 9908 va 09 in HI AVlf Ml IJ0M1 IN 1 1 it if 84TII YEAR NO 303 ABILENE TEXAS 79604 THURSDAY MORNING APRIL 15 1965 FORTY-FOUR PAGES IN FOUR SECT ILY 15 CENTS SUNDAY Auociated Preu (JT) Pp WOMAN FEELS SHE OWES GOVERNMENT SOMETHING NEW YORK (AP) little old walked into an Internal Revenue Service office in Manhattan on Wednesday and asked for help in preparing her return An IRS employe told her she didn't earn enough to pay taxes The woman who appeared to be more than 65 looked happy at that a spokesman said She walked to a writing table wrote a note attached a check and deposited both in a receptacle for income tax returns The note: publicity please Enclosed donation $5 to Treasury My income is too small for charge but I think every American citizen should give to the upkeep of the country Yours for In releasing the contents of the note the IRS honored the request for anonymity Graham Perrin Blown Battered Rain hall dust and a hop-8 scotching twister which apparently did no damage gave much of the Abilene area a rugged weather workout Wednesday to begin the Sections of Palo Pinto Young and Jack counties had it even rougher A tornado cut a swath through the middle of the 350-person town of Perrin about 16 miles north of Mineral Wells late in the afternoon Nearly every building in the town was damaged a lumber yard demolished and the town's school heavily damaged Graham Battered At Graham hail ranging from the size of marbles to 7 inches in diameter pounded the southeast side Hail stones were to 10 inches deep in some sections of the town Roof damage plus damage to windows was expected to reach a high figure in Graham At Electra the library roof was caved in by the weight of water that collected during a cloudburst For several points the thundershowers came in morning and afternoon doses ranging in volume up to 240 inches at Truscott Knox County A twister sighted in the air at Lake Thomas at about 1:40 pm was apparently the same one which touched ground in open country at about 2 pm between Rotan and Robv and later between Rotan and Haskell Wind Damage Hard straight winds believed to have been on the outer edges of the same turbulence in the twister blew the front off the Monse cafe and grocery store near Sagerton shortly before 3 pm No injuries were reported A few garages were battered and several cotton trailers were overturned The twister had been sighted in the air by Ottus Boyd Lake Thomas lodge operator and also was spotted on the ground briefly twice near Rotan DAVE CARSON while in Marines FOX former postman here (AP Wlrcpfcato) CLOSE LOOK AT STORM TRAGEDY President Johnson makes tour of Midwest 3 EX-AREA MEN KILLED Threat of flooding Crows In Scores of Communities eemi Dim AMeime Mrs (Clara) Camp bell has a story about her friend Mrs Lockett Shelton of Dallas the former Jennabeth Jones of Abilene daughter of Mrs Morgan Sr and sister of Grant and Morgan Jr It seems according to Mrs Campbell that one time Mrs Shelton in paying her poll tax listed her age in simplified form as 21-plus Next year when she paid her poll tax again she handed the clerk her old receipt in order that the desired information could be copied The clerk came to the blank In which age is listed After due consultation with the old receipt he wrote: Mrs Margaret Daugherty a beautician and wife of a retired tech sergeant got involved at work the other afternoon in one of those a small conversations Her daughter Carol was in the shop discussing the fact she anxiously awaits the day she can go join her husband Pete Covey an Air Force man now on duty in Turkey in a customer Mrs Frank Runnels of Dyess asked from a nearby chair Carol replied Why she just came from Adana perhaps she knew husband while she and her husband were stationed there Mrs Runnels said Carol identified her husband He got to Adana on a certain day in February That was the day she left Adana Mrs Runnels said another couple in Abilene lately from Adana Carol mentioned She was to visit them for a briefing on Turkey Who are they? Mrs Runnels asked The Fred Mayses Carol replied Why they lived just a block from the Runnelses there in Turkey So everybody seemed connected via Turkey Even Mrs Daughtery had a connection of sorts She was never there but her husband David was on military duty once in Istanbul if not Adana for a long time The boys at Boys Ranch have new dress pants for the Easter season a gift they got from Dallas via Anson a gift that came about in this fashion: Jim Heidenheimer Anson merchant does business with Haggar Pants Co of Dallas In the course of some business conversation Mr Haggar mentioned he had some boys dress pants he would like to get to some boys who needed them Ranch at Abilene is a worthy organization Jim suggested First chance he had Jim lassed along the offer to Abi-ene Banker John Wright a member along with Heidenheimer of the West Central Texas Municipal Water District John followed through by asking Sam Hill executive of the bank First State to contact the ranch The boys' measurements were collected and sent via the bank executives and the Anson merchant to the Dallas manufacturers Back came a big bundle of trousers fit and ready to wear enerator and auto start-ness Carson 39 a retired Marine medical corpsman operator of a service station Corpus Christi Two of brothers Herman and co own Carson in Merkel and another runs the meat A fourth brother Edgar lives in Seattle Little 51 who also in Corpus Christi as a and had moved to Christi from Cisco in Texas law juvenile charged with a felony may not be tried until after his 17th birthday Officers were unable to advance a motive for the slayings and said they believed them just wanton Dead 24 Hours Howard Carson told his brother Herman by phone from Corpus Christi Wednesday afternoon that police estimated the bodies had been in the water about 24 hours placing the time of the around midnight Monday Mrs Little told authorities In See MURDER Pg S-A CoL 1 by a highway patrolman and a Fisher County deputy By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS: western tornado-torn region on Hail throughout this area oc- The swollen Mississippi River foot and by plane After arriv-curred mostly in the afternoon pn its annual spring rampage ing in Washington the Presi-shower activity and ranged spread havoc across Minnesota dent formally proclaimed Indi-from pea- sized generally up lowlands Wednesday and thun-ana Ohio and Michigan areas to baseball in one dered downstream threatening hit by tornadoes as major disas- Case scores of communities in its The hailstorm which struck I path Rotan battered newly sprouted Melting snow and ice pushed eaves on trees and was accom- the Mississippi and its tribu-panied by rain which totalled taries over their banks in Min-1 inch in only 20 minutes The nesota Wisconsin Iowa Stanley Nowlin place seven North Dakota and Illinois miles north of Rotan was Weather Bureau officials damaged with baseball sized warned the worst of the flooding hail and registered 140 inches is yet to come moisture President Johnson inspected Roby schools were dismissed the flood area and another Mid-at 2 pm at the ap- Telephone communication taTO NEW HIGH Rotan was interrupted in spots as had been the case in the ear-1 morning rainstorm which dumped 230 inches of moisture See STORM Pg S-A Col 4 ter areas Acts on Pleas George Reedy presidential press secretary said the President acted on requests of the governors of the three states The action means federal aid funds will be tunneled into the areas Reedy said the amount of the aid has not been determined It was indicated at the White Economy mes WATCH MOVEMENTS House that other states hit by tornadoes might be proclaimed disaster areas but this depended on whether the governors felt it necessary to make application 238 Known Dead The latest reports of the number killed in a series of Palm Sunday tornadoes showed 128 dead in Indiana 54 in Ohio 46 in Michigan 7 in Illinois and 3 in Wisconsin a total of 238 The spreading flood already has forced an estimated 31000 persons tb leave their homes and caused damage in excess of an estimated $20 million in Minnesota alone At least 11 deaths in Minnesota have been blamed on the floods Weather Bureau officials have warned that the flooding this year is expected to surpass the disastrous floods of 1952 Melting Snow Swelled by melting ice and snow along the river and its feeder streams the Mississippi is expected to reach a crest of 27 feet at St Paul on Saturday It stood at 247 feet Wednesday The previous high of 195 feet was established in 1952 St downtown airport and Union Railroad Station were under several feet of water Businesses and schools were closed and transportation crippled teen-age fugitive charged tery gi along with another juvenile in er busli the gunshot murders of former Abilene area men near Corpus Christi apparently was in Abilene Wednesday afternoon Harvey Jimmy Siebert 22 of 20861i 19th route man for Pepsi Cola Bottling Co told Highway Patrolmen he gave a ride to a youth fitting the description broadcast of the wanted Paul Eric Krueger Abilene area police had not located Krueger by late Wednesday night Krueger was being sought by police throughout Texas following the discovery of the bullet-riddled bodies of the three men late Tuesday night Being held in Kerrville jail is goatced John Phillips Angles 16 of Hollywood Calif He has implicated Krueger 17 of San Clemente Calif Angles said Krueger is heading for Mexico Murdered Found dead in the edge of the water near a fishing pier about 125 yards from their sea side cabin six miles south of Corpus Christi were: Fox 35 former Abilene postman who worked for the Post Office from March 1963 to July 1964 He was working as a mechanic in Corpus Christi A native of Merkel his parents Mr and Mrs Ollie Fox are Merkel residents Mr Fox is in the bat- and in his Howard Grocery brother department Lewis Wash worked mechanic Corpus 1937 Under ON By Omar three lower movements Mrs Mrs 6th and Burleson to Battle Lowering Tariffs Auto Industry 1 J1 MMtmlHMI IT RAII1D ED WISIICAMPER Reporter-News Managing Editor WASHINGTON Cong Burleson has promised Abilene employes of the Time that he will oppose tariffs on imported watch Fonda Day 1165 Elm La Vaughn Vales 1002 Mrs Lucille Higgs 734 Jefferson conferred with The official said the extra accumulation of steel inventories in anticipation of a strike in that industry had only a minor effect on the figures since buying already was at a high rate in late 1964 ABILENE Municipal Airport Total for Year Vlttan expected Lake Abilene 15 1865 UknHin gUwassr-js ALBANY 3 Tr that economic expansion during ANSON is the first quarter was one of the ASPERMONT Sreatest in a live-year period BALLINGER 02 Record high volume of auto- BIG SPRING 01 mobile sales was a major fac- The Burleson Tuesday on the problem Burleson said the women declared that any cut in tariffs on watch parts would imperil the jobs of some 800 persons who assemble Timex watches in the Abilene plant of Time Under terms of a foreign trade bill passed by Congress in 1961 the President has authority to reduce tariffs on goods imported into the United States Burleson said he is convinced that the margin of profit in domestic watch manufacturing is so close now that any tariff cut would eventually close American plants Abilene included Burleson has conferred with See TIMEX Tg 8-A CoL 3 LBJ Offers Help In Disaster Area tor 63 Charges Dropped In Rights Slaying BRECKENRIDGE Lake Hubbard 210 BRONTE 10 Tr Tr 03 150 10 150 200 BUFFALO GAP CLYDE COLORADO CITY DERMOTT EASTLAND FLUVANNA GOREE Gross national product GNP the total of all government and private goods and services was at an annual rate of $649 billion a rise of $145 billion over the last three months of 1964 If this quarterly pace of 2 Vi per cent increase were maintained throughout the 33 year the economy would turn 62 out $680 billion worth of goods in occurred on the highway being used by civil rights marchers for their Selma-to-Montgomery march to dramatize a voter registration campaign Mrs Liuzzo one of many out-of-state volunteers drawn to the march had been shuttling demonstrators from Selma to the state capital She was slain shortly after she had left a Selma church by car A Negro youth in the car with her escaped injury HAMLIN HASKELL KNOX CITY LAWN LUEDERS McCAULLEY MERKEL MUNDAY OLD GLORY OVALO PLEASANT GROVE ROBERT LEE ROBY ROCHESTER ROTAN By DOUGLAS CORNELL TOLEDO Ohio (AP) President Johnson flew a mercy mission along Midwestern flood and tornado trails Wednesday shaking his head in sympathetic disbelief and offering all the help the government can muster At the scene of the greatest concentration of damage and death in Dunlap Ind Johnson told a volunteer disaster worker: never seen such complete He had just picked his way through an area of flattened Klan Probe Funds Voted 120 Tr 10 25 Tr 230 110 Tr Tr Tr 1965 The President's Council Economic Advisers has forecast a GNP of about $660 billion for the year The rise was due almost entirely to purchases of consumer goods and services Some of the sharp gain in automobile production was uted to a natural rebound fol- Minn and the Toledo region in northwestern Ohio All the way the President let it be known that federal disaster relief funds would be on the way Disaster Area After his return to Washington the President formally proclaimed Indiana Ohio and Michigan major disaster areas paving the way for government aid an hour and time like he said at the start to an airport audience at South Bend federal government must not be something cold and far away but a warm friend and a warm In a talk prepared for his arrival at Toledo Johnson summed up by voicing his personal concern and condolences and adding: would also as President MONTGOMERY Ala (AP) The Justice Department dropped charges Wednesday against a Birmingham man who was arrested within hours after the March 25 civil rights slaying of a Detroit housewife An order dismissing a conspiracy charge against Gary Thomas Rowe Jr 35 was signed by US Commissioner James Guttery The motion to dismiss the charge came from Asst US Atty Sentell In Washington a Justice Department spokesman said dismissal of the charge was a routine action since the grand jury had failed to indict Rowe The spokesman did not comment further Rowe was arrested with three other Birmingham area men described by President Johnson as btng members of the Ku WEATHER department nr commerce WEATHER BUREAU (Wralhrr Map PC Ml ABILENE AND VICINITY iRadiin 40 milnl Clear to partly cloudy with mild trmprralurra Thunday thrauah Friday Utah Thuraday S3 overnixM low 5S-M hleti Friday NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS: Clear ta partly cloudy and cooler Thuraday Friday Hiah Thuraday TO4I0 NORTHWEST TEXAS: Clear to partly cloudy Thunday and Friday Hifh Thui day 5-75 SOUTH CENTRAL TEXAS: Cloudy Thuraday with thundenhowen over about 3 per cent of the cut Partly cloudy and cooler Thuraday uiaht and Friday Hiah Thuraday Sl-M except St- IDS extreme aouthueaL TEMPERATURES Wed am Wed pm 7 S2 71 I SO 71 S3 71 SI 70 SS as 7:00 S4 7S OO SI 71 TS 7S IB: aa ii Hiah and low tor 24-houn endins Pm: SI and SS Hiah and tow aama data teat year: 71 and 47 tauct la at nlaht: marine today: auruet toaieM: Barometer readme at Pm: S7I7 Huudttr at pms IS par cant 100iowing strikes by auto workers 1-OOjlast fall but a major part of it homes and a shopping center 140 apparently came from a keen where the death toll in Sunday's tornado was 27 Long Swing 85 demand for new cars 30 The Commerce Department WASHINGTON (AP) The House voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to give its Committee on Un-American Activities a $50000 start on its investigation of the Ku Klux Klan Some members protested that the inquiry which President Johnson suggested should be turned over to the Judiciary Committee or some other group we really face" Rep 7 mi No RULE SNYDER STAMFORD 09 said prices went up only moder- SWEETWATER 04 ately in the first three months of Lake Sweetwater 20 the year Although the inflation- mm iMXi SECTION A Oil ntwi 10 SECTION I Weitgato laction 1-1 SECTION Woman') nawi 2-3 Obituariai Editorials Sports SECTION Farm markets Comics TV logs TV Scant i a 9 a a 4-6 I 10-13 1 2 7 7 Johnson took a 2100-mile aerial swing across Indiana Illinois Minnesota Michigan William Fitts Ryan D-NY Klux Man by FBI agents the Lake Trammel THROCKMORTON TRUSCOTT TUSCOLA Trlbly was about the same as theiat the South Bend Elkhart and your state and local officials to WEIXERT 110 annual average of 15 per cent Dunlap area of northern Indi-jhelp overcome the losses so WESTBROOK J5! of the last several years lana Minncapolis-St Paul many of you have pledge to you the full coopera- 22 ary factor was not shown in the: and Ohio and saw the ravages 13 report a department official nf water and wind from the air tion and support of the federal 240 said the price influence proba-iand on land There were stops government in working with day after Viola Liuzzo 39 was shot to death from ambush near Lowndcsboro Ala The shooting of Mrs Liuzzo told the House giving this committee an opening wedge for a witch hunt into civil rights.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.